Entergy Celebrates and Empowers Latinos During National Hispanic Heritage Month

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Entergy celebrates National Hispanic Heritage Month by collaborating with Hispanic partners and community leaders to uplift Latino voices. Key highlights include:

  • Entergy New Orleans and Entergy Louisiana honored as Corporate Partner of the Year at the Hispanic Chamber Excelencia Gala
  • Sponsorship of a session at the 47th annual Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute Leadership Conference
  • Participation in Kids to College Hispanic outreach initiatives

Patty Riddlebarger, Entergy's vice president of corporate social responsibility, emphasized the importance of Latino representation in corporations. Community partners from Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas were invited to the conference, along with college students representing the next generation of Latino leaders. Entergy remains committed to honoring Latino cultural contributions and investing in future leaders.

Entergy celebra il Mese Nazionale dell'Eredità Ispanica collaborando con partner e leader della comunità ispanica per dare voce ai Latino. Momenti chiave includono:

  • Entergy New Orleans ed Entergy Louisiana premiati come Partner Aziendale dell'Anno al Gala della Camera di Commercio Ispanica Excelencia
  • Sponsorizzazione di una sessione alla 47ª Conferenza di Leadership dell'Istituto del Caucus Ispanico del Congresso
  • Partecipazione alle iniziative di sensibilizzazione Kids to College per la comunità ispanica

Patty Riddlebarger, vicepresidente della responsabilità sociale d'impresa di Entergy, ha sottolineato l'importanza della rappresentanza Latino nelle aziende. I partner della comunità provenienti da Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi e Texas sono stati invitati alla conferenza, insieme a studenti universitari che rappresentano la prossima generazione di leader Latino. Entergy rimane impegnata a onorare i contributi culturali Latino e a investire nei futuri leader.

Entergy celebra el Mes Nacional de la Herencia Hispana colaborando con socios y líderes comunitarios hispanos para elevar las voces latinas. Puntos clave incluyen:

  • Entergy New Orleans y Entergy Louisiana reconocidos como Socio Corporativo del Año en la Gala de la Cámara de Comercio Hispana Excelencia
  • Patrocinio de una sesión en la 47ª Conferencia Anual de Liderazgo del Instituto del Caucus Hispano del Congreso
  • Participación en las iniciativas de alcance Kids to College para la comunidad hispana

Patty Riddlebarger, vicepresidenta de responsabilidad social corporativa de Entergy, enfatizó la importancia de la representación latina en las corporaciones. Se invitó a socios comunitarios de Arkansas, Luisiana, Misisipi y Texas a la conferencia, junto con estudiantes universitarios que representan a la próxima generación de líderes latinos. Entergy se compromete a honrar las contribuciones culturales latinas e invertir en los futuros líderes.

엔터기는 라틴계 목소리를 높이기 위해 히스패닉 파트너 및 커뮤니티 리더와 협력하여 국가 히스패닉 유산의 달을 기념합니다. 주요 하이라이트는 다음과 같습니다:

  • 엔터기 뉴올리언스와 엔터기 루이지애나가 히스패닉 상공회의소 엑셀렌시아 갈라에서 올해의 기업 파트너로 선정됨
  • 47번째 연례 의회 히스패닉 코커스 연구소 리더십 회의 세션 후원
  • Kids to College 히스패닉 아웃리치 이니셔티브 참여

엔터기의 사회적 책임 담당 부사장인 패티 리들바거는 기업 내 라틴계 대표의 중요성을 강조했습니다. 아칸소, 루이지애나, 미시시피, 텍사스의 커뮤니티 파트너들이 회의에 초대되었고, 다음 세대의 라틴계 리더를 대표하는 대학생들도 참석했습니다. 엔터기는 라틴계의 문화적 기여를 기념하고 미래의 리더에 투자하는 데 전념하고 있습니다.

Entergy célèbre le Mois National du Patrimoine Hispaniques en collaborant avec des partenaires hispaniques et des leaders communautaires pour faire entendre les voix latinos. Points clés incluent :

  • Entergy New Orleans et Entergy Louisiana honorés comme Partenaire Corporate de l'Année lors du gala de la Chambre de Commerce Hispano Excelencia
  • Parrainage d'une session à la 47e Conférence Annuelle de Leadership de l'Institut des Caucus Hispaniques du Congrès
  • Participation aux initiatives Kids to College de sensibilisation hispanique

Patty Riddlebarger, vice-présidente de la responsabilité sociale d'entreprise d'Entergy, a souligné l'importance de la représentation latino dans les entreprises. Des partenaires communautaires d'Arkansas, de Louisiane, du Mississippi et du Texas ont été invités à la conférence, ainsi que des étudiants universitaires représentant la prochaine génération de leaders latinos. Entergy reste engagé à honorer les contributions culturelles latinos et à investir dans les futurs leaders.

Entergy feiert den Nationalen Monat des hispanischen Erbes, indem es mit hispanischen Partnern und Community-Leitern zusammenarbeitet, um die Stimmen der Latinos zu erheben. Wichtige Höhepunkte sind:

  • Entergy New Orleans und Entergy Louisiana wurden beim Gala der hispanischen Handelskammer Excelencia als Unternehmenspartner des Jahres ausgezeichnet
  • Sponsoring einer Sitzung auf der 47. jährlichen Leadership-Konferenz des Hispanic Caucus Institute des Kongresses
  • Teilnahme an den Kids to College-Hispanic Outreach-Initiativen

Patty Riddlebarger, Vizepräsidentin für Unternehmensverantwortung von Entergy, betonte die Bedeutung der latino Vertretung in Unternehmen. Gemeinschaftspartner aus Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi und Texas wurden zur Konferenz eingeladen, zusammen mit College-Studenten, die die nächste Generation latinos Führungskräfte repräsentieren. Entergy bleibt engagiert, die kulturellen Beiträge der Latinos zu würdigen und in zukünftige Führungskräfte zu investieren.

  • None.
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / October 15, 2024 / Entergy Corporation
By: Cristina del Canto, Senior Communications Specialist

As we celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month, Entergy proudly recognizes the invaluable contributions and rich experiences of Latinos, integral to our nation's history and culture. Throughout this month, Entergy has collaborated with key Hispanic partners and community leaders to uplift Latino voices and strengthen Hispanic communities across the country.

Here are a few highlights of Entergy's month-long celebrations:

Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Gala

At the Hispanic Chamber Excelencia Gala, Entergy New Orleans and Entergy Louisiana were honored as the Corporate Partner of the Year. This award, presented by the Hispanic Chamber of Louisiana, acknowledges the partnership between Entergy and the chamber in supporting Latino business owners and enhancing the Hispanic community statewide.

Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute Leadership Conference

Last month, Latino leaders from various sectors - including corporations, government and nonprofit organizations - gathered in Washington, D.C., for the 47th annual Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute Leadership Conference. This event featured dynamic workshops and plenary sessions that not only celebrated the myriad contributions of Latinos but also addressed the challenges faced by one of the nation's fastest-growing demographics. Entergy sponsored a pivotal session titled "Uplifting Latino Leaders in Corporate America," where Patty Riddlebarger, Entergy's vice president of corporate social responsibility, shared her insights on empowering Latino voices in the business landscape.

"Latinos represent one of the fastest growing demographics in the country. Their representation is crucial for companies that seek to serve this growing market. Corporations that recognize the importance of recruiting and developing Latino talent will benefit from the skills, perspective and experience that they bring to the table. It's part of developing a competitive advantage," said Riddlebarger.

Among Entergy's invited guests were our community partners from Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas, including:

  • Sal Avelar, Entrepreneur

  • Danny Balanos, Vice President, The First Bank

  • Esperanza Massana Crane, Director of Small Business Entrepreneurship, Arkansas Department of Economic Development

  • Miguel Lopez, President, Montgomery County Hispanic Chamber

  • Angela Ramirez, Executive Director, Puentes New Orleans

"As a veteran and a Latino, my Hispanic pride comes from a life story that intersects heritage, service and progress, making the Hispanic population a powerful example of what it means to be a proud Hispanic in modern America," said Lopez. "Thank you Entergy, for inviting community partners to attend this year's conference. I was very fortunate to be included."

In addition to community leaders, the conference also welcomed college students representing the next generation of Latino leaders. This event provided them with a unique opportunity to learn and network with their peers from across the country while visiting our nation's capital for the first time.

"The conference served as a powerful reminder of the significant contributions Latinos make to this country and affirm to Latino youth that they not only belong here, but that their intellectual potential is one of the greatest assets to the U.S.," said Ramirez.

Kids to College Hispanic outreach

Throughout Hispanic Heritage Month, Entergy employees also participated in several outreach initiatives aimed at helping Latino families establish Kids to College savings accounts. Partnering with Puentes, ECCO Community Center, and Esperanza elementary and middle schools, our team provided essential information and assistance to families in opening free my529 college savings accounts for their children.

As we continue to celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month, Entergy remains committed to honoring the cultural contributions of Latinos and investing in the leaders of tomorrow. Together, we can continue to empower our communities and build a brighter future for all.

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Spokesperson: Entergy Corporation

SOURCE: Entergy Corporation

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How did Entergy celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month in 2024?

Entergy celebrated National Hispanic Heritage Month in 2024 by collaborating with Hispanic partners and community leaders, sponsoring events like the Hispanic Chamber Excelencia Gala and the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute Leadership Conference, and participating in Kids to College Hispanic outreach initiatives.

What award did Entergy receive from the Hispanic Chamber of Louisiana?

Entergy New Orleans and Entergy Louisiana were honored as the Corporate Partner of the Year at the Hispanic Chamber Excelencia Gala, presented by the Hispanic Chamber of Louisiana.

What session did Entergy sponsor at the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute Leadership Conference?

Entergy sponsored a session titled 'Uplifting Latino Leaders in Corporate America' at the 47th annual Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute Leadership Conference in Washington, D.C.

How did Entergy support Latino families during Hispanic Heritage Month?

During Hispanic Heritage Month, Entergy employees participated in outreach initiatives to help Latino families establish Kids to College savings accounts, partnering with organizations like Puentes, ECCO Community Center, and Esperanza elementary and middle schools.

Who represented Entergy at the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute Leadership Conference?

Patty Riddlebarger, Entergy's vice president of corporate social responsibility, represented the company at the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute Leadership Conference, sharing insights on empowering Latino voices in the business landscape.

Entergy Corporation


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