First Atlantic Nickel Commences Drilling at Atlantic Nickel Project After New Visible Awaruite Discoveries Across 30 km Trend

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First Atlantic Nickel Corp. (TSXV: FAN) (OTCQB: FANCF) has commenced drilling at its 100% owned Atlantic Nickel Project in Newfoundland, Canada, following new awaruite discoveries across a 30 km nickel trend. The drilling program targets multiple high-priority nickel zones, including the newly discovered RPM and Super Gulp areas, which have never been drilled before.

Key highlights include:

  • Multiple target areas with potential volumes ranging from 500 million to over 1 billion tonnes
  • Recent sampling program identified new and expanded awaruite nickel-alloy zones
  • Awaruite's properties enable smelter-free magnetic separation, aligning with US Electric Vehicle IRA requirements
  • The project aims to contribute to a more secure and resilient nickel supply chain for North America

The drilling focuses on areas with high geochemical nickel concentrations and confirmed visual awaruite occurrences along the 30 km nickel trend within a large-scale ultramafic sequence.

First Atlantic Nickel Corp. (TSXV: FAN) (OTCQB: FANCF) ha avviato le trivellazioni nel suo progetto Atlantic Nickel, di sua intera proprietà, in Newfoundland, Canada, dopo aver effettuato nuove scoperte di awaruite lungo una tendenza nickel di 30 km. Il programma di trivellazione si focalizza su molteplici zone di nickel ad alta priorità, comprese le aree recentemente scoperte RPM e Super Gulp, che non erano mai state perforate prima.

Tra i punti salienti:

  • Molteplici aree target con volumi potenziali che variano da 500 milioni a oltre 1 miliardo di tonnellate
  • Il recente programma di campionamento ha identificato nuove e ampliate zone di leghe di nickel awaruite
  • Le proprietà dell'aweruite consentono la separazione magnetica senza fusione, in linea con i requisiti del IRA per i veicoli elettrici degli Stati Uniti
  • Il progetto mira a contribuire a una catena di approvvigionamento di nickel più sicura e resiliente per il Nord America

Le trivellazioni si concentrano su aree con alte concentrazioni geochimiche di nickel e con confermate occorrenze visive di awaruite lungo la tendenza nickel di 30 km all'interno di una sequenza ultramafica su larga scala.

First Atlantic Nickel Corp. (TSXV: FAN) (OTCQB: FANCF) ha iniciado la perforación en su Proyecto Atlantic Nickel, completamente de su propiedad, en Newfoundland, Canadá, tras nuevos descubrimientos de awaruita a lo largo de una tendencia de níquel de 30 km. El programa de perforación tiene como objetivo múltiples zonas prioritarias de níquel, incluidas las recientemente descubiertas áreas RPM y Super Gulp, que nunca han sido perforadas antes.

Los aspectos destacados incluyen:

  • Múltiples áreas objetivo con volúmenes potenciales que varían de 500 millones a más de 1 mil millones de toneladas
  • Un reciente programa de muestreo identificó nuevas y ampliadas zonas de aleaciones de níquel awaruita
  • Las propiedades de la awaruita permiten una separación magnética sin fundición, alineándose con los requisitos del IRA de vehículos eléctricos de EE.UU.
  • El proyecto tiene como objetivo contribuir a una cadena de suministro de níquel más segura y resiliente para América del Norte

La perforación se centra en áreas con altas concentraciones geocómicas de níquel y ocurrencias visuales confirmadas de awaruita a lo largo de la tendencia de níquel de 30 km dentro de una secuencia ultramáfica a gran escala.

퍼스트 아틀란틱 니켈 코프. (TSXV: FAN) (OTCQB: FANCF)는 캐나다 뉴펀들랜드에 위치한 100% 자회사인 아틀란틱 니켈 프로젝트에서 새로운 아와루이트 발견을 기반으로 30km 니켈 경향을 따라 시추를 시작했습니다. 시추 프로그램은 RPM과 슈퍼 걸프 지역을 포함하여 이전에 시추된 적이 없는 다수의 높은 우선순위 니켈 구역을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

주요 하이라이트는 다음과 같습니다:

  • 5억에서 10억 톤 이상에 달하는 잠재적 볼륨을 가진 여러 타겟 지역
  • 최근 샘플링 프로그램에서 새로운 그리고 확장된 아와루이트 니켈 합금 구역이 확인됨
  • 아와루이트의 특성은 미국 전기차 IRA 요건에 부합하는 용광로 없는 자석 분리를 가능하게 함
  • 이 프로젝트는 북미의 보다 안전하고 회복력 있는 니켈 공급망에 기여하는 것을 목표로 함

시추는 30km 니켈 경향을 따라 대규모 초마 선상에서 높은 지화학적 니켈 농도가 확인된 지역에 초점을 맞추고 있으며, 아와루이트가 시각적으로 발견된 지역을 포함합니다.

First Atlantic Nickel Corp. (TSXV: FAN) (OTCQB: FANCF) a commencé les forages dans son projet Atlantic Nickel, entièrement détenu, à Terre-Neuve, au Canada, suite à de nouvelles découvertes d'awaruite le long d'une tendance nickel de 30 km. Le programme de forage cible plusieurs zones de nickel de haute priorité, y compris les nouvelles zones découvertes RPM et Super Gulp, qui n'ont jamais été forées auparavant.

Les points clés incluent :

  • De multiples zones cibles avec des volumes potentiels allant de 500 millions à plus d'un milliard de tonnes
  • Un programme d'échantillonnage récent a identifié de nouvelles zones d'alliage de nickel awaruite élargies
  • Les propriétés de l'awaruite permettent une séparation magnétique sans fusion, conformément aux exigences de l'IRA pour les véhicules électriques aux États-Unis
  • Le projet vise à contribuer à une chaîne d'approvisionnement en nickel plus sûre et plus résiliente pour l'Amérique du Nord

Les forages se concentrent sur des zones présentant de fortes concentrations géochimiques de nickel et des occurrences visuelles confirmées d'awaruite le long de la tendance de nickel de 30 km, au sein d'une séquence ultramafique à grande échelle.

First Atlantic Nickel Corp. (TSXV: FAN) (OTCQB: FANCF) hat mit der Bohrung in seinem 100% im Besitz befindlichen Atlantic Nickel-Projekt in Neufundland, Kanada, begonnen, nachdem neue Awaruit-Entdeckungen entlang eines 30 km langen Nickeltrends gemacht wurden. Das Bohrprogramm zielt auf mehrere hochpriorisierte Nickelzonen ab, einschließlich der neu entdeckten Bereiche RPM und Super Gulp, die zuvor noch nie gebohrt wurden.

Wichtige Highlights sind:

  • Mehrere Zielgebiete mit potenziellen Volumina von 500 Millionen bis über 1 Milliarde Tonnen
  • Ein kürzlich durchgeführtes Probenprogramm identifizierte neue und erweiterte Awaruit-Nickellegierungszonen
  • Die Eigenschaften von Awaruit ermöglichen eine schmelzfreie magnetische Trennung, die mit den Anforderungen des IRA für Elektrofahrzeuge in den USA übereinstimmt
  • Das Projekt zielt darauf ab, zu einer sichereren und widerstandsfähigeren Nickelversorgungskette für Nordamerika beizutragen

Die Bohrungen konzentrieren sich auf Bereiche mit hohen geochemischen Nickelkonzentrationen und bestätigten visuellen Awaruit-Vorkommen entlang des 30 km langen Nickeltrends innerhalb einer großflächigen ultramafischen Sequenz.

  • Commencement of drilling program targeting multiple large-scale, high-priority nickel zones
  • Discovery of new awaruite nickel-alloy zones across a 30 km trend
  • Potential for mineralized systems with volumes ranging from 500 million to over 1 billion tonnes
  • Awaruite's properties enable smelter-free magnetic separation, aligning with US EV requirements
  • Project aims to contribute to a more secure North American nickel supply chain
  • Drilling results and sample analyses are pending, creating uncertainty about actual mineralization
  • Project is still in early exploration stage with no defined mineral resources or reserves

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Oct. 08, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- First Atlantic Nickel Corp. (TSXV: FAN) (OTCQB: FANCF) (FSE: P21) ("First Atlantic" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has commenced drilling at its multi-zone, district-scale, 100% owned Atlantic Nickel Project in central Newfoundland, Canada (the "Project" or the "Atlantic Nickel Project"). This follows the recent discovery and expansion of multiple new zones of visible awaruite, a naturally occurring nickel-alloy, across the project's 30 km nickel trend during the summer sampling program.


  • Drilling Underway: Testing multiple large-scale, widely spaced, new high-priority nickel targets that have never been drilled.
  • New Discoveries: A recent summer sampling program at 200+ outcrops identified both new and expanded awaruite nickel-alloy zones across the 30 km trend.
  • Significant Scale Potential: Multiple target areas showing large geophysical and geochemical footprints suggest the potential to host several mineralized systems with potential volumes ranging from 500 million to over 1 billion tonnes.
  • High-Priority Targets: RPM and Super Gulp revealed new discoveries of multiple outcrops with abundant visible disseminated awaruite grains. These discoveries extend surficial occurrences approximately 25 km south, from historic drilling at Atlantic Lake to the RPM zone, within the ultramafic (ophiolite) sequence.
    • Super Gulp: Located ~4 km south of Gulp Pond Zone and ~20 km south of historic hole 78-AL-01 in Atlantic Lake Zone.
    • RPM: Located ~25 km south of Atlantic Lake, near the southern end of the 30 km trend, within 1 km of the Chrome Pond showing which returned values up to >60% Chromium (Cr2O3).
  • Smelter-free nickel: Awaruite (Ni3Fe), a natural nickel-iron alloy containing ~77% Ni, enables smelter-free magnetic separation, which could enhance the resilience and security of North America's critical minerals supply chain. Awaruite's clean and efficient North American processing potential aligns with new US Electric Vehicle IRA requirements, which stipulate that, beginning in 2025, eligible clean vehicles may not contain any critical minerals processed by a foreign entity of concern1.

For further information, questions, or investor inquiries, please contact Rob Guzman at First Atlantic Nickel by phone at +1 844 592 6337 or via email at

Adrian Smith, CEO of First Atlantic, commented, “We are thrilled by the rapid progress our team has made at our district-scale Atlantic Nickel Project. With guidance from Dr. Ron Britten, a world-renowned nickel awaruite expert, we have advanced the project from acquisition to the discovery drilling phase in just half a year.”

Adrian Smith continues “The Atlantic Nickel Project's awaruite nickel-alloy has unique properties that enable a simple magnetic separation process, eliminating the need for smelting. This characteristic positions the project as a potential major source of nickel that could be processed domestically, reducing North America's reliance on foreign nickel smelting and processing. This is particularly beneficial given the region’s limited nickel smelting capacity. This approach aligns with the US Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), which mandates that, beginning in 2025, an eligible clean vehicle may not contain any critical minerals processed by a foreign entity of concern (FEOC)1, such as China, a major global nickel refiner. By addressing these challenges, our project aims to contribute to a more secure, independent, and resilient nickel supply chain for North America.”

Drill Rig begins 2024 core drilling at the Atlantic Nickel Project.

Figure 1: Drill Rig begins 2024 core drilling at the Atlantic Nickel Project.

Drill Program Targeting Large-Scale Nickel Potential

The drill program is focused on testing multiple large-scale target areas that have never been drilled before. These high-priority areas show significant concentrations of visible awaruite observed at surface (in rock samples, outcrops and subcrops). Initial drilling is planned at wide spacings to evaluate the potential for bulk tonnage nickel mineralization, with target volumes potentially ranging from hundreds of millions to billions of tonnes.

Drilling is planned to focus on areas with high geochemical nickel concentrations at surface and confirmed visual awaruite occurrences along the 30 km nickel trend. This trend is hosted within a large-scale ultramafic (ophiolite) sequence, which serves as the primary host rock for the large-scale nickel mineralization being targeted at the Atlantic Nickel Project.

2024 Sampling Program Expands Nickel Targets

The recent sampling program successfully expanded multiple areas with visible awaruite nickel-alloy targets across several zones throughout the Project. By sampling over 200 rock outcrop locations along the 30 km trend (Figure 1), the Company efficiently confirmed and prioritized targets for immediate drilling.

High-priority awaruite-bearing nickel zones identified from north to south include: Atlantic Lake, Gulp Pond, Super Gulp (new discovery), Pipestone, Chrome Pond, RPM Zone (new discovery) (see Figure 2).

Atlantic Nickel target zones showing 2024 sampling with visible awaruite (nickel-alloy) locations over the 30 km nickel ultramafic magnetic trend (background TMI magnetics).

Figure 2: Atlantic Nickel target zones showing 2024 sampling with visible awaruite (nickel-alloy) locations over the 30 km nickel ultramafic magnetic trend (background TMI magnetics).

RPM Zone

The RPM Zone is a new discovery extending from the Chrome Pond area. Large visible disseminated awaruite grains (>100 microns) were observed in several outcrops located in areas with extensive surficial cover and near elevated nickel in soils. This suggests the potential for large volumes of concealed mineralized material, making the RPM Zone a high-priority target for the initial phase of drilling.

The RPM target zone spans approximately 2.6 kilometers in length and is estimated to be 400 to 600 meters wide. Outcrops in the area are heavily weathered, consisting of serpentinized ultramafics intersected by serpentine-magnetite veins, microfractures, or disseminated magnetite.

Super Gulp Zone

The Super Gulp Zone is another new discovery located approximately 4 km south of the Gulp Pond Zone and 20 km south of historic hole 78-AL-01 in the Atlantic Lake Zone. This discovery extends the potential mineralized zone from the Big Gulp showing (Gulp Pond) target area for at least 4 km to the south (Figure 2). Abundant visible disseminated awaruite grains were observed, making it a promising target for further exploration and initial drill testing.

Samples from the summer program are currently being analyzed for awaruite and nickel content, with results pending. The identification of new targets like Super Gulp and RPM, alongside the confirmation of existing areas, highlights the Project's immense district-scale potential.

Awaruite (Nickel-iron alloy Ni₂Fe, Ni₃Fe)

Awaruite, a naturally occurring nickel-iron alloy composed of Ni₃Fe or Ni₂Fe, offers a proven and environmentally safer solution to North America's domestic critical nickel supply shortage. Unlike conventional nickel sources, awaruite can be processed into high-grade concentrates exceeding 60% nickel content without the need for smelting2. This is particularly significant given the lack of smelting capacity in North America, which is largely controlled by China, and the Inflation Reduction Act's requirement that, by 2025, critical minerals in batteries be extracted or processed domestically or in countries with U.S. free trade agreements. As The Brookings Institution notes3, “Even if the U.S. and EU were to dig more minerals out of the ground, many of these minerals would need to be shipped overseas for concentrating, refining, and smelting without significant increases in U.S. and European mineral refining and smelting capacity.”

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) highlighted awaruite's potential, stating4, “The development of awaruite deposits in other parts of Canada may help alleviate any prolonged shortage of nickel concentrate. Awaruite, a natural iron-nickel alloy, is much easier to concentrate than pentlandite, the principal sulfide of nickel.” Awaruite's unique properties enable cleaner and safer processing compared to conventional sulfide and laterite nickel sources, which often involve smelting or high-pressure acid leaching. These methods can release toxic sulfur dioxide, generate hazardous waste, and lead to acid mine drainage. Awaruite's simpler processing eliminates smelting and intensive acid leaching, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and risks associated with toxic chemical release. This addresses concerns about the large carbon footprint and toxic emissions linked to battery metal refining, particularly for nickel.

The development of awaruite resources is crucial, given China's dominance in the global nickel market. Chinese companies refine and smelt approximately 68% to 80% of the world's nickel5 6. Through investments, they also control an estimated 84% of Indonesia's nickel output7, the largest supply of nickel worldwide. Awaruite presents an environmentally safer, more sustainable, and domestically processable nickel source that can meet the growing demand in the stainless steel and electric vehicle markets while reducing reliance on foreign refining and smelting dominated by China, including their significant control over Indonesia's nickel output.

Investor Information            

The Company's common shares trade on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol “FAN”, the American OTCQB Exchange under the symbol “FANCF” and on several German exchanges, including Frankfurt and Tradegate, under the symbol “P21”.

Investors can get updates about First Atlantic by signing up to receive news via email and SMS text at Stay connected and learn more by following us on these social media platforms:

First Atlantic Investor Relations
Robert Guzman
Tel: +1 844 592 6337


Adrian Smith, P.Geo., is a qualified person as defined by NI 43-101. The qualified person is a member in good standing of the Professional Engineers and Geoscientists Newfoundland and Labrador (PEGNL) and is a registered professional geoscientist (P.Geo.). Mr. Smith has reviewed and approved the technical information disclosed herein.

The Company has not independently verified the historic samples reported in this release but has received data from the previous property owners and from the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador’s online database.

About First Atlantic Nickel Corp.

First Atlantic Nickel Corp. (TSXV: FAN) (OTCQB: FANCF) (FSE: P21) is a Canadian mineral exploration company developing the 100%-owned Atlantic Nickel Project, a large-scale nickel deposit strategically located near existing infrastructure in Newfoundland, Canada. The Project's nickel occurs as awaruite, a natural nickel-iron alloy containing approximately 77% nickel with no-sulfur and no-sulfides. Awaruite's properties allow for smelter-free magnetic separation and concentration, which could strengthen North America's critical minerals supply chain by reducing foreign dependence on nickel smelting. This aligns with new US Electric Vehicle US IRA requirements, which stipulate that beginning in 2025, an eligible clean vehicle may not contain any critical minerals processed by a FEOC (Foreign Entities Of Concern)1.

First Atlantic aims to be a key input of a secure and resilient North American critical minerals supply chain for the stainless steel and electric vehicle industries in the USA and Canada. The company is positioned to meet the growing demand for responsibly sourced nickel that complies with the critical mineral requirements for eligible clean vehicles under the US IRA. With its commitment to responsible practices and experienced team, First Atlantic is poised to contribute significantly to the nickel industry's future, supporting the transition to a cleaner energy landscape. This mission gained importance when the US added nickel to its critical minerals list in 20228, recognizing it as a non-fuel mineral essential to economic and national security with a supply chain vulnerable to disruption.

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Forward-looking statements:

This news release may include "forward-looking information" under applicable Canadian securities legislation. Such forward-looking information reflects management's current beliefs and are based on a number of estimates and/or assumptions made by and information currently available to the Company that, while considered reasonable, are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors that may cause the actual results and future events to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking information. Forward looking information in this news release includes, but is not limited to, expectations regarding the timing, scope, and results from the 2024 work and drilling program; future project developments, the Company’s objectives, goals or future plans, statements, and estimates of market conditions. Readers are cautioned that such forward-looking information are neither promises nor guarantees and are subject to known and unknown risks and uncertainties including, but not limited to, general business, economic, competitive, political and social uncertainties, uncertain and volatile equity and capital markets, lack of available capital, actual results of exploration activities, environmental risks, future prices of base and other metals, operating risks, accidents, labour issues, delays in obtaining governmental approvals and permits, and other risks in the mining industry. Additional factors and risks including various risk factors discussed in the Company’s disclosure documents which can be found under the Company’s profile on Should one or more of these risks or uncertainties materialize, or should assumptions underlying the forward-looking statements prove incorrect, actual results may vary materially from those described herein as intended, planned, anticipated, believed, estimated or expected.

The Company is presently an exploration stage company. Exploration is highly speculative in nature, involves many risks, requires substantial expenditures, and may not result in the discovery of mineral deposits that can be mined profitably. Furthermore, the Company currently has no reserves on any of its properties. As a result, there can be no assurance that such forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate, and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements.



Photos accompanying this announcement are available at:


What is the significance of awaruite in First Atlantic Nickel's (FANCF) Atlantic Nickel Project?

Awaruite, a naturally occurring nickel-iron alloy, enables smelter-free magnetic separation, which could enhance North America's critical minerals supply chain. It aligns with US Electric Vehicle IRA requirements and offers a potential domestic processing solution, reducing reliance on foreign nickel smelting and processing.

What are the main target areas in First Atlantic Nickel's (FANCF) 2024 drilling program?

The main target areas include the newly discovered RPM and Super Gulp zones, along with Atlantic Lake, Gulp Pond, Pipestone, and Chrome Pond. These areas are part of a 30 km nickel trend within the Atlantic Nickel Project in Newfoundland, Canada.

How does First Atlantic Nickel (FANCF) plan to contribute to North America's nickel supply chain?

First Atlantic Nickel aims to develop a domestic source of nickel that can be processed without smelting, potentially reducing North America's reliance on foreign nickel processing. This aligns with the US Inflation Reduction Act requirements for critical minerals in electric vehicle batteries.

What is the scale potential of First Atlantic Nickel's (FANCF) Atlantic Nickel Project?

The Atlantic Nickel Project has multiple target areas showing large geophysical and geochemical footprints, suggesting the potential to host several mineralized systems with volumes ranging from 500 million to over 1 billion tonnes.

First Atlantic Nickel


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