Vertical Aerospace Begins Testing on New VX4 Prototype

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Vertical Aerospace [NYSE: EVTL] has begun testing its new, more advanced VX4 eVTOL prototype. Initial powered ground tests, including propeller balancing, have been completed at the company's Flight Test Centre. The next phase involves powered propulsion system testing of the advanced powertrain, featuring proprietary battery packs capable of 1.4 MW peak power.

The new VX4 boasts a 20% increase in power-to-weight ratio, enabling speeds up to 150mph. Vertical plans to progress to tethered and untethered flight tests once the UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) issues a Permit to Fly. The aircraft, designed with global aerospace partners, incorporates next-generation propellers and new battery technology developed at Vertical's Energy Centre near Bristol.

Vertical Aerospace [NYSE: EVTL] ha iniziato a testare il suo nuovo e più avanzato protótipo VX4 eVTOL. I test iniziali a terra con propulsione, inclusa la bilanciatura delle eliche, sono stati completati presso il Flight Test Centre dell'azienda. La fase successiva prevede il collaudo del sistema di propulsione alimentato dall'innovativo gruppo propulsore, dotato di batterie proprietarie in grado di fornire un picco di potenza di 1,4 MW.

Il nuovo VX4 vanta un aumento del 20% nel rapporto potenza-peso, che consente velocità di fino a 150 mph. Vertical prevede di passare ai test di volo legati e non legati non appena l'Autorità per l'Aviazione Civile del Regno Unito (CAA) rilascerà un Permesso di Volo. L'aereo, progettato con i partner del settore aerospaziale globale, incorpora eliche di nuova generazione e una tecnologia di batteria innovativa sviluppata presso l'Energy Centre di Vertical vicino a Bristol.

Vertical Aerospace [NYSE: EVTL] ha comenzado a probar su nuevo y más avanzado prototipo VX4 eVTOL. Las pruebas iniciales en tierra con propulsión, que incluyen el equilibrio de las hélices, se han completado en el Centro de Pruebas de Vuelo de la compañía. La siguiente fase implica la prueba del sistema de propulsión alimentado del grupo motopropulsor avanzado, que cuenta con baterías propietarias capaces de alcanzar una potencia máxima de 1,4 MW.

El nuevo VX4 cuenta con un aumento del 20% en la relación potencia-peso, lo que permite alcanzar velocidades de hasta 150 mph. Vertical planea avanzar a pruebas de vuelo atadas y no atadas una vez que la Autoridad de Aviación Civil del Reino Unido (CAA) emita un Permiso de Vuelo. La aeronave, diseñada con socios de la industria aeroespacial global, incorpora hélices de nueva generación y tecnología de baterías desarrollada en el Energy Centre de Vertical cerca de Bristol.

버티컬 항공사 [NYSE: EVTL]는 새로운 고급 VX4 eVTOL 프로토타입의 테스트를 시작했습니다. 프로펠러 균형을 포함한 초기 전동 지상 테스트가 회사의 비행 테스트 센터에서 완료되었습니다. 다음 단계는 1.4MW의 최대 출력을 제공하는 독점 배터리 팩을 특징으로 하는 고급 파워트레인의 전력 추진 시스템 테스트를 포함합니다.

새로운 VX4는 파워 대 중량 비율이 20% 증가하여 최대 시속 150마일에 도달할 수 있습니다. 버티컬은 영국 민간 항공국(CAA)이 비행 허가증을 발급하는 대로 유선 및 비유선 비행 테스트로 진행할 계획입니다. 이 항공기는 전 세계 항공 우주 파트너와 함께 설계되었으며, 브리스톨 근처의 버티컬 에너지 센터에서 개발된 차세대 프로펠러와 새로운 배터리 기술을 통합하고 있습니다.

Vertical Aerospace [NYSE: EVTL] a commencé à tester son nouveau et plus avancé prototype VX4 eVTOL. Les premiers tests à terre avec propulsion, y compris l'équilibrage des hélices, ont été réalisés au Centre d'essai de vol de l'entreprise. La prochaine phase implique des tests du système de propulsion électrique du groupe motopropulseur avancé, doté de packs de batteries propriétaires capables de fournir une puissance de pointe de 1,4 MW.

Le nouveau VX4 affiche une augmentation de 20% du rapport puissance/poids, permettant d’atteindre des vitesses allant jusqu'à 150 mph. Vertical prévoit de passer à des essais de vol liés et sans lien dès que l'Autorité de l'aviation civile du Royaume-Uni (CAA) délivrera un permis de vol. L'avion, conçu avec des partenaires aérospatiaux mondiaux, intègre des hélices de nouvelle génération et une technologie de batterie développée au Centre énergétique de Vertical près de Bristol.

Vertical Aerospace [NYSE: EVTL] hat mit dem Test seines neuen, fortschrittlicheren VX4 eVTOL-Prototyp begonnen. Die ersten motorisierten Bodentests, einschließlich des Ausbalancierens der Propeller, wurden im Flight Test Centre des Unternehmens abgeschlossen. Die nächste Phase umfasst Tests des motorisierten Antriebssystems des fortschrittlichen Antriebsstrangs, der mit proprietären Batteriepacks ausgestattet ist, die eine Spitzenleistung von 1,4 MW erreichen.

Der neue VX4 bietet ein 20% höheres Leistungsgewicht, was Geschwindigkeiten von bis zu 150 mph ermöglicht. Vertical plant, nach Erhalt einer Flugerlaubnis der britischen Zivilbehörde (CAA) mit den Tests gefesselter und ungebundener Flüge fortzufahren. Das Flugzeug, das in Zusammenarbeit mit globalen Luft- und Raumfahrtpartnern entwickelt wurde, integriert Propeller der nächsten Generation und neue Batterietechnologie, die im Energy Centre von Vertical in der Nähe von Bristol entwickelt wurde.

  • Successful completion of initial powered ground tests for the new VX4 prototype
  • 20% increase in power-to-weight ratio compared to the previous prototype
  • Advanced powertrain with proprietary battery packs capable of 1.4 MW peak power
  • Collaboration with global aerospace partners for aircraft design and components
  • Pending Permit to Fly from UK Civil Aviation Authority required for further testing

The commencement of testing for Vertical Aerospace's VX4 prototype represents a significant leap in the eVTOL (electric Vertical Takeoff and Landing) market. The successful completion of initial ground tests, including propeller balancing, indicates early validation of the aircraft's design and engineering. This phase serves as a critical milestone that de-risks the project to some extent, which is essential for investors looking for stability in the high-risk aerospace sector. The detailed testing protocol—encompassing propulsion system testing, thrust output and system integration—demonstrates Vertical's commitment to safety and regulatory compliance, which are paramount in securing certification from the UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA). This progress could boost investor confidence and potentially lead to favorable stock performance in the short term.

Vertical Aerospace's focus on proprietary battery technology capable of producing 1.4 MW of peak power is a game-changer for the eVTOL industry. This innovation not only demonstrates technical prowess but also offers a competitive edge over other market players. The 20% increase in power to weight ratio further enhances the VX4's operational efficiency, making it a more viable option for commercial and possibly even cargo applications. The involvement of high-caliber partners like Honeywell and GKN Aerospace adds credibility and technical depth to the project, suggesting that the VX4 is not just a prototype but a well-engineered product nearing commercial readiness. Long-term, this technological advancement could position Vertical Aerospace as a leader in the zero-emissions aviation sector.

The news of Vertical Aerospace's advanced testing stages for the VX4 prototype comes at a time when the aerospace market is keenly observing developments in sustainable aviation. The successful ground tests and the prospect of moving to more advanced flight phases signal strong progress. This could result in heightened market interest and potentially attract new investment. However, the project's success hinges on obtaining the Permit to Fly from the UK CAA and subsequent piloted flight tests. Any delays or issues in these phases could negatively impact investor sentiment. Therefore, while the short-term outlook is promising, investors should remain cautious and monitor regulatory developments closely.

  • Testing for the new, more advanced VX4 prototype has begun with initial powered ground tests, including propeller balancing, complete at Vertical’s Flight Test Centre.
  • Vertical will now conduct powered, propulsion testing ahead of “wheels up” phase with piloted flights, once the UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has issued its Permit to Fly.

LONDON & NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Vertical Aerospace (Vertical) [NYSE: EVTL], a global aerospace and technology company that is pioneering zero emissions aviation, today announced that testing on its most advanced eVTOL aircraft, unveiled last week, has started with initial powered ground tests, including propeller balancing, successfully complete.

Chief Test Pilot, Justin Paines, in the cockpit of Vertical's new, more advanced full-scale VX4 prototype (Photo: Business Wire)

Chief Test Pilot, Justin Paines, in the cockpit of Vertical's new, more advanced full-scale VX4 prototype (Photo: Business Wire)

Propeller balancing and spinning tests measure weight distribution of each propeller blade to ensure vibrations are minimised for smooth, stable flying.

Over the coming days, the company will conduct powered, propulsion system testing of its most advanced powertrain, which includes proprietary battery packs capable of producing 1.4 MW of peak power and has been designed and built to certification safety standards at its multi-million-pound Vertical Energy Centre.

These next tests involve securely anchoring the aircraft to prevent lift-off and running the engines at various power levels to measure thrust output, system integration, and structural integrity. Together, these tests will ensure the VX4 meets the highest standards of operational safety which are needed for piloted flights.

The company will then move onto its “wheels up” phase with tethered flight tests before progressing to low-speed untethered flights, once it has been issued its Permit to Fly from the UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA).

David King, Chief Engineer, Vertical, said:

"These tests are a crucial step forward in our mission to certify the VX4 and make a cleaner, quieter, and safer way of air mobility a reality. Every day we are seeing amazing progress from the team at our Flight Test Centre, each test providing valuable insights to help shape the next. We continue to work alongside our regulator to develop the safest and most advanced eVTOL aircraft in the world.

“As the aerospace world meets in Farnborough this week, we could not be prouder of the team and look forward to sharing more on our progress towards piloted flights.”

This next-generation VX4 is more powerful than the previous full-scale prototype, with an impressive 20% increase in the power to weight ratio, enabling the aircraft to reach speeds of up to 150mph – the certification aircraft’s intended cruise speed.

The aircraft has been designed and built alongside global aerospace partners, including GKN Aerospace, Honeywell, Hanwha, Molicel, Leonardo and Syensqo. It features Vertical’s next generation propellers and new proprietary battery technology, designed and manufactured at its multi-million pound state-of-the-art Vertical Energy Centre near Bristol, the UK’s most advanced aerospace battery facility.

Notes to Editor

Piloted flight test programme explainer:

  1. Tethered: the VX4 will perform stabilised hover while loosely tethered to the ground.
  2. Untethered: the VX4 will hover without a tether.
  3. Thrustbourne: the VX4 will take-off and land vertically and conduct low speed flight manoeuvres with lift generated by the propellers.
  4. Wingbourne: the VX4 will take-off, fly and land like a conventional aircraft, with lift generated by the wing.
  5. Transition: The VX4 will transition between thrustbourne and wingbourne flight, and vice versa.

About Vertical Aerospace

Vertical Aerospace is a global aerospace and technology company pioneering electric aviation.

Vertical is creating a safer, cleaner and quieter way to travel. Vertical's VX4 is a piloted, four passenger, Electric Vertical Take-Off and Landing (eVTOL) aircraft, with zero operating emissions. Vertical combines partnering with leading aerospace companies, including GKN, Honeywell and Leonardo, with developing its own proprietary battery and propeller technology to develop the world’s most advanced and safest eVTOL.

Vertical has 1,500 pre-orders of the VX4 worth $6bn, with customers across four continents, including Virgin Atlantic, American Airlines, Japan Airlines, GOL and Bristow. Headquartered in Bristol, the epicentre of the UK’s aerospace industry, Vertical was founded in 2016 by Stephen Fitzpatrick, founder of the OVO Group, Europe’s largest independent energy retailer.

Vertical's experienced leadership team comes from top tier automotive and aerospace companies such as Rolls-Royce, Airbus, GM and Leonardo. Together they have previously certified and supported over 30 different civil and military aircraft and propulsion systems.

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 that relate to our current expectations and views of future events. We intend such forward-looking statements to be covered by the safe harbour provisions for forward-looking statements as contained in Section 27A of the Securities Act and Section 21E of the Exchange Act. Any express or implied statements contained in this press release that are not statements of historical fact may be deemed to be forward-looking statements, including, without limitation, statements regarding the design and manufacture of the VX4, the features and capabilities of the VX4, business strategy and plans and objectives of management for future operations, including the building and testing of our prototype aircrafts on timelines projected, selection of suppliers, certification and the commercialization of the VX4 and our ability to achieve regulatory certification of our aircraft product with any of our intended regulators on any particular timeline or at all, our ability and plans to raise additional capital to fund our operations, the differential strategy compared to our peer group, expectations surrounding pre-orders and commitments, our future results of operations and financial position and expected financial performance and operational performance, liquidity, growth and profitability strategies, our plans to mitigate the risk that we are unable to continue as a going concern, our plans for capital expenditures, as well as statements that include the words “expect,” “intend,” “plan,” “believe,” “project,” “forecast,” “estimate,” “may,” “should,” “anticipate,” “will,” “aim,” “potential,” “continue,” “are likely to” and similar statements of a future or forward-looking nature. Forward-looking statements are neither promises nor guarantees, but involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected, including, without limitation: our limited operating history without manufactured non-prototype aircraft or completed eVTOL aircraft customer order; our history of losses and the expectation to incur significant expenses and continuing losses for the foreseeable future; the market for eVTOL aircraft being in a relatively early stage; our potential inability to produce, certify or launch aircraft in the volumes or timelines projected; the potential inability to obtain the necessary certifications for production and operation within any projected timeline, or at all; any accidents or incidents involving eVTOL aircraft could harm our business; our dependence on partners and suppliers for the components in our aircraft and for operational needs; the potential that certain strategic partnerships may not materialize into long-term partnership arrangements; all of the preorders received are conditional and may be terminated at any time and any pre-delivery payments may be fully refundable upon certain specified dates; any circumstances; the inability for our aircraft to perform at the level we expect and may have potential defects; any potential failure to effectively manage our growth; our inability to recruit and retain senior management and other highly skilled personnel, our ability to raise additional funds when we need or want them, or at all, to fund our operations; our limited cash and cash equivalents and recurring losses from our operations raise significant doubt (or raise substantial doubt as contemplated by PCAOB standards) regarding our ability to continue as a going concern; and the other important factors discussed under the caption “Risk Factors” in our Annual Report on Form 20-F filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) on March 14, 2024, as such factors may be updated from time to time in our other filings with the SEC. Any forward-looking statements contained in this press release speak only as of the date hereof and accordingly undue reliance should not be placed on such statements. We disclaim any obligation or undertaking to update or revise any forward-looking statements contained in this press release, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, other than to the extent required by applicable law.

Justin Bates, Head of Communications

+44 7878 357 463

Samuel Emden, Head of Investor Affairs

+44 7816 459 904

Source: Vertical Aerospace


What is the current testing status of Vertical Aerospace's new VX4 prototype?

Vertical Aerospace has completed initial powered ground tests, including propeller balancing, for the new VX4 prototype. The company is now conducting powered propulsion system testing before moving to tethered and untethered flight tests.

What improvements does the new VX4 prototype offer compared to the previous version?

The new VX4 prototype features a 20% increase in power-to-weight ratio, allowing it to reach speeds of up to 150mph. It also incorporates next-generation propellers and new proprietary battery technology.

When will Vertical Aerospace (EVTL) begin piloted flights of the new VX4 prototype?

Vertical Aerospace will begin piloted flights of the new VX4 prototype once the UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) issues a Permit to Fly. The company plans to start with tethered flight tests before progressing to untethered flights.

What are the key features of the VX4's powertrain system?

The VX4's powertrain system includes proprietary battery packs capable of producing 1.4 MW of peak power. It has been designed and built to certification safety standards at Vertical's multi-million-pound Vertical Energy Centre.

Vertical Aerospace Ltd.


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