FFB Bancorp Announces Fourth Quarter and Year Ended December 31, 2024 Earnings
FFB Bancorp (FFBB) reported Q4 2024 net income of $9.72 million ($3.05 per diluted share), up 13% from Q3 2024 and 28% from Q4 2023. Full-year 2024 net income reached $34.15 million ($10.72 per diluted share), compared to $33.56 million in 2023.
Key Q4 2024 metrics include: pre-tax income up 33% to $14.98 million, ROAE of 23.11%, ROAA of 2.53%, and net interest margin of 5.24%. Total assets grew 10% to $1.51 billion, with loans up 15% to $1.07 billion and deposits up 12% to $1.28 billion.
The company entered into a Consent Order with FDIC addressing AML/CFT program issues. As a result, FFB anticipates exiting several ISO relationships in Q2 2025, impacting $156 million in deposits and $3.6 million in net revenue. The company announced a $15 million stock repurchase program starting January 27, 2025.
FFB Bancorp (FFBB) ha riportato un reddito netto per il Q4 2024 di 9,72 milioni di dollari (3,05 dollari per azione diluita), in aumento del 13% rispetto al Q3 2024 e del 28% rispetto al Q4 2023. Il reddito netto complessivo per l'anno 2024 ha raggiunto 34,15 milioni di dollari (10,72 dollari per azione diluita), rispetto ai 33,56 milioni di dollari del 2023.
I principali indicatori per il Q4 2024 includono: un reddito ante imposte aumentato del 33% a 14,98 milioni di dollari, un ROAE del 23,11%, un ROAA del 2,53% e un margine di interessi netti del 5,24%. Le attività totali sono cresciute del 10% a 1,51 miliardi di dollari, con prestiti aumentati del 15% a 1,07 miliardi di dollari e depositi aumentati del 12% a 1,28 miliardi di dollari.
L'azienda ha stipulato un'ordinanza di consenso con la FDIC per affrontare questioni relative al programma AML/CFT. Di conseguenza, FFB prevede di interrompere diversi rapporti ISO nel Q2 2025, impattando 156 milioni di dollari in depositi e 3,6 milioni di dollari in ricavi netti. L'azienda ha annunciato un programma di riacquisto di azioni da 15 milioni di dollari che avrà inizio il 27 gennaio 2025.
FFB Bancorp (FFBB) informó sobre un ingreso neto en el Q4 2024 de 9,72 millones de dólares (3,05 dólares por acción diluida), un aumento del 13% en comparación con el Q3 2024 y del 28% respecto al Q4 2023. El ingreso neto total del año 2024 alcanzó los 34,15 millones de dólares (10,72 dólares por acción diluida), frente a los 33,56 millones de dólares en 2023.
Los principales indicadores del Q4 2024 incluyen: un ingreso antes de impuestos que aumentó un 33% a 14,98 millones de dólares, un ROAE del 23,11%, un ROAA del 2,53% y un margen de interés neto del 5,24%. Los activos totales crecieron un 10% a 1,51 mil millones de dólares, con préstamos que crecieron un 15% a 1,07 mil millones de dólares y depósitos que aumentaron un 12% a 1,28 mil millones de dólares.
La compañía firmó una orden de consentimiento con la FDIC para abordar problemas relacionados con el programa AML/CFT. Como resultado, FFB anticipa finalizar varias relaciones ISO en el Q2 2025, afectando 156 millones de dólares en depósitos y 3,6 millones de dólares en ingresos netos. La empresa anunció un programa de recompra de acciones de 15 millones de dólares que comenzará el 27 de enero de 2025.
FFB Bancorp (FFBB)는 2024년 4분기 순이익이 972만 달러(희석 주당 3.05달러)로, 2024년 3분기 대비 13% 증가하고 2023년 4분기 대비 28% 증가했다고 보고했습니다. 2024년 전체 순이익은 3,415만 달러(희석 주당 10.72달러)에 달하며, 2023년의 3,356만 달러와 비교됩니다.
2024년 4분기의 주요 지표로는 세전 소득이 33% 증가한 1,498만 달러, ROAE가 23.11%, ROAA가 2.53%, 순이자 마진이 5.24%입니다. 총 자산은 10% 증가하여 15억 1천만 달러에 이르며, 대출은 15% 증가한 10억 7천만 달러, 예금은 12% 증가한 12억 8천만 달러입니다.
회사는 FDIC와 함께 AML/CFT 프로그램 관련 문제를 해결하기 위한 동의서를 체결했습니다. 결과적으로 FFB는 2025년 2분기에 여러 ISO 관계를 종료할 것으로 예상하며, 이로 인해 1억 5천6백만 달러의 예금과 360만 달러의 순 수익에 영향을 미칠 것입니다. 회사는 2025년 1월 27일부터 시작되는 1,500만 달러 규모의 자사주 매입 프로그램을 발표했습니다.
FFB Bancorp (FFBB) a déclaré un revenu net de 9,72 millions de dollars pour le 4e trimestre 2024 (3,05 dollars par action diluée), soit une augmentation de 13 % par rapport au 3e trimestre 2024 et de 28 % par rapport au 4e trimestre 2023. Le revenu net pour l'ensemble de l'année 2024 a atteint 34,15 millions de dollars (10,72 dollars par action diluée), contre 33,56 millions de dollars en 2023.
Les principaux indicateurs du 4e trimestre 2024 comprennent : un revenu avant impôts en hausse de 33 % à 14,98 millions de dollars, un ROAE de 23,11 %, un ROAA de 2,53 % et une marge d'intérêt nette de 5,24 %. Les actifs totaux ont augmenté de 10 % pour atteindre 1,51 milliard de dollars, avec des prêts en hausse de 15 % pour atteindre 1,07 milliard de dollars et des dépôts en hausse de 12 % pour s'établir à 1,28 milliard de dollars.
La société a signé un ordre de consentement avec la FDIC pour traiter des problèmes liés au programme AML/CFT. En conséquence, FFB prévoit de mettre fin à plusieurs relations ISO au 2e trimestre 2025, ce qui aura un impact de 156 millions de dollars en dépôts et de 3,6 millions de dollars en revenus nets. L'entreprise a annoncé un programme de rachat d'actions de 15 millions de dollars qui commencera le 27 janvier 2025.
FFB Bancorp (FFBB) hat für das 4. Quartal 2024 einen Nettogewinn von 9,72 Millionen Dollar (3,05 Dollar pro verwässerter Aktie) gemeldet, was einem Anstieg von 13% im Vergleich zum 3. Quartal 2024 und 28% im Vergleich zum 4. Quartal 2023 entspricht. Der Nettogewinn für das Gesamtjahr 2024 betrug 34,15 Millionen Dollar (10,72 Dollar pro verwässerter Aktie), im Vergleich zu 33,56 Millionen Dollar im Jahr 2023.
Wichtige Kennzahlen für das 4. Quartal 2024 umfassen: ein vorsteuerliches Einkommen, das um 33% auf 14,98 Millionen Dollar gestiegen ist, ein ROAE von 23,11%, ein ROAA von 2,53% und eine Nettozinsspanne von 5,24%. Die gesamten Vermögenswerte stiegen um 10% auf 1,51 Milliarden Dollar, wobei die Kredite um 15% auf 1,07 Milliarden Dollar und die Einlagen um 12% auf 1,28 Milliarden Dollar zunahmen.
Das Unternehmen hat eine Einverständniserklärung mit der FDIC unterzeichnet, um Probleme im Zusammenhang mit dem AML/CFT-Programm zu beheben. Infolgedessen erwartet FFB, dass mehrere ISO-Beziehungen im 2. Quartal 2025 beendet werden, was sich auf Einlagen in Höhe von 156 Millionen Dollar und einen Nettoertrag von 3,6 Millionen Dollar auswirken wird. Das Unternehmen gab ein Aktienrückkaufprogramm im Wert von 15 Millionen Dollar bekannt, das am 27. Januar 2025 starten soll.
- Net income increased 28% YoY to $9.72 million in Q4 2024
- Pre-tax, pre-provision income grew 33% to $14.98 million
- Net interest margin expanded to 5.24%
- Total assets increased 10% to $1.51 billion
- Announced $15 million stock repurchase program
- Consent Order requiring significant AML/CFT program improvements
- Expected loss of $156 million in non-interest bearing deposits in Q2 2025
- Projected reduction in 2025 net income due to compliance costs
- Anticipated higher funding costs due to deposit mix changes
- Increased expenses from additional compliance and risk personnel hiring
FRESNO, Calif., Jan. 22, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- FFB Bancorp (the “Company”) (OTCQX: FFBB), the parent company of FFB Bank (the “Bank”), today reported net income of
Fourth Quarter 2024 Highlights: As of, or for the quarter ended December 31, 2024, compared to the quarter ended December 31, 2023:
- Pre-tax, pre-provision income increased
33% to$14.98 million . - Net income increased
28% to$9.72 million . - Return on average equity (“ROAE”) was
23.11% . - Return on average assets (“ROAA”) was
2.53% . - Net interest margin expanded 5 basis points to
5.24% from5.19% a year earlier. - Gross revenue (net interest income, before the provision for credit losses, plus non-interest income) increased
27% to$28.25 million . - Total assets increased
10% to$1.51 billion . - Total portfolio of loans increased
15% to$1.07 billion . - Total deposits increased
12% to$1.28 billion . - Shareholder equity increased
29% to$168.39 million . - Book value per common share increased
29% to$53.02 . - The Company’s tangible common equity ratio was
11.18% , while the Bank’s regulatory leverage capital ratio was14.33% , and the total risk-based capital ratio was20.84% at December 31, 2024.
Entry into Consent Order FDIC-24-0112b:
On January 7, 2025, the Company’s wholly owned subsidiary, FFB Bank (“Bank”) stipulated to the entry of a Consent Order (“Order”) by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (“FDIC”) and the California Department of Financial Protection and Innovation (“CDFPI”) addressing various matters relating principally to Bank Secrecy Act and Anti-Money Laundering / Countering Financing of Terrorism (“AML/CFT”) program issues at the Bank and in connection with its Merchant Payment Business and its relationships with Independent Sales Organizations (“ISO”). The Order was dated January 10, 2025. While the Bank believes that its efforts are well underway, and it will be able to correct the matters required by the Order, compliance with the Order will be determined solely by the FDIC and the CDFPI, based upon subsequent visitations and examinations.
Among other things the Order requires the Bank to:
- Develop a written action plan, acceptable to the FDIC and CDFPI, to address and correct deficiencies in its AML/CFT program and satisfy the requirements of the Order.
- Increase Board oversight of compliance with its AML/CFT program, particularly as it relates to the Bank’s Merchant Services Program and ISO/sub-ISO business.
- Correct all BSA violations of law outlined in the most recent report of examination and ensure future compliance.
- Develop and implement an enhanced AML/CFT program and thereafter maintain compliance with it; particularly focused on the Merchant Services Program and Bank’s ISOs and Sub-ISOs.
- Establish internal controls to ensure compliance with the BSA particularly focused on the Merchant Services Program, including an enhanced customer due diligence program and a risk assessment of ISOs and merchants serviced by the Bank and its ISOs.
- Provide independent testing of compliance with the AML/CFT program, BSA and the reporting of suspicious transactions.
- Ensure that the AML/CFT program is managed by a qualified officer with requisite authority, responsibility, training, resources and management reporting. The Bank shall hire an outside consultant to assess and evaluate this. The Bank may not change its AML/CFT Officer without regulatory approval.
- Provide training of all Bank personnel in all aspects of regulatory compliance with the AML/CFT program and BSA with specific concentration on Bank’s Merchant Services Program.
- Conduct a lookback review of all high-risk accounts and transactions from January 1, 2024, and as needed make any required regulatory filings based on the results of the review.
- Enhance the Bank’s oversight of its ISOs and Sub-ISOs, including a review of all existing ISOs and Sub-ISOs to ensure their respective AML/CFT policies and procedures allow the Bank to comply with its enhanced AML/CFT program.
- Enhance certain contractual provisions with its ISOs and Sub-ISOs to strengthen, among other things, requirements for ISOs and Sub-ISOs to have independent audits of their respective AML/CFT policies and procedures.
- Not add or onboard any new ISOs until the Bank has fully implemented its review plan, addressed all deficiencies and is in material compliance with BSA, as determined by FDIC and CDFPI.
- The Bank must file quarterly reports with the regulators to show compliance with the terms of the Order. The Order will remain in place until modified or terminated by the regulators.
While revisiting its practices, policies, and procedures to comply with the Order, the Bank intends to enhance its consumer compliance management system to improve, among other things, consumer complaint monitoring related to merchants and ISOs responsible for managing such merchants, in its Merchant Processing Program. The thrust of these efforts will be to assist the Bank in reporting and eliminating higher risk merchants with significant customer complaints.
The Bank’s efforts to comply with the Order are underway, and it believes it will be able to obtain full compliance with the Order. However, compliance with the Order will be determined solely by the FDIC and the CDFPI, based upon subsequent visitations and examinations.
Anticipated Impact to 2025:
As a result of the actions required for Order remediation, enhancement of the Bank's consumer compliance management system, and additional oversight over third party relationships, the Company is forecasting the following impacts to 2025 results:
- Due to the enhanced AML/CFT requirements for ISOs and Sub-ISOs, the Company anticipates exiting a number of ISO and Sub-ISO relationships during Q2 2025. Non-interest bearing deposits related to those relationships totaled
$156 million at December 31, 2024. Net revenue related to those relationships for 2024 was$3.6 million . - The loss of a significant level of non-interest bearing deposits due to certain ISO partner exits will change the Company's deposit mix and result in higher funding costs to support forecasted loan portfolio growth. The Bank plans to replace these non-interest bearing deposits with growth from new Bank customers in its markets and from the existing ISO partners it will continue to support. In the short-term, the new deposit growth will likely be made up of a higher percentage of interest bearing deposits.
- Salaries & employee benefits expense will increase from hiring additional Compliance and Risk personnel in 2025 and include the full year impact of individuals hired in the second half of 2024.
- Legal, consulting, audit, and compliance costs will increase to implement and maintain an enhanced AML/CFT and consumer compliance management program, engage independent audits of ISOs and Sub-ISOs, and other expenses related to Order remediation.
- Software license expenses will increase with the implementation of CFT/AML/Fraud real-time monitoring systems.
As a result of the impacts detailed above, along with forecasted core balance sheet growth, the Company projects a reduction in net income for 2025, compared to 2024.
"The Board of Directors has full confidence in our team's ability to efficiently address the actions outlined by this order,” said Mark Saleh, Chairman of the Board of Directors. "Their expertise and commitment will ensure these matters are resolved promptly, positioning the Company to continue its position as a top-performer."
"Resolving the order is our top priority and our team is committed to addressing the concerns outlined as quickly as possible. As part of this effort, we are focused on building a best-in-class AML/CFT and compliance program that not only meets regulatory expectations but is capable of supporting our continued growth. We remain committed to the payments space and our long-term strategy of maximizing technology to support our high touch customer experience," said Steve Miller, President and Chief Executive Officer.
FFB Bancorp Announces Stock Repurchase Program:
The Company has authorized a plan to utilize up to
Under the terms of the repurchase plan, the Company may repurchase shares of the Company's common stock from time to time, through December 31, 2025, in open market purchases or privately negotiated transactions. Repurchases under the plan may also be made pursuant to a trading plan under Securities and Exchange Commission Rule 10b5-1 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, which would permit shares to be repurchased by the Company when the Company might otherwise be precluded from doing so because of self-imposed trading blackout periods or other regulatory restrictions. The timing, manner, price and exact amount of any repurchases by the Company will be determined at the Company’s discretion and depend on various factors including, the performance of the Company's stock price, general market and economic conditions, applicable legal and regulatory requirements, availability of funds and other relevant factors.
The Company’s management believes the repurchase plan, depending upon market and business conditions, may, among other things, provide capital management opportunities for the Company. The Company is not obligated to repurchase any such shares under the repurchase plan. Through December 31, 2025, the repurchase plan may be discontinued, suspended or restarted at any time.
Results of Operations
Quarter ended December 31, 2024:
Operating revenue, consisting of net interest income before the provision for credit losses and non-interest income, increased
Net interest income, before the provision for credit losses, increased
The Company’s net interest margin (“NIM”) increased by 5 basis points to
The yield on earning assets was
Total non-interest income was
Merchant services revenue increased
Merchant ISO Processing Volumes (in thousands) | ||||||||||
Source | Q4 2024 | Q3 2024 | Q2 2024 | Q1 2024 | Q4 2023 | |||||
ISO Partner Sponsorship | $ | 4,891,643 | $ | 4,556,868 | $ | 4,391,365 | $ | 3,763,289 | $ | 3,812,386 |
FFB Payments- Sub-ISO Merchants | 22,950 | 24,661 | 24,414 | 19,370 | 20,992 | |||||
FFB Payments - Direct Merchants | 91,133 | 64,512 | 76,059 | 77,349 | 93,443 | |||||
Total volume | $ | 5,005,726 | $ | 4,646,041 | $ | 4,491,838 | $ | 3,860,008 | $ | 3,926,821 |
Merchant ISO Processing Revenues (in thousands) | ||||||||||
Source of Revenue | Q4 2024 | Q3 2024 | Q2 2024 | Q1 2024 | Q4 2023 | |||||
Net Revenue*: | ||||||||||
ISO Partner Sponsorship | $ | 2,535 | $ | 2,284 | $ | 2,156 | $ | 2,183 | $ | 1,916 |
Gross Revenue: | ||||||||||
FFB Payments- Sub-ISO Merchants | 764 | 810 | 795 | 672 | 539 | |||||
FFB Payments - Direct Merchants | 4,262 | 2,476 | 3,117 | 3,213 | 2,693 | |||||
5,026 | 3,286 | 3,912 | 3,885 | 3,232 | ||||||
Gross Expense: | ||||||||||
FFB Payments- Sub-ISO Merchants | 638 | 723 | 675 | 518 | 455 | |||||
FFB Payments - Direct Merchants | 2,511 | 1,766 | 1,989 | 1,842 | 1,720 | |||||
3,149 | 2,489 | 2,664 | 2,360 | 2,175 | ||||||
Net Revenue: | ||||||||||
FFB Payments- Sub-ISO Merchants | 126 | 87 | 120 | 154 | 84 | |||||
FFB Payments - Direct Merchants | 1,751 | 710 | 1,128 | 1,371 | 973 | |||||
FFB Payments Net Revenue | 1,877 | 797 | 1,248 | 1,525 | 1,057 | |||||
Net Merchant Services Income: | $ | 4,412 | $ | 3,081 | $ | 3,404 | $ | 3,708 | $ | 2,973 |
*ISO Partnership Sponsorship is recognized net of expense in Merchant Services Income. FFB Payments revenues are recognized gross in Merchant Services Income and Merchant Services expenses are recognized in Non-Interest Expense.
Total deposit fee income increased
There was a
Non-interest expense increased
“During 2024 we made intentional investments in people and technology to ensure that the bank can efficiently scale moving forward, and specifically to support our payment ecosystem, product development, regional expansion, and risk management initiatives. During the third quarter, we hired a General Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer with an extensive background in both bank operations and bank regulatory framework. During the fourth quarter, we made key hires in our compliance, risk, and merchant teams mostly related to addressing the Order,” said Miller.
Full-time employees increased to 168 at December 31, 2024, compared to 139 full-time employees a year earlier, and 163 full-time employees from the previous quarter.
Salaries and employee benefits decreased
Occupancy and equipment expenses increased
The efficiency ratio was
Year ended December 31, 2024:
For the year ended December 31, 2024, operating revenue increased
For the year ended December 31, 2024, non-interest income increased
For the year ended December 31, 2024, operating expenses increased by
For the year ended December 31, 2024, the efficiency ratio was
Balance Sheet Review
Total assets increased
The total portfolio of loans increased
Commercial real estate loans increased
The commercial and industrial (C&I) portfolio increased
Investment securities totaled
Total deposits increased
There were no short-term borrowings at December 31, 2024 or September 30, 2024, compared to
Liquidity Source (in thousands) | December 31, 2024 | September 30, 2024 | ||
Cash and cash equivalents | $ | 63,415 | $ | 116,875 |
Unpledged investment securities, fair value | 118,957 | 116,784 | ||
FHLB advance capacity | 304,077 | 288,943 | ||
Federal Reserve discount window capacity | 166,475 | 166,482 | ||
Correspondent bank unsecured lines of credit | 91,500 | 91,500 | ||
$ | 744,424 | $ | 780,584 |
The total primary and secondary liquidity of
Shareholders’ equity increased
The tangible common equity ratio was
At the Bank level, unrealized losses and gains reflected in AOCI are not included in regulatory capital. As a result, Tier-1 capital at the Bank for regulatory purposes was
Asset Quality
Nonperforming assets decreased to
Past due loans 30-60 days were
Delinquent Loan Summary | Organic | Purchased Govt. Guaranteed | Total | |||
(in thousands) | ||||||
Delinquent accruing loans 30-59 days | $ | 2,184 | $ | 2,702 | $ | 4,886 |
Delinquent accruing loans 60-89 days | 2,449 | — | 2,449 | |||
Delinquent accruing loans 90+ days | 897 | 90 | 987 | |||
Total delinquent accruing loans | $ | 5,530 | $ | 2,792 | $ | 8,322 |
Non-Accrual Loan Summary | Organic | Purchased Govt. Guaranteed | Total | |||
(in thousands) | ||||||
Loans on non-accrual | $ | 9,894 | $ | — | $ | 9,894 |
Non-accrual loans with SBA guarantees | 8,036 | — | 8,036 | |||
Net Bank exposure to non-accrual loans | $ | 1,858 | $ | — | $ | 1,858 |
There was a
"We watch the SBA portfolio very closely since rates have increased so rapidly over the last two years, putting pressure on borrowers. A majority of the loans within the portfolio are floating rate loans tied to WSJ Prime and reset quarterly. Borrowers saw a 50bps reduction in their rates on January 1, 2025 resulting from the 50bps reduction in WSJ Prime during the fourth quarter,” added Miller. “A portion of the portfolio consists of fully guaranteed loans the Company has purchased, as well as organic SBA and USDA loans the Bank has originated. When the effect of these guarantees is considered relative to the loan portfolio, the ratio of allowance for credit losses to the total, non-guaranteed, loan portfolio was
“We incurred net charge offs of
(in thousands) | CRE Office Exposure of December 31, 2024 | |||||
Region | Owner-Occupied | Non-Owner Occupied | Total | |||
Central Valley | $ | 26,188 | $ | 14,307 | $ | 40,495 |
Southern California | 2,281 | 353 | 2,634 | |||
Other California | 4,527 | 3,995 | 8,522 | |||
Total California | 32,996 | 18,655 | 51,651 | |||
Out of California | — | 530 | 530 | |||
Total CRE Office | $ | 32,996 | $ | 19,185 | $ | 52,181 |
As of this release, the Company is not aware of any material impact on its loan portfolio or collateral due to the Southern California wildfires occurring in January 2025. The situation is still evolving, and the Company will continue to monitor for potential exposure and impact.
The ratio of allowance for credit losses to total loans was
About FFB Bancorp
FFB Bancorp, formerly Communities First Financial Corporation, a bank holding company established in 2014, is the parent company of FFB Bank, founded in 2005 in Fresno, California. As a leading SBA Lender in California’s Central Valley and one of the few direct acquiring banks in the United States, FFB Bank offers clients a range of personal and business checking accounts, payment processes, and loan programs. Among the Bank’s awards and accomplishments, it was ranked #1 on American Banker’s list of the Top 20 Publicly Traded Banks under
Forward Looking Statements
This earnings release may contain forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements provide current expectations or forecasts of future events and are not guarantees of future performance, nor should they be relied upon as representing management’s views as of any subsequent date. The forward-looking statements are based on managements’ expectations and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties. Although management believes that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are reasonable, actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied in such statements. Risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially include, without limitation, the Company’s ability to effectively execute its business plans; the impact of the Order on our financial condition and results of operations; changes in general economic and financial market conditions; changes in interest rates; and, in particular, actions taken by the Federal Reserve to try and control inflation; changes in the competitive environment; continuing consolidation in the financial services industry; new litigation or changes in existing litigation; losses, customer bankruptcy, claims and assessments; changes in banking regulations or other regulatory or legislative requirements affecting the Company’s business; international developments; and changes in accounting policies or procedures as may be required by the Financial Accounting Standards Board or other regulatory agencies. The Company undertakes no obligation to release publicly the results of any revisions to the forward-looking statements included herein to reflect events or circumstances after today, or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events. The Company claims the protection of the safe harbor for forward-looking statements contained in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.
Member FDIC
Select Financial Information and Ratios | For the Quarter Ended: | Year to Date as of: | |||||||||||||||||
December 31, 2024 | September 30, 2024 | December 31, 2023 | December 31, 2024 | December 31, 2023 | |||||||||||||||
BALANCE SHEET- ENDING BALANCES: | |||||||||||||||||||
Total assets | $ | 1,506,606 | $ | 1,512,241 | $ | 1,364,312 | |||||||||||||
Total portfolio loans | 1,071,079 | 998,222 | 928,344 | ||||||||||||||||
Investment securities | 322,186 | 345,428 | 326,006 | ||||||||||||||||
Total deposits | 1,284,377 | 1,286,949 | 1,145,170 | ||||||||||||||||
Shareholders equity, net | 168,392 | 163,635 | 130,700 | ||||||||||||||||
INCOME STATEMENT DATA | |||||||||||||||||||
Gross revenue | 28,247 | 25,403 | 22,305 | 101,990 | 88,577 | ||||||||||||||
Operating expense | 13,270 | 12,735 | 11,047 | 51,992 | 40,606 | ||||||||||||||
Pre-tax, pre-provision income | 14,977 | 12,668 | 11,258 | 49,998 | 47,971 | ||||||||||||||
Net income after tax | 9,718 | 8,563 | 7,565 | 34,147 | 33,558 | ||||||||||||||
SHARE DATA | |||||||||||||||||||
Basic earnings per share | $ | 3.06 | $ | 2.70 | $ | 2.39 | $ | 10.75 | $ | 10.58 | |||||||||
Fully diluted EPS | $ | 3.05 | $ | 2.69 | $ | 2.39 | $ | 10.72 | $ | 10.57 | |||||||||
Book value per common share | $ | 53.02 | $ | 51.52 | $ | 41.21 | |||||||||||||
Common shares outstanding | 3,175,817 | 3,175,975 | 3,171,690 | ||||||||||||||||
Fully diluted shares | 3,189,942 | 3,188,068 | 3,174,174 | 3,186,507 | 3,174,963 | ||||||||||||||
FFBB - Stock price | $ | 97.97 | $ | 90.50 | $ | 75.98 | |||||||||||||
RATIOS | |||||||||||||||||||
Return on average assets | 2.53 | % | 2.31 | % | 2.24 | % | 2.38 | % | 2.55 | % | |||||||||
Return on average equity | 23.11 | % | 21.11 | % | 25.75 | % | 22.78 | % | 31.33 | % | |||||||||
Efficiency ratio | 46.19 | % | 50.16 | % | 47.17 | % | 50.34 | % | 44.27 | % | |||||||||
Adjusted efficiency ratio | 39.57 | % | 44.75 | % | 42.63 | % | 44.62 | % | 38.95 | % | |||||||||
Yield on earning assets | 6.24 | % | 6.15 | % | 6.13 | % | 6.26 | % | 5.86 | % | |||||||||
Yield on investment securities | 4.34 | % | 4.48 | % | 4.61 | % | 4.47 | % | 4.42 | % | |||||||||
Yield on portfolio loans | 6.95 | % | 6.87 | % | 6.58 | % | 6.86 | % | 6.37 | % | |||||||||
Cost to fund earning assets | 1.00 | % | 1.04 | % | 0.93 | % | 1.04 | % | 0.74 | % | |||||||||
Cost of interest-bearing deposits | 2.69 | % | 2.83 | % | 2.40 | % | 2.70 | % | 1.88 | % | |||||||||
Net Interest Margin | 5.24 | % | 5.11 | % | 5.19 | % | 5.22 | % | 5.12 | % | |||||||||
Equity to assets | 11.18 | % | 10.82 | % | 9.58 | % | |||||||||||||
Net loan to deposit ratio | 83.39 | % | 77.57 | % | 81.07 | % | |||||||||||||
Full time equivalent employees | 168 | 163 | 139 | ||||||||||||||||
BALANCE SHEET- AVERAGES | |||||||||||||||||||
Total assets | 1,529,439 | 1,477,259 | 1,341,435 | 1,434,232 | 1,315,351 | ||||||||||||||
Total portfolio loans | 1,038,215 | 982,152 | 917,620 | 974,498 | 880,374 | ||||||||||||||
Investment securities | 333,135 | 343,096 | 294,060 | 331,842 | 313,601 | ||||||||||||||
Total deposits | 1,299,069 | 1,254,343 | 1,150,441 | 1,220,197 | 1,138,190 | ||||||||||||||
Shareholders equity, net | 167,268 | 161,363 | 116,545 | 149,919 | 107,128 |
Consolidated Balance Sheet (unaudited) | December 31, 2024 | September 30, 2024 | December 31, 2023 | ||||||||
(in thousands) | |||||||||||
ASSETS | |||||||||||
Cash and due from banks | $ | 43,905 | $ | 78,404 | $ | 30,147 | |||||
Interest bearing deposits in banks | 19,510 | 38,471 | 32,456 | ||||||||
CDs in other banks | 1,723 | 1,730 | 1,673 | ||||||||
Investment securities | 322,186 | 345,428 | 326,006 | ||||||||
Loans held for sale | — | — | — | ||||||||
Construction & land development | 26,522 | 34,090 | 75,773 | ||||||||
Residential RE 1-4 family | 16,846 | 18,036 | 17,355 | ||||||||
Commercial real estate | 669,285 | 613,735 | 556,239 | ||||||||
Agriculture | 90,017 | 92,378 | 59,961 | ||||||||
Commercial and industrial | 267,948 | 238,628 | 218,745 | ||||||||
Consumer and other | 461 | 1,355 | 120 | ||||||||
Portfolio loans | 1,071,079 | 998,222 | 928,344 | ||||||||
Deferred fees & discounts | (4,200 | ) | (4,564 | ) | (3,631 | ) | |||||
Allowance for credit losses | (11,834 | ) | (11,491 | ) | (9,980 | ) | |||||
Loans, net | 1,055,045 | 982,167 | 914,733 | ||||||||
Non-marketable equity investments | 8,891 | 8,890 | 7,125 | ||||||||
Cash value of life insurance | 12,402 | 12,305 | 12,029 | ||||||||
Accrued interest and other assets | 42,944 | 44,846 | 40,143 | ||||||||
Total assets | $ | 1,506,606 | $ | 1,512,241 | $ | 1,364,312 | |||||
Non-interest bearing deposits | $ | 828,508 | $ | 826,708 | $ | 775,507 | |||||
Interest checking | 62,034 | 84,931 | 52,203 | ||||||||
Savings | 55,219 | 52,860 | 51,880 | ||||||||
Money market | 212,322 | 195,366 | 160,205 | ||||||||
Certificates of deposits | 126,294 | 127,084 | 105,375 | ||||||||
Total deposits | 1,284,377 | 1,286,949 | 1,145,170 | ||||||||
Short-term borrowings | — | — | 34,000 | ||||||||
Long-term debt | 38,007 | 37,967 | 39,599 | ||||||||
Other liabilities | 15,830 | 23,690 | 14,843 | ||||||||
Total liabilities | 1,338,214 | 1,348,606 | 1,233,612 | ||||||||
Common stock | 38,436 | 37,931 | 36,178 | ||||||||
Retained earnings | 148,138 | 138,419 | 113,991 | ||||||||
Accumulated other comprehensive loss | (18,182 | ) | (12,715 | ) | (19,469 | ) | |||||
Shareholders' equity | 168,392 | 163,635 | 130,700 | ||||||||
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity | $ | 1,506,606 | $ | 1,512,241 | $ | 1,364,312 |
Consolidated Income Statement | Quarter ended: | Year ended: | |||||||||||||||||
(unaudited) (in thousands) | December 31, 2024 | September 30, 2024 | December 31, 2023 | December 31, 2024 | December 31, 2023 | ||||||||||||||
INTEREST INCOME: | |||||||||||||||||||
Loan interest income | $ | 18,131 | $ | 16,971 | $ | 15,208 | $ | 66,828 | $ | 56,102 | |||||||||
Investment income | 3,631 | 3,862 | 3,418 | 14,828 | 13,859 | ||||||||||||||
Int. on fed funds & CDs in other banks | 504 | 384 | 583 | 1,460 | 2,327 | ||||||||||||||
Dividends from non-marketable equity | 137 | 187 | 118 | 847 | 367 | ||||||||||||||
Total interest income | 22,403 | 21,404 | 19,327 | 83,963 | 72,655 | ||||||||||||||
INTEREST EXPENSE: | |||||||||||||||||||
Int. on deposits | 3,115 | 3,077 | 2,359 | 11,717 | 6,750 | ||||||||||||||
Int. on short-term borrowings | 12 | 76 | 123 | 346 | 515 | ||||||||||||||
Int. on long-term debt | 464 | 464 | 464 | 1,858 | 1,858 | ||||||||||||||
Total interest expense | 3,591 | 3,617 | 2,946 | 13,921 | 9,123 | ||||||||||||||
Net interest income | 18,812 | 17,787 | 16,381 | 70,042 | 63,532 | ||||||||||||||
PROVISION FOR CREDIT LOSSES | 1,671 | 762 | 769 | 3,103 | 1,750 | ||||||||||||||
Net interest income after provision | 17,141 | 17,025 | 15,612 | 66,939 | 61,782 | ||||||||||||||
NON-INTEREST INCOME: | |||||||||||||||||||
Total deposit fee income | 856 | 837 | 783 | 3,337 | 2,933 | ||||||||||||||
Debit / credit card interchange income | 196 | 183 | 161 | 732 | 613 | ||||||||||||||
Merchant services income | 7,562 | 5,570 | 4,825 | 25,268 | 20,931 | ||||||||||||||
Gain on sale of loans | 929 | 636 | 464 | 2,526 | 1,906 | ||||||||||||||
Loss (gain) on sale of investments | (482 | ) | 16 | (1,114 | ) | (1,299 | ) | (3,142 | ) | ||||||||||
Other operating income | 374 | 374 | 805 | 1,384 | 1,804 | ||||||||||||||
Total non-interest income | 9,435 | 7,616 | 5,924 | 31,948 | 25,045 | ||||||||||||||
NON-INTEREST EXPENSE: | |||||||||||||||||||
Salaries & employee benefits | 5,177 | 6,469 | 5,598 | 24,952 | 20,162 | ||||||||||||||
Occupancy expense | 411 | 376 | 313 | 1,606 | 1,554 | ||||||||||||||
Merchant services operating expense | 3,149 | 2,489 | 1,852 | 10,661 | 7,997 | ||||||||||||||
Other operating expense | 4,533 | 3,401 | 3,284 | 14,773 | 10,893 | ||||||||||||||
Total non-interest expense | 13,270 | 12,735 | 11,047 | 51,992 | 40,606 | ||||||||||||||
Income before provision for income tax | 13,306 | 11,906 | 10,489 | 46,895 | 46,221 | ||||||||||||||
PROVISION FOR INCOME TAXES | 3,588 | 3,343 | 2,924 | 12,748 | 12,663 | ||||||||||||||
Net income | $ | 9,718 | $ | 8,563 | $ | 7,565 | $ | 34,147 | $ | 33,558 |
ASSET QUALITY | December 31, 2024 | September 30, 2024 | December 31, 2023 | ||||||||
(in thousands) | |||||||||||
Delinquent accruing loans 30-60 days | $ | 4,886 | $ | 1,654 | $ | 1,076 | |||||
Delinquent accruing loans 60-90 days | 2,449 | 1,390 | 199 | ||||||||
Delinquent accruing loans 90+ days | 987 | 322 | 1,345 | ||||||||
Total delinquent accruing loans | $ | 8,322 | $ | 3,366 | $ | 2,620 | |||||
Loans on non-accrual | $ | 9,894 | $ | 12,821 | $ | 6,006 | |||||
Other real estate owned | — | — | — | ||||||||
Nonperforming assets | $ | 9,894 | $ | 12,821 | $ | 6,006 | |||||
Delinquent 30-60 / Total Loans | 0.46 | % | 0.17 | % | 0.12 | % | |||||
Delinquent 60-90 / Total Loans | 0.23 | % | 0.14 | % | 0.02 | % | |||||
Delinquent 90+ / Total Loans | 0.09 | % | 0.03 | % | 0.14 | % | |||||
Delinquent Loans / Total Loans | 0.78 | % | 0.34 | % | 0.28 | % | |||||
Non-accrual / Total Loans | 0.92 | % | 1.28 | % | 0.65 | % | |||||
Nonperforming assets to total assets | 0.66 | % | 0.85 | % | 0.44 | % | |||||
Year-to-date charge-off activity | |||||||||||
Charge-offs | $ | 1,287 | $ | — | $ | 1,445 | |||||
Recoveries | 35 | 35 | 73 | ||||||||
Net (recoveries) charge-offs | $ | 1,252 | $ | (35 | ) | $ | 1,372 | ||||
Annualized net loan losses to average loans | 0.12 | % | — | % | 0.15 | % | |||||
Allowance for credit losses | $ | 11,834 | $ | 11,491 | $ | 9,980 | |||||
Total loans | $ | 1,071,079 | $ | 998,222 | $ | 928,344 | |||||
Purchased govt. guaranteed loans | $ | 16,323 | $ | 17,072 | $ | 20,276 | |||||
Originated govt. guaranteed loans | $ | 42,737 | $ | 41,918 | $ | 36,371 | |||||
ACL / Total loans | 1.10 | % | 1.15 | % | 1.08 | % | |||||
ACL / Loans less | 1.12 | % | 1.17 | % | 1.10 | % | |||||
ACL / Loans less all govt. guaranteed loans | 1.17 | % | 1.22 | % | 1.14 | % | |||||
ACL / Total assets | 0.79 | % | 0.76 | % | 0.73 | % |
SELECT FINANCIAL TREND INFORMATION | For the Quarter Ended: | ||||||||||||||
December 31, 2024 | September 30, 2024 | June 30, 2024 | March 31, 2024 | December 31, 2023 | |||||||||||
BALANCE SHEET- PERIOD END | |||||||||||||||
Total assets | $ | 1,506,606 | $ | 1,512,241 | $ | 1,443,723 | $ | 1,395,095 | $ | 1,364,326 | |||||
Loans held for sale | — | — | — | — | — | ||||||||||
Loans held for investment | 1,071,079 | 998,222 | 969,764 | 926,781 | 928,344 | ||||||||||
Investment securities | 322,186 | 345,428 | 345,491 | 328,906 | 326,006 | ||||||||||
Non-interest bearing deposits | 828,508 | 826,708 | 731,030 | 751,636 | 775,507 | ||||||||||
Interest bearing deposits | 455,869 | 460,241 | 437,927 | 448,893 | 369,663 | ||||||||||
Total deposits | 1,284,377 | 1,286,949 | 1,168,957 | 1,200,529 | 1,145,170 | ||||||||||
Short-term borrowings | — | — | 68,000 | — | 34,000 | ||||||||||
Long-term debt | 38,007 | 37,967 | 39,678 | 39,638 | 39,599 | ||||||||||
Total equity | 186,574 | 176,350 | 167,286 | 158,690 | 150,169 | ||||||||||
Accumulated other comprehensive loss | (18,182 | ) | (12,715 | ) | (18,646 | ) | (19,974 | ) | (19,469 | ) | |||||
Shareholders' equity | 168,392 | 163,635 | 148,640 | 138,716 | 130,700 | ||||||||||
Interest income | $ | 22,403 | $ | 21,404 | $ | 20,887 | $ | 19,268 | $ | 19,327 | |||||
Interest expense | 3,591 | 3,617 | 3,581 | 3,131 | 2,946 | ||||||||||
Net interest income | 18,812 | 17,787 | 17,306 | 16,137 | 16,381 | ||||||||||
Non-interest income | 9,435 | 7,616 | 7,423 | 7,373 | 5,924 | ||||||||||
Gross revenue | 28,247 | 25,403 | 24,729 | 23,510 | 22,305 | ||||||||||
Provision for credit losses | 1,671 | 762 | 291 | 378 | 769 | ||||||||||
Non-interest expense | 13,270 | 12,735 | 13,285 | 12,701 | 11,047 | ||||||||||
Net income before tax | 13,306 | 11,906 | 11,153 | 10,431 | 10,489 | ||||||||||
Tax provision | 3,588 | 3,343 | 3,077 | 2,741 | 2,924 | ||||||||||
Net income after tax | 9,718 | 8,563 | 8,076 | 7,690 | 7,565 | ||||||||||
Total assets | $ | 1,529,439 | $ | 1,477,259 | $ | 1,704,255 | $ | 1,347,604 | $ | 1,341,435 | |||||
Loans held for sale | — | — | — | — | — | ||||||||||
Loans held for investment | 1,038,215 | 982,152 | 954,871 | 925,561 | 917,620 | ||||||||||
Investment securities | 333,135 | 343,096 | 334,416 | 315,820 | 294,060 | ||||||||||
Non-interest bearing deposits | 838,748 | 822,200 | 758,977 | 755,603 | 760,153 | ||||||||||
Interest bearing deposits | 460,321 | 432,143 | 440,147 | 393,514 | 390,288 | ||||||||||
Total deposits | 1,299,069 | 1,254,343 | 1,199,124 | 1,149,117 | 1,150,441 | ||||||||||
Short-term borrowings | 951 | — | 10,053 | 9,562 | 9,805 | ||||||||||
Long-term debt | 37,989 | 39,479 | 39,660 | 39,620 | 39,580 | ||||||||||
Shareholders' equity | 167,268 | 161,363 | 141,881 | 134,621 | 116,545 |
Steve Miller - President & CEO
Bhavneet Gill – EVP & CFO
(559) 439-0200

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