Enovis Continues to Redefine Revision Knee Surgery with the Addition of EMPOWR™ Cones to EMPOWR Revision Knee™, Creating a Comprehensive Portfolio for Efficient Revision Procedures
Enovis (NYSE: ENOV) has expanded its EMPOWR Revision Knee™ system with the addition of EMPOWR™ Cones, creating a comprehensive portfolio for complex revision knee surgeries. The FDA-cleared cones include stackable tibial, femoral, and diaphyseal options to treat bone defects. This expansion aims to redefine revision knee arthroplasty by offering a streamlined yet comprehensive setup, reducing operating room clutter while allowing surgeons to fine-tune implant fit.
The system's features include femoral and tibial stackable augments usable both medially and laterally, minimizing excess inventory. Multifunctional instrumentation keeps the surgeon's back table organized, streamlining procedures. The addition of EMPOWR Cones provides surgeons with greater flexibility in tailoring revision surgeries, addressing a market need for more efficient revision options, particularly with growing interest in outpatient procedures.
Enovis (NYSE: ENOV) ha ampliato il suo sistema EMPOWR Revision Knee™ con l'aggiunta di EMPOWR™ Cones, creando un portfolio completo per interventi chirurgici di revisione complessi. I coni, approvati dalla FDA, includono opzioni tibiali, femorali e diafisarie impilabili per trattare i difetti ossei. Questa espansione mira a ridefinire l’artroplastica di revisione del ginocchio, offrendo un sistema semplificato ed esaustivo, riducendo il disordine in sala operatoria e permettendo ai chirurghi di perfezionare l'adattamento degli impianti.
Le caratteristiche del sistema includono aumenti femorali e tibiali impilabili utilizzabili sia medialmente che lateralmente, minimizzando l'eccesso di inventario. Gli strumenti multifunzionali mantengono ordinato il tavolo del chirurgo, semplificando le procedure. L'aggiunta degli EMPOWR Cones offre ai chirurghi una maggiore flessibilità nel personalizzare gli interventi di revisione, rispondendo a una necessità del mercato per opzioni di revisione più efficienti, in particolare con l'interesse crescente per le procedure ambulatoriali.
Enovis (NYSE: ENOV) ha ampliado su sistema EMPOWR Revision Knee™ con la adición de EMPOWR™ Cones, creando un portafolio integral para cirugías complejas de revisión de rodilla. Los conos, autorizados por la FDA, incluyen opciones tibiales, femorales y diafisarias apilables para tratar defectos óseos. Esta expansión tiene como objetivo redefinir la artroplastia de revisión de rodilla, ofreciendo un conjunto simplificado pero integral, reduciendo el desorden en la sala de operaciones y permitiendo a los cirujanos ajustar el ajuste del implante.
Las características del sistema incluyen aumentos femorales y tibiales apilables utilizables tanto medial como lateralmente, minimizando el exceso de inventario. La instrumentación multifuncional mantiene el área de trabajo del cirujano organizada, agilizando los procedimientos. La adición de los EMPOWR Cones proporciona a los cirujanos una mayor flexibilidad para personalizar las cirugías de revisión, abordando una necesidad del mercado por opciones de revisión más eficientes, particularmente ante el creciente interés en los procedimientos ambulatorios.
Enovis (NYSE: ENOV)는 EMPOWR Revision Knee™ 시스템에 EMPOWR™ Cones를 추가하여 복잡한 재수술 무릎 수술을 위한 포괄적인 포트폴리오를 만들었습니다. FDA 승인된 콘은 골 결손 치료를 위한 스택 가능한 경골, 대퇴골 및 다이아피세 옵션을 포함합니다. 이 확장의 목적은 재수술 무릎 관절 성형술을 재정의하는 것이며, 운영실의 혼잡을 줄이고 외과의사가 임플란트 피팅을 조정할 수 있도록 간소화된 포괄적인 설정을 제공합니다.
시스템의 특징으로는 내측 및 외측 모두에서 사용할 수 있는 대퇴골 및 경골 스택 가능한 증강제가 포함되어 있어 과도한 재고를 최소화합니다. 다기능 기구는 외과의사의 작업대를 정리하여 절차를 간소화합니다. EMPOWR Cones의 추가는 외과의사에게 재수술을 맞춤화할 수 있는 더 큰 유연성을 제공하며, 특히 외래 진료 절차에 대한 관심이 높아짐에 따라 효율적인 재수술 옵션에 대한 시장의 필요를 충족합니다.
Enovis (NYSE: ENOV) a élargi son système EMPOWR Revision Knee™ avec l'ajout de EMPOWR™ Cones, créant un portefeuille complet pour les chirurgies complexes de révision du genou. Les cônes, approuvés par la FDA, comprennent des options tibiales, fémorales et diaphysaires empilables pour traiter les défauts osseux. Cet élargissement vise à redéfinir l'arthroplastie de révision du genou en proposant une configuration simplifiée mais complète, réduisant l'encombrement en salle d'opération tout en permettant aux chirurgiens de peaufiner l'ajustement de l'implant.
Les fonctionnalités du système incluent des augmentations fémorales et tibiales empilables utilisables tant médialement que latéralement, minimisant ainsi l'inventaire excessif. Les instruments multifonctionnels maintiennent le plan de travail du chirurgien organisé, optimisant les procédures. L'ajout des EMPOWR Cones offre aux chirurgiens une plus grande flexibilité pour personnaliser les interventions de révision, répondant à un besoin du marché pour des options de révision plus efficaces, en particulier avec l'intérêt croissant pour les procédures en consultation externe.
Enovis (NYSE: ENOV) hat sein EMPOWR Revision Knee™-System mit der Einführung der EMPOWR™ Cones erweitert und ein umfassendes Portfolio für komplexe Revisionen bei Knieoperationen geschaffen. Die von der FDA zugelassenen Kegel umfassen stapelbare tibiale, femorale und diaphyseale Optionen zur Behandlung von Knochendefekten. Diese Erweiterung zielt darauf ab, die Revision von Kniegelenkersatzoperationen neu zu definieren, indem sie eine vereinfachte, aber umfassende Lösung bietet, die das Durcheinander im Operationssaal reduziert und es den Chirurgen ermöglicht, die Passgenauigkeit der Implantate zu optimieren.
Zu den Merkmalen des Systems gehören stapelbare femorale und tibiale Ergänzungen, die sowohl medial als auch lateral verwendet werden können, um überschüssigen Lagerbestand zu minimieren. Multifunktionale Instrumente sorgen für Ordnung am Tisch des Chirurgen und optimieren die Abläufe. Die Hinzufügung der EMPOWR Cones bietet Chirurgen eine größere Flexibilität bei der Anpassung von Revisionseingriffen und reagiert auf den Marktbedarf nach effizienteren Revisionsoptionen, insbesondere angesichts der zunehmenden Nachfrage nach ambulatorischen Verfahren.
- Expansion of EMPOWR Revision Knee™ system with FDA-cleared EMPOWR™ Cones
- Comprehensive portfolio for complex revision knee surgeries
- Streamlined setup reducing operating room clutter
- Flexible options with stackable augments usable both medially and laterally
- Addresses market need for more efficient revision options, including outpatient procedures
- None.
The introduction of EMPOWR™ Cones to Enovis' EMPOWR Revision Knee™ system represents a significant advancement in revision knee surgery. This expansion addresses the growing demand for efficient outpatient revision procedures, a trend that could potentially increase Enovis' market share in the competitive orthopedic device sector.
The system's design, focusing on streamlined instrumentation and versatile augments, aligns with the industry push towards operational efficiency and cost-effectiveness in healthcare settings. The positive feedback from key opinion leaders like Dr. Buller and Dr. Kildow suggests strong initial acceptance among surgeons, which could translate to faster market penetration.
However, investors should note that while this development strengthens Enovis' position, the impact on financial performance may take time to materialize fully. The orthopedic market is highly competitive and adoption rates for new surgical systems can vary. Long-term success will depend on clinical outcomes, cost-effectiveness and continued innovation to stay ahead in this rapidly evolving field.
Enovis' expansion of the EMPOWR Revision Knee™ system is a strategic move to capture a larger share of the growing revision knee surgery market. With the aging population and increasing demand for joint replacements, this segment presents a significant growth opportunity for the company.
The focus on efficiency and versatility in the operating room could lead to cost savings for healthcare providers, potentially driving adoption and sales. However, investors should be aware that the impact on revenue may not be immediate, as it takes time for new medical devices to gain widespread acceptance and usage.
While this development is positive, it's important to consider Enovis' overall financial health, market position and the competitive landscape in the orthopedic device industry. The company's ability to effectively market and support the adoption of this new system will be key to translating this innovation into tangible financial results in the coming quarters.
First surgeries using EMPOWR Revision Knee™ with EMPOWR™ Cones successfully completed by design consultants Dr. Beau Kildow and Dr. Leonard T. Buller.
WILMINGTON, DE, Aug. 20, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Enovis™ (NYSE: ENOV), an innovation-driven medical technology growth company, announced today the expansion of its EMPOWR Revision Knee™ system to include EMPOWR™ Cones. The addition of the stackable tibial, femoral, and diaphyseal cones increases options for treating bone defects, creating a comprehensive portfolio to support complex revision needs. The FDA cleared use of the EMPOWR™ Cones with EMPOWR Revision Knee™ earlier this year.
The EMPOWR Revision Knee™ system is designed to redefine revision knee arthroplasty through a streamlined yet comprehensive setup which reduces clutter in the operating room while allowing surgeons to fine-tune implant fit to each patient. EMPOWR’s femoral and tibial stackable augments can be used both medially and laterally to minimize excess inventory. The multifunctional instrumentation keeps the surgeon’s back table efficiently organized, streamlining revision procedures.
“The introduction of the EMPOWR Revision Knee fills a current market need for more efficient revision options, especially with growing interest in outpatient revision knee procedures,” said Louie Vogt, Group President of Enovis’ Reconstructive Business Group. “Now with the addition of the EMPOWR Cones, surgeons are better able to tailor revision surgeries with a modernized workflow and no decision fatigue.”
“With the addition of the EMPOWR Cones, I now have the added flexibility to help more patients with their knee revision needs,” said Dr. Leonard T. Buller1, a hip and knee surgeon at Indiana University Health. “The cones were easy to ream, fit as planned, and the dimensions are ideal for accommodating the widest spectrum of implants.”
Following his first use of the implant, Dr. Beau J. Kildow of University of Nebraska Medical Center reported that “It went very smooth. Even the femoral cone prep was simple, more so than the leading competitive brand and sat line to line.”
For more information about EMPOWR Revision Knee™, please visit enovis.com/empowr-revision-knee.
1,2Drs. Kildow and Buller are paid consultants of Enovis.
About Enovis
Enovis Corporation (NYSE: ENOV) is an innovation-driven, medical technology growth company dedicated to developing clinically differentiated solutions that generate measurably better patient outcomes and transform workflows. Powered by a culture of continuous improvement, global talent and innovation, the Company’s extensive range of products, services, and integrated technologies fuels active lifestyles in orthopedics and beyond. For more information about Enovis, please visit www.enovis.com.
Media Contact
Kristen McColpin
Director of Marketing Communications, Enovis Surgical