Material Fact of derivative agreements of "equity swap" board approval
Embraer (NYSE: ERJ) announced its Board of Directors has approved derivative agreements of 'Equity Swap' with Banco Itaú BBA. The agreements, effective December 13, 2024, will involve cash settlement within 12 months and cover up to 16,156,597 common shares. Under the swap terms, Embraer will receive price variations of its traded shares plus dividends while paying CDI plus a fee. The primary purpose is to mitigate share price fluctuations in anticipation of future payments related to the company's long-term incentive plans.
Embraer (NYSE: ERJ) ha annunciato che il suo Consiglio di Amministrazione ha approvato contratti derivati di 'Equity Swap' con Banco Itaú BBA. Gli accordi, che entreranno in vigore il 13 dicembre 2024, prevedono un regolamento in contante entro 12 mesi e copriranno fino a 16.156.597 azioni ordinarie. In base ai termini dello swap, Embraer riceverà le variazioni di prezzo delle proprie azioni quotate più i dividendi, mentre pagherà il CDI più una commissione. L'obiettivo principale è quello di mitigare le fluttuazioni del prezzo delle azioni in previsione di futuri pagamenti relativi ai piani di incentivazione a lungo termine dell'azienda.
Embraer (NYSE: ERJ) anunció que su Junta Directiva ha aprobado acuerdos derivados de 'Equity Swap' con Banco Itaú BBA. Los acuerdos, que entrarán en vigencia el 13 de diciembre de 2024, involucrarán un acuerdo en efectivo dentro de los 12 meses y cubrirán hasta 16,156,597 acciones ordinarias. Según los términos del swap, Embraer recibirá las variaciones de precio de sus acciones cotizadas más dividendos, mientras paga CDI más una tarifa. El propósito principal es mitigar las fluctuaciones del precio de las acciones en anticipación de futuros pagos relacionados con los planes de incentivos a largo plazo de la empresa.
엠브라에르 (NYSE: ERJ)는 이사회가 이타우 BBA 은행과 '주식 스왑(Equity Swap)' 파생상품 계약을 승인했다고 발표했습니다. 이 계약은 2024년 12월 13일부터 효력이 발생하며, 12개월 이내의 현금 결제를 포함하고 16,156,597주의 보통주를 포함합니다. 스왑 조건에 따라 엠브라에르는 거래되는 주식의 가격 변동과 배당금을 수령하게 되며, CDI와 수수료를 지불하게 됩니다. 주요 목적은 회사의 장기 인센티브 계획과 관련된 미래 지급을 예상하여 주가 변동성을 완화하는 것입니다.
Embraer (NYSE: ERJ) a annoncé que son Conseil d'Administration a approuvé des accords dérivés de 'Swap d'Actions' avec Banco Itaú BBA. Les accords, qui entreront en vigueur le 13 décembre 2024, comprendront un règlement en espèces dans les 12 mois et couvriront jusqu'à 16 156 597 actions ordinaires. Selon les termes du swap, Embraer recevra les variations de prix de ses actions cotées ainsi que des dividendes, tout en payant le CDI plus des frais. L'objectif principal est de mitiger les fluctuations du prix des actions en prévision des paiements futurs liés aux plans d'incitation à long terme de l'entreprise.
Embraer (NYSE: ERJ) gab bekannt, dass der Vorstand der Gesellschaft derivative Verträge über 'Equity Swap' mit der Banco Itaú BBA genehmigt hat. Die Vereinbarungen, die am 13. Dezember 2024 in Kraft treten, umfassen eine Barabrechnung innerhalb von 12 Monaten und decken bis zu 16.156.597 Stammaktien ab. Gemäß den Swap-Konditionen erhält Embraer Preisschwankungen seiner gehandelten Aktien plus Dividenden, während es CDI plus eine Gebühr zahlt. Das Hauptziel ist es, die Schwankungen des Aktienkurses zu mildern, um zukünftige Zahlungen im Zusammenhang mit den langfristigen Anreizplänen des Unternehmens zu antizipieren.
- Implementation of price protection strategy through equity swap mechanism
- Potential risk mitigation for future long-term incentive plan payments
- Dividend benefits included in the swap agreement's active end
- Additional financial costs through CDI plus fee payments
- Exposure to significant share volume (16,156,597 shares) in derivative agreements
CNPJ 07.689.002/0001-89
NIRE 35.300.325.761
Equity Swap Settlement: cash settlement, within a maximum period of 12 months from December 13, 2024.
Maximum Exposure: up to 16,156,597 common shares, observing the limit established in CVM Resolution No. 77/22.
Conditions: the Equity Swap will allow the Company to receive the price variation related to its shares traded on the stock exchange plus any dividends distributed to the shares subject to the Equity Swap (active end) and pay CDI plus a fee (passive end), during the term of the agreement.
Purpose: need to mitigate fluctuations in the prices of shares issued by the Company, in view of future payments to be made by the Company within the scope of its long-term incentive plans.
São José dos Campos, December 12, 2024.
Antonio Carlos Garcia
Executive Vice-President and CFO
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SOURCE Embraer S.A.
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