FIS Announces 2024 Cohort for Fintech Accelerator Program, Now in its Ninth Year

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FIS, a global financial technology leader, has announced the 2024 cohort for its FIS Accelerator Program, now in its ninth year. The program aims to support and propel fintech startups through a 12-week intensive initiative. Nine innovative companies have been selected to participate, focusing on various aspects of financial services including AI-driven solutions, digital platforms, and compliance tools.

Participants will receive expert guidance, mentorship, and access to funding from FIS to refine their product strategies and scale their businesses. The cohort includes companies like Finli, Kipp, RiskScout, and Prelim, among others, each offering unique solutions to enhance financial operations and services.

FIS, leader globale nella tecnologia finanziaria, ha annunciato il gruppo 2024 per il suo FIS Accelerator Program, ora alla sua nona edizione. Il programma mira a supportare e promuovere le startup fintech attraverso un iniziativa intensiva di 12 settimane. Sono state selezionate nove aziende innovative per partecipare, con un focus su vari aspetti dei servizi finanziari, tra cui soluzioni basate sull'AI, piattaforme digitali e strumenti di conformità.

I partecipanti riceveranno consulenze esperte, mentoring e accesso a finanziamenti da FIS per affinare le loro strategie di prodotto e scalare le loro attività. Il gruppo include aziende come Finli, Kipp, RiskScout e Prelim, tra gli altri, ciascuna delle quali offre soluzioni uniche per migliorare le operazioni e i servizi finanziari.

FIS, un líder global en tecnología financiera, ha anunciado la cohorte 2024 para su FIS Accelerator Program, que ahora se encuentra en su noveno año. El programa tiene como objetivo apoyar y promover a las startups fintech a través de una iniciativa intensiva de 12 semanas. Nueve empresas innovadoras han sido seleccionadas para participar, enfocándose en varios aspectos de los servicios financieros, incluyendo soluciones impulsadas por IA, plataformas digitales y herramientas de cumplimiento.

Los participantes recibirán orientación experta, mentoría y acceso a financiación de FIS para perfeccionar sus estrategias de producto y escalar sus negocios. La cohorte incluye empresas como Finli, Kipp, RiskScout y Prelim, entre otras, cada una ofreciendo soluciones únicas para mejorar las operaciones y los servicios financieros.

FIS는 세계적인 금융 기술 리더로서 FIS Accelerator Program의 2024년 코호트를 발표했습니다. 이 프로그램은 현재 아홉 번째 해를 맞이하고 있습니다. 프로그램의 목표는 12주 집중 프로그램을 통해 핀테크 스타트업을 지원하고 촉진하는 것입니다. 아홉 개의 혁신적인 기업이 선정되어 참여하며, 여기에는 AI 기반 솔루션, 디지털 플랫폼 및 규정 준수 도구를 포함한 다양한 금융 서비스의 측면이 포함됩니다.

참여자들은 제품 전략을 다듬고 비즈니스를 확장할 수 있도록 FIS로부터 전문적인 상담, 멘토링 및 자금 지원을 받게 됩니다. 이번 코호트에는 Finli, Kipp, RiskScout 및 Prelim과 같은 기업들이 포함되어 있으며, 각 기업은 금융 운영 및 서비스를 개선하기 위한 독특한 솔루션을 제공합니다.

FIS, un leader mondial en technologie financière, a annoncé la cohorte 2024 pour son FIS Accelerator Program, qui en est maintenant à sa neuvième année. Le programme vise à soutenir et à propulser les startups fintech à travers une initiative intensive de 12 semaines. Neuf entreprises innovantes ont été sélectionnées pour participer, se concentrant sur divers aspects des services financiers, y compris des solutions basées sur l'IA, des plateformes numériques et des outils de conformité.

Les participants bénéficieront de conseils d'experts, de mentorat et d'un accès à un financement de la part de FIS pour affiner leurs stratégies de produit et développer leurs activités. La cohorte comprend des entreprises telles que Finli, Kipp, RiskScout et Prelim, parmi d'autres, chacune offrant des solutions uniques pour améliorer les opérations et les services financiers.

FIS, ein globaler Marktführer im Bereich Finanztechnologie, hat die Kohorte 2024 für sein FIS Accelerator Program bekannt gegeben, das nun im neunten Jahr läuft. Das Programm zielt darauf ab, Fintech-Startups durch eine 12-wöchige intensive Initiative zu unterstützen und voranzutreiben. Neun innovative Unternehmen wurden ausgewählt, um teilzunehmen, und konzentrieren sich auf verschiedene Aspekte von Finanzdienstleistungen, darunter KI-gesteuerte Lösungen, digitale Plattformen und Compliance-Tools.

Die Teilnehmer erhalten fachkundige Beratung, Mentoring und Zugang zu Finanzierung von FIS, um ihre Produktstrategien zu verfeinern und ihr Geschäft auszubauen. Zu den Unternehmen der Kohorte gehören Finli, Kipp, RiskScout und Prelim, unter anderen, die jeweils einzigartige Lösungen zur Verbesserung von Finanzoperationen und -dienstleistungen anbieten.

  • FIS is fostering innovation in the fintech sector through its Accelerator Program
  • The program provides mentorship, funding, and expert guidance to selected startups
  • Nine innovative companies were chosen for the 2024 cohort, potentially expanding FIS's technology portfolio
  • None.

Key facts

  • Now in its ninth year, the FIS Accelerator Program supports fintech startups by helping them refine their product strategy and scaling their businesses during a 12-week intensive program.
  • This year’s cohort includes nine innovative fintech companies seeking to disrupt and enhance various facets of the financial services industry.
  • Through this program, cohort members will have access to expert guidance and mentorship to help strengthen their overall value proposition.

JACKSONVILLE, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Global financial technology leader FIS® (NYSE: FIS) proudly announces the 2024 cohort for its award-winning FIS Accelerator Program. This initiative, which aligns with FIS' vision to unlock financial technology to the world, aims to incubate and propel the next generation of fintech disruptors.

The FIS Accelerator Program is a 12-week immersive initiative that provides a unique opportunity for nine fintech companies to rigorously test and refine their solutions with expert guidance. Selected firms will work closely with FIS experts and executives, as well as potential customers and partners, to receive mentorship and training with the aim of enhancing their products and strengthening their value proposition and to ultimately work towards expanding their businesses. The companies will have access to funding through FIS to bring their proof of concept to fruition.

The 2024 cohort consists of the following companies who are using modern technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and digital experiences to innovate:

  • Finli: An all-in-one digital platform that seeks to help small businesses manage invoicing, payments and other business operations
  • Kipp: A solution aimed to help merchants and banks approve more transactions, enhancing transaction approval processes through AI and data enrichment
  • RiskScout: A cloud-based solution that seeks to help banks streamline their Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) and anti-money laundering (AML) compliance workflows
  • Prelim: A platform that digitizes the customer onboarding process, seeking to make it accessible on any device with its no-code tool
  • Spade: A data enrichment tool that seeks to provide clarity and context to purchases and payments with precisely matched merchant data
  • MoneyKit: An aggregator that connects bank data to over 15,000 types of accounts, with the goal of enabling a seamless connection between various financial apps and platforms
  • Blooma: An AI-based tool that seeks to automate deal origination, underwriting and monitoring in the commercial real estate industry
  • Entrio: A vendor management tool that compares different technologies across an organization, with the goal of aiding in efficient tech stack management
  • Parcha: An AI-driven Know Your Customer (KYC)/AML platform that seeks to automate compliance workflows, including document verification and risk assessments

"The FIS Accelerator Program continues to be a beacon for fintech innovation, bridging the gap between cutting-edge technology and the ever-evolving needs of the financial industry," stated John Durrant, President, Banking Solutions, FIS. "This year’s cohort is focused on reshaping the financial sector, and we are eager to provide a highly supportive environment to aid their development and success. Convening this group of innovators is another proof point of our vision to unlock financial technology to the world.”

For more information about the FIS Accelerator Program, please visit FIS Fintech Accelerator – Drive Financial Innovation With Startups (

About FIS

FIS is a leading global provider of financial services technology solutions for financial institutions, businesses and developers. We improve the digital transformation of our financial economy, advancing the way the world pays, banks and invests. We provide the confidence made possible when reliability meets innovation, helping our clients run, grow and protect their business. Headquartered in Jacksonville, Florida, FIS is a member of the Fortune 500® and the Standard & Poor’s 500®. FIS is incorporated under the laws of the State of Georgia as Fidelity National Information Services, Inc., and our stock is traded under the trading symbol "FIS" on the New York Stock Exchange. To learn more, visit Follow FIS on Facebook, LinkedIn and X (@FISGlobal).

Kim Snider, 904.438.6278

Senior Vice President

FIS Global Marketing and Communications

Source: Fidelity National Information Services


What is the FIS Accelerator Program 2024?

The FIS Accelerator Program 2024 is a 12-week intensive initiative by FIS (NYSE: FIS) that supports nine selected fintech startups in refining their product strategies and scaling their businesses through expert guidance, mentorship, and access to funding.

How many companies are in the FIS Accelerator Program 2024 cohort?

The FIS Accelerator Program 2024 cohort consists of nine innovative fintech companies.

What technologies are the FIS Accelerator Program 2024 participants focusing on?

The participants in the FIS Accelerator Program 2024 are focusing on modern technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), digital experiences, and innovative solutions for areas like invoicing, transaction approval, compliance, and customer onboarding.

How long has the FIS Accelerator Program been running?

The FIS Accelerator Program is now in its ninth year as of 2024.

Fidelity National Information Services, Inc.


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