Entergy Louisiana To Host Customer Engagement Event
Entergy Louisiana is hosting a customer engagement event on July 25 in LaPlace to help customers manage their utility bills amid rising summer temperatures. The event, held in partnership with New Wine Christian Fellowship, will take place from 8-11 a.m. at 1929 W. Airline Hwy., Suite 1933.
Attendees can:
- Learn about energy efficiency programs
- Connect with financial assistance options
- Explore the new Bill Toolkit
- Receive free box fans and energy efficiency kits
The event will also provide information on security lighting and the Kids to College savings program. This initiative aims to support customers in conserving electricity while maintaining comfort and accessing available resources.
Entergy Louisiana ospiterà un evento di coinvolgimento dei clienti il 25 luglio a LaPlace per aiutare i clienti a gestire le bollette energetiche in un contesto di aumento delle temperature estive. L'evento, organizzato in collaborazione con New Wine Christian Fellowship, si terrà dalle 8:00 alle 11:00 presso 1929 W. Airline Hwy., Suite 1933.
I partecipanti possono:
- Scoprire i programmi di efficienza energetica
- Collegarsi alle opzioni di assistenza finanziaria
- Esplorare il nuovo Toolkit per le bollette
- Ricevere ventilatori a scatola gratuiti e kit per l'efficienza energetica
L'evento fornirà anche informazioni sull'illuminazione di sicurezza e sul programma di risparmio Kids to College. Questa iniziativa mira a supportare i clienti nel risparmio energetico mantenendo il comfort e accedendo alle risorse disponibili.
Entergy Louisiana llevará a cabo un evento de participación del cliente el 25 de julio en LaPlace para ayudar a los clientes a manejar sus facturas de servicios públicos ante el aumento de las temperaturas estivales. El evento, realizado en colaboración con New Wine Christian Fellowship, se llevará a cabo de 8 a 11 a.m. en 1929 W. Airline Hwy., Suite 1933.
Los asistentes pueden:
- Conocer los programas de eficiencia energética
- Conectar con opciones de asistencia financiera
- Explorar el nuevo Kit de Herramientas de Factura
- Recibir ventiladores de caja gratuitos y kits de eficiencia energética
El evento también proporcionará información sobre iluminación de seguridad y el programa de ahorros Kids to College. Esta iniciativa tiene como objetivo ayudar a los clientes a conservar electricidad mientras mantienen la comodidad y acceden a los recursos disponibles.
엔터지 루이지애나가 고객이 여름 온도 상승에 따라 공과금을 관리할 수 있도록 고객 참여 행사를 7월 25일 라플라스에서 개최합니다. 뉴 와인 크리스천 펠로우십과의 협력으로 진행되는 이번 행사는 오전 8시부터 11시까지 1929 W. Airline Hwy., Suite 1933에서 열립니다.
- 에너지 효율 프로그램에 대해 배울 수 있습니다.
- 재정 지원 옵션과 연결할 수 있습니다.
- 새로운 청구서 툴킷을 탐색할 수 있습니다.
- 무료 박스 팬과 에너지 효율 키트를 받을 수 있습니다.
이번 행사는 보안 조명 및 Kids to College 저축 프로그램에 대한 정보도 제공할 예정입니다. 이 이니셔티브는 고객이 편안함을 유지하고 이용 가능한 자원에 접근하면서 전기를 절약하도록 지원하는 것을 목표로 합니다.
Entergy Louisiana organise un événement d'engagement des clients le 25 juillet à LaPlace pour aider les clients à gérer leurs factures d'énergie face à la hausse des températures estivales. L'événement, organisé en collaboration avec New Wine Christian Fellowship, se déroulera de 8h à 11h au 1929 W. Airline Hwy., Suite 1933.
Les participants peuvent:
- Découvrir les programmes d'efficacité énergétique
- Se connecter aux options d'assistance financière
- Explorer le nouvel Outil de Facturation
- Recevoir des ventilateurs à boîte gratuits et des kits d'efficacité énergétique
L'événement fournira également des informations sur l'éclairage de sécurité et le programme d'épargne Kids to College. Cette initiative vise à aider les clients à économiser de l'électricité tout en maintenant le confort et en accédant aux ressources disponibles.
Entergy Louisiana veranstaltet am 25. Juli in LaPlace ein Kundenbeteiligungsereignis, um Kunden bei der Verwaltung ihrer Stromrechnungen angesichts steigender Sommertemperaturen zu unterstützen. Die Veranstaltung, die in Zusammenarbeit mit New Wine Christian Fellowship stattfindet, findet von 8 bis 11 Uhr in der 1929 W. Airline Hwy., Suite 1933 statt.
Die Teilnehmer können:
- Über Programme zur Energieeffizienz informieren
- Mit Unterstützungsangeboten in Verbindung treten
- Das neue Rechnungs-Toolkit erkunden
- Kostenlose Boxventilatoren und Kits zur Energieeffizienz erhalten
Die Veranstaltung wird auch Informationen über Sicherheitsbeleuchtung und das Kids to College-Sparprogramm bereitstellen. DieseInitiative hat das Ziel, Kunden dabei zu unterstützen, Strom zu sparen, während sie Komfort bewahren und auf verfügbare Ressourcen zugreifen.
- None.
- None.
By Phoebe James
NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / July 22, 2024 / Entergy Corporation

As summer high temperatures continue to increase energy usage, Entergy Louisiana is taking action to help customers save money and manage their utility bills.
The company is hosting an in-person event in LaPlace on July 25. The event, in partnership with local community advocate organization New Wine Christian Fellowship, will take place at the church, located at 1929 W. Airline Hwy., Suite 1933, LaPlace, from 8-11 a.m.
Customers will get a chance to:
Learn about energy efficiency programs that help customers conserve electricity while staying comfortable.
Be connected with available financial assistance (pending qualification), including Entergy's The Power to Care Program for low-income older adults and customers with disabilities.
Explore our new Bill Toolkit that empowers customers with resources and available assistance options through a one-stop online shop at entergy.com.
Receive free box fans and energy efficiency kits (limited supply).
The event will also give customers the opportunity to learn more from Entergy Louisiana on a variety of other services and programs. For example, customers will be able to receive information on adding security lighting to their home or business and even enroll their kids in our Kids to College matching savings account program.
To learn more about how Entergy supports its communities, visit https://www.entergy.com/communities/.
About Entergy Louisiana
Entergy Louisiana, LLC provides electric service to more than 1 million customers in 58 parishes and natural gas service to more than 94,000 customers in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Entergy Louisiana is a subsidiary of Entergy Corporation (NYSE: ETR), a Fortune 500 company. Entergy powers life for 3 million customers through our operating companies in Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas. We're investing in the reliability and resilience of the energy system while helping our region transition to cleaner, more efficient energy solutions. With roots in our communities for more than 100 years, Entergy is a nationally recognized leader in sustainability and corporate citizenship. Since 2018, we have delivered more than
View additional multimedia and more ESG storytelling from Entergy Corporation on 3blmedia.com.
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Spokesperson: Entergy Corporation
Website: https://www.3blmedia.com/profiles/entergy-corporation
Email: info@3blmedia.com
SOURCE: Entergy Corporation
View the original press release on accesswire.com
When and where is Entergy Louisiana hosting its customer engagement event?
What can customers learn about at Entergy Louisiana's July 25 event?
What free items are being offered at Entergy Louisiana's customer event in LaPlace?