Ferrovial recognized as a sustainability leader in Dow Jones Sustainability Index World

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Ferrovial has secured its position in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) World for the 23rd consecutive year, achieving top ranking in the construction and engineering sector in Europe and second place globally. The company's inclusion in this prestigious index, which evaluates over 2,500 publicly traded companies, demonstrates its continued leadership in sustainability practices.

CEO Ignacio Madridejos highlighted the company's commitment to delivering high-value infrastructure that contributes to community well-being and socio-economic growth. Ferrovial's sustainability excellence is further validated by its inclusion in other major indices including CDP, ISS ESG, Moody's, Sustainalytics, and GRESB.

The company's 2030 Sustainability Strategy focuses on environment, community, and governance. Notably, Ferrovial became the first company to receive AENOR certification for strategic alignment with UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Ferrovial ha consolidato la propria posizione nell'Indice di Sostenibilità Dow Jones (DJSI) World per il 23° anno consecutivo, ottenendo il massimo punteggio nel settore delle costruzioni e ingegneria in Europa e il secondo posto a livello globale. L'inclusione dell'azienda in questo prestigioso indice, che valuta oltre 2.500 aziende quotate in borsa, dimostra il suo continuo leadership nelle pratiche di sostenibilità.

Il CEO Ignacio Madridejos ha sottolineato l'impegno dell'azienda a fornire infrastrutture ad alto valore che contribuiscono al benessere della comunità e alla crescita socio-economica. L'eccellenza nella sostenibilità di Ferrovial è ulteriormente convalidata dalla sua inclusione in altri importanti indici tra cui CDP, ISS ESG, Moody's, Sustainalytics e GRESB.

La Strategia di Sostenibilità 2030 dell'azienda si concentra su ambiente, comunità e governance. È importante notare che Ferrovial è diventata la prima azienda a ricevere la certificazione AENOR per allineamento strategico con gli Obiettivi di Sviluppo Sostenibile delle Nazioni Unite.

Ferrovial ha asegura su posición en el Índice de Sostenibilidad Dow Jones (DJSI) World por 23° año consecutivo, logrando el primer lugar en el sector de la construcción e ingeniería en Europa y segundo lugar a nivel global. La inclusión de la empresa en este prestigioso índice, que evalúa a más de 2.500 empresas que cotizan en bolsa, demuestra su continua liderazgo en prácticas de sostenibilidad.

El CEO Ignacio Madridejos destacó el compromiso de la empresa de ofrecer infraestructura de alto valor que contribuya al bienestar de la comunidad y al crecimiento socioeconómico. La excelencia en sostenibilidad de Ferrovial se valida aún más con su inclusión en otros índices importantes, incluidos CDP, ISS ESG, Moody's, Sustainalytics y GRESB.

La Estrategia de Sostenibilidad 2030 de la empresa se centra en el medio ambiente, la comunidad y la gobernanza. Cabe destacar que Ferrovial se convirtió en la primera empresa en recibir la certificación AENOR por alineación estratégica con los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible de la ONU.

페로비알은 23년 연속으로 다우 존스 지속 가능성 지수(DJSI) World에 선정되어 유럽 건설 및 엔지니어링 부문에서 1위를, 전 세계에서 2위를 차지했습니다. 상장된 2,500여 개 기업을 평가하는 이 권위 있는 지수에 회사가 포함된 것은 지속 가능성 실천에서의 지속적인 리더십을 보여줍니다.

CEO 이그나시오 마드리데호스는 지역 사회의 복지와 사회 경제적 성장에 기여하는 고부가가치 인프라를 제공하겠다는 회사의 의지를 강조했습니다. 페로비알의 지속 가능성 우수성은 CDP, ISS ESG, 무디스, 서스테이널리틱스, GRESB 등 다른 주요 지수에 포함됨으로써 더욱 입증되었습니다.

회사의 2030 지속 가능성 전략은 환경, 커뮤니티 및 거버넌스에 중점을 두고 있습니다. 특히, 페로비알은 UN 지속 가능 개발 목표와의 전략적 정렬을 위해 AENOR 인증을 받은 최초의 회사가 되었습니다.

Ferrovial a renforcé sa position dans le Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) World pour la 23e année consécutive, obtenant la meilleure place dans le secteur de la construction et de l'ingénierie en Europe et la deuxième place au niveau mondial. L'inclusion de l'entreprise dans cet indice prestigieux, qui évalue plus de 2 500 sociétés cotées en bourse, témoigne de son leadership continu en matière de pratiques de durabilité.

Le PDG Ignacio Madridejos a souligné l'engagement de l'entreprise à fournir des infrastructures à forte valeur ajoutée qui contribuent au bien-être des communautés et à la croissance socio-économique. L'excellence de Ferrovial en matière de durabilité est également validée par son inclusion dans d'autres indices majeurs, y compris CDP, ISS ESG, Moody's, Sustainalytics et GRESB.

La Stratégie de Durabilité 2030 de l'entreprise se concentre sur l'environnement, la communauté et la gouvernance. Notamment, Ferrovial est devenue la première entreprise à recevoir la certification AENOR pour son alignement stratégique avec les Objectifs de Développement Durable des Nations Unies.

Ferrovial hat seine Position im Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) World im 23. Jahr in Folge gesichert und belegt den ersten Platz im Bau- und Ingenieurwesen in Europa sowie den zweiten Platz weltweit. Die Aufnahme des Unternehmens in diesen prestigeträchtigen Index, der über 2.500 börsennotierte Unternehmen bewertet, zeigt seine anhaltende Führungsposition in den Nachhaltigkeitspraktiken.

CEO Ignacio Madridejos betonte das Engagement des Unternehmens, hochwertige Infrastrukturen bereitzustellen, die zum Wohl der Gemeinschaft und zum sozioökonomischen Wachstum beitragen. Die Nachhaltigkeits-Exzellenz von Ferrovial wird zusätzlich durch die Aufnahme in andere wichtige Indizes wie CDP, ISS ESG, Moody's, Sustainalytics und GRESB bestätigt.

Die 2030 Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie des Unternehmens konzentriert sich auf Umwelt, Gemeinschaft und Governance. Bemerkenswert ist, dass Ferrovial das erste Unternehmen wurde, das die AENOR-Zertifizierung für strategische Ausrichtung auf die UN-Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung erhielt.

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The company achieves top ranking in the construction and engineering sector for 23rd consecutive year

AMSTERDAM, Dec. 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Ferrovial today announced its 23rd consecutive inclusion in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) World, a globally recognized benchmark for evaluating the sustainability performance of over 2,500 publicly traded companies. The company achieved top ranking in the construction and engineering sector, emphasizing its leadership in implementing responsible practices that promote business resilience.

"Ferrovial delivers road, airport, and energy infrastructure that creates high value for the communities where they are located, contributing to their well-being and socio-economic growth. Our consistent inclusion in DJSI World for more than two decades confirms our unwavering commitment to sustainability, our long-term approach and the innovative efforts of our teams to increase the positive impact of our operations," said Ignacio Madridejos, Ferrovial CEO.

The DJSI World is a leading benchmark for corporate responsibility, recognizing the top 10 percent of the world's most sustainable companies in each industry. Ferrovial was ranked number 1 in the Construction and Engineering sector in Europe and second globally.

Ferrovial is included in leading sustainability indices such as CDP, ISS ESG, Moody's, Sustainalytics and GRESB, highlighting the company's best practices in this area. In keeping with this commitment, the company continues to make progress on its 2030 Sustainability Strategy, structured around three key pillars: environment, community and governance. This approach led Ferrovial to become the first company to obtain AENOR certification for its strategic alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

About Ferrovial

Ferrovial is one of the world's leading infrastructure companies. The Company operates in more than 15 countries and has a workforce of over 24,000 worldwide. Ferrovial is triple listed on Euronext Amsterdam, the Spanish Stock Exchanges and Nasdaq and is a member of Spain's blue-chip IBEX 35 index. It is also included in globally recognized sustainability indices such as the Dow Jones Sustainability Index, and all its operations are conducted in compliance with the principles of the UN Global Compact, which the Company adopted in 2002.

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How did Ferrovial perform in the 2024 Dow Jones Sustainability Index rankings?

Ferrovial ranked first in the Construction and Engineering sector in Europe and second globally in the 2024 DJSI World rankings.

What sustainability indices is Ferrovial included in as of 2024?

Ferrovial is included in major sustainability indices including DJSI World, CDP, ISS ESG, Moody's, Sustainalytics, and GRESB.

What are the three pillars of Ferrovial's 2030 Sustainability Strategy?

Ferrovial's 2030 Sustainability Strategy is structured around three key pillars: environment, community, and governance.

What significant sustainability certification did Ferrovial achieve first?

Ferrovial became the first company to receive AENOR certification for strategic alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

How many consecutive years has Ferrovial been included in the DJSI World?

Ferrovial has been included in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index World for 23 consecutive years.

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