Fifth Third Community Development Corp. President Susan E. Thomas Named Co-Chair of National Housing Crisis Task Force
Fifth Third Community Development President Susan E. Thomas has been named co-chair of the National Housing Crisis Task Force, a bipartisan initiative aimed at addressing America's housing crisis. The task force, which includes 28 government, non-profit, and business leaders, will identify and replicate innovative solutions for housing production and preservation across all income levels nationwide.
Thomas, the only private sector co-chair, brings experience from Fifth Third's Empowering Black Futures Neighborhood Program, which implements place-based strategies in nine historically disinvested neighborhoods. In 2023, Fifth Third provided $722 million in loans and investments, supporting 3,684 housing units. The task force, supported by the Nowak Metro Finance Lab and Accelerator for America, launched on July 23 in Washington, D.C., with its first report expected this fall.
La presidente dello sviluppo comunitario di Fifth Third, Susan E. Thomas, è stata nominata co-presidente della National Housing Crisis Task Force, un'iniziativa bipartisan volta ad affrontare la crisi abitativa negli Stati Uniti. Il task force, composto da 28 leader del governo, del settore non profit e dell'industria, identificherà e replicherà soluzioni innovative per la produzione e la conservazione di alloggi per tutti i livelli di reddito a livello nazionale.
Thomas, l'unica co-presidente del settore privato, porta con sé l'esperienza del Empowering Black Futures Neighborhood Program di Fifth Third, che applica strategie basate sul territorio in nove quartieri storicamente trascurati. Nel 2023, Fifth Third ha fornito 722 milioni di dollari in prestiti e investimenti, sostenendo 3.684 unità abitative. Il task force, supportato dal Nowak Metro Finance Lab e dall'Accelerator for America, è stato lanciato il 23 luglio a Washington, D.C., con il suo primo rapporto previsto per quest'autunno.
La presidenta del desarrollo comunitario de Fifth Third, Susan E. Thomas, ha sido nombrada copresidenta del National Housing Crisis Task Force, una iniciativa bipartidista destinada a abordar la crisis de vivienda en Estados Unidos. El grupo de trabajo, que incluye a 28 líderes del gobierno, organizaciones sin fines de lucro y empresas, identificará y replicará soluciones innovadoras para la producción y conservación de vivienda para todos los niveles de ingresos a nivel nacional.
Thomas, la única copresidenta del sector privado, aporta experiencia del Empowering Black Futures Neighborhood Program de Fifth Third, que implementa estrategias basadas en el lugar en nueve vecindarios históricamente desatendidos. En 2023, Fifth Third proporcionó 722 millones de dólares en préstamos e inversiones, apoyando 3,684 unidades de vivienda. El grupo de trabajo, respaldado por el Nowak Metro Finance Lab y el Accelerator for America, se lanzó el 23 de julio en Washington, D.C., y se espera que su primer informe se publique este otoño.
Fifth Third 커뮤니티 개발의 회장인 Susan E. Thomas가 미국의 주택 위기를 해결하기 위한 초당적 이니셔티브인 National Housing Crisis Task Force의 공동 의장으로 지명되었습니다. 28명의 정부, 비영리 및 기업 지도자로 구성된 이 태스크 포스는 전 국가적으로 모든 소득 수준에 대한 주택 생산 및 보존을 위한 혁신적인 솔루션을 식별하고 복제할 것입니다.
Thomas는 민간 부문의 유일한 공동 의장으로서, 9개의 역사적으로 투자 부족 지역에서 장소 기반 전략을 구현하는 Fifth Third의 Empowering Black Futures Neighborhood Program의 경험을 가지고 있습니다. 2023년 동안 Fifth Third는 7억 2천 2백만 달러의 대출 및 투자를 제공하여 3,684 개의 주택 유닛을 지원했습니다. Nowak Metro Finance Lab과 Accelerator for America의 지원을 받는 이 태스크 포스는 7월 23일 워싱턴 D.C.에서 출범했으며, 첫 번째 보고서는 이번 가을에 예상됩니다.
La présidente du développement communautaire de Fifth Third, Susan E. Thomas, a été nommée coprésidente du National Housing Crisis Task Force, une initiative bipartisane visant à s'attaquer à la crise du logement américaine. Le groupe de travail, composé de 28 leaders du gouvernement, du secteur non lucratif et des affaires, identifiera et reproduira des solutions innovantes pour la production et la préservation de logements à tous les niveaux de revenus à l'échelle nationale.
Thomas, la seule coprésidente du secteur privé, apporte son expérience du Empowering Black Futures Neighborhood Program de Fifth Third, qui met en œuvre des stratégies basées sur le lieu dans neuf quartiers historiquement sous-investis. En 2023, Fifth Third a fourni 722 millions de dollars de prêts et d'investissements, soutenant 3 684 unités de logement. Le groupe de travail, soutenu par le Nowak Metro Finance Lab et l'Accelerator for America, a été lancé le 23 juillet à Washington, D.C., avec son premier rapport prévu cet automne.
Die Präsidentin der Gemeinschaftsentwicklung von Fifth Third, Susan E. Thomas, wurde zur Co-Vorsitzenden des National Housing Crisis Task Force ernannt, einer überparteilichen Initiative zur Bewältigung der Wohnungskrise in Amerika. Die Task Force, die aus 28 Führungskräften aus Regierung, gemeinnützigen Organisationen und Unternehmen besteht, wird innovative Lösungen für die Wohnungsproduktion und -erhaltung auf allen Einkommensniveaus landesweit identifizieren und replizieren.
Thomas, die einzige Co-Vorsitzende aus dem privaten Sektor, bringt Erfahrungen aus dem Programm Empowering Black Futures Neighborhood Program von Fifth Third mit, das ortsbezogene Strategien in neun historisch unterfinanzierten Stadtteilen umsetzt. Im Jahr 2023 stellte Fifth Third 722 Millionen Dollar an Darlehen und Investitionen bereit, die 3.684 Wohneinheiten unterstützen. Die Task Force, die vom Nowak Metro Finance Lab und dem Accelerator for America unterstützt wird, wurde am 23. Juli in Washington, D.C. ins Leben gerufen, und der erste Bericht wird für diesen Herbst erwartet.
- Susan E. Thomas appointed as co-chair of the National Housing Crisis Task Force, enhancing Fifth Third's influence in national housing initiatives
- Fifth Third provided $722 million in loans and investments for housing in 2023, supporting 3,684 units
- The bank's Empowering Black Futures Neighborhood Program implements innovative strategies in nine historically disinvested neighborhoods
- None.

Fifth Third Community Development Corporation President Susan E. Thomas (Photo: Business Wire)
This work will be led in part by Fifth Third Community Development Corporation President Susan E. Thomas, a national leader in community development banking and development. Of the four bipartisan National Housing Crisis Task Force co-chairs, Thomas is the only co-chair from the private sector.
The other co-chairs are
“The solutions are out there, but they are being deployed piecemeal, in individual communities,” Thomas said. “The task force will identify the best examples of innovative financing and land disposition tools, policies to streamline market-rate and subsidized-affordable housing development and help replicate them in communities across the country.”
Thomas has seen firsthand the impact of innovation in housing through her work with Fifth Third’s Empowering Black Futures Neighborhood Program, which creates and implements innovative place-based strategies to effect positive change in nine historically disinvested neighborhoods across the Bank’s 11-state footprint.
Affordable housing is a cornerstone of Fifth Third’s Neighborhood Program, which is pioneering a new way to do community development by partnering with local organizations to build ecosystems that drive real change through both financial and social investments. This collective ecosystem approach is focused on identifying solutions to key challenges in partnership with the community, with the goal of creating lasting, transformative change.
“At Fifth Third, we view safe, affordable housing as a basic human right, and helping to solve this crisis is one of our top priorities,” said Kala Gibson, chief corporate responsibility officer for Fifth Third. “As a regional bank, we are deeply embedded within the communities we serve, and we see firsthand every day how housing security is connected to economic mobility, financial stability, improved health outcomes and economic mobility.”
Fifth Third’s Community Development Banking Group is actively helping to create housing inventory and remove barriers to affordability across the Bank’s footprint. This includes investing in low-income housing tax credits, new markets tax credits, community development financial institutions, and investment funds, as well as community-based lending for projects that create housing and provide other supportive services.
“In 2023, Fifth Third provided
The National Housing Crisis Task Force is an ambitious, two-year project to bring the most promising innovations in housing production, preservation, and finance to communities across the country. Supported by the Nowak Metro Finance Lab at Drexel University and Accelerator for America (AFA), the bipartisan task force includes 28 government, non-profit, and business leaders who will create a platform to share and replicate what’s working locally, nationally and internationally. The task force’s work was launched Tuesday, July 23 at an in-person meeting in
About Fifth Third
Fifth Third is a bank that’s as long on innovation as it is on history. Since 1858, we’ve been helping individuals, families, businesses and communities grow through smart financial services that improve lives. Our list of firsts is extensive, and it’s one that continues to expand as we explore the intersection of tech-driven innovation, dedicated people and focused community impact. Fifth Third is one of the few
Fifth Third Bank, National Association is a federally chartered institution. Fifth Third Bancorp is the indirect parent company of Fifth Third Bank and its common stock is traded on the NASDAQ® Global Select Market under the symbol "FITB." Investor information and press releases can be viewed at Deposit and credit products provided by Fifth Third Bank, National Association. Member FDIC.
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Amanda Nageleisen (Media Relations)
Matt Curoe (Investor Relations) | 513-534-2345
Source: Fifth Third
What is the role of Susan E. Thomas in the National Housing Crisis Task Force?
How much did Fifth Third (FITB) invest in housing initiatives in 2023?
What is the Empowering Black Futures Neighborhood Program by Fifth Third (FITB)?