Popping Potential: Mickey’s Popcorn Is Shaping the Future of Memphis Youth

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Mickey's Popcorn, a Memphis-based gourmet popcorn business, is making waves in youth development through its nonprofit arm, The Gradus Project. The company, founded by Kenny and Dr. Penny Mickey in 2020, recently hosted the 'On and Poppin Teen Camp' in collaboration with FedEx Cares. The camp provided high school students from Youth Villages with hands-on entrepreneurial experience, including product development, packaging, and shipping processes.

Participants created unique popcorn flavors and pitched their creations to judges, competing for a $1,000 prize. The camp also featured sessions on networking and career development led by FedEx professionals. Mickey's Popcorn aims to expand this initiative, potentially allowing future winners to brand and sell their creations, further empowering Memphis youth through entrepreneurship.

Mickey's Popcorn, un'azienda di popcorn gourmet con sede a Memphis, sta facendo parlare di sé nello sviluppo giovanile attraverso la sua branca no-profit, The Gradus Project. L'azienda, fondata da Kenny e dalla Dr.ssa Penny Mickey nel 2020, ha recentemente ospitato il 'On and Poppin Teen Camp' in collaborazione con FedEx Cares. Il campo ha fornito agli studenti delle scuole superiori di Youth Villages un'esperienza pratica nell'imprenditorialità, inclusi lo sviluppo del prodotto, il confezionamento e i processi di spedizione.

I partecipanti hanno creato gusti unici di popcorn e hanno presentato le loro creazioni a dei giudici, concorrendo per un premio di $1.000. Il campo ha anche offerto sessioni su networking e sviluppo della carriera condotte da professionisti di FedEx. Mickey's Popcorn mira ad espandere questa iniziativa, consentendo potenzialmente ai futuri vincitori di marchiare e vendere le proprie creazioni, ulteriormente potenziando i giovani di Memphis attraverso l'imprenditorialità.

Mickey's Popcorn, un negocio de palomitas gourmet con sede en Memphis, está haciendo olas en el desarrollo juvenil a través de su brazo sin fines de lucro, The Gradus Project. La empresa, fundada por Kenny y la Dra. Penny Mickey en 2020, recientemente organizó el 'On and Poppin Teen Camp' en colaboración con FedEx Cares. El campamento ofreció a los estudiantes de secundaria de Youth Villages una experiencia práctica en emprendimiento, incluyendo desarrollo de productos, empaque y procesos de envío.

Los participantes crearon sabores únicos de palomitas y presentaron sus creaciones a jueces, compitiendo por un premio de $1,000. El campamento también incluyó sesiones sobre networking y desarrollo profesional dirigidas por profesionales de FedEx. Mickey's Popcorn tiene como objetivo expandir esta iniciativa, permitiendo potencialmente a los futuros ganadores marcar y vender sus creaciones, empoderando aún más a la juventud de Memphis a través del emprendimiento.

미키의 팝콘은 멤피스에 본사를 둔 고급 팝콘 사업으로, 그들의 비영리 부문인 그라두스 프로젝트를 통해 젊은이 개발에 큰 영향을 미치고 있습니다. 2020년에 케니와 페니 미키 박사가 설립한 이 회사는 최근 FedEx Cares와 협력하여 '온 앤 팝핀 청소년 캠프'를 개최했습니다. 이번 캠프는 유스 빌리지의 고등학생들에게 실질적인 기업가정신 경험을 제공했습니다, 제품 개발, 포장 및 배송 과정 등을 포함했습니다.

참가자들은 독특한 팝콘 맛을 만들고 그들의 창작물을 심사위원에게 발표하며 $1,000의 상금을 놓고 경쟁했습니다. 캠프에서는 또한 FedEx 전문가가 이끄는 네트워킹 및 경력 개발 세션도 진행되었습니다. 미키의 팝콘은 이 이니셔티브를 확장하여 미래의 수상자가 자신의 창작물을 브랜드화하고 판매할 수 있는 기회를 제공하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다, 이를 통해 멤피스의 젊은이들을 기업가정신을 통해 더욱 지원하고 있습니다.

Mickey's Popcorn, une entreprise de popcorn gourmet basée à Memphis, fait des vagues dans le développement des jeunes grâce à son bras non lucratif, The Gradus Project. Fondée en 2020 par Kenny et le Dr Penny Mickey, l'entreprise a récemment organisé le 'On and Poppin Teen Camp' en collaboration avec FedEx Cares. Le camp a fourni aux étudiants de lycée de Youth Villages une expérience pratique de l'entrepreneuriat, y compris le développement de produits, l'emballage et les processus d'expédition.

Les participants ont créé des saveurs de popcorn uniques et ont présenté leurs créations à des juges, en compétition pour un prix de 1 000 $. Le camp a également proposé des sessions sur le réseautage et le développement de carrière animées par des professionnels de FedEx. Mickey's Popcorn vise à étendre cette initiative, permettant peut-être aux futurs gagnants de marquer et de vendre leurs créations, renforçant ainsi l'autonomisation des jeunes de Memphis à travers l'entrepreneuriat.

Mickey's Popcorn, ein in Memphis ansässiges Unternehmen für Gourmet-Popcorn, sorgt durch seinen gemeinnützigen Zweig, das Gradus-Projekt, für Aufsehen im Bereich der Jugendförderung. Das 2020 von Kenny und Dr. Penny Mickey gegründete Unternehmen veranstaltete kürzlich das 'On and Poppin Teen Camp' in Zusammenarbeit mit FedEx Cares. Das Camp bot Schülern der Youth Villages praktische Erfahrungen im Unternehmertum, einschließlich Produktentwicklung, Verpackung und Versandprozesse.

Die Teilnehmer kreierten einzigartige Popcorn-Geschmäcker und präsentierten ihre Kreationen vor Juroren, wobei sie um einen Preis von 1.000 $ konkurrierten. Das Camp enthielt auch Sessions über Networking und Karriereentwicklung, die von Fachleuten von FedEx geleitet wurden. Mickey's Popcorn beabsichtigt, diese Initiative auszubauen, sodass zukünftige Gewinner möglicherweise ihre Kreationen marken und verkaufen können, um die Jugend in Memphis durch Unternehmertum weiter zu stärken.

  • FedEx's involvement in supporting small businesses and youth entrepreneurship through the FedEx E-Commerce Learning Lab and FedEx Cares program
  • Potential for positive brand image and community goodwill through corporate social responsibility initiatives
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / September 3, 2024 / Mickey's Popcorn, a Memphis-local business established in 2020 by Kenny and Dr. Penny Mickey, stands out not only for its gourmet popcorn but also for its significant impact on the community. Kenny, known as the "master crafter," brings a wealth of experience in food manufacturing and logistics from his tenure with companies like Cargill and FedEx. Meanwhile, Dr. Penny, with her background in executive leadership in education and government, leads Mickey's Popcorn with strategic vision. FedEx became acquainted with Dr. Penny through her participation in the Accion Opportunity Fund (AOF) FedEx E-Commerce Learning Lab, an initiative to help small businesses expand in E-commerce.

Functioning as a social enterprise, The Gradus Project, Mickey's nonprofit that functions alongside the business, plays a critical role in providing transitional employment opportunities for various underserved communities, including domestic violence survivors, autistic individuals, and opportunity youth. Dr. Penny recently spearheaded the inaugural 'On and Poppin Teen Camp' in collaboration with food scientist Ali Manning, supported by FedEx Cares. This initiative welcomed high school students from Youth Villages in Memphis for an immersive entrepreneurial experience.

Throughout the camp, students engaged in hands-on activities, learning about everything from the ins and outs of corn harvesting to the processes of product packaging and shipping at FedEx facilities. Under Ali Manning's guidance, known from her role on Netflix's "Snack vs. Chef," participants explored potential career paths in agriculture and culinary arts. They then were given the opportunity to craft their own unique popcorn flavors, from "hot bacon and cheese" to "sour strawberry" and "birthday cake surprise" (I am still not sure what the ‘surprise' was; the flavors were interesting to say the least), each packaged with creative labels designed by the kids themselves.

A highlight of the week was a session led by Brock Carlson, an HR manager from FedEx Logistics, who shared insights on networking and career development. The culmination of the camp saw teams pitching their popcorn creations to a panel of esteemed judges (one of them being myself, a FedEx intern) competing for a $1,000 prize. The winning team, ‘hot bacon and cheese', captured the win in a tight race against ‘lemon cake surprise'(a mixture of sour cream & chives and lemon pound cake: it somehow worked).

The success of this inaugural camp went beyond entrepreneurial skills; it fostered confidence and professional exposure among the teen participants. Engaging directly with professionals like Ali, Dr. Penny, Kenny, and Brock Carlson, the students gained invaluable insights and mentorship. Looking ahead, Mickey's Popcorn aims to expand this initiative, potentially enabling future winners to brand and sell their creations, further empowering Memphis youth to shape their futures through entrepreneurship.

In essence, Mickey's Popcorn exemplifies how a small business can profoundly influence young lives in its community, equipping them with both practical skills and inspirational role models. As they continue to grow and innovate, Mickey's Popcorn remains a beacon of hope and opportunity for the next generation of Memphis leaders.

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SOURCE: FedEx Corporation

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What is the 'On and Poppin Teen Camp' organized by Mickey's Popcorn and FedEx (FDX)?

The 'On and Poppin Teen Camp' is an entrepreneurial program organized by Mickey's Popcorn in collaboration with FedEx Cares. It provides high school students from Youth Villages in Memphis with hands-on experience in product development, packaging, and shipping processes, culminating in a pitch competition for a $1,000 prize.

How is FedEx (FDX) involved in supporting small businesses like Mickey's Popcorn?

FedEx supports small businesses through initiatives like the Accion Opportunity Fund (AOF) FedEx E-Commerce Learning Lab, which helps small businesses expand in e-commerce. Additionally, FedEx Cares program supports community engagement projects like the 'On and Poppin Teen Camp' organized by Mickey's Popcorn.

What skills did participants learn at the 'On and Poppin Teen Camp' supported by FedEx (FDX)?

Participants at the 'On and Poppin Teen Camp' learned about corn harvesting, product packaging, shipping processes at FedEx facilities, and career paths in agriculture and culinary arts. They also gained experience in creating unique popcorn flavors, designing product labels, and pitching their creations to judges.

How does Mickey's Popcorn's collaboration with FedEx (FDX) benefit Memphis youth?

The collaboration provides Memphis youth with entrepreneurial experience, professional exposure, and mentorship opportunities. Participants learn practical skills in product development and business operations, while also gaining insights from professionals at FedEx and other industry experts.

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