FTI Consulting Survey: 70% of Remote and Hybrid Workers Would Leave Job Over Return-to-Office Rule
A new FTI Consulting survey reveals that 70% of U.S. remote and hybrid workers would likely seek alternative employment if required to return to office full-time at their current salary. The survey, conducted among 1,000 corporate office workers, found that only one-third of workers would be excited about returning to office, citing increased productivity, camaraderie, and collaboration opportunities.
Of those currently fully remote, 74% would likely seek employment elsewhere if mandated to return full-time, compared to 62% of hybrid workers. However, 88% of remote workers would be willing to work in the office for some portion of the week.
The survey highlighted significant variations by industry, with architecture/engineering professionals (94%) most accepting of return-to-office mandates, while tech/telecom workers (51%) were least receptive. Company size and demographics also influenced attitudes, with mid-sized company employees and workers in the Northeast and South most likely to seek new employment if faced with full-time office mandates.
FTI Consulting experts suggest employers need to adapt work environments and enhance office amenities to effectively compete for talent as return-to-office mandates are implemented.
Un nuovo sondaggio di FTI Consulting rivela che il 70% dei lavoratori americani in modalità remota e ibrida sarebbe propenso a cercare un altro impiego se fosse costretto a tornare in ufficio a tempo pieno con il proprio stipendio attuale. Il sondaggio, condotto tra 1.000 lavoratori d'ufficio, ha rivelato che solo un terzo dei lavoratori sarebbe entusiasta di tornare in ufficio, citando un aumento della produttività, della camaraderie e delle opportunità di collaborazione.
Tra coloro che attualmente lavorano completamente da remoto, il 74% sarebbe propenso a cercare lavoro altrove se obbligati a tornare a tempo pieno, rispetto al 62% dei lavoratori ibridi. Tuttavia, l'88% dei lavoratori remoti sarebbe disposto a lavorare in ufficio per una parte della settimana.
Il sondaggio ha evidenziato notevoli variazioni tra i settori, con i professionisti dell'architettura e dell'ingegneria (94%) più propensi ad accettare i mandati di ritorno in ufficio, mentre i lavoratori del settore tecnologico e delle telecomunicazioni (51%) erano i meno ricettivi. Anche le dimensioni dell'azienda e la demografia hanno influenzato le attitudini, con i dipendenti di aziende di medie dimensioni e i lavoratori nel Nordest e nel Sud più propensi a cercare nuove opportunità lavorative se costretti a tornare in ufficio a tempo pieno.
Gli esperti di FTI Consulting suggeriscono che i datori di lavoro devono adattare gli ambienti di lavoro e migliorare i servizi in ufficio per competere efficacemente per il talento, poiché i mandati di ritorno in ufficio vengono implementati.
Una nueva encuesta de FTI Consulting revela que el 70% de los trabajadores remotos e híbridos en EE. UU. probablemente buscarían empleo alternativo si se les exigiera volver a la oficina a tiempo completo con su salario actual. La encuesta, realizada entre 1.000 trabajadores de oficina, encontró que solo un tercio de los trabajadores estaría emocionado por regresar a la oficina, citando un aumento en la productividad, la camaradería y las oportunidades de colaboración.
De aquellos que actualmente trabajan completamente de forma remota, el 74% probablemente buscaría empleo en otro lugar si se les obligara a regresar a tiempo completo, en comparación con el 62% de los trabajadores híbridos. Sin embargo, el 88% de los trabajadores remotos estaría dispuesto a trabajar en la oficina durante parte de la semana.
La encuesta destacó variaciones significativas por industria, siendo los profesionales de arquitectura/ingeniería (94%) los más receptivos a los mandatos de regreso a la oficina, mientras que los trabajadores de tecnología/telecomunicaciones (51%) fueron los menos receptivos. El tamaño de la empresa y la demografía también influyeron en las actitudes, siendo los empleados de empresas medianas y los trabajadores en el noreste y el sur los más propensos a buscar nuevos empleos si se enfrentan a mandatos de oficina a tiempo completo.
Los expertos de FTI Consulting sugieren que los empleadores deben adaptar los entornos laborales y mejorar las comodidades de la oficina para competir de manera efectiva por el talento a medida que se implementan los mandatos de regreso a la oficina.
새로운 FTI Consulting 설문조사에 따르면, 70%의 미국 원격 및 하이브리드 근무자들이 현재 급여로 전일제 사무실 복귀를 요구받을 경우 대체 직업을 찾을 가능성이 높다고 합니다. 1,000명의 기업 사무직 근무자를 대상으로 실시된 이 설문조사는 근무자 중 단지 3분의 1만이 사무실 복귀에 대해 흥미를 느끼고 있으며, 생산성 증가, 동료애 및 협업 기회를 언급했습니다.
현재 완전 원격 근무 중인 사람들 중 74%는 전일제로 복귀할 경우 다른 직장을 찾을 가능성이 높으며, 이는 하이브리드 근무자 중 62%와 비교됩니다. 그러나 88%의 원격 근무자들은 주중 일부는 사무실에서 근무할 의향이 있다고 밝혔습니다.
이 설문조사는 산업별로 상당한 차이를 강조했으며, 건축/엔지니어링 전문가들(94%)이 사무실 복귀 명령을 가장 잘 수용하는 반면, 기술/통신 근무자들(51%)은 가장 덜 수용적인 것으로 나타났습니다. 회사 규모와 인구통계도 태도에 영향을 미쳤으며, 중소기업 직원과 북동부 및 남부 지역 근무자들이 전일제 사무실 복귀 명령에 직면했을 때 새로운 직업을 찾을 가능성이 가장 높았습니다.
FTI Consulting의 전문가들은 고용주들이 인재 경쟁력을 확보하기 위해 작업 환경을 조정하고 사무실 편의시설을 향상시켜야 한다고 제안합니다.
Une nouvelle enquête de FTI Consulting révèle que 70% des travailleurs américains en télétravail et en mode hybride envisageraient probablement de chercher un emploi alternatif s'ils étaient contraints de retourner au bureau à temps plein avec leur salaire actuel. L'enquête, réalisée auprès de 1 000 travailleurs de bureau, a révélé que seulement un tiers des travailleurs serait enthousiaste à l'idée de retourner au bureau, citant une productivité accrue, la camaraderie et des opportunités de collaboration.
Parmi ceux qui travaillent actuellement entièrement à distance, 74% envisageraient probablement de chercher un emploi ailleurs s'ils étaient contraints de revenir à temps plein, contre 62% des travailleurs hybrides. Cependant, 88% des travailleurs à distance seraient prêts à travailler au bureau une partie de la semaine.
L'enquête a mis en évidence d'importantes variations selon les secteurs, les professionnels de l'architecture/de l'ingénierie (94%) étant les plus réceptifs aux mandats de retour au bureau, tandis que les travailleurs des technologies/télécommunications (51%) étaient les moins réceptifs. La taille de l'entreprise et la démographie ont également influencé les attitudes, les employés d'entreprises de taille intermédiaire et les travailleurs du Nord-Est et du Sud étant les plus susceptibles de chercher un nouvel emploi s'ils étaient confrontés à des mandats de bureau à temps plein.
Les experts de FTI Consulting suggèrent que les employeurs doivent adapter les environnements de travail et améliorer les commodités de bureau pour rivaliser efficacement pour attirer les talents alors que les mandats de retour au bureau sont mis en œuvre.
Eine neue Umfrage von FTI Consulting zeigt, dass 70% der US-amerikanischen Remote- und Hybrid-Arbeiter wahrscheinlich eine alternative Beschäftigung suchen würden, wenn sie gezwungen wären, bei ihrem aktuellen Gehalt Vollzeit ins Büro zurückzukehren. Die Umfrage, die unter 1.000 Büroangestellten durchgeführt wurde, ergab, dass nur ein Drittel der Arbeiter begeistert wäre, ins Büro zurückzukehren, und dabei gesteigerte Produktivität, Kameradschaft und Zusammenarbeit anführt.
Von den derzeit vollständig Remote-Arbeitenden würden 74% wahrscheinlich eine Anstellung anderswo suchen, wenn sie gezwungen wären, Vollzeit zurückzukehren, verglichen mit 62% der Hybrid-Arbeiter. Dennoch wären 88% der Remote-Arbeiter bereit, für einen Teil der Woche im Büro zu arbeiten.
Die Umfrage hob erhebliche Unterschiede zwischen den Branchen hervor, wobei Fachleute aus Architektur/Ingenieurwesen (94%) am aufgeschlossensten gegenüber Rückkehrmandaten ins Büro waren, während Technologe/Telekom-Arbeiter (51%) am wenigsten aufgeschlossen waren. Auch die Unternehmensgröße und Demografie beeinflussten die Einstellungen, wobei Mitarbeiter von mittelgroßen Unternehmen sowie Arbeiter im Nordosten und Süden am wahrscheinlichsten neue Beschäftigung suchen würden, wenn sie mit Vollzeit-Büroanforderungen konfrontiert werden.
Die Experten von FTI Consulting schlagen vor, dass Arbeitgeber Arbeitsumgebungen anpassen und Büroannehmlichkeiten verbessern müssen, um effektiv um Talente zu konkurrieren, während Rückkehrmandate ins Büro umgesetzt werden.
- None.
- None.
Occupiers of Newer and Updated Office Spaces are Better Positioned to Attract Employees Back to Office say Experts in FTI Consulting’s Real Estate Solutions Practice
WASHINGTON, Feb. 25, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The majority (
The survey was conducted by Southpaw Insights for FTI Consulting’s Real Estate Solutions practice among 1,000 people who worked in a corporate office setting or home office setting and who were asked about their views of a hypothetical RTO mandate.
The survey found that a third of office workers are or would be excited about returning to the office, primarily due to increased productivity, camaraderie and opportunities for collaboration. Of those that said they would be accepting of an RTO mandate,
“We have all seen the headlines about the return-to-office mandates by some of the nation’s largest employers, with some companies reporting that they expect all of their workers, with few exceptions, to return to the office full time in 2025,” said Josh Herrenkohl, a Senior Managing Director in the Real Estate Solutions practice at FTI Consulting. “But our research shows that their ability to implement this mandate is not cut-and-dry, and employers risk losing talent if RTO mandates are enforced. How employees feel about RTO involves many factors, including their industry, the size of their company, whether they have children and the nature of their current work arrangement.”
The Current Work Arrangement Matters (or Does It?)
The current work model appears to correlate with employees’ attitude towards working remotely or in the office.
- Of those who are currently fully remote, nearly half (
45% ) said that being able to work remotely or have the flexibility to work in a hybrid setting is one of the most important aspects of their employment. Similarly,41% of current hybrid workers gave the same answer, while only15% of current in-office workers prioritized the remote or hybrid work arrangement. 74% of fully remote workers said they are likely to seek employment at another company if they were required to return to the office full time, while62% of hybrid workers made the same statement. Only12% of those that are fully remote would not be willing to come into the office at all, but38% said they would be excited to come back into the office.- Of those who are currently working remotely,
88% said they would be willing to work in the office for at least some portion of the week, with33% indicating no more than two days, and29% saying as many as three to four days a week. - Worth noting, the top three most frequently cited important employment factors across the survey population were salary and benefits (
73% ), enjoying the work (56% ) and health benefits (50% ). The ability to work remotely or hybrid was the fifth most popular key factor (34% ), right behind vacation/PTO (37% ) and well ahead of career path/opportunity to advance (25% ) and company culture (24% ).
The Profession and Company Size Matter
Among the most important factors that seem to impact employee attitudes toward RTO mandates is the industry in which they work.
- For example,
94% of people with desk jobs working in the architecture/engineering field would be excited or accepting of an RTO, while74% of those in banking,68% of those in the manufacturing sector and66% of those in healthcare agreed. In contrast, only51% in tech and telecom, and58% in business and professional services felt the same way. - Of those who said they would be excited or accepting of an RTO mandate, those in financial services (
70% ), retail (69% ) and healthcare (67% ) said they appreciated the camaraderie the most. Those in architecture/engineering (76% ), manufacturing (76% ) and banking (67% ) felt they would be more productive in an office setting. - Employees at mid-sized companies (2,500-10,000 employees) are most likely to seek alternative employment (
46% ) if forced to return to the office full time. In contrast, employees of large companies (more than 10,000 employees) are the least likely (34% ) to seek alternative employment if forced to return to the office full time, based on the survey’s results.
Demographics Play a Role
- Geographically, employees in the Northeast (
45% ) and the South (45% ) are most likely to seek alternative employment compared with those in the West (29% ), if required to return to the office full time. - Among Gen Z respondents,
42% said they would be excited and33% would be accepting of a possible RTO mandate, compared to just33% of Gen X respondents who said they were excited and25% who said they would be accepting. - Baby boomers and older are least likely to seek alternative employment (
31% ) compared to millennials (45% ) and Gen Z (45% ), if required to return to the office full time. - Workers with children under the age of 18 are more excited to return to the office than those without (
41% vs.31% ).
“This data should send a message to employers and owners of office space that, even though salary and benefits remain the top criteria for people in their jobs, they need to adapt their work environment to appeal to younger employees, as well as those who welcome the opportunity to be more productive and enjoy office camaraderie,” said Ingrid Rivera Noone, a Senior Managing Director and Co-Leader of the Real Estate Solutions practice at FTI Consulting. “That means if there is going to be a war for top talent, you need to incentivize and ‘amenitize’ your office space to compete effectively. This may require companies to pay more for real estate to attract and retain strong employees as RTO mandates are implemented.”
Larissa Gotguelf, a Managing Director in the Real Estate Solutions practice at FTI Consulting, said, “Employers in older and non-updated office buildings will be at a distinct disadvantage to newer and updated office space occupiers, who will be better able to support RTO directives and provide modern workspaces that enhance productivity and offer amenities that can help attract and retain top talent that sometimes might be reluctant to return to office.”
About the FTI Consulting Real Estate Solutions Practice
FTI Consulting Real Estate professionals have the industry expertise and experience to help real estate owners, users, investors and lenders better navigate the market’s complexities and manage its inherent risks. As unbiased and independent advisors, FTI Consulting represents leading public and private real estate entities and stakeholders, including REITs, financial institutions, investment banks, private equity funds, insurance companies, pension advisors, and owners/developers, offering real estate consulting services that help align strategy with business goals.
About FTI Consulting
FTI Consulting, Inc. is a leading global expert firm for organizations facing crisis and transformation, with more than 8,300 employees in 34 countries and territories as of December 31, 2024. The Company generated
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What percentage of remote workers would quit over FCN's reported return-to-office mandate?
How many days per week are remote workers willing to come to the office according to the FCN survey?
Which industries are most accepting of return-to-office mandates according to FCN's February 2025 survey?
How do different generations respond to return-to-office mandates in the FCN study?
What factors do employees consider more important than remote work flexibility according to FCN's research?