ChargeScape Welcomes Nissan to Its Alliance of Automakers Helping EV Drivers Save Money on At-Home Charging

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Nissan has agreed to invest in ChargeScape, a joint venture focused on electric vehicle-grid integration, currently owned equally by BMW, Ford, and Honda. Upon completion of the transaction, Nissan will become an equal 25% investor in ChargeScape and will implement its services for Nissan EV drivers across the U.S. and Canada.

ChargeScape's software wirelessly connects to EVs and manages electricity flow based on real-time grid conditions, offering smart charging (V1G) and vehicle-to-grid (V2G) capabilities. This platform streamlines EV-grid integration, providing financial benefits to EV drivers through managed charging and future energy sell-back options.

Nissan's involvement is significant due to its sales of over 650,000 LEAF models in the U.S., which can export power back to the grid. The company is investing heavily in bidirectional charging (V2X) capabilities for its entire electric fleet globally.

Nissan ha concordato di investire in ChargeScape, una joint venture focalizzata sull'integrazione dei veicoli elettrici nella rete, attualmente posseduta in egual misura da BMW, Ford e Honda. Al termine della transazione, Nissan diventerà un investitore paritario con una partecipazione del 25% in ChargeScape e implementerà i suoi servizi per i conducenti di veicoli elettrici Nissan negli Stati Uniti e in Canada.

Il software di ChargeScape si collega senza fili ai veicoli elettrici e gestisce il flusso di elettricità in base alle condizioni della rete in tempo reale, offrendo funzionalità di carica intelligente (V1G) e veicolo-rete (V2G). Questa piattaforma semplifica l'integrazione dei veicoli elettrici nella rete, offrendo vantaggi finanziari ai conducenti attraverso una ricarica gestita e future opzioni di vendita di energia.

Il coinvolgimento di Nissan è significativo grazie alle sue vendite di oltre 650.000 modelli LEAF negli Stati Uniti, in grado di esportare energia nella rete. L'azienda sta investendo molto nelle capacità di ricarica bidirezionale (V2X) per l'intero suo parco veicoli elettrici a livello globale.

Nissan ha acordado invertir en ChargeScape, una empresa conjunta centrada en la integración de vehículos eléctricos a la red, actualmente propiedad en partes iguales de BMW, Ford y Honda. Una vez finalizada la transacción, Nissan se convertirá en un inversor igualitario con un 25% de participación en ChargeScape e implementará sus servicios para los conductores de vehículos eléctricos Nissan en EE. UU. y Canadá.

El software de ChargeScape se conecta de manera inalámbrica a los vehículos eléctricos y gestiona el flujo de electricidad según las condiciones de la red en tiempo real, ofreciendo capacidades de carga inteligente (V1G) y vehículo-red (V2G). Esta plataforma facilita la integración de EV a la red, proporcionando beneficios financieros a los conductores de EV a través de carga gestionada y futuras opciones de venta de energía.

La participación de Nissan es significativa debido a sus ventas de más de 650,000 modelos LEAF en EE. UU., que pueden exportar energía de vuelta a la red. La empresa está invirtiendo fuertemente en capacidades de carga bidireccional (V2X) para toda su flota eléctrica a nivel global.

닛산차지스케이프에 투자하기로 합의했으며, 이 공동 투자 기업은 현재 BMW, 포드 및 혼다가 동등하게 소유하는 전기차-그리드 통합에 중점을 두고 있습니다. 거래 완료 후, 닛산은 차지스케이프의 25% 동등 투자자가 되어 미국과 캐나다의 닛산 전기차 운전자를 위한 서비스를 구현할 것입니다.

차지스케이프의 소프트웨어는 전기차에 무선으로 연결되어 실시간 그리드 조건에 따라 전기 흐름을 관리하며, 스마트 충전 (V1G)차량-그리드 (V2G) 기능을 제공합니다. 이 플랫폼은 전기차-그리드 통합을 간소화하며, 관리된 충전 및 향후 에너지 판매 옵션을 통해 전기차 운전자에게 재정적 혜택을 제공합니다.

닛산의 참여는 미국에서 650,000대 이상의 LEAF 모델 판매 덕분에 중요하며, 이 모델들은 그리드에 전력을 다시 공급할 수 있습니다. 이 회사는 전 세계적으로 전체 전기차 미래차에 대해 양방향 충전(V2X) 기능에 대한 투자를 강화하고 있습니다.

Nissan a accepté d'investir dans ChargeScape, une coentreprise axée sur l'intégration des véhicules électriques au réseau, actuellement détenue à parts égales par BMW, Ford et Honda. À l'issue de la transaction, Nissan deviendra un investisseur égalitaire avec une participation de 25% dans ChargeScape et mettra en œuvre ses services pour les conducteurs de véhicules électriques Nissan aux États-Unis et au Canada.

Le logiciel de ChargeScape se connecte sans fil aux véhicules électriques et gère le flux d'électricité en fonction des conditions du réseau en temps réel, offrant des fonctionnalités de charge intelligente (V1G) et de véhicule-au-réseau (V2G). Cette plateforme simplifie l'intégration des véhicules électriques dans le réseau, apportant des avantages financiers aux conducteurs grâce à une charge gérée et des options de vente d'énergie futures.

L'implication de Nissan est significative en raison de ses ventes de plus de 650 000 modèles LEAF aux États-Unis, capables de retourner de l'énergie au réseau. L'entreprise investit massivement dans les capacités de recharge bidirectionnelle (V2X) pour l'ensemble de sa flotte électrique à l'échelle mondiale.

Nissan hat zugestimmt, in ChargeScape zu investieren, ein Joint Venture, das sich auf die Integration von Elektrofahrzeugen in das Stromnetz konzentriert und derzeit zu gleichen Teilen von BMW, Ford und Honda gehalten wird. Nach Abschluss der Transaktion wird Nissan ein gleichberechtigter Investor mit einer Beteiligung von 25% an ChargeScape und wird seine Dienstleistungen für Nissan-Elektrofahrzeugfahrer in den USA und Kanada umsetzen.

Die Software von ChargeScape verbindet sich kabellos mit Elektrofahrzeugen und managt den Stromfluss basierend auf den aktuellen Bedingungen des Stromnetzes und bietet Funktionen wie intelligentes Laden (V1G) und Fahrzeug-zu-Netz (V2G). Diese Plattform vereinfacht die Integration von Elektrofahrzeugen in das Netz und bietet finanzielle Vorteile für die Fahrer durch verwaltetes Laden und zukünftige Möglichkeiten zum Verkauf von Energie.

Die Beteiligung von Nissan ist bedeutend, da das Unternehmen in den USA über 650.000 LEAF-Modelle verkauft hat, die Strom ins Netz zurückspeisen können. Das Unternehmen investiert stark in bidirektionale Lade (V2X) Möglichkeiten für seine gesamte internationale Elektroflotte.

  • Nissan joining ChargeScape expands the joint venture's reach and potential market
  • ChargeScape's technology offers financial incentives for EV drivers through managed charging and future V2G capabilities
  • Nissan's large LEAF user base (650,000+ in U.S.) provides a significant potential market for ChargeScape's services
  • The partnership could contribute to reducing CO2 emissions by optimizing renewable electricity usage
  • None.

ChargeScape’s software helps utilities, EV drivers optimize charging and save money

NEW YORK & NASHVILLE, Tenn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Nissan has entered into an agreement to invest in ChargeScape, a joint venture equally owned by BMW, Ford and Honda focused on electric vehicle-grid integration. Once the transaction is complete, Nissan will become an equal 25% investor in ChargeScape and will roll out ChargeScape’s services to its EV drivers across the U.S. and Canada.

Nissan has entered into an agreement to invest in ChargeScape, a joint venture equally owned by BMW, Ford and Honda focused on electric vehicle-grid integration. Once the transaction is complete, Nissan will become an equal <percent>25%</percent> investor in ChargeScape and will roll out ChargeScape’s services to its EV drivers across the U.S. and Canada. Last month, BMW, Ford and Honda announced the launch of ChargeScape, whose software wirelessly connects to electric vehicles and manages the flow of electrons in line with real-time grid conditions, temporarily reducing demand when the grid is constrained through smart charging (V1G) and even leveraging sending energy back into the power grid when needed (V2G). By providing a single platform for power utilities, automakers and their customers, ChargeScape streamlines the complexity of electric vehicle-grid integration. (Photo: Business Wire)

Nissan has entered into an agreement to invest in ChargeScape, a joint venture equally owned by BMW, Ford and Honda focused on electric vehicle-grid integration. Once the transaction is complete, Nissan will become an equal 25% investor in ChargeScape and will roll out ChargeScape’s services to its EV drivers across the U.S. and Canada. Last month, BMW, Ford and Honda announced the launch of ChargeScape, whose software wirelessly connects to electric vehicles and manages the flow of electrons in line with real-time grid conditions, temporarily reducing demand when the grid is constrained through smart charging (V1G) and even leveraging sending energy back into the power grid when needed (V2G). By providing a single platform for power utilities, automakers and their customers, ChargeScape streamlines the complexity of electric vehicle-grid integration. (Photo: Business Wire)

Last month, BMW, Ford and Honda announced the launch of ChargeScape, whose software wirelessly connects to electric vehicles and manages the flow of electrons in line with real-time grid conditions, temporarily reducing demand when the grid is constrained through smart charging (V1G) and even leveraging sending energy back into the power grid when needed (V2G)1. By providing a single platform for power utilities, automakers and their customers, ChargeScape streamlines the complexity of electric vehicle-grid integration.

ChargeScape unlocks financial benefits for EV drivers by enabling services like managed charging and vehicle-to-grid export. When connected with ChargeScape’s platform, EV drivers who choose to do so can receive financial incentives for temporarily pausing charging during periods of high demand and will eventually be able to sell the energy stored in their vehicle’s battery back to the power grid. Doing so helps grid operators avoid dispatching expensive and often high carbon “peaker plants” when the grid is overloaded.

Nissan’s incorporation into the ChargeScape alliance is of particular significance given its sales of over 650,000 LEAF models in the U.S., one of the first EVs with the capability to export power back to the grid. Nissan is investing heavily in bidirectional charging (V2X) capabilities for its entire electric fleet across the world, and ChargeScape is currently building virtual power plants in California, Texas and other markets.

“We are delighted to welcome Nissan to the ChargeScape joint venture,” said Joseph Vellone, ChargeScape CEO. “Nissan’s decision to join us underscores their commitment to helping customers charge more cheaply and sustainably and highlights ChargeScape’s central position in the vehicle-grid integration space.”

“ChargeScape helps us more conveniently and effectively connect utilities to EV drivers, making the ownership experience more valuable for drivers by giving them incentives for participating in managed charging and vehicle-to-grid programs,” said Kent O’Hara, president of Nissan’s 4R battery business. “Joining ChargeScape helps us contribute to a nationwide reduction in CO2 emissions by enabling utilities to use EV battery energy storage to balance peak grid demands, while optimizing the use of renewable electricity sources.”

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About ChargeScape
ChargeScape is a technology company that connects electric utilities, automakers and electric vehicle drivers using software. From its offices in New York, ChargeScape helps stabilize electrical grids by optimizing the flow of electrons into and out of EV batteries, and helps EV drivers save money on their charging through cash-back and other incentives. The company counts BMW, Ford, Honda and Nissan as investors, with additional automakers set to join in the coming months.

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BMW Group in America
BMW of North America, LLC has been present in the United States since 1975. Rolls-Royce Motor Cars NA, LLC began distributing vehicles in 2003. The BMW Group in the United States has grown to include marketing, sales, and financial service organizations for the BMW brand of motor vehicles, including motorcycles, the MINI brand, and Rolls-Royce Motor Cars; Designworks, a strategic design consultancy based in California; a technology office in Silicon Valley, and various other operations throughout the country. BMW Manufacturing Co., LLC in South Carolina is the BMW Group global center of competence for BMW X models and assembles the X3, X4, X5, X6 and X7 Sports Activity Vehicles as well as the BMW XM. The BMW Group sales organization is represented in the U.S. through networks of 350 BMW passenger car and BMW Sports Activity Vehicle centers, 144 BMW motorcycle retailers, 104 MINI passenger car dealers, and 38 Rolls-Royce Motor Car dealers. BMW (US) Holding Corp., the BMW Group’s sales headquarters for North America, is located in Woodcliff Lake, New Jersey.

About Ford Motor Company
Ford Motor Company (NYSE: F) is a global company based in Dearborn, Michigan, committed to helping build a better world, where every person is free to move and pursue their dreams. The company’s Ford+ plan for growth and value creation combines existing strengths, new capabilities and always-on relationships with customers to enrich experiences for customers and deepen their loyalty. Ford develops and delivers innovative, must-have Ford trucks, sport utility vehicles, commercial vans and cars and Lincoln luxury vehicles, along with connected services. The company does that through three customer-centered business segments: Ford Blue, engineering iconic gas-powered and hybrid vehicles; Ford Model e, inventing breakthrough electric vehicles along with embedded software that defines exceptional digital experiences for all customers; and Ford Pro, helping commercial customers transform and expand their businesses with vehicles and services tailored to their needs. Additionally, Ford provides financial services through Ford Motor Credit Company. Ford employs about 175,000 people worldwide. More information about the company and its products and services is available at

About Honda’s Commitment to the Environment
Honda is working toward its global goal of zero environmental impact by 2050 through its “Triple Action to Zero” approach, including achieving carbon neutrality for all products and corporate activities, 100% utilization of renewable energy, and resource circulation, utilizing 100% sustainable materials by reprocessing products back to raw materials and reusing those materials in the creation of new products. Toward this goal, Honda will strive to make battery-electric and fuel cell electric vehicles represent 100% of auto sales in the U.S. and globally by 2040.

To reduce the environmental impact of its business operations, Honda also is offsetting CO2 emissions from its North American manufacturing operations through long-term virtual power purchase agreements (VPPAs) for renewable wind and solar power that seek to cover more than 60% of the electricity Honda uses in North America. Honda also promotes environmentally responsible business practices with its suppliers and retail dealer partners across North America. Learn more at

About Nissan
Nissan is committed to delivering innovative solutions that help drive toward a future of cleaner, safer and more inclusive mobility for all. Under The Arc, the company’s mid-term business plan, Nissan plans to launch 16 electrified models over the next three years, and a total of 34 electrified models from fiscal year 2024 to 2030.

The ability to send energy back to the grid may vary based on location and is referenced for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute legal advice. All persons considering sending energy back to the grid should consult with their own legal professional to determine availability of services, eligibility, cost, if any, and further details. The ability to send energy back to the grid is not within Nissan’s control and is subject to change without notice. Interested parties should confirm the accuracy of the information before relying on it. [Residency restrictions may apply].

Media Contacts

Josh Clifton

Senior Manager, Nissan Product Communications & Auto Shows

Source: Nissan


What is ChargeScape and who are its investors after Nissan's agreement?

ChargeScape is a joint venture focused on electric vehicle-grid integration. After Nissan's investment, it will be equally owned by BMW, Ford, Honda, and Nissan, with each holding a 25% stake.

How does ChargeScape's technology benefit EV drivers and the power grid?

ChargeScape's software manages EV charging based on grid conditions, offering smart charging (V1G) and vehicle-to-grid (V2G) capabilities. This allows EV drivers to receive financial incentives for pausing charging during high demand and potentially sell energy back to the grid, while helping balance grid loads.

What is the significance of Nissan joining ChargeScape?

Nissan's involvement is significant due to its sales of over 650,000 LEAF models in the U.S., which can export power back to the grid. This large user base provides a substantial potential market for ChargeScape's services and supports the expansion of vehicle-to-grid integration.

How will Nissan implement ChargeScape's services for its EV drivers?

Nissan will roll out ChargeScape's services to its EV drivers across the U.S. and Canada, allowing them to participate in managed charging and future vehicle-to-grid programs, potentially saving money on charging and contributing to grid stability.

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