Enovix Begins Shipment of Battery Cells to Customers from Malaysia Fab

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Enovix (Nasdaq: ENVX), a global high-performance battery company, has begun shipping EX-1M battery cell samples from its new Agility Line in Malaysia. This milestone follows the opening of their high-volume Fab2 in Malaysia earlier this summer and marks progress in the company's scaling efforts. Enovix has also completed internal UN38.3 certification for the cells being shipped, ensuring they meet international safety and abuse tolerance standards.

By shipping samples within the third quarter of 2024, Enovix is on track to commence high-volume production in 2025. The company's COO, Ajay Marathe, expressed pride in the Malaysian team's achievement and noted that this success with the Agility line is an encouraging indicator as they prepare for the high-volume line, which is on schedule for Site Acceptance Testing (SAT) completion.

Enovix (Nasdaq: ENVX), un'azienda globale di batterie ad alte prestazioni, ha iniziato a spedire campioni di celle di batteria EX-1M dalla sua nuova Agility Line in Malesia. Questo traguardo segue l'apertura della loro Fab2 ad alto volume in Malesia all'inizio di quest'estate e segna un progresso negli sforzi di scalabilità dell'azienda. Enovix ha anche completato la certificazione interna UN38.3 per le celle spedite, assicurando che soddisfino gli standard di sicurezza e tolleranza agli abusi internazionali.

Spedendo i campioni entro il terzo trimestre del 2024, Enovix è sulla buona strada per avviare la produzione ad alto volume nel 2025. Il COO dell'azienda, Ajay Marathe, ha espresso orgoglio per il successo del team malesiano e ha notato che questo successo con la linea Agility è un indicatore incoraggiante mentre si preparano per la linea ad alto volume, che è in programma per il completamento del Site Acceptance Testing (SAT).

Enovix (Nasdaq: ENVX), una empresa global de baterías de alto rendimiento, ha comenzado a enviar muestras de celdas de batería EX-1M desde su nueva Agility Line en Malasia. Este hito sigue a la apertura de su Fab2 de alto volumen en Malasia a principios de este verano y marca un avance en los esfuerzos de escalado de la empresa. Enovix también ha completado la certificación interna UN38.3 para las celdas que se están enviando, asegurando que cumplen con los estándares de seguridad y tolerancia al abuso internacionales.

Al enviar muestras dentro del tercer trimestre de 2024, Enovix está en camino de comenzar la producción a gran escala en 2025. El COO de la empresa, Ajay Marathe, expresó su orgullo por el logro del equipo malasio y señaló que este éxito con la línea Agility es un indicador alentador mientras se preparan para la línea de alto volumen, que está programada para completar las Pruebas de Aceptación de Sitio (SAT).

Enovix (Nasdaq: ENVX)는 글로벌 고성능 배터리 회사로, 말레이시아의 새로운 Agility Line에서 EX-1M 배터리 셀 샘플을 배송하기 시작했습니다. 이 이정표는 올 여름 초에 말레이시아에서 고용량 Fab2의 개장을 뒤따르며, 회사의 확장 노력에서 진전을 나타냅니다. Enovix는 또한 배송되는 셀에 대해 UN38.3 인증을 완료하여 국제 안전 및 파손 저항 기준을 충족하도록 보장했습니다.

2024년 3분기 이내에 샘플을 배송함으로써 Enovix는 2025년 대량 생산을 시작할 준비를 하고 있습니다. 회사의 COO인 Ajay Marathe는 말레이시아 팀의 성취에 자부심을 표명했으며, Agility 라인의 성공이 대량 생산 라인을 준비하는 데 있어 고무적인 지표라고 언급했습니다. 대량 생산 라인은 사이트 수용 테스트(SAT) 완료 일정에 맞춰 진행되고 있습니다.

Enovix (Nasdaq: ENVX), une entreprise mondiale de batteries haute performance, a commencé à expédier des échantillons de cellules de batterie EX-1M depuis sa nouvelle Agility Line en Malaisie. Ce jalon fait suite à l'ouverture de leur Fab2 à haut volume en Malaisie plus tôt cet été et marque des progrès dans les efforts d'expansion de l'entreprise. Enovix a également complété la certification interne UN38.3 pour les cellules expédiées, garantissant qu'elles respectent les normes internationales de sécurité et de tolérance aux abus.

En expédiant des échantillons au troisième trimestre de 2024, Enovix est en bonne voie pour commencer la production à grande échelle en 2025. Le COO de l'entreprise, Ajay Marathe, a exprimé sa fierté quant aux réalisations de l'équipe malaisienne et a noté que ce succès avec la ligne Agility est un indicateur encourageant alors qu'ils se préparent pour la ligne à haut volume, qui est à l'heure pour l'achèvement des tests d'acceptation sur site (SAT).

Enovix (Nasdaq: ENVX), ein globales Unternehmen für Hochleistungsbatterien, hat begonnen, EX-1M Batteriezellenmuster von seiner neuen Agility Line in Malaysia zu versenden. Dieser Meilenstein folgt der Eröffnung ihrer hochvolumigen Fab2 in Malaysia Anfang dieses Sommers und markiert Fortschritte bei den Skalierungsbemühungen des Unternehmens. Enovix hat auch die interne UN38.3-Zertifizierung für die versandten Zellen abgeschlossen, um sicherzustellen, dass sie internationale Sicherheits- und Missbrauchstoleranzstandards erfüllen.

Durch den Versand von Mustern im dritten Quartal 2024 ist Enovix auf dem richtigen Weg, um 2025 mit der Hochvolumenproduktion zu beginnen. Der COO des Unternehmens, Ajay Marathe, drückte seinen Stolz über die Leistungen des malaysischen Teams aus und bemerkte, dass dieser Erfolg mit der Agility-Linie ein ermutigendes Zeichen ist, während sie sich auf die Hochvolumenlinie vorbereiten, die planmäßig für den Abschluss der Site Acceptance Tests (SAT) ansteht.

  • Commenced shipping EX-1M battery cell samples from new Agility Line in Malaysia
  • Completed internal UN38.3 certification for cells being shipped
  • On track to begin high-volume production in 2025
  • High-volume line progressing towards Site Acceptance Testing (SAT) completion
  • None.


The commencement of battery cell sample shipments from Enovix's new Agility Line in Malaysia marks a significant milestone in the company's production scale-up strategy. This development demonstrates operational progress and supply chain readiness, important factors for investors assessing the company's ability to meet future demand.

The successful UN38.3 certification is particularly noteworthy, as it validates the safety and quality of Enovix's batteries, potentially opening doors to broader market acceptance and international shipping capabilities. This certification could be a key differentiator in the competitive battery market.

The on-track status for high-volume production in 2025 suggests strong execution of the company's roadmap. However, investors should closely monitor the upcoming Site Acceptance Testing (SAT) for the high-volume line, as its successful completion will be critical for Enovix to meet its production targets and capitalize on market opportunities.

Enovix's progress in Malaysia represents a significant step in the commercialization of its advanced battery technology. The ability to ship samples from both California and Malaysia facilities demonstrates manufacturing versatility and potential for geographical diversification in production.

The quick transition from facility opening to sample shipment suggests efficient technology transfer and process implementation. This agility could be a competitive advantage in the fast-evolving battery market, allowing Enovix to respond rapidly to customer needs and market shifts.

Investors should consider the potential impact on Enovix's market position as it moves towards high-volume production. The company's ability to scale while maintaining the performance advantages of its proprietary 3D silicon lithium-ion technology will be important for long-term success in the increasingly competitive advanced battery sector.

FREMONT, Calif., Oct. 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Enovix Corporation (“Enovix”) (Nasdaq: ENVX), a global high-performance battery company, announced today that it commenced shipping EX-1M battery cell samples from its new Agility Line in Malaysia last week. This is an important milestone on the Company’s journey to scale which follows shipping initial samples from Fab1 in California, and opening high-volume Fab2 in Malaysia just this summer. Enovix also recently completed internal UN38.3 certification for cells now shipping. UN38.3 is the United Nations standard for safe transportation of Lithium-ion batteries and is only granted to products that meet strict international safety and abuse tolerance standards through a series certified test protocol. By shipping samples within the third quarter of 2024, the Company is on track to commence high-volume production in 2025.

"I'm incredibly proud of our team in Malaysia for achieving this major production milestone so soon after the facility's opening," said Ajay Marathe, COO of Enovix Corporation. "This success with the Agility line is an encouraging early indicator as we prepare for the high-volume line, which is on track for Site Acceptance Testing (SAT) completion."

About Enovix

Enovix is on a mission to deliver high-performance batteries that unlock the full potential of technology products. Everything from IoT, mobile, and computing devices, to the vehicle you drive, needs a better battery. Enovix partners with OEMs worldwide to usher in a new era of user experiences. Our innovative, materials-agnostic approach to building a higher performing battery without compromising safety keeps us flexible and on the cutting-edge of battery technology innovation.

Enovix is headquartered in Silicon Valley with facilities in India, Korea and Malaysia. For more information visit and follow us on LinkedIn.

For media and investor inquiries, please contact:

Enovix Corporation

Robert Lahey



When did Enovix (ENVX) begin shipping battery cells from its Malaysia facility?

Enovix (ENVX) began shipping EX-1M battery cell samples from its new Agility Line in Malaysia in the last week of September 2024.

What certification did Enovix (ENVX) complete for its battery cells?

Enovix (ENVX) completed internal UN38.3 certification for the cells being shipped, which is the United Nations standard for safe transportation of Lithium-ion batteries.

When is Enovix (ENVX) expected to start high-volume production?

Enovix (ENVX) is on track to commence high-volume production in 2025, following the shipment of samples in the third quarter of 2024.

What is the status of Enovix's (ENVX) high-volume production line in Malaysia?

Enovix's (ENVX) high-volume production line in Malaysia is on track for Site Acceptance Testing (SAT) completion, as stated by the company's COO.

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