National Beverage Corp. Reports Outstanding First Quarter... The Summer of ‘FIZZ’

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National Beverage Corp. (NASDAQ: FIZZ) reported outstanding first quarter results for the period ended July 27, 2024. Highlights include:

  • Record net sales of $329 million
  • 10% increase in operating profit to $70 million
  • 14% increase in net income to a record $57 million
  • Earnings per share rose from $0.53 to $0.61

The company launched a new Strawberry Peach flavor, which has received strong consumer response. Despite a $304 million dividend payment, cash reserves exceeded $77 million. The company emphasized its focus on innovative products and package designs to meet consumer expectations and generate strong cash flows.

National Beverage Corp. (NASDAQ: FIZZ) ha riportato risultati eccezionali per il primo trimestre, conclusosi il 27 luglio 2024. I punti salienti includono:

  • Vendite nette record di 329 milioni di dollari
  • Aumento del 10% dell'utile operativo a 70 milioni di dollari
  • Aumento del 14% dell'utile netto a un record di 57 milioni di dollari
  • Utili per azione aumentati da 0,53 a 0,61 dollari

L'azienda ha lanciato un nuovo gusto Strawberry Peach, che ha ricevuto una forte risposta da parte dei consumatori. Nonostante un pagamento di dividendi pari a 304 milioni di dollari, le riserve di liquidità hanno superato i 77 milioni di dollari. L'azienda ha sottolineato il suo impegno per prodotti innovativi e design delle confezioni per soddisfare le aspettative dei consumatori e generare forti flussi di cassa.

National Beverage Corp. (NASDAQ: FIZZ) reportó resultados sobresalientes para el primer trimestre finalizado el 27 de julio de 2024. Los aspectos más destacados incluyen:

  • Ventas netas récord de $329 millones
  • Aumento del 10% en el beneficio operativo a $70 millones
  • Aumento del 14% en el ingreso neto a un récord de $57 millones
  • Las ganancias por acción subieron de $0.53 a $0.61

La compañía lanzó un nuevo sabor Strawberry Peach, que ha recibido una fuerte respuesta por parte de los consumidores. A pesar de un pago de dividendos de $304 millones, las reservas de efectivo superaron los $77 millones. La compañía enfatizó su enfoque en productos innovadores y diseños de envases para satisfacer las expectativas de los consumidores y generar sólidos flujos de efectivo.

내셔널 음료주식회사(NASDAQ: FIZZ)는 2024년 7월 27일 종료된 1분기 우수한 실적을 보고했습니다. 주요 내용은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 329백만 달러의 기록적인 순매출
  • 운영 이익이 10% 증가하여 70백만 달러
  • 순이익이 14% 증가하여 기록적인 57백만 달러
  • 주당 이익이 0.53달러에서 0.61달러로 상승

회사는 소비자들로부터 강력한 반응을 얻은 새로운 Strawberry Peach 맛을 출시했습니다. 3억 4백만 달러의 배당금 지급에도 불구하고, 현금 보유액은 7천7백만 달러를 넘었습니다. 회사는 소비자의 기대를 충족하고 강력한 현금 흐름을 생성하기 위해 혁신적인 제품과 포장 디자인에 집중하고 있음을 강조했습니다.

National Beverage Corp. (NASDAQ: FIZZ) a rapporté des résultats exceptionnels pour le premier trimestre clos le 27 juillet 2024. Les faits saillants incluent :

  • Ventes nettes record de 329 millions de dollars
  • Augmentation de 10 % du bénéfice d'exploitation à 70 millions de dollars
  • Augmentation de 14 % du revenu net à un niveau record de 57 millions de dollars
  • Les bénéfices par action sont passés de 0,53 à 0,61 dollar

L'entreprise a lancé une nouvelle saveur Strawberry Peach, qui a reçu une forte réponse des consommateurs. Malgré un paiement de dividendes de 304 millions de dollars, les réserves de liquidités ont dépassé 77 millions de dollars. L'entreprise a souligné son engagement envers des produits innovants et des designs d'emballage pour répondre aux attentes des consommateurs et générer de solides flux de trésorerie.

National Beverage Corp. (NASDAQ: FIZZ) berichtete über herausragende Ergebnisse für das erste Quartal, das am 27. Juli 2024 endete. Die Höhepunkte umfassen:

  • Rekordnettoverkäufe von 329 Millionen Dollar
  • 10%iger Anstieg des Betriebsgewinns auf 70 Millionen Dollar
  • 14%iger Anstieg des Nettoergebnisses auf einen Rekordwert von 57 Millionen Dollar
  • Der Gewinn pro Aktie stieg von 0,53 auf 0,61 Dollar

Das Unternehmen führte einen neuen Geschmack Strawberry Peach ein, der von den Verbrauchern stark positiv aufgenommen wurde. Trotz einer Dividendenzahlung von 304 Millionen Dollar überstiegen die Barreserven 77 Millionen Dollar. Das Unternehmen betonte seinen Fokus auf innovative Produkte und Verpackungsdesigns, um die Erwartungen der Verbraucher zu erfüllen und starke Cashflows zu generieren.

  • Record net sales of $329 million for Q1 2024
  • Operating profit increased 10% to $70 million
  • Net income grew 14% to a record $57 million
  • Earnings per share increased from $0.53 to $0.61
  • Strong consumer response to new Strawberry Peach flavor
  • Cash reserves of $77 million after $304 million dividend payment
  • None.

National Beverage Corp.'s Q1 FY2025 results show strong momentum. Net sales hit a record $329 million, while net income jumped 14% to $57 million. The EPS increase from $0.53 to $0.61 is impressive, especially considering the recent $304 million dividend payout.

The company's ability to maintain a $77 million cash position post-dividend demonstrates robust cash flow generation. The 10% increase in operating profit to $70 million suggests improving operational efficiency. These figures indicate FIZZ is effectively managing costs while driving growth, a positive sign for investors.

However, investors should note that while growth is solid, it's not explosive. The challenge for FIZZ will be maintaining this momentum in a competitive beverage market.

The launch of LaCroix's new Strawberry Peach flavor demonstrates FIZZ's commitment to innovation and market responsiveness. The rapid nationwide rollout, just 30 days after launch, indicates strong initial consumer acceptance and efficient distribution capabilities.

FIZZ's focus on package design as a key driver of consumer attraction is noteworthy. In the competitive beverage industry, visual appeal can significantly impact purchasing decisions. The company's emphasis on thorough research and development before product launches suggests a strategic approach to minimizing market failures.

However, the true test will be long-term consumer retention and market share growth. While the initial response is promising, sustained success will depend on FIZZ's ability to continue innovating and adapting to evolving consumer preferences in the dynamic beverage market.

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- National Beverage Corp. (NASDAQ: FIZZ) today announced results for its first quarter ended July 27, 2024. Compared to the prior year:

LaCroix Strawberry Peach (Photo: Business Wire)

LaCroix Strawberry Peach (Photo: Business Wire)

  • Net sales increased to a record $329 million.
  • Operating profit increased 10% to $70 million.
  • Net income increased 14% to a record $57 million.
  • After a $304 million dividend payment, cash exceeded $77 million; and
  • Earnings per share increased from $.53 to $.61.

“Some may call this summer of 2024 – the summer of gold, the summer of champions and maybe even the summer of challenges. We at National Beverage call it the summer of ‘FIZZ’. The rising tide of our Company lifts more than taste and innovation, it also begins a new chapter that lifts the spirit and magnifies the focus within our Company. It took many years of hard work, dedication, perseverance and some failures to stand at this unique spot today,” stated a company spokesperson.

“The beginning of our new fiscal year brought about a period of boundless discovery, generating such innovative and inspiring creations as our latest and exciting flavor – Strawberry Peach – which blends the sweet, vibrant taste of strawberries with the luscious, juicy flavor of peaches. Launched less than 30 days ago to strong consumer response, Strawberry Peach will soon be available nationwide.”

“It is critical to understand the importance of our consumers’ attraction to our beverages. They are first drawn to the design of the package – graphics that stimulate curiosity, imagination, trust, acceptance and loyalty . . . for life! No package design, flavor profile or flavor name is finalized and released to the marketplace without enormous thought, passion, research and yes . . . love. Our consumers deserve and expect the very best from us and, not only are we living up to their expectations, in most cases we are exceeding them. Our aim . . . is their joy!”

“The July special cash dividend payment of $3.25 per share is further testimony to our summer of outstanding performance and innovative products that generate strong operating cash flows. We remain dedicated to delivering great-tasting beverages with emotional and sensory appeal to our consumers while providing exceptional value to our shareholders,” the spokesperson concluded.

“Patriotism” – If Only We Could Bottle It!

National Beverage Corp.
Consolidated Results for the Periods Ended
July 27, 2024 and July 29, 2023
(in thousands, except per share amounts)
Three Months Ended Trailing Twelve Months
July 27, 2024 July 29, 2023 July 27, 2024 July 29, 2023
Net Sales









Net Income









Earnings Per Common Share


















Average Common Shares Outstanding


















This press release includes forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements involve risks, uncertainties and other factors described in the Company's Securities and Exchange Commission filings which may cause actual results or achievements to differ from the results or achievements expressed or implied by such statements. The Company disclaims an obligation to update or announce revisions to any forward-looking statements.


Office of the Chairman, Grace Keene


Source: National Beverage Corp.


What were National Beverage Corp's (FIZZ) Q1 2024 financial results?

National Beverage Corp reported record net sales of $329 million, a 10% increase in operating profit to $70 million, and a 14% increase in net income to $57 million for Q1 2024 ended July 27, 2024.

What new flavor did National Beverage Corp (FIZZ) launch in summer 2024?

National Beverage Corp launched a new Strawberry Peach flavor for its LaCroix brand in summer 2024, which received strong consumer response and will soon be available nationwide.

How much was National Beverage Corp's (FIZZ) special cash dividend in July 2024?

National Beverage Corp paid a special cash dividend of $3.25 per share in July 2024, totaling $304 million.

What was National Beverage Corp's (FIZZ) earnings per share for Q1 2024?

National Beverage Corp's earnings per share increased from $0.53 to $0.61 for Q1 2024 ended July 27, 2024.

National Beverage Corp.


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Beverages - Non-Alcoholic
Bottled & Canned Soft Drinks & Carbonated Waters
United States of America