Entergy Louisiana Employees Recognized for Hurricane Francine Stakeholder Engagement Efforts

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Three Entergy Louisiana employees were honored with certificates of commendation from Baton Rouge Mayor-President Sharon Weston Broome for their stakeholder engagement efforts during and after Hurricane Francine. Seth Schilling, Desiree Harris, and Traye Granger were recognized for their dedication to the community in the storm's aftermath.

The hurricane made landfall as a Category 2 storm on Sept. 11, affecting over 300,000 Entergy customers. Mayor Broome praised the Entergy team for effective communication and strong stakeholder engagement, emphasizing their quick and coordinated efforts in restoring critical services.

Entergy Louisiana continues to invest in improving service reliability and strengthening the state's power grid. The Louisiana Public Service Commission recently approved phase one of the company's comprehensive grid resilience program, a five-year initiative expected to help avoid up to $1.2 billion in storm restoration costs.

Tre dipendenti di Entergy Louisiana sono stati onorati con certificati di encomio dal Sindaco-presidente di Baton Rouge, Sharon Weston Broome, per i loro sforzi di coinvolgimento degli stakeholder durante e dopo l'uragano Francine. Seth Schilling, Desiree Harris e Traye Granger sono stati riconosciuti per la loro dedizione alla comunità dopo la tempesta.

L'uragano ha toccato terra come tempesta di Categoria 2 l'11 settembre, colpendo oltre 300.000 clienti di Entergy. Il Sindaco Broome ha elogiato il team di Entergy per la comunicazione efficace e un forte coinvolgimento degli stakeholder, sottolineando i loro interventi rapidi e coordinati nel ripristino dei servizi critici.

Entergy Louisiana continua a investire per migliorare l'affidabilità del servizio e rafforzare la rete elettrica dello stato. La Commissione dei Servizi Pubblici della Louisiana ha recentemente approvato la fase uno del programma completo di resilienza della rete dell'azienda, un'iniziativa quinquennale che si prevede aiuterà a evitare fino a 1,2 miliardi di dollari in costi di ripristino a seguito di tempeste.

Tres empleados de Entergy Louisiana fueron honrados con certificados de reconocimiento por parte de la alcaldesa-presidente de Baton Rouge, Sharon Weston Broome, por sus esfuerzos de compromiso con los interesados durante y después de el huracán Francine. Seth Schilling, Desiree Harris y Traye Granger fueron reconocidos por su dedicación a la comunidad tras la tormenta.

El huracán tocó tierra como una tormenta de Categoría 2 el 11 de septiembre, afectando a más de 300,000 clientes de Entergy. La alcaldesa Broome elogió al equipo de Entergy por su efectiva comunicación y fuerte compromiso con los interesados, enfatizando sus rápidas y coordinadas acciones para restaurar servicios críticos.

Entergy Louisiana continúa invirtiendo en mejorar la fiabilidad del servicio y fortalecer la red eléctrica del estado. La Comisión de Servicios Públicos de Louisiana aprobó recientemente la fase uno del programa integral de resiliencia de la red de la empresa, una iniciativa de cinco años que se espera ayude a evitar hasta 1.2 mil millones de dólares en costos de restauración tras las tormentas.

세 명의 Entergy Louisiana 직원이 허리케인 프랜신 이후 이해관계자 참여 노력을 인정받아 배턴 루지 시장 겸 대통령인 샤론 웨스턴 브룸으로부터 공로증서를 받았습니다. 세스 칼링, 데지리 해리스, 트레이 그레인저가 폭풍우 이후 지역 사회에 대한 헌신으로 인정받았습니다.

이 허리케인은 9월 11일 카테고리 2 태풍으로 상륙하여 30만 명 이상의 Entergy 고객에게 영향을 미쳤습니다. 브룸 시장은 Entergy 팀의 효과적인 소통과 강력한 이해관계자 참여를 칭찬하며, 필수 서비스를 복구하는 데 있어 그들의 신속하고 협조적인 노력을 강조했습니다.

Entergy Louisiana는 서비스 신뢰성을 향상시키고 주 전력망을 강화하는 데 계속해서 투자하고 있습니다. 루이지애나 공공 서비스 위원회는 최근 회사의 포괄적인 전력망 회복력 프로그램의 1단계를 승인했으며, 이는 향후 5년 간 최대 12억 달러의 폭풍 복구 비용을 회피하는 데 도움을 줄 것으로 예상됩니다.

Trois employés de Entergy Louisiana ont été honorés par la maire-présidente de Baton Rouge, Sharon Weston Broome, avec des certificats de commendation pour leurs efforts de partenariats avec les parties prenantes lors et après l'ouragan Francine. Seth Schilling, Desiree Harris et Traye Granger ont été reconnus pour leur dévouement à la communauté après la tempête.

L'ouragan a touché terre en tant que tempête de Catégorie 2 le 11 septembre, affectant plus de 300 000 clients d'Entergy. La maire Broome a loué l'équipe d'Entergy pour sa communication efficace et son engagement fort envers les parties prenantes, en soulignant leurs efforts rapides et coordonnés pour rétablir les services critiques.

Entergy Louisiana continue d'investir dans l'amélioration de la fiabilité du service et le renforcement du réseau électrique de l'État. La Commission des Services Publics de Louisiane a récemment approuvé la première phase du programme complet de résilience du réseau de l'entreprise, une initiative de cinq ans qui devrait permettre d'éviter jusqu'à 1,2 milliard de dollars de coûts de restauration liés aux tempêtes.

Drei Mitarbeiter von Entergy Louisiana wurden von der Bürgermeisterin von Baton Rouge, Sharon Weston Broome, mit Anerkennungszertifikaten für ihr Engagement gegenüber den Stakeholdern während und nach Hurrikan Francine ausgezeichnet. Seth Schilling, Desiree Harris und Traye Granger wurden für ihr Engagement in der Gemeinschaft nach dem Sturm gewürdigt.

Der Hurrikan traf am 11. September als Kategorie-2-Sturm auf Land und betraf über 300.000 Kunden von Entergy. Bürgermeisterin Broome lobte das Entergy-Team für seine effektive Kommunikation und starke Einbindung der Stakeholder und betonte deren schnelle und koordinierte Bemühungen zur Wiederherstellung kritischer Dienstleistungen.

Entergy Louisiana investiert weiterhin in die Verbesserung der Servicezuverlässigkeit und die Stärkung des Stromnetzes des Bundesstaates. Die Louisiana Public Service Commission genehmigte kürzlich die erste Phase des umfassenden Resilienzprogramms für das Netz des Unternehmens, eine fünfjährige Initiative, die voraussichtlich dazu beitragen wird, bis zu 1,2 Milliarden Dollar an Wiederherstellungskosten nach Stürmen zu vermeiden.

  • None.
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / October 3, 2024 / Entergy Corporation

By: David Freese, Senior Communications Specialist

Three Entergy Louisiana employees were honored with certificates of commendation from Mayor-President Sharon Weston Broome during the Sept. 25 Baton Rouge Metropolitan Council meeting for their stakeholder engagement efforts during and after Hurricane Francine.

Seth Schilling, region customer service manager; Desiree Harris, customer service manager; and Traye Granger, region distribution operations senior manager, were recognized for their dedication to the community in the aftermath of the storm. Their certificates praised their "selfless service and commitment to the safety and well-being of citizens," calling it a testament to the spirit of public service.

In addition to recognizing the Entergy employees, Broome acknowledged the efforts of those on the frontlines, including some with the Baton Rouge Fire Department, East Baton Rouge emergency medical services and the Baton Rouge Department of Public Works. She thanked the Entergy team for effective communication and strong stakeholder engagement before, during and after the storm.

"Your quick and coordinated efforts did not and do not go unnoticed, and certainly because of your commitment, lives were saved, and critical services were restored in record time," Broome said. "Thank you for putting our citizens' safety above all else. Your work truly embodies the spirit of resilience and community, and we are deeply grateful for what you have done."

Councilman Daryl Hurst also praised Entergy Louisiana's efforts.

"I want to give Entergy a huge commendation for the level of support they provided throughout the storm, but throughout the year as well," Hurst said. "Thank you for the impact you make on our community."

Michelle Bourg, Entergy vice president of customer service, expressed her gratitude for the recognition and highlighted the strong relationship with the communities across East Baton Rouge Parish.

"We're incredibly grateful to be recognized for our efforts and to have the opportunity to serve the people of East Baton Rouge Parish," Bourg said. "We look forward to continuing our strong partnership with the city and parish in the future as we work together to ensure the safety and well-being of our citizens."

Hurricane Francine made landfall as a Category 2 storm in Terrebonne Parish on Sept. 11, knocking out power to more than 300,000 Entergy customers across southeast Louisiana, including the Greater Baton Rouge area. The storm brought heavy rain and winds exceeding 100 mph, causing widespread damage to vegetation and electric infrastructure.

Entergy Louisiana continues to make strategic investments to improve service reliability and strengthen the state's power grid against extreme weather. In April, the Louisiana Public Service Commission approved phase one of the company's comprehensive grid resilience program, a five-year initiative including 2,100 projects affecting approximately 69,000 structures. These efforts are anticipated to help avoid up to $1.2 billion in storm restoration costs.


Baton Rouge Mayor-President Sharon Weston Broome is pictured with Desiree Harris, Entergy Louisiana customer service manager; Traye Granger, Entergy Louisiana region distribution operations senior manager; and Seth Schilling, region customer service manager. Broome recognized the three Entergy employees at the recent metropolitan council meeting with certificates of commendation.

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SOURCE: Entergy Corporation

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When did Hurricane Francine make landfall and how many Entergy customers were affected?

Hurricane Francine made landfall as a Category 2 storm in Terrebonne Parish on September 11, knocking out power to more than 300,000 Entergy customers across southeast Louisiana, including the Greater Baton Rouge area.

Which Entergy Louisiana employees were recognized for their efforts during Hurricane Francine?

Seth Schilling (region customer service manager), Desiree Harris (customer service manager), and Traye Granger (region distribution operations senior manager) were recognized with certificates of commendation from Mayor-President Sharon Weston Broome for their stakeholder engagement efforts during and after Hurricane Francine.

What is Entergy Louisiana's comprehensive grid resilience program?

Entergy Louisiana's comprehensive grid resilience program is a five-year initiative including 2,100 projects affecting approximately 69,000 structures. The program's first phase was approved by the Louisiana Public Service Commission in April and is expected to help avoid up to $1.2 billion in storm restoration costs.

How did Hurricane Francine impact Louisiana?

Hurricane Francine brought heavy rain and winds exceeding 100 mph, causing widespread damage to vegetation and electric infrastructure. It knocked out power to more than 300,000 Entergy customers across southeast Louisiana, including the Greater Baton Rouge area.

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