First Interstate BancSystem, Inc. Announces Appointment of James A. Reuter as President and CEO

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First Interstate BancSystem, Inc. (NASDAQ: FIBK) has announced the appointment of James A. Reuter as President and Chief Executive Officer, effective November 1, 2024. Reuter will replace Kevin P. Riley, whose retirement was previously announced. Reuter joins First Interstate from FirstBank Holding Company, where he served as President and CEO for seven years before retiring in March 2024.

During his tenure at FirstBank, Reuter led the bank through significant growth, increasing total assets from $17 billion to over $28 billion. The First Interstate Board of Directors expressed confidence in Reuter's leadership, citing his 37 years of banking industry experience and track record in developing strategic growth plans in community banking.

Reuter has been active in various nonprofit organizations and currently serves on the Board of CEOs Against Cancer - Colorado Chapter.

First Interstate BancSystem, Inc. (NASDAQ: FIBK) ha annunciato la nomina di James A. Reuter come Presidente e Amministratore Delegato, con effetto dal 1 novembre 2024. Reuter sostituirà Kevin P. Riley, il cui ritiro era stato precedentemente annunciato. Reuter proviene da FirstBank Holding Company, dove ha ricoperto il ruolo di Presidente e CEO per sette anni prima di andare in pensione a marzo 2024.

Durante il suo mandato in FirstBank, Reuter ha guidato la banca attraverso una significativa crescita, aumentando gli attivi totali da 17 miliardi a oltre 28 miliardi di dollari. Il Consiglio di Amministrazione di First Interstate ha espresso fiducia nella leadership di Reuter, citando i suoi 37 anni di esperienza nel settore bancario e il suo curriculum nella sviluppo di piani strategici di crescita nel banking comunitario.

Reuter è stato attivo in varie organizzazioni non profit e attualmente fa parte del Consiglio di CEO Against Cancer - Capitolo del Colorado.

First Interstate BancSystem, Inc. (NASDAQ: FIBK) ha anunciado el nombramiento de James A. Reuter como Presidente y Director Ejecutivo, con efecto a partir del 1 de noviembre de 2024. Reuter reemplazará a Kevin P. Riley, cuya jubilación fue anunciada anteriormente. Reuter se une a First Interstate procedente de FirstBank Holding Company, donde se desempeñó como Presidente y CEO durante siete años antes de retirarse en marzo de 2024.

Durante su mandato en FirstBank, Reuter lideró el banco a través de un crecimiento significativo, aumentando los activos totales de 17 mil millones a más de 28 mil millones de dólares. La Junta de Directores de First Interstate expresó confianza en el liderazgo de Reuter, citando sus 37 años de experiencia en la industria bancaria y su historial en el desarrollo de planes estratégicos de crecimiento en la banca comunitaria.

Reuter ha estado activo en varias organizaciones sin fines de lucro y actualmente forma parte de la Junta de CEO Against Cancer - Capítulo de Colorado.

퍼스트 인터스테이트 뱅크시스템(First Interstate BancSystem, Inc.) (NASDAQ: FIBK)가 James A. Reuter를 사장 겸 CEO로 임명했다고 발표했습니다. 이는 2024년 11월 1일부터 유효합니다. Reuter는 이전에 은퇴가 발표된 Kevin P. Riley를 대신하게 됩니다. Reuter는 FirstBank 홀딩 컴퍼니(FirstBank Holding Company)에서 7년간 사장 겸 CEO로 재직하다가 2024년 3월 은퇴했습니다.

FirstBank에서 재직하는 동안, Reuter는 은행을 가파른 성장으로 이끌어 자산 총액을 170억 달러에서 280억 달러 이상으로 늘렸습니다. 퍼스트 인터스테이트 이사회(First Interstate Board of Directors)는 지역 사회 은행에서 전략적 성장 계획을 개발한 경력이 37년에 이르는 Reuter의 리더십에 대한 신뢰를 표현했습니다.

Reuter는 여러 비영리 단체에서 활동해 왔으며 현재는 암과의 전투를 위한 CEO 연합(CEO Against Cancer) - 콜로라도 지부의 이사로 활동하고 있습니다.

First Interstate BancSystem, Inc. (NASDAQ: FIBK) a annoncé la nomination de James A. Reuter en tant que Président et Directeur Général, effectif à partir du 1er novembre 2024. Reuter remplacera Kevin P. Riley, dont la retraite a été annoncée précédemment. Reuter rejoint First Interstate en provenance de FirstBank Holding Company, où il a été Président et CEO pendant sept ans avant de prendre sa retraite en mars 2024.

Durant son mandat chez FirstBank, Reuter a conduit la banque à une croissance significative, augmentant les actifs totaux de 17 milliards à plus de 28 milliards de dollars. Le Conseil d'Administration de First Interstate a exprimé sa confiance dans le leadership de Reuter, soulignant ses 37 années d'expérience dans l'industrie bancaire et son parcours en développement de plans de croissance stratégiques dans le secteur bancaire communautaire.

Reuter a été actif dans diverses organisations à but non lucratif et siège actuellement au Conseil de CEO Against Cancer - Chapitre du Colorado.

First Interstate BancSystem, Inc. (NASDAQ: FIBK) hat die Ernennung von James A. Reuter zum Präsidenten und CEO bekannt gegeben, wirksam ab dem 1. November 2024. Reuter wird Kevin P. Riley ersetzen, dessen Ruhestand zuvor angekündigt wurde. Reuter kommt von der FirstBank Holding Company, wo er sieben Jahre lang Präsident und CEO war, bevor er im März 2024 in den Ruhestand ging.

Während seiner Amtszeit bei FirstBank führte Reuter die Bank durch signifikantes Wachstum, wobei die Gesamtvermögen von 17 Milliarden auf über 28 Milliarden Dollar anstiegen. Der Vorstand von First Interstate äußerte Vertrauen in Reuter's Führung und hob seine 37-jährige Erfahrung in der Bankenbranche sowie seinen Erfolg in der Entwicklung strategischer Wachstumspläne im Bereich der Gemeinschaftsbanken hervor.

Reuter engagiert sich aktiv in verschiedenen gemeinnützigen Organisationen und sitzt derzeit im Vorstand von CEO Against Cancer - Colorado Chapter.

  • Appointment of experienced banking executive James A. Reuter as new President and CEO
  • Reuter's proven track record of significant growth at FirstBank (from $17 billion to $28 billion in total assets)
  • Board's confidence in Reuter's ability to implement organic growth initiatives
  • None.

BILLINGS, Mont.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- First Interstate BancSystem, Inc. (NASDAQ: FIBK) (“First Interstate or the “Company”) announced today the appointment of James (Jim) A. Reuter as President and Chief Executive Officer, effective November 1, 2024, replacing Kevin P. Riley, whose retirement was announced earlier this year.

Jim Reuter (Photo: Business Wire)

Jim Reuter (Photo: Business Wire)

“After a thorough and comprehensive search, the Board of Directors is thrilled to welcome Jim to First Interstate,” said Stephen B. Bowman, First Interstate’s Board Chair. “Having spent more than 37 years in the banking industry, Jim is a proven leader with a strong track record of developing and executing strategic growth plans in the community banking space.”

“His deep knowledge of our footprint, command of the regulatory and risk environment, and ability to implement organic growth initiatives that add value to clients and shareholders alike positions us well for future success,” Bowman continued. “We’re confident Jim’s leadership style will fit in seamlessly with our culture of integrity and commitment to helping people and their money work better together.”

Reuter joins First Interstate from FirstBank Holding Company – one of the largest privately held banks in the nation – where he served as President and CEO for the past seven years before retiring in March 2024. During his time as CEO, Reuter led FirstBank through one of the largest growth periods in its history, growing the bank from $17 billion in total assets when he was named CEO in 2016 to more than $28 billion in total assets.

“It’s an honor to be joining an organization that prioritizes showing up for the communities it serves,” Reuter said. “I’m energized by the growth momentum and position of strength that First Interstate has built over the last several years and am excited to partner with the Board of Directors and the entire leadership team to continue advancing the company forward.”

Reuter currently serves on the Board of CEOs Against Cancer - Colorado Chapter and has previously served on the Boards of several nonprofits, including Mentor Young Americans Bank, Center City Collaborative, Women’s Foundation of Colorado, the Blind Institute of Technology, Special Olympics Colorado and Ability Connection Colorado.

About First Interstate BancSystem, Inc.

First Interstate BancSystem, Inc. is a financial and bank holding company focused on community banking. Incorporated in 1971 and headquartered in Billings, Montana, the Company operates banking offices, including detached drive-up facilities, in communities across Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Washington, and Wyoming, in addition to offering online and mobile banking services. Through its bank subsidiary, First Interstate Bank, the Company delivers a comprehensive range of banking products and services to individuals, businesses, municipalities, and others throughout the Company’s market areas.

Company Contact:

David Della Camera, CFA

Deputy Chief Financial Officer

(406) 255-5363


Media Contact:

Sara Becker

Director of Marketing and Communications

(406) 255-5314

Source: First Interstate BancSystem, Inc.


When will James A. Reuter become the new President and CEO of First Interstate BancSystem (FIBK)?

James A. Reuter will become the new President and CEO of First Interstate BancSystem (FIBK) effective November 1, 2024.

Who is James A. Reuter replacing as CEO at First Interstate BancSystem (FIBK)?

James A. Reuter is replacing Kevin P. Riley, whose retirement was announced earlier this year.

What was James A. Reuter's previous position before joining First Interstate BancSystem (FIBK)?

Before joining First Interstate BancSystem, James A. Reuter served as President and CEO of FirstBank Holding Company for seven years until his retirement in March 2024.

How much did FirstBank grow under James A. Reuter's leadership?

Under James A. Reuter's leadership, FirstBank grew from $17 billion in total assets when he became CEO in 2016 to more than $28 billion in total assets.

First Interstate BancSystem, Inc.


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