Elevance Health Teams Up with the Impact Fitness Foundation to Support Irvington Preparatory Academy

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Elevance Health, in partnership with the Impact Fitness Foundation (IFF), has provided Irvington Preparatory Academy with its first-ever weight room and fitness space. This initiative is part of Elevance Health's commitment to improving health equity and social justice. The new facility eliminates the need for staff to drive students to public fitness centers for sports and physical education training.

The transformation included converting a storage room into a state-of-the-art training facility with new equipment for functional movement. Volunteers from Elevance Health and Indiana Fever players participated in the renovation. Following the unveiling, students and coaches attended a training clinic with IFF athletic trainers and Indiana Fever players to familiarize themselves with the new facility.

Elevance Health, in collaborazione con l'Impact Fitness Foundation (IFF), ha fornito all'Irvington Preparatory Academy il suo primo laboratorio di pesi e spazio fitness. Questa iniziativa fa parte dell'impegno di Elevance Health per migliorare l'equità nella salute e la giustizia sociale. La nuova struttura elimina la necessità per il personale di accompagnare gli studenti nei centri fitness pubblici per l'allenamento sportivo e l'educazione fisica.

La trasformazione ha incluso la conversione di una stanza di stoccaggio in un modernissimo centro di allenamento con nuove attrezzature per il movimento funzionale. Volontari di Elevance Health e giocatori dell'Indiana Fever hanno partecipato alla ristrutturazione. Dopo l'inaugurazione, studenti e allenatori hanno partecipato a un clinic di allenamento con i trainer atletici dell'IFF e i giocatori dell'Indiana Fever per familiarizzare con la nuova struttura.

Elevance Health, en colaboración con la Impact Fitness Foundation (IFF), ha proporcionado a la Irvington Preparatory Academy su primer gimnasio y espacio de fitness. Esta iniciativa forma parte del compromiso de Elevance Health con mejorar la equidad en salud y la justicia social. La nueva instalación elimina la necesidad de que el personal transporte a los estudiantes a centros de fitness públicos para el entrenamiento deportivo y la educación física.

La transformación incluyó convertir un cuarto de almacenamiento en una instalación de entrenamiento de última generación con nuevo equipo para el movimiento funcional. Voluntarios de Elevance Health y jugadores de Indiana Fever participaron en la renovación. Tras la inauguración, estudiantes y entrenadores asistieron a un clínic de entrenamiento con entrenadores atléticos de IFF y jugadores de Indiana Fever para familiarizarse con la nueva instalación.

엘리반스 헬스는 임팩트 피트니스 재단(IFF)과 협력하여 어빙턴 준비 아카데미에 첫 번째 체중 훈련실과 피트니스 공간을 제공했습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 엘리반스 헬스의 건강 형평성 개선 및 사회 정의에 대한 약속의 일환입니다. 새로운 시설은 직원들이 학생들을 스포츠 및 체육 훈련을 위해 공공 피트니스 센터로 데려갈 필요를 없앱니다.

변형 과정에는 창고를 최첨단 훈련 시설로 개조하고 기능적 움직임을 위한 새로운 장비를 추가하는 것이 포함되었습니다. 엘리반스 헬스 자원봉사자들과 인디애나 피버 선수들이 개조에 참여했습니다. 공개 행사 후, 학생들과 코치들은 IFF 체육 트레이너 및 인디애나 피버 선수들과 함께 새로운 시설에 익숙해지기 위한 훈련 클리닉에 참석했습니다.

Elevance Health, en partenariat avec la Impact Fitness Foundation (IFF), a fourni à l'Irvington Preparatory Academy son premier espace de musculation et de fitness. Cette initiative fait partie de l'engagement d'Elevance Health à améliorer l'équité en santé et la justice sociale. La nouvelle installation supprime le besoin pour le personnel de conduire les étudiants vers des centres de fitness publics pour les entraînements sportifs et l'éducation physique.

La transformation a inclus la conversion d'une salle de stockage en un centre d'entraînement à la pointe de la technologie avec de nouveaux équipements pour le mouvement fonctionnel. Des bénévoles d'Elevance Health et des joueurs d'Indiana Fever ont participé à la rénovation. Après le dévoilement, les étudiants et les entraîneurs ont assisté à un atelier de formation avec les entraîneurs sportifs de l'IFF et les joueurs d'Indiana Fever pour se familiariser avec la nouvelle installation.

Elevance Health hat in Partnerschaft mit der Impact Fitness Foundation (IFF) der Irvington Preparatory Academy ihren erstmaligen Gewichtsraum und Fitnessbereich bereitgestellt. Diese Initiative ist Teil des Engagements von Elevance Health zur Verbesserung der Gesundheitsgerechtigkeit und sozialen Gerechtigkeit. Die neue Einrichtung beseitigt die Notwendigkeit für das Personal, Schüler zu öffentlichen Fitnesszentren für Sport- und Sportunterricht zu fahren.

Die Umgestaltung umfasste die Umwandlung eines Lagerrraums in eine hochmoderne Trainingsstätte mit neuer Ausrüstung für funktionale Bewegung. Freiwillige von Elevance Health und Spieler der Indiana Fever beteiligten sich an der Renovierung. Nach der Enthüllung nahmen Schüler und Trainer an einem Trainingsklinikum mit IFF-Sporttrainern und Spielern der Indiana Fever teil, um sich mit der neuen Einrichtung vertraut zu machen.

  • Elevance Health's initiative supports health equity and social justice
  • New fitness facility improves access to physical education resources for students
  • Partnership with Impact Fitness Foundation demonstrates corporate social responsibility
  • None.

Indianapolis charter school received first ever fitness space, strength training clinics and curriculum

INDIANAPOLIS--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Irvington Preparatory Academy today unveiled their first ever weight room and fitness space, provided by Elevance Health in partnership with the Impact Fitness Foundation (IFF), a national nonprofit that provides fitness resources to schools. The facility upgrade marks the third Indianapolis high school to receive a new fitness space in celebration of the Elevance Health Women’s Fort Myers Tip-Off, a pre-season collegiate basketball tournament that takes place in November.

At Elevance Health, the strategy to become a lifetime trusted health partner is fueled by their purpose to improve the health of humanity, and making an impact in schools advances their commitment to address equity and social justice. Prior to today, Irvington Preparatory Academy staff were required to drive students to a fitness facility that is open to the general public for their sports and physical education training.

“We are grateful to Elevance Health and Impact Fitness Foundation for making our dream of a weight room a reality. This high-quality weight room will provide our female athletes, along with our entire student body, with a new and important resource,” said Joanna Wiggins, CAA Irvington Community Schools Athletic Director. “Many have not had the opportunity to train in any weight room or health center before. Access to this space will allow our athletes to train and improve performance and will enable us to increase fitness course offerings for all students. We deeply appreciate the support of Elevance Health and Impact Fitness Foundation in making this possible for Raven Nation."

Volunteers from Elevance Health were joined by Indiana Fever players and completely transformed a room used for storage and laundry into a state-of-the-art training facility, with new equipment and space for functional movement.

“In the most recent State of Play report, kids themselves point to sports and fitness as a way to improve their mental health, especially when it’s a good experience,” says Chris Welsh, Founder and President of the Impact Fitness Foundation. “Schools are in a unique position to support their students in this way, yet the importance of having dedicated fitness and movement spaces are rarely part of the conversation. We are thrilled to partner with a company like Elevance Health that believes in whole health and is invested in supporting schools that don’t have the resources they need.”

Following the unveiling of the space, students and coaches took part in a training clinic with athletic trainers from IFF and Indiana Fever players to help orient them to their new facility.

“As an organization with deep roots in our communities, we are committed to advancing health equity both nationally and locally,” said Kyle Weber, Chief Strategy Officer at Elevance Health. “Health equity intersects with many circumstances, including where you live. By providing a fitness space, students will have increased access to resources needed to optimize their physical health and impact their mental health.”

About Elevance Health, Inc.

Elevance Health is a lifetime, trusted health partner whose purpose is to improve the health of humanity. The company supports consumers, families, and communities across the entire healthcare journey – connecting them to the care, support, and resources they need to lead better lives. Elevance Health’s companies serve over 113 million consumers through a diverse portfolio of industry-leading medical, pharmacy, behavioral, clinical, and complex care solutions. For more information, please visit or follow us @ElevanceHealth on X and Elevance Health on LinkedIn.

About the Impact Fitness Foundation

The Impact Fitness Foundation is a national nonprofit with a mission to provide fitness spaces, movement spaces, instruction and education resources to communities that need it most. We believe that we all deserve the same opportunities as we strive for a healthy mind, body and spirit. We transform unused or unsafe areas of a building into Motivational Fitness, Movement and Mindfulness spaces, designed to promote healthy habits and inspire people of all ages to MOVE FORWARD. To learn more about IFF, visit and follow us on Instagram.

Source: Elevance Health, Inc.


What did Elevance Health (ELV) provide to Irvington Preparatory Academy?

Elevance Health, in partnership with the Impact Fitness Foundation, provided Irvington Preparatory Academy with its first-ever weight room and fitness space, including new equipment for functional movement.

How does the new fitness space at Irvington Preparatory Academy benefit students?

The new fitness space allows students to train and improve performance on-site, increases fitness course offerings, and eliminates the need for staff to drive students to public fitness facilities for sports and physical education training.

What is Elevance Health's (ELV) purpose behind this initiative?

Elevance Health's initiative aims to improve health equity and social justice, aligning with their strategy to become a lifetime trusted health partner and their purpose to improve the health of humanity.

Who participated in the transformation of the fitness space at Irvington Preparatory Academy?

Volunteers from Elevance Health and Indiana Fever players participated in transforming a storage room into a state-of-the-art training facility at Irvington Preparatory Academy.

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