ComEd Recognized as National Leader for Impact on Driving Jobs and Investment to Illinois

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ComEd, part of Exelon, has been recognized as a national leader in economic development by Site Selection Magazine, marking its 10th inclusion in the Top 20 utilities list.

ComEd's contributions include securing 15 new commercial projects in 2023, bringing 4,385 jobs and over $8.6 billion in investments to northern Illinois.

Key factors for ComEd's success are its reliable and clean energy infrastructure, which supports major industries like data centers and manufacturing. ComEd's grid improvements have enhanced reliability by over 70%, providing 96% clean energy, with plans to reach 100% through CEJA.

Additionally, ComEd offers competitive energy rates, with industrial bills 44% lower than the national average, enhancing its appeal for new business investments and economic growth in the region.

ComEd, parte di Exelon, è stata riconosciuta come leader nazionale nello sviluppo economico da Site Selection Magazine, segnando la sua decima inclusione nella lista delle Top 20 utility.

Le contribuzioni di ComEd includono l'acquisizione di 15 nuovi progetti commerciali nel 2023, portando 4.385 posti di lavoro e oltre 8,6 miliardi di dollari di investimenti nel nord dell'Illinois.

I fattori chiave per il successo di ComEd sono la sua infrastruttura energetica affidabile e pulita, che supporta grandi industrie come i centri dati e la manifattura. I miglioramenti della rete di ComEd hanno incrementato l'affidabilità di oltre il 70%, fornendo il 96% di energia pulita, con piani per raggiungere il 100% attraverso il CEJA.

Inoltre, ComEd offre tariffe energetiche competitive, con le bollette industriali il 44% inferiori alla media nazionale, aumentando il suo appeal per nuovi investimenti aziendali e crescita economica nella regione.

ComEd, parte de Exelon, ha sido reconocida como líder nacional en desarrollo económico por Site Selection Magazine, marcando su décima inclusión en la lista de las Top 20 utilities.

Las contribuciones de ComEd incluyen la obtención de 15 nuevos proyectos comerciales en 2023, aportando 4,385 empleos y más de 8.6 mil millones de dólares en inversiones al norte de Illinois.

Los factores clave para el éxito de ComEd son su infraestructura energética fiable y limpia, que apoya a grandes industrias como centros de datos y manufactura. Las mejoras en la red de ComEd han aumentado la fiabilidad en más del 70%, proporcionando un 96% de energía limpia, con planes de alcanzar el 100% a través del CEJA.

Además, ComEd ofrece tarifas energéticas competitivas, con facturas industriales un 44% más bajas que la media nacional, lo que aumenta su atractivo para nuevas inversiones empresariales y el crecimiento económico en la región.

ComEd는 Exelon의 일부로서 Site Selection Magazine에서 경제 개발의 국가적 리더로 인정받았으며, Top 20 utilities 목록에 10번째로 포함되었습니다.

ComEd의 기여에는 2023년에 15개의 새로운 상업 프로젝트를 확보하여 4,385개의 일자리와 86억 달러 이상의 투자를 북일리노이에 가져오는 것이 포함됩니다.

ComEd의 성공을 위한 핵심 요소는 데이터 센터 및 제조업과 같은 주요 산업을 지원하는 신뢰할 수 있고 청정한 에너지 인프라입니다. ComEd의 전력망 개선은 신뢰성을 70% 이상 향상시켰으며, 96%의 청정 에너지를 제공하고, CEJA를 통해 100%에 도달할 계획입니다.

또한, ComEd는 경쟁력 있는 에너지 요금을 제공하며, 산업 부문 청구서가 전국 평균보다 44% 낮아 새로운 기업 투자와 지역 경제 성장에 대한 매력을 높이고 있습니다.

ComEd, partie d'Exelon, a été reconnue comme un leader national dans le développement économique par Site Selection Magazine, marquant sa dixième inclusion dans la liste des Top 20 des services publics.

Les contributions de ComEd comprennent la sécurisation de 15 nouveaux projets commerciaux en 2023, apportant 4 385 emplois et plus de 8,6 milliards de dollars d'investissements dans le nord de l'Illinois.

Les facteurs clés du succès de ComEd sont son infrastructure énergétique fiable et propre, qui soutient de grandes industries comme les centres de données et la fabrication. Les améliorations du réseau de ComEd ont augmenté la fiabilité de plus de 70 %, fournissant 96 % d'énergie propre, avec des plans pour atteindre 100 % grâce à CEJA.

De plus, ComEd propose des tarifs énergétiques compétitifs, avec des factures industrielles 44 % inférieures à la moyenne nationale, ce qui renforce son attrait pour les nouveaux investissements commerciaux et la croissance économique dans la région.

ComEd, ein Teil von Exelon, wurde von Site Selection Magazine als nationaler Führer in der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung anerkannt und feiert damit seine zehnte Aufnahme in die Liste der Top 20 Versorgungsunternehmen.

Zu den Beiträgen von ComEd gehört die Sicherung von 15 neuen kommerziellen Projekten im Jahr 2023, die 4.385 Arbeitsplätze und über 8,6 Milliarden Dollar an Investitionen in Nord-Illinois bringen.

Schlüsselfaktoren für den Erfolg von ComEd sind die zuverlässige und saubere Energieinfrastruktur, die große Industrien wie Rechenzentren und Fertigung unterstützt. Die Verbesserungen des Netzes von ComEd haben die Zuverlässigkeit um über 70 % gesteigert und liefern 96 % saubere Energie, mit Plänen, 100 % durch CEJA zu erreichen.

Darüber hinaus bietet ComEd wettbewerbsfähige Energiepreise, wobei die Industrierechnungen 44 % unter dem nationalen Durchschnitt liegen, was seine Attraktivität für neue Unternehmensinvestitionen und wirtschaftliches Wachstum in der Region erhöht.

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ComEd leads peer energy companies in attracting major, job-creating business projects with strong reliability performance and access to clean energy

CHICAGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- ComEd is again being hailed as a national leader for its work to drive economic growth and job creation across northern Illinois, according to new rankings out today by Site Selection Magazine, which named ComEd as one of the Top 20 utilities in economic development. Based on a review of corporate relocations and expansion from the last year and its research into utilities with active economic development departments, Site Selection finds ComEd is once again in the upper echelon of utilities in attracting new businesses, jobs and investments and for overall support of economic development.

“Businesses need access to clean, reliable and affordable power, along with a skilled workforce and strong infrastructure – and they can get it all in ComEd’s service region,” said Gil C. Quiniones, President and CEO of ComEd. “ComEd is proud to deliver nation-leading reliability and clean energy infrastructure, powering economic growth in the region, while creating jobs and opportunity for people across northern Illinois.”

This marks the 10th time ComEd has earned the Top Utilities recognition – a testament to the company’s track record of providing best in the nation electrical service to over 9 million people, or 4.3 million total customers, including some of the largest companies in the world headquartered in northern Illinois. In 2023 alone, ComEd helped secure 15 new commercial projects collectively set to add 4,385 jobs at their facilities and more than $8.6 billion in local investment.

“Power provision is vying with workforce as the most pressing issue for industrial companies nationwide amid a glut of major industrial facility projects such as data centers, semiconductor fabs and EV/battery supply chain projects,” said Adam Bruns, editor in chief of Site Selection. “As a supplement to our annual Top Utilities findings, this year we asked utility economic development leaders how their teams are working with operations and external stakeholders to address these concerns. Just like the day-to-day solutions their team develops for customers and communities, ComEd’s response is compelling.”

In this year’s rankings, Site Selection finds ComEd’s investments in clean energy infrastructure continue to drive new levels of business growth to the region every year. This includes strong growth by high-impact industries like data centers, quantum computing, logistics and manufacturing – all of which depend upon larger amounts of power availability to keep pace with the needs of their customers and today’s fast-growing business technology.

“Access to clean reliable power is a key factor for companies making site location decisions,” said Intersect Illinois Interim CEO Paulina San Millan. “We’re fortunate to have ComEd as an economic development partner, and to see its strong commitment to economic growth in the region being recognized nationally.”

ComEd’s continued grid investments drive new business to the area every year – with 2023 setting new records for the level of investment by these businesses, projected to be over $8 billion, and 2024 set to be another strong year for business attraction for ComEd and its partners in the region. Recent investments by ComEd continue to make northern Illinois a compelling destination for new and expanding businesses, including:

  • Reliable Infrastructure – Backed by our nation-leading reliability, ComEd’s grid is ready to support the transition toward more clean and renewable energy sources. Since ComEd started smart grid improvements more than a decade ago, it has improved overall reliability by more than 70 percent, helping customers avoid nearly 21.7 million outages and save more than $3.8 billion in outage-related costs.
  • Access to Clean Energy: ComEd’s region is a national leader in clean energy generation, with the ability to meet 96 percent or more of our customers’ energy consumption today with decarbonized energy sources, with plans to reach 100 percent thanks to CEJA. With Illinois a net energy exporter, ComEd has an abundance of clean energy to serve customers’ growing needs for the future, as digital demands and the move toward electrification will continue to change energy consumption patterns. Additionally, solar generation continues to expand, with ComEd recently reaching 1 GW in Distributed Energy Resources (DER) interconnected to the grid, helping to place Illinois first among Midwestern states based on DER and second for total capacity, according to the Solar Energy Industry Association.
  • Focus on Affordability and Sustainability: ComEd is focused on ensuring the clean energy transition is equitable and affordable, and residential bills remain comparable to those of other utilities serving the nation’s top metropolitan areas. For ComEd commercial and industrial customers, average bills are 19% less and 44% less, respectively, than bills in the top 20 metropolitan areas, and less than the national averages by similar proportions. With many businesses focused on sustainability plans for the future, ComEd offers a range of clean energy for electrification of transportation and buildings, solar rebates, and an extensive energy efficiency portfolio which has helped customers save over $9 billion on energy usage to date. More information on incentives can be found at

"We are consistently approached by companies with substantial power needs that are looking to move to our area," said Timothy Nugent, President / CEO of the Economic Alliance of Kankakee County. "ComEd has risen to the challenge of meeting demands and bringing these businesses here. Their ability to navigate complex projects and deliver the best outcomes for their clients is crucial for economic development and the growth of our community."

“Boone County is seeing a flurry of new, exciting business expansion projects that will bring jobs and economic opportunity to our area, and we recognize the vital role that access to power has in their decisions on where to locate,” said Pamela Lopez-Fettes, Executive Director of Growth Dimensions, an economic development organization supporting Belvidere and Boone County Illinois. “With today’s businesses increasingly dependent upon reliable and clean energy, the partnership we share with ComEd is critical to attracting and enabling sustainable economic opportunity for our region.”

ComEd is part of the Exelon corporation, the nation’s largest utility company serving over 10 million customers nationally, including PECO in Philadelphia, also named as part of this year’s Site Selection rankings. Recognition of the strength of the Exelon system is attributed to the investments that are being made across the system – including northern Illinois and the mid-Atlantic – to ensure continued customer reliability in the face of extreme weather events, and to prepare businesses and families for the clean energy transition.

To read the 2024 Top Utilities Rankings, click here.

About ComEd

ComEd is a unit of Chicago-based Exelon Corporation (NASDAQ: EXC), a Fortune 200 energy company with approximately 10 million electricity and natural gas customers – the largest number of customers in the U.S.

ComEd powers the lives of more than 4 million customers across northern Illinois, or 70 percent of the state's population. For more information visit, and connect with the company on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, X, and YouTube.

ComEd Media Relations


Source: ComEd


What recognition did ComEd receive in 2023?

ComEd was recognized by Site Selection Magazine as one of the Top 20 utilities in economic development in 2023.

How many new jobs did ComEd help create in 2023?

ComEd helped create 4,385 new jobs in 2023 through 15 new commercial projects.

What was the total investment ComEd brought to northern Illinois in 2023?

ComEd secured over $8.6 billion in investments for northern Illinois in 2023.

What is ComEd's role in clean energy?

ComEd provides 96% clean energy and plans to achieve 100% clean energy through CEJA.

How has ComEd improved its grid reliability?

ComEd improved its grid reliability by over 70%, helping customers avoid nearly 21.7 million outages.

Why is ComEd attractive to new businesses?

ComEd offers reliable, clean energy and competitive rates, with industrial bills 44% lower than the national average.

What industries benefit from ComEd's services?

Industries like data centers, quantum computing, logistics, and manufacturing benefit from ComEd's services.

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