MATERIAL FACT: Guidance 2025

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Embraer (B3: EMBR3, NYSE: ERJ) has released its financial projections for the year 2025. The company issued a material fact notice to shareholders and the market regarding these forward-looking statements. The projections will be accessible in the Reference Form (section 3) on both the CVM website and Embraer's investor relations portal.

The company explicitly states that these projections are based on management's perception and are subject to various risks and uncertainties. The guidance takes into account multiple factors including general economic conditions, market dynamics, and industry conditions that are beyond the company's control. Any changes to these projections will be communicated accordingly.

Embraer (B3: EMBR3, NYSE: ERJ) ha pubblicato le sue previsioni finanziarie per l'anno 2025. L'azienda ha emesso un avviso di fatto materiale agli azionisti e al mercato riguardo a queste dichiarazioni prospettiche. Le proiezioni saranno accessibili nel Modulo di Riferimento (sezione 3) sia sul sito del CVM che sul portale delle relazioni con gli investitori di Embraer.

L'azienda dichiara esplicitamente che queste proiezioni si basano sulla percezione della direzione e sono soggette a vari rischi e incertezze. Le indicazioni tengono conto di molteplici fattori, tra cui le condizioni economiche generali, le dinamiche di mercato e le condizioni del settore che sono al di fuori del controllo dell'azienda. Eventuali modifiche a queste proiezioni saranno comunicate di conseguenza.

Embraer (B3: EMBR3, NYSE: ERJ) ha publicado sus proyecciones financieras para el año 2025. La empresa emitió un aviso de hecho material a los accionistas y al mercado sobre estas declaraciones prospectivas. Las proyecciones estarán disponibles en el Formulario de Referencia (sección 3) tanto en el sitio web de la CVM como en el portal de relaciones con inversores de Embraer.

La empresa declara explícitamente que estas proyecciones se basan en la percepción de la dirección y están sujetas a varios riesgos e incertidumbres. La guía tiene en cuenta múltiples factores, incluidas las condiciones económicas generales, las dinámicas del mercado y las condiciones de la industria que están fuera del control de la empresa. Cualquier cambio en estas proyecciones se comunicará en consecuencia.

엠브라에르 (B3: EMBR3, NYSE: ERJ)는 2025년 재무 전망을 발표했습니다. 회사는 이러한 미래 예측 진술에 대해 주주와 시장에 중요한 사실 통지를 발송했습니다. 이 전망은 CVM 웹사이트와 엠브라에르의 투자자 관계 포털의 참조 양식(섹션 3)에서 확인할 수 있습니다.

회사는 이러한 전망이 경영진의 인식에 기반하며 다양한 위험과 불확실성에 노출되어 있다고 명시적으로 밝힙니다. 가이드는 일반 경제 조건, 시장 동향 및 회사의 통제를 벗어난 산업 조건을 포함한 여러 요인을 고려합니다. 이러한 전망의 변경 사항은 그에 따라 통보될 것입니다.

Embraer (B3: EMBR3, NYSE: ERJ) a publié ses prévisions financières pour l'année 2025. L'entreprise a émis un avis de fait matériel aux actionnaires et au marché concernant ces déclarations prospectives. Les prévisions seront accessibles dans le Formulaire de Référence (section 3) sur le site de la CVM ainsi que sur le portail des relations investisseurs d'Embraer.

L'entreprise déclare explicitement que ces prévisions sont basées sur la perception de la direction et sont soumises à divers risques et incertitudes. Les orientations prennent en compte plusieurs facteurs, y compris les conditions économiques générales, la dynamique du marché et les conditions sectorielles qui échappent au contrôle de l'entreprise. Toute modification de ces prévisions sera communiquée en conséquence.

Embraer (B3: EMBR3, NYSE: ERJ) hat seine finanziellen Prognosen für das Jahr 2025 veröffentlicht. Das Unternehmen hat den Aktionären und dem Markt eine wesentliche Mitteilung zu diesen zukunftsgerichteten Aussagen gemacht. Die Prognosen sind im Referenzformular (Abschnitt 3) sowohl auf der CVM-Website als auch im Investor-Relations-Portal von Embraer zugänglich.

Das Unternehmen erklärt ausdrücklich, dass diese Prognosen auf der Wahrnehmung des Managements basieren und verschiedenen Risiken und Unsicherheiten unterliegen. Die Prognosen berücksichtigen mehrere Faktoren, einschließlich allgemeiner wirtschaftlicher Bedingungen, Marktdynamik und Branchenbedingungen, die außerhalb der Kontrolle des Unternehmens liegen. Änderungen dieser Prognosen werden entsprechend kommuniziert.

  • None.
  • None.

Publicly Held Company
CNPJ/MF: 07.689.002/0001-89
NIRE: 353.003.257-67

SÃO JOSÉ DOS CAMPOS, Brazil, Feb. 27, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- EMBRAER S.A. ("Embraer") (B3: EMBR3, NYSE: ERJ), in accordance with CVM Resolution No. 44, of August 23, 2021, and CVM Resolution No. 80, of March 29, 2022, informs its shareholders and the market in general of its projections for the year 2025.

2025 GUIDANCE(1)

Commercial Aviation deliveries

 77 - 85

Executive Aviation deliveries

 145 - 155

Consolidated renevues (US$ billion)

 7,0 – 7,5

Adjusted EBIT margin

 7,5% - 8,3%

Free cash flow (US$ million)

     200 or higher

¹ Does not consider Eve

This information will be available in the Reference Form (section 3), on the CVM website at and the Company's website at, within the legal period.

Embraer clarifies that this material fact does not constitute a promise of performance, reflecting only the perception of the Company's management, therefore, they are subject to risks and uncertainties. Projections consider several factors, such as general economic, market and industry conditions, which are beyond the Company's control, and may undergo changes that will be communicated diligently.

São José dos Campos, February 27, 2025.

Antonio Carlos Garcia
Executive Vice President, Financial & Investor Relations


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SOURCE Embraer S.A.


What did Embraer (ERJ) announce in their latest material fact notice?

Embraer announced their financial projections and guidance for the year 2025, which will be available in the Reference Form (section 3) on CVM and company websites.

Where can investors find Embraer's (ERJ) 2025 guidance details?

The guidance details will be available on the CVM website ( and Embraer's investor relations website (

What factors could affect Embraer's (ERJ) 2025 projections?

The projections are subject to general economic conditions, market and industry conditions, and other risks and uncertainties beyond the company's control.

Are Embraer's (ERJ) 2025 projections guaranteed performance promises?

No, the projections do not constitute performance promises and only reflect management's perception, subject to risks and uncertainties.



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