Entergy Employees Give $20K Grant, $8K in School Supplies; Paint, Plant and Clean Adopted School

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Entergy Nuclear team members participated in Jackson Public School District's annual 'Beautification Day' at North Jackson Elementary, their adopted school. Volunteers painted, planted, and power washed the school grounds, donated over $8,000 in school supplies, and presented a $20,000 grant. The grant will provide Virtual Reality headsets for classrooms in grades 1-5, enhancing immersive learning experiences. Principal Jocelyn Smith anticipates VR helping students maintain or gain proficiency on state tests and district assessments. Entergy adopted North Jackson Elementary in 2022, serving about 430 students from pre-K to fifth grade. This marks the third consecutive year of Entergy's participation in the district's annual event.

I membri del team nucleare di Entergy hanno partecipato alla giornata annuale di 'Abbellimento' del Distretto Scolastico Pubblico di Jackson presso la North Jackson Elementary, la loro scuola adottata. I volontari hanno dipinto, piantato e pulito il cortile della scuola, donando oltre 8.000 dollari in forniture scolastiche e presentando un finanziamento di 20.000 dollari. Questo finanziamento fornirà cuffie di realtà virtuale per le aule delle classi dalla 1 alla 5, migliorando le esperienze di apprendimento immersivo. La preside Jocelyn Smith prevede che la realtà virtuale aiuti gli studenti a mantenere o guadagnare competenze nei test statali e nelle valutazioni del distretto. Entergy ha adottato la North Jackson Elementary nel 2022, servendo circa 430 studenti dalla pre-K alla quinta classe. Questo segna il terzo anno consecutivo di partecipazione di Entergy all'evento annuale del distretto.

Los miembros del equipo nuclear de Entergy participaron en el 'Día de Embellecimiento' anual del Distrito Escolar Público de Jackson en la North Jackson Elementary, su escuela adoptada. Los voluntarios pintaron, plantaron y lavaron a presión los terrenos escolares, donaron más de 8,000 dólares en útiles escolares y presentaron una subvención de 20,000 dólares. La subvención proporcionará gafas de realidad virtual para las aulas de los grados 1-5, mejorando las experiencias de aprendizaje inmersivo. La directora Jocelyn Smith anticipa que la realidad virtual ayudará a los estudiantes a mantener o ganar competencia en las pruebas estatales y en las evaluaciones del distrito. Entergy adoptó la North Jackson Elementary en 2022, sirviendo a aproximadamente 430 estudiantes desde pre-K hasta quinto grado. Este es el tercer año consecutivo de participación de Entergy en el evento anual del distrito.

엔터기 원자력 팀원들은 그들이 채택한 학교인 노스 잭슨 초등학교에서 잭슨 공립학교 구역의 연례 '미화의 날'에 참여했습니다. 자원봉사자들은 학교 잔디를 페인트하고 식물을 심고 고압 세척했으며, 8,000달러 이상의 학용품을 기부하고 20,000달러의 보조금을 전달했습니다. 이 보조금은 1학년부터 5학년까지의 교실에 가상 현실 헤드셋을 제공하여 몰입형 학습 경험을 향상시키는 데 사용됩니다. 교장 조슬린 스미스는 VR이 학생들이 주 시험 및 구역 평가에서 능력을 유지하거나 향상시키는 데 도움이 될 것으로 기대하고 있습니다. 엔터기는 2022년에 노스 잭슨 초등학교를 채택하여 약 430명의 학생에게 서비스를 제공합니다. 이는 엔터기가 구역의 연례 행사에 참여한 세 번째 연속년을 의미합니다.

Les membres de l'équipe nucléaire d'Entergy ont participé à la journée annuelle de 'Bélisation' du district scolaire public de Jackson à l'école élémentaire North Jackson, leur école adoptée. Les bénévoles ont peint, planté et nettoyé sous pression les espaces scolaires, ont fait don de plus de 8 000 dollars en fournitures scolaires et ont présenté une subvention de 20 000 dollars. Cette subvention fournira des casques de réalité virtuelle pour les classes de la 1ère à la 5ème année, améliorant les expériences d'apprentissage immersives. La directrice Jocelyn Smith prévoit que la réalité virtuelle aide les étudiants à maintenir ou à acquérir des compétences aux examens d'État et aux évaluations du district. Entergy a adopté l'école élémentaire North Jackson en 2022, servant environ 430 élèves de la maternelle à la cinquième année. Cela marque la troisième année consécutive de participation d'Entergy à l'événement annuel du district.

Die Mitglieder des Entergy Nuclear-Teams nahmen am jährlichen 'Verschönerungstag' des Jackson Public School District an der North Jackson Elementary teil, ihrer angenommenen Schule. Die Freiwilligen malten, pflanzten und reinigten die Schulgelände, spenden über 8.000 Dollar an Schulmaterialien und präsentierten einen Stipendium von 20.000 Dollar. Das Stipendium wird Virtual-Reality-Headsets für Klassenzimmer der Klassen 1-5 bereitstellen, um die immersiven Lernerfahrungen zu verbessern. Direktorin Jocelyn Smith erwartet, dass VR den Schülern hilft, ihre Kompetenz in staatlichen Tests und Bezirkseinschätzungen zu erhalten oder zu verbessern. Entergy hat die North Jackson Elementary 2022 übernommen und betreut etwa 430 Schüler von der Vorschule bis zur fünften Klasse. Dies markiert das dritte aufeinanderfolgende Jahr von Entergys Teilnahme an der jährlichen Veranstaltung des Distrikts.

  • Donated $20,000 grant for Virtual Reality headsets in classrooms
  • Provided over $8,000 in school supplies
  • Strengthened community relations through volunteer work and school adoption
  • None.

JACKSON, MS / ACCESSWIRE / August 6, 2024 / It was all hands on deck as Entergy Nuclear team members painted, planted and power washed at their adopted school, North Jackson Elementary, during Jackson Public School District's annual ‘Beautification Day'.

In addition to deep-cleaning sidewalks, planting flowers and performing general clean-up, volunteers donated and distributed more than $8,000 in school supplies and presented school leaders with a $20,000 grant.

The money will provide each classroom in grades 1-5 with eight Virtual Reality headsets and charging cases. A key benefit of using VR in education is the immersive learning experience it provides.

"We're very excited to bring VR learning to our scholars," said Principal Jocelyn Smith. "Virtual reality brings 2D objects to life and makes visualization a reality, enabling users to experience real scenarios or fabricated experiences over and over. Through tutoring and incorporating VR in our teachers' everyday lessons, we anticipate VR helping our scholars maintain or gain proficiency on our state test, as well as district benchmark assessments."

Entergy Nuclear adopted North Jackson Elementary School as its new Adopt-A-School partner in 2022. The school is about five miles from the company's headquarters and is the largest elementary school in the north Jackson area. It serves approximately 430 students from pre-kindergarten through fifth grade.

"Strong communities provide a better quality of life for all who live there, so it's important to us to give back to the communities where our employees and customers live and work," said Kimberly Cook-Nelson, Entergy chief nuclear officer. "Our partnership with North Jackson Elementary is strong and provides us with opportunities for our people to volunteer in a number of ways throughout the year, from back-to-school supply drives, to judging science fairs, to reading, tutoring, and more."

This was the third consecutive year Entergy team members have participated in the district's annual event.

Volunteers gather for the grant presentation after a morning of beautifying North Jackson Elementary School.

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Spokesperson: Entergy Corporation

SOURCE: Entergy Corporation

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What did Entergy donate to North Jackson Elementary School in 2024?

Entergy donated a $20,000 grant for Virtual Reality headsets and over $8,000 in school supplies to North Jackson Elementary School in 2024.

How will the $20,000 grant from Entergy be used at North Jackson Elementary?

The $20,000 grant will provide each classroom in grades 1-5 with eight Virtual Reality headsets and charging cases to enhance immersive learning experiences.

When did Entergy adopt North Jackson Elementary School as its Adopt-A-School partner?

Entergy adopted North Jackson Elementary School as its Adopt-A-School partner in 2022.

How many students does North Jackson Elementary School serve?

North Jackson Elementary School serves approximately 430 students from pre-kindergarten through fifth grade.

Entergy Corp


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