Smart Grid Enhancements Underway on Electric System in York and Adams Counties

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FirstEnergy Corp.'s subsidiary Met-Ed is installing smart, automated equipment on power lines serving 24,160 customers in York and Adams counties, Pennsylvania. This project, part of a $153 million Long-Term Infrastructure Improvement Plan (LTIIP) II, aims to prevent or minimize power outages, especially during severe weather. The upgrades include 53 automated switching devices with SCADA technology, which can remotely isolate damage and restore service more efficiently.

This initiative is part of Energize365, a multi-year grid evolution program with planned investments of $26 billion between 2024 and 2028. The program focuses on creating a smarter, more secure grid to meet future challenges, including electric vehicle adoption and clean energy integration. Met-Ed serves approximately 592,000 customers across 3,300 square miles in eastern and southeastern Pennsylvania.

La sussidiaria di FirstEnergy Corp., Met-Ed, sta installando attrezzature intelligenti e automatizzate sulle linee elettriche che servono 24.160 clienti nelle contee di York e Adams, in Pennsylvania. Questo progetto, parte di un Piano di Miglioramento delle Infrastrutture a Lungo Termine (LTIIP) II da 153 milioni di dollari, mira a prevenire o ridurre le interruzioni di corrente, soprattutto durante condizioni meteorologiche avverse. Gli aggiornamenti includono 53 dispositivi di commutazione automatizzati con tecnologia SCADA, che possono isolare i danni e ripristinare il servizio in modo più efficiente da remoto.

Questa iniziativa fa parte di Energize365, un programma di evoluzione della rete pluriennale con investimenti pianificati di 26 miliardi di dollari tra il 2024 e il 2028. Il programma si concentra sulla creazione di una rete più intelligente e sicura per affrontare le sfide future, inclusa l'adozione di veicoli elettrici e l'integrazione di energia pulita. Met-Ed serve circa 592.000 clienti su 3.300 miglia quadrate nell'area orientale e sudorientale della Pennsylvania.

La subsidiaria de FirstEnergy Corp., Met-Ed, está instalando equipos inteligentes y automatizados en las líneas eléctricas que sirven a 24,160 clientes en los condados de York y Adams, Pensilvania. Este proyecto, parte de un Plan de Mejora de Infraestructura a Largo Plazo (LTIIP) II de 153 millones de dólares, tiene como objetivo prevenir o minimizar apagones, especialmente durante condiciones climáticas severas. Las mejoras incluyen 53 dispositivos de conmutación automatizados con tecnología SCADA, que pueden aislar daños y restaurar el servicio de manera más eficiente de forma remota.

Esta iniciativa es parte de Energize365, un programa de evolución de la red a varios años con inversiones planificadas de 26 mil millones de dólares entre 2024 y 2028. El programa se centra en crear una red más inteligente y segura para enfrentar los desafíos futuros, incluida la adopción de vehículos eléctricos y la integración de energía limpia. Met-Ed atiende aproximadamente a 592,000 clientes en 3,300 millas cuadradas en el este y sureste de Pensilvania.

FirstEnergy Corp.의 자회사인 Met-Ed는 펜실베이니아주 요크와 애덤스 카운티에 있는 24,160명의 고객에게 전력을 공급하는 전선에 스마트 자동화 장비설치하고 있습니다. 이 프로젝트는 1억 5,300만 달러 규모의 장기 인프라 개선 계획(LTIIP) II의 일환으로, 특히 악천후 시 전력 중단을 예방하거나 최소화하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 업그레이드에는 SCADA 기술이 적용된 53개의 자동 전환 장치가 포함되어 있으며, 이는 손상을 원격으로 격리하고 보다 효율적으로 서비스를 복구할 수 있습니다.

이 이니셔티브는 Energize365의 일환으로, 2024년부터 2028년까지 260억 달러가 투자될 예정인 다년간의 전력망 발전 프로그램입니다. 이 프로그램은 전기차 도입과 청정 에너지 통합을 포함한 미래의 도전에 대응하기 위해 더 스마트하고 안전한 전력망을 만드는 데 중점을 두고 있습니다. Met-Ed는 펜실베이니아 동부 및 동남부의 3,300 제곱마일에 걸쳐 약 592,000명의 고객에게 서비스를 제공합니다.

La filiale de FirstEnergy Corp., Met-Ed, est en train d'installer des équipements intelligents et automatisés sur les lignes électriques qui desservent 24 160 clients dans les comtés de York et d'Adams, en Pennsylvanie. Ce projet, partie d'un plan d'amélioration des infrastructures à long terme (LTIIP) II de 153 millions de dollars, vise à prévenir ou minimiser les pannes de courant, en particulier pendant les intempéries. Les mises à niveau comprennent 53 dispositifs de commutation automatisés avec technologie SCADA, qui peuvent isoler les dommages et rétablir le service plus efficacement à distance.

Cette initiative fait partie d'Energize365, un programme d'évolution du réseau s'étalant sur plusieurs années, avec des investissements prévus de 26 milliards de dollars entre 2024 et 2028. Le programme se concentre sur la création d'un réseau plus intelligent et plus sûr pour faire face aux défis futurs, y compris l'adoption de véhicules électriques et l'intégration des énergies renouvelables. Met-Ed sert environ 592 000 clients sur une superficie de 3 300 miles carrés dans l'est et le sud-est de la Pennsylvanie.

Die Tochtergesellschaft von FirstEnergy Corp., Met-Ed, installiert intelligente, automatisierte Geräte an den Stromleitungen, die 24.160 Kunden in den Countys York und Adams in Pennsylvania versorgen. Dieses Projekt, das Teil eines 153 Millionen US-Dollar umfassenden langfristigen Infrastrukturverbesserungsplans (LTIIP) II ist, zielt darauf ab, Stromausfälle zu verhindern oder zu minimieren, insbesondere bei extremem Wetter. Die Verbesserungen umfassen 53 automatisierte Schaltgeräte mit SCADA-Technologie, die Schäden aus der Ferne isolieren und den Service effizienter wiederherstellen können.

Diese Initiative ist Teil von Energize365, einem mehrjährigen Programm zur Weiterentwicklung des Stromnetzes mit geplanten Investitionen von 26 Milliarden US-Dollar zwischen 2024 und 2028. Das Programm konzentriert sich darauf, ein intelligenteres, sichereres Netz zu schaffen, um zukünftige Herausforderungen, einschließlich der Einführung von Elektrofahrzeugen und der Integration erneuerbarer Energien, zu bewältigen. Met-Ed bedient etwa 592.000 Kunden auf einer Fläche von 3.300 Quadratmeilen im Osten und Südosten Pennsylvanias.

  • Installation of smart grid technology to improve service reliability for 24,160 customers
  • $153 million investment in Long-Term Infrastructure Improvement Plan (LTIIP) II
  • Part of larger $26 billion Energize365 program (2024-2028) for grid modernization
  • Implementation of 53 automated switching devices with SCADA technology for faster outage response
  • Potential for reduced operational costs through remote-controlled devices
  • None.

Met-Ed project will help prevent or minimize outages for more than 24,000 customers

READING, Pa., July 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- FirstEnergy Pennsylvania Electric Company (FE PA), a FirstEnergy Corp. (NYSE: FE) subsidiary doing business in eastern Pennsylvania as Met-Ed, is installing smart, automated equipment on neighborhood power lines serving 24,160 York and Adams County customers to help prevent lengthy service interruptions, particularly during severe weather.

John Hawkins, FirstEnergy's President, Pennsylvania: "These upgrades to our energy delivery system will help prevent or minimize the impact of power outages for our Met-Ed customers in numerous communities across York and Adams counties. This important work is part of our Long-Term Infrastructure Improvement Plan (LTIIP) II, a $153 million initiative to accelerate investments in our Met-Ed system over five years to help ensure continued reliable electric service for our customers."

The work includes installing 53 automated switching devices enabled with supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) technology at key spots on overhead power lines. SCADA-controlled devices convey real-time information about voltage and electric conditions to distribution system operators. The remote-control devices:  

  • Work like a circuit breaker in a home that shuts off power when trouble occurs.
  • Are safer and more efficient because they can allow system operators to remotely isolate damage, limiting the total number of affected customers while restoring service to other customers without sending a truck and crew to investigate.
  • Can pinpoint the location of the electrical fault and help utility personnel better understand the cause of the outage to help speed restoration.

Communities that will benefit from the new automated switching devices include:

  • Adams County (4,760 customers) – Berwick Township, Hamilton Township and Menallen Township
  • York County (19,400 customers) – Codorus Township, Dover, Heidelberg Township, Manchester Township, Manheim Township, North Codorus Township, Paradise Township, Penn Township, Shrewsbury Township, Springfield Township, West Manchester Township, York Township and York City

Watch a video that explains how smart grid technology works.

Some of the new devices are already in service, and the remainder of the equipment is expected to be installed and operational later this year.

This work is part of Energize365, a multi-year grid evolution program that includes LTIIP II and is focused on transmission and distribution investments that will deliver the power FirstEnergy's customers depend on today while also meeting the challenges of tomorrow. With planned investments of $26 billion between 2024 and 2028, the program will create a smarter, more secure grid that will meet and exceed reliability targets and accommodate electric vehicles, the electrification of homes and businesses and clean energy sources.

Met-Ed serves approximately 592,000 customers within 3,300 square miles of eastern and southeastern Pennsylvania. Follow Met-Ed on X, formerly known as Twitter, @Met Ed and on Facebook at

FirstEnergy is dedicated to integrity, safety, reliability and operational excellence. Its electric distribution companies form one of the nation's largest investor-owned electric systems, serving customers in Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, West Virginia, Maryland and New York. The company's transmission subsidiaries operate approximately 24,000 miles of transmission lines that connect the Midwest and Mid-Atlantic regions. Visit FirstEnergy online at and follow FirstEnergy on X @FirstEnergyCorp.

Editor's Note: Photos of automated switching devices are available for download on Flickr.

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SOURCE FirstEnergy Corp.


What is FirstEnergy (FE) doing to improve its electric system in York and Adams Counties?

FirstEnergy's subsidiary Met-Ed is installing smart, automated equipment on power lines serving 24,160 customers in York and Adams counties. This includes 53 automated switching devices with SCADA technology to prevent or minimize power outages.

How much is FirstEnergy (FE) investing in its Long-Term Infrastructure Improvement Plan II?

FirstEnergy is investing $153 million in its Long-Term Infrastructure Improvement Plan (LTIIP) II for Met-Ed, which includes the smart grid enhancements in York and Adams Counties.

What is the Energize365 program announced by FirstEnergy (FE)?

Energize365 is a multi-year grid evolution program by FirstEnergy, with planned investments of $26 billion between 2024 and 2028. It focuses on creating a smarter, more secure grid to meet future challenges like electric vehicle adoption and clean energy integration.

How many customers will benefit from FirstEnergy's (FE) smart grid enhancements in Pennsylvania?

The smart grid enhancements will benefit 24,160 customers in York and Adams Counties, Pennsylvania. Overall, Met-Ed serves approximately 592,000 customers across 3,300 square miles in eastern and southeastern Pennsylvania.

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