Electric Grid Enhancements Coming for Northern and Central New Jerseyans

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Jersey Central Power & Light (JCP&L), a FirstEnergy Corp. (NYSE: FE) subsidiary, is upgrading two power lines in Morris and Monmouth counties in New Jersey. This is part of the $95 million New Jersey Reliability Improvement Project, approved in February. The upgrades, set to complete in November, include:

  • Replacing infrastructure with stronger wires and poles
  • Upgrading fuses and installing remote-access devices
  • Installing TripSaver devices
  • Additional tree trimming and vegetation management

The project will enhance 10 miles of lines in each county, benefiting over 4,300 customers. It's the first of 18 line upgrades in a two-phase effort to improve reliability, with the second phase targeted for completion by 2028.

Jersey Central Power & Light (JCP&L), una sussidiaria di FirstEnergy Corp. (NYSE: FE), sta aggiornando due linee elettriche nei contee di Morris e Monmouth nel New Jersey. Questo fa parte del progetto da 95 milioni di dollari per il miglioramento dell'affidabilità nel New Jersey, approvato a febbraio. Gli aggiornamenti, che dovrebbero concludersi a novembre, includono:

  • Sostituzione delle infrastrutture con cavi e pali più robusti
  • Aggiornamento dei fusibili e installazione di dispositivi di accesso remoto
  • Installazione di dispositivi TripSaver
  • Ulteriore potatura degli alberi e gestione della vegetazione

Il progetto migliorerà 10 miglia di linee in ciascuna contea, a beneficio di oltre 4.300 clienti. È il primo di 18 aggiornamenti delle linee in un intervento in due fasi per migliorare l'affidabilità, con la seconda fase prevista per il completamento entro il 2028.

Jersey Central Power & Light (JCP&L), una filial de FirstEnergy Corp. (NYSE: FE), está actualizando dos líneas eléctricas en los condados de Morris y Monmouth en Nueva Jersey. Esto forma parte del proyecto de 95 millones de dólares para la mejora de la fiabilidad en Nueva Jersey, aprobado en febrero. Las actualizaciones, que se concluirán en noviembre, incluyen:

  • Sustitución de la infraestructura con cables y postes más fuertes
  • Actualización de fusibles e instalación de dispositivos de acceso remoto
  • Instalación de dispositivos TripSaver
  • Poda de árboles adicional y gestión de la vegetación

El proyecto mejorará 10 millas de líneas en cada condado, beneficiando a más de 4,300 clientes. Es el primero de 18 actualizaciones de líneas en un esfuerzo en dos fases para mejorar la fiabilidad, con la segunda fase prevista para completarse en 2028.

Jersey Central Power & Light (JCP&L)은 FirstEnergy Corp. (NYSE: FE)자회사로, 뉴저지의 Morris 및 Monmouth 카운티에서 두 개의 전력선을 업그레이드하고 있습니다. 이는 9,500만 달러 뉴저지 신뢰성 개선 프로젝트의 일환으로 2월에 승인되었습니다. 업그레이드는 11월에 완료될 예정이며, 다음과 같은 내용이 포함됩니다:

  • 더 강한 전선과 기둥으로 인프라 교체
  • 퓨즈 업그레이드 및 원격 접근 장치 설치
  • TripSaver 장치 설치
  • 추가 나무 가지치기 및 식물 관리

이 프로젝트는 각 카운티의 10마일 전선 개선을 통해 4,300명 이상의 고객에게 혜택을 줄 것입니다. 이는 신뢰성을 개선하기 위한 두 단계의 노력 중 첫 번째로, 두 번째 단계는 2028년까지 완료될 예정입니다.

Jersey Central Power & Light (JCP&L), une filiale de FirstEnergy Corp. (NYSE: FE), modernise deux lignes électriques dans les comtés de Morris et Monmouth dans le New Jersey. Cela fait partie du projet de 95 millions de dollars pour l'amélioration de la fiabilité dans le New Jersey, approuvé en février. Les améliorations, qui devraient être achevées en novembre, comprennent :

  • Remplacement de l'infrastructure par des câbles et des poteaux plus solides
  • À jour des fusibles et installation de dispositifs d'accès à distance
  • Installation de dispositifs TripSaver
  • Élagage supplémentaire et gestion de la végétation

Le projet améliorera 10 miles de lignes dans chaque comté, bénéficiant à plus de 4 300 clients. C'est le premier de 18 modernisations de lignes dans un effort en deux phases pour améliorer la fiabilité, la seconde phase devant être achevée d'ici 2028.

Jersey Central Power & Light (JCP&L), eine Tochtergesellschaft von FirstEnergy Corp. (NYSE: FE), modernisiert zwei Stromleitungen in den Bezirken Morris und Monmouth in New Jersey. Dies ist Teil des 95 Millionen Dollar umfassenden Projekts zur Verbesserung der Zuverlässigkeit in New Jersey, das im Februar genehmigt wurde. Die Modernisierungen, die im November abgeschlossen sein sollen, umfassen:

  • Austausch der Infrastruktur gegen stärkere Kabel und Masten
  • Aufrüstung von Sicherungen und Installation von Fernzugangsgeräten
  • Installation von TripSaver-Geräten
  • Zusätzliche Baumschnittarbeiten und Vegetationsmanagement

Das Projekt wird 10 Meilen Linien in jedem Bezirk verbessern und über 4.300 Kunden zugutekommen. Es ist das erste von 18 Leitungsmodernisierungen in einem zweiphasigen Ansatz zur Verbesserung der Zuverlässigkeit, wobei die zweite Phase bis 2028 abgeschlossen sein soll.

  • Investment of $95 million in grid reliability improvements
  • Upgrades to benefit over 4,300 customers in two counties
  • Implementation of advanced technologies like TripSaver devices for faster outage resolution
  • Long-term reliability improvement project extending to 2028
  • None.

JCP&L's $95 million grid upgrade project is a strategic investment in infrastructure resilience and reliability. The focus on high-priority lines based on historical outage data indicates a data-driven approach to improving service quality. Key upgrades like thicker wires, stronger poles and advanced devices like TripSavers and reclosers should significantly reduce outage frequency and duration.

This project aligns with the broader industry trend of grid modernization, which is important for utilities facing increasing weather-related challenges and evolving energy needs. The phased approach, with $95 million in the first phase and additional investments planned through 2028, suggests a long-term commitment to infrastructure improvement. This could potentially lead to reduced maintenance costs and improved customer satisfaction in the long run, positively impacting JCP&L's operational efficiency and FirstEnergy's bottom line.

FirstEnergy's investment in JCP&L's infrastructure upgrade is a prudent financial move. The $95 million project, approved by regulators, likely allows for rate base growth, which could positively impact FirstEnergy's earnings. Importantly, this capital expenditure is part of a rate review settlement, suggesting a favorable regulatory environment that supports cost recovery.

The phased approach to the project provides financial flexibility and allows for better capital allocation over time. While the short-term impact on cash flow may be negative, the long-term benefits of improved reliability and potentially lower operational costs could enhance profitability. Investors should monitor the project's progress and its impact on FirstEnergy's regulatory asset base and return on equity in upcoming financial reports.

JCP&L upgrades in Monmouth and Morris counties are part of a larger $95 million project

HOLMDEL, N.J., Sept. 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Jersey Central Power & Light (JCP&L), a subsidiary of FirstEnergy Corp. (NYSE: FE), is investing in its customers by upgrading two power lines in Morris and Monmouth counties. The upgrades are scheduled to be completed in November as part of JCP&L's New Jersey Reliability Improvement Project, an element of the company's rate review settlement approved by the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities in February.

Doug Mokoid, FirstEnergy's President, New Jersey: "JCP&L is committed to the safe, reliable delivery of electricity to our 1.1 million customers in New Jersey in a cost-conscious manner. The upgrades we are undertaking as part of the Reliability Improvement Project are one of the ways we are ensuring we are meeting our customer commitments."

The upgrades include:

  • Replace existing infrastructure with thicker, stronger wires and poles that can safely carry more electricity and provide more resiliency in storms.
  • Upgrading fuses and installing additional remote-access devices and reclosers, which allow power to be rerouted to adjacent lines when an outage occurs, minimizing the number of impacted customers.
  • Installing TripSaver devices, which sense temporary abnormalities along power lines, such as a tree branch bouncing off lines, and automatically re-energize the line after the condition has passed without having to send a crew to investigate.
  • Additional tree trimming and vegetation management along the circuits.

Equipment enhancements will take place along more than 10 miles of lines in Monmouth County and approximately 10 miles of lines in Morris County.

The Monmouth County upgrades begin at a JCP&L substation in Howell Township and continue along a line that runs to Freehold Township, serving 2,200 customers. In Morris County, 2,174 customers stand to benefit from the upgrades, which begin at a JCP&L substation in Gillette/Long Hill Township before continuing into Chatham Township.

These two lines represent the first of 18 that will receive upgrades under the New Jersey Reliability Improvement Project, a two-phase effort to enhance reliability for customers on high-priority lines selected based on historical outage data. The first phase, which includes at least $95 million in upgrades, is set to be completed over the next three years. Second-phase repairs, which are longer-duration projects, are targeted for completion by the end of 2028.

JCP&L serves 1.1 million customers in the counties of Burlington, Essex, Hunterdon, Mercer, Middlesex, Monmouth, Morris, Ocean, Passaic, Somerset, Sussex, Union and Warren. Follow JCP&L on X @JCP_L, on Facebook at or online at

FirstEnergy is dedicated to integrity, safety, reliability and operational excellence. Its electric distribution companies form one of the nation's largest investor-owned electric systems, serving customers in Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, West Virginia, Maryland and New York. The company's transmission subsidiaries operate approximately 24,000 miles of transmission lines that connect the Midwest and Mid-Atlantic regions. Follow FirstEnergy on X @FirstEnergyCorp or online at

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SOURCE FirstEnergy Corp.


What is the cost of JCP&L's New Jersey Reliability Improvement Project?

The first phase of JCP&L's New Jersey Reliability Improvement Project, which includes the current upgrades, is set to cost at least $95 million over the next three years.

How many customers will benefit from the power line upgrades in Monmouth and Morris counties?

The power line upgrades will benefit approximately 4,374 customers in total, with 2,200 customers in Monmouth County and 2,174 customers in Morris County.

When is the completion date for the current phase of JCP&L's power line upgrades?

The current phase of power line upgrades in Monmouth and Morris counties is scheduled to be completed in November 2024.

How many power lines will be upgraded under JCP&L's New Jersey Reliability Improvement Project?

A total of 18 power lines will receive upgrades under JCP&L's New Jersey Reliability Improvement Project.

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