ESGL and STMicroelectronics Singapore Create World’s First Sustainable Bricks Made from Semiconductor Waste

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ESGL Holdings (NASDAQ: ESGL) and STMicroelectronics (ST) have achieved a groundbreaking milestone in sustainability by creating the world's first sustainable bricks made from semiconductor waste. This innovative product, named NEWSPAR, is regenerated from Hydrofluoric wastewater sludge and Hydrofluoric Acid.

ESGL's cutting-edge technology has successfully transformed ST's hazardous semiconductor waste into a safe and sustainable resource. The resulting bricks are not only environmentally friendly but also highly durable and suitable for various construction applications. This achievement is expected to drive substantial decarbonization across multiple supply chains and reinforce the global shift toward a circular economy.

The collaboration between ESGL and ST demonstrates the potential for waste reutilization in critical industries. Both companies' leadership have enthusiastically endorsed the partnership, highlighting its significance in accelerating sustainability efforts and creating value from industrial waste.

ESGL Holdings (NASDAQ: ESGL) e STMicroelectronics (ST) hanno raggiunto un traguardo innovativo nella sostenibilità creando i primi mattoni sostenibili al mondo realizzati con rifiuti di semiconduttori. Questo prodotto innovativo, denominato NEWSPAR, è rigenerato da fanghi di acque reflue fluorate e acido fluoridrico.

La tecnologia all'avanguardia di ESGL ha trasformato con successo i rifiuti pericolosi di semiconduttori di ST in una risorsa sicura e sostenibile. I mattoni risultanti non solo sono ecologici, ma anche altamente resistenti e adatti per diverse applicazioni edili. Questo risultato si prevede porterà a una sostanziale decarbonizzazione in molteplici catene di approvvigionamento e rafforzerà il passaggio globale verso un economia circolare.

La collaborazione tra ESGL e ST dimostra il potenziale per il riutilizzo dei rifiuti in settori critici. I leader di entrambe le aziende hanno sostenuto con entusiasmo il partenariato, sottolineando la sua importanza nell'accelerare gli sforzi di sostenibilità e creare valore dai rifiuti industriali.

ESGL Holdings (NASDAQ: ESGL) y STMicroelectronics (ST) han logrado un hito groundbreaking en sostenibilidad al crear los primeros ladrillos sostenibles del mundo hechos de desperdicios de semiconductores. Este producto innovador, llamado NEWSPAR, se regeneró a partir de lodos de aguas residuales de ácido fluorhídrico y ácido fluorhídrico.

La tecnología de vanguardia de ESGL ha transformado con éxito los residuos peligrosos de semiconductores de ST en un recurso seguro y sostenible. Los ladrillos resultantes no solo son respetuosos con el medio ambiente, sino también altamente duraderos y adecuados para diversas aplicaciones de construcción. Se espera que este logro impulse una descarbonización sustancial en múltiples cadenas de suministro y refuerce el cambio global hacia una economía circular.

La colaboración entre ESGL y ST demuestra el potencial de reutilización de residuos en industrias críticas. El liderazgo de ambas compañías ha apoyado con entusiasmo la asociación, destacando su importancia en la aceleración de los esfuerzos de sostenibilidad y la creación de valor a partir de residuos industriales.

ESGL 홀딩스 (NASDAQ: ESGL)와 STMicroelectronics (ST)는 반도체 폐기물로 만들어진 세계 최초의 지속 가능한 벽돌을 만드는 혁신적인 이정표를 달성했습니다. 이 혁신적인 제품은 NEWSPAR라는 이름으로, 불화수소 폐수 슬러지와 불화수소 산에서 재생되었습니다.

ESGL의 첨단 기술은 ST의 위험한 반도체 폐기물을 안전하고 지속 가능한 자원으로 성공적으로 변환했습니다. 결과적으로 생성된 벽돌은 환경 친화적일 뿐만 아니라 내구성이 뛰어나고 다양한 건설 응용 분야에 적합합니다. 이 성과는 여러 공급망에서 상당한 탈탄소화를 촉진하고 순환 경제로의 글로벌 전환을 강화할 것으로 기대됩니다.

ESGL과 ST 간의 협력은 중요한 산업에서 폐기물 재사용의 잠재력을 보여줍니다. 두 회사의 리더십은 핫한 파트너십을 열렬히 지지하며, 지속 가능성 노력을 가속화하고 산업 폐기물로부터 가치를 창출하는 데 있어 그 의의를 강조했습니다.

ESGL Holdings (NASDAQ: ESGL) et STMicroelectronics (ST) ont atteint une étape révolutionnaire en matière de durabilité en créant les premiers briques durables au monde à partir de déchets de semi-conducteurs. Ce produit innovant, nommé NEWSPAR, est régénéré à partir de boues d'eaux usées fluorhydriques et d'acide fluorhydrique.

La technologie de pointe d'ESGL a réussi à transformer les déchets dangereux de semi-conducteurs de ST en une ressource sûre et durable. Les briques résultantes sont non seulement écologiques mais également très résistantes et adaptées à diverses applications de construction. Cette réalisation devrait entraîner une décarbonisation significative dans plusieurs chaînes d'approvisionnement et renforcer la transition mondiale vers une économie circulaire.

La collaboration entre ESGL et ST démontre le potentiel de réutilisation des déchets dans des industries critiques. Les dirigeants des deux entreprises ont soutenu avec enthousiasme ce partenariat, soulignant son importance pour l'accélération des efforts de durabilité et la création de valeur à partir des déchets industriels.

ESGL Holdings (NASDAQ: ESGL) und STMicroelectronics (ST) haben einen bahnbrechenden Meilenstein in der Nachhaltigkeit erreicht, indem sie die weltweit ersten nachhaltigen Ziegel aus Halbleiterabfällen geschaffen haben. Dieses innovative Produkt, das NEWSPAR genannt wird, wird aus Hydrogfluorid-Abwasser-Schlamm und Fluorwasserstoffsäure regeneriert.

Die hochmoderne Technologie von ESGL hat erfolgreich gefährliche Halbleiterabfälle von ST in eine sichere und nachhaltige Ressource umgewandelt. Die resultierenden Ziegel sind nicht nur umweltfreundlich, sondern auch äußerst langlebig und für verschiedene Bauanwendungen geeignet. Diese Errungenschaft wird voraussichtlich eine substanzielles Dekarbonisierung in mehreren Lieferketten fördern und den globalen Wandel hin zu einer zirkulären Wirtschaft festigen.

Die Zusammenarbeit zwischen ESGL und ST demonstriert das Potenzial für die Wiederverwendung von Abfällen in wichtigen Industrien. Die Führungskräfte beider Unternehmen haben die Partnerschaft begeistert unterstützt und deren Bedeutung für die Beschleunigung von Nachhaltigkeitsbemühungen und die Schaffung von Mehrwert aus Industrieabfällen hervorgehoben.

  • None.
  • None.

SINGAPORE, Sept. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ESGL Holdings Limited (NASDAQ: ESGL), a leading carbon neutral, innovative enviro-tech company regenerating industrial waste into circular products, and STMicroelectronics (ST), a global semiconductor leader serving customers across the spectrum of electronics applications, marked a significant milestone in their collaborative journey towards sustainability by creating the world’s first sustainable brick forged with NEWSPAR, regenerated from Hydrofluoric wastewater sludge and Hydrofluoric Acid.

Revolutionary Technology and Circular Innovation

Leveraging its cutting-edge technology, ESGL has successfully regenerated ST’s wastewater hydrofluoric sludges and Hydrofluoric Acid into an innovative circular material known as NEWSPAR. NEWSPAR is a proprietary material developed by ESGL, specifically engineered to convert hazardous semiconductor waste into a safe and sustainable resource. Through advanced research and development, NEWSPAR has been transformed into the world’s first sustainable bricks made from semiconductor waste. These bricks are not only environmentally friendly but also highly durable and suitable for various construction applications. This groundbreaking achievement was unveiled at a special event celebrating this new era in eco-friendly innovation.

Driving Decarbonization and Advancing the Circular Economy

This landmark achievement is set to drive substantial decarbonization across multiple supply chains, reinforcing the global shift toward a robust circular economy. It establishes a new benchmark for sustainable practices in critical industries, demonstrating the limitless potential of waste reutilization. The creation of NEWSPAR and its applications underscore ESGL's commitment to turning industrial waste into valuable resources, furthering the company's mission to minimize environmental impact.

Leadership Enthusiastically Endorses the Partnership

Yeow Chin Hock, Senior Director of Facilities at STMicroelectronics Singapore expressed his excitement:
“At ST, our commitment to sustainability includes striving for zero waste. We have implemented solutions to create value from waste generated by our activities, by converting waste into secondary raw materials that can be used in other industries. This successful collaboration with ESGL underscores our belief that organisations must act collectively to accelerate sustainability together.”

Lawrence Law, Executive Director, Chief Strategy and Sustainability Officer at ESGL echoed the sentiment:
“We are thrilled to be one step closer to our mission of advancing a circular economy by collaborating with key industry partners like STMicroelectronics. This achievement is a significant win for the semiconductor industry as a whole. We are now entering an exciting phase of research aimed at expanding the application of circular synthetic fluorite products in concrete production, road building, and other manufacturing processes. Environmental stewardship, combined with visionary partnerships like this, is paving the way for a brighter, more sustainable future.”

About ESGL Holdings Limited

ESGL Holdings Limited is a Singapore-based carbon-neutral enviro-tech company dedicated to transforming industrial waste into circular products. With a commitment to sustainable waste management solutions, ESGL is a leading player in the environmental solutions industry. ESGL conducts all its operations through its operating entity incorporated in Singapore, Environmental Solutions (Asia) Pte. Ltd. For more information, including the Company’s filings with the SEC, please visit


NEWSPAR is an innovative product derived from recycled Hydrofluoric wastewater sludge and Hydrofluoric Acid, specifically sourced from semiconductor manufacturing waste. It represents an alternative to natural fluorspar, which is heavily used in other industries. The recycling of this material helps reduce reliance on mining natural resources, divert waste from landfills, and lower the environmental impact of producing fluorspar. Through a proprietary high-temperature calcination and chemical synthesis technology developed by ESGL, synthetic fluorspar can be produced at an industrial scale, integrating it into other industries. For more information,

Investor Relations Contact:

ESGL Holdings Limited
Investor Relations Department
Phone: +65 6653 2299

Forward-Looking Statements

Certain statements in this press release may be considered to contain certain “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of “safe harbor” provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements can be identified by words such as: “target,” “believe,” “expect,” “will,” “shall,” “may,” “anticipate,” “estimate,” “would,” “positioned,” “future,” “forecast,” “intend,” “plan,” “project” and other similar expressions that predict or indicate future events or trends or that are not statements of historical matters. Examples of forward-looking statements include, among others, statements made in this press release regarding anticipated future financial and operating performance and results, including estimates for growth, gross margins, adjusted EBITDA, potential regional expansion, development of new products, partnerships, customer relationships, demand for waste processing, and sales of circular products. Forward-looking statements are neither historical facts nor assurances of future performance. Instead, they are based only on ESGL management’s current beliefs, expectations, and assumptions. Because forward-looking statements relate to the future, they are subject to inherent uncertainties, risks, and changes in circumstances that are difficult to predict and many of which are outside of our control. Actual results and outcomes may differ materially from those indicated in the forward-looking statements. Therefore, you should not rely on any of these forward-looking statements.

A further list and description of risks and uncertainties can be found in documents filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) by ESGL and other documents that the Company may file or furnish with the SEC, which you are encouraged to read. Any forward-looking statement made by us in this press release is based only on information currently available to the Company and speaks only as of the date on which it is made. The Company undertakes no obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statement, whether written or oral, that may be made from time to time, whether as a result of new information, future developments, or otherwise, except as required by law.


What is NEWSPAR and how is it used in ESGL's sustainable bricks?

NEWSPAR is a proprietary material developed by ESGL, regenerated from Hydrofluoric wastewater sludge and Hydrofluoric Acid. It's used to create the world's first sustainable bricks made from semiconductor waste, which are environmentally friendly and suitable for various construction applications.

How does the ESGL and STMicroelectronics partnership contribute to sustainability?

The partnership contributes to sustainability by transforming hazardous semiconductor waste into safe, reusable materials. This process drives decarbonization across supply chains, advances the circular economy, and sets a new benchmark for sustainable practices in critical industries.

What are the potential applications for ESGL's sustainable bricks made from semiconductor waste?

ESGL's sustainable bricks made from semiconductor waste are highly durable and suitable for various construction applications. The company is also researching expanded applications of circular synthetic fluorite products in concrete production, road building, and other manufacturing processes.

When did ESGL and STMicroelectronics announce their sustainable brick innovation?

ESGL and STMicroelectronics announced their sustainable brick innovation made from semiconductor waste on September 16, 2024, as stated in the press release.

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