e.l.f. Beauty, N.C. A&T Release “Not-So-White Paper”

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e.l.f. Beauty (NYSE: ELF) and North Carolina A&T University have released the 'Not-So-White Paper', highlighting the positive impact of board diversity on U.S. public companies. This initiative is part of e.l.f. Beauty's 'Change the Board Game' commitment to increase diverse representation in boardrooms.

Key findings include:

  • S&P 500 companies with above-average gender diversity saw 15% return on equity and 50% reduction in earnings risk
  • Women on boards correlate to better price-to-earnings ratios
  • Boards with three or more women and/or minorities have a lower likelihood of large-scale discrimination lawsuits

e.l.f. Beauty aims to double the rate of women and people of color added to U.S. public company boards by 2027. The company is sponsoring board preparation training for 40 corporate director candidates through NACD Accelerate™ program.

e.l.f. Beauty (NYSE: ELF) e la North Carolina A&T University hanno pubblicato il 'Not-So-White Paper', evidenziando il positivo impatto della diversità nei consigli d'amministrazione delle aziende pubbliche statunitensi. Questa iniziativa fa parte dell'impegno di e.l.f. Beauty chiamato 'Change the Board Game', volto ad aumentare la rappresentanza diversificata nelle sale dei consigli.

I principali risultati includono:

  • Le aziende S&P 500 con una diversità di genere superiore alla media hanno registrato un ritorno sugli investimenti del 15% e una riduzione del 50% del rischio di guadagni
  • La presenza di donne nei consigli è correlata a migliori rapporti prezzo-utili
  • I consigli con tre o più donne e/o minoranze hanno una minore probabilità di affrontare cause legali per discriminazione su larga scala

e.l.f. Beauty mira a raddoppiare il numero di donne e persone di colore aggiunte ai consigli delle aziende pubbliche statunitensi entro il 2027. L'azienda sponsoriza un programma di formazione per preparare 40 candidati come direttori aziendali attraverso il programma NACD Accelerate™.

e.l.f. Beauty (NYSE: ELF) y la Universidad de Carolina del Norte A&T han lanzado el 'Not-So-White Paper', destacando el impacto positivo de la diversidad en los consejos de administración de las empresas públicas de EE. UU. Esta iniciativa es parte del compromiso de e.l.f. Beauty llamado 'Change the Board Game' para aumentar la representación diversa en las salas de juntas.

Los hallazgos clave incluyen:

  • Las empresas del S&P 500 con diversidad de género superior a la media vieron un retorno del 15% sobre el capital y una reducción del 50% en el riesgo de ganancias
  • La presencia de mujeres en los consejos se correlaciona con mejores relaciones precio-beneficio
  • Los consejos con tres o más mujeres y/o minorías tienen una menor probabilidad de enfrentar demandas por discriminación a gran escala

e.l.f. Beauty tiene como objetivo duplicar la tasa de mujeres y personas de color agregadas a los consejos de empresas públicas de EE. UU. para 2027. La empresa está patrocinando capacitación para preparar a 40 candidatos para directores corporativos a través del programa NACD Accelerate™.

e.l.f. Beauty (NYSE: ELF)와 노스캐롤라이나 A&T 대학교는 미국 공기업의 이사회 다양성이 미치는 긍정적인 영향을 강조하는 'Not-So-White Paper'를 발표했습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 이사회에서 다양성 있는 대표성을 증가시키기 위한 e.l.f. Beauty의 'Change the Board Game' 약속의 일환입니다.

주요 발견 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 성별 다양성이 평균 이상인 S&P 500 기업은 15%의 자본 수익률과 50%의 수익 위험 감소를 보였습니다.
  • 이사회에 여성의 존재는 가격 대비 수익 비율 개선과 관련이 있습니다.
  • 여성 및/또는 소수 민족이 3명 이상인 이사회는 대규모 차별 소송의 가능성이 낮습니다.

e.l.f. Beauty는 2027년까지 미국 공기업 이사회에 추가되는 여성 및 유색인종의 비율을 두 배로 늘릴 계획입니다. 이 회사는 NACD Accelerate™ 프로그램을 통해 40명의 기업 이사 후보자를 위한 이사회 준비 훈련을 후원하고 있습니다.

e.l.f. Beauty (NYSE: ELF) et l'Université A&T de Caroline du Nord ont publié le 'Not-So-White Paper', soulignant l'impact positif de la diversité des conseils d'administration sur les entreprises publiques américaines. Cette initiative fait partie de l'engagement d'e.l.f. Beauty appelé 'Change the Board Game', visant à accroître la représentation diversifiée dans les conseils.

Les principales conclusions incluent :

  • Les entreprises du S&P 500 ayant une diversité de genre supérieure à la moyenne ont réalisé un retour sur fonds propres de 15% et une réduction de 50% du risque de bénéfices
  • La présence de femmes dans les conseils est corrélée à de meilleurs ratios de prix/bénéfice
  • Les conseils comptant trois femmes ou plus et/ou des minorités ont une probabilité moindre de faire face à de grandes actions en justice pour discrimination

e.l.f. Beauty vise à doubler le taux de femmes et de personnes de couleur ajoutées aux conseils d'administration des entreprises publiques américaines d'ici 2027. L'entreprise sponsorise une formation de préparation au conseil pour 40 candidats directeurs d'entreprise grâce au programme NACD Accelerate™.

e.l.f. Beauty (NYSE: ELF) und die North Carolina A&T University haben das 'Not-So-White Paper' veröffentlicht, in dem die positiven Auswirkungen der Diversität in den Vorständen von US-amerikanischen Unternehmen hervorgehoben werden. Diese Initiative ist Teil des Engagements von e.l.f. Beauty unter dem Motto 'Change the Board Game', um die diversifizierte Vertretung in den Vorständen zu erhöhen.

Wichtigste Erkenntnisse sind:

  • Unternehmen im S&P 500 mit überdurchschnittlicher Geschlechterdiversität verzeichneten eine Eigenkapitalrendite von 15% und eine 50%ige Reduzierung des Ertragsrisikos
  • Frauen in Vorständen korrelieren mit besseren Kurs-Gewinn-Verhältnissen
  • Vorstände mit drei oder mehr Frauen und/oder Minderheiten haben ein geringeres Risiko von großflächigen Diskriminierungsklagen

e.l.f. Beauty hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, die Anzahl der Frauen und People of Color, die bis 2027 in die Vorstände von US-Publikumsunternehmen aufgenommen werden, zu verdoppeln. Das Unternehmen sponsert Schulungen zur Vorbereitung für 40 Kandidaten für Unternehmensdirektoren im Rahmen des Programms NACD Accelerate™.

  • e.l.f. Beauty has delivered 22 consecutive quarters of net sales growth
  • e.l.f. Beauty's Board of Directors is 78% women and 44% diverse, unique among U.S. public companies
  • The company is sponsoring board preparation training for 40 corporate director candidates
  • e.l.f. Beauty is sponsoring the NACD Center for Inclusive Governance
  • None.

Highlighting Data Connecting Diverse Corporate Boards of Directors to Positive Results

WASHINGTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- e.l.f. Beauty (NYSE: ELF), in collaboration with North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University (N.C. A&T), today released the “Not-So-White Paper,” a report underscoring the impactful role that board diversity plays in the success of U.S. publicly traded companies. This partnership is part of e.l.f. Beauty’s Change the Board Game initiative, which is e.l.f.'s long-term commitment to increasing diverse representation in the boardroom by providing research, advocacy and tools to corporate leaders.

e.l.f. Beauty and N.C. A&T release “Not-So-White Paper” highlighting data connecting diverse corporate Boards of Directors to positive results (Graphic: Business Wire)

e.l.f. Beauty and N.C. A&T release “Not-So-White Paper” highlighting data connecting diverse corporate Boards of Directors to positive results (Graphic: Business Wire)

This ambition is based on the belief that e.l.f. Beauty’s own success in delivering 22 consecutive quarters of net sales growth* is in part drawn from its diverse board.

e.l.f. Beauty is the only publicly traded company in the U.S. out of approximately 4,100 with a Board of Directors that is 78% women and 44% diverse, reflecting the communities it serves.**

Making the best of beauty accessible to every eye, lip and face has been the heart of e.l.f. Beauty’s mission since its founding 20 years ago. The company champions democratizing access across all pillars of business, including the highest seats of power. e.l.f. Beauty aims to close the gap between the board, C-suite and the community.

Recognizing that expanding leadership voices requires the partnership of other companies, e.l.f. Beauty’s goal is to help double the rate at which women and people of color are added to the boards of directors of U.S.-based, publicly traded companies by 2027, enabling businesses to benefit from a wide range of perspectives and experiences.

N.C. A&T is the nation’s largest historically Black college or university (HBCU). With an annual economic impact of $2.4 billion and external research funding of more than $102 million in fiscal year 2024, the university continues to be a driving force for social justice, economic growth and educational excellence. Its Hairston College of Health and Human Sciences and Deese College of Business and Economics contributed to this report.

“Over a decade of research from the commercial sector and academia shows convincingly that diversity in the boardroom can have several positive benefits for a company, including higher return on equity, reduced financial risk, better returns for shareholders and fewer lawsuits,” according to the report. “However, these benefits are not automatic, and they are most likely to occur when there are at least three members of underrepresented communities on a Board of Directors. This should make sense to board members from their lived experience, as one voice can put an issue on the radar and a second voice can validate it, but it often takes at least three to make a quorum that can change policy.”

Key learnings include:

  • Above average gender diversity on corporate boards of S&P 500 companies saw 15% return on equity and a 50% reduction in earnings risk measured by EPS over one year.***
  • Women on boards correlate to better price-to-earnings ratios. ****
  • Boards with three or more women and/or minorities have a lower likelihood of large-scale discrimination lawsuits.*****

“Today, more than ever, diversity is essential for strong corporate governance,” said Tarang Amin, Chairman and CEO, e.l.f. Beauty. “The research draws real-world correlations that diverse boards are better equipped to navigate complex business environments, foster innovation and deliver value to shareholders. Our own intentional and ongoing journey led us to a Board of Directors that is 78% women and 44% diverse. This stewardship gives us the opportunity to be an agent of positive change.”

e.l.f. Beauty’s effort to “Change the Board Game” started earlier this year with its purpose partner, OBERLAND, with an informative campaign about the inequity that still exists on corporate boards, which is misaligned with the U.S. population data in the 2020 Census.

The findings of the “Not-So-White Paper” are being presented at the National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD) meeting, where ~1,500 executives and board members representing the largest nationwide network of directors will be in attendance.

As part of this work, e.l.f. Beauty is sponsoring board preparation training for 20 corporate director candidates through the NACD Accelerate program and will be sponsoring a second cohort with 20 director candidates in early 2025. e.l.f. Beauty is also a sponsor of the NACD Center for Inclusive Governance (CFIG), which is focused on creating diverse and inclusive boards that are ready for today and the future through education and peer-to-peer dialogue.

The “Not-So-White Paper” includes three unique sections:

  1. A review of existing studies yielding evidence that board diversity – on both gender and racial/ethnic lines – positively impacts performance and helps reduce financial and legal risk for companies across sectors, and of varying sizes.
  2. The Change the Board Game Database was created and includes the racial and gender representation of more than 4,000 U.S.-based, publicly traded companies listed on the NYSE and NASDAQ.
  3. An initial analysis of the new data set was conducted, which ranked boards by gender and racial/ethnic diversity, identified the makeup of the “average board” in terms of representation, and correlated increased diversity to improved performance.

“The findings underscore that a Board of Directors reflecting a wide range of perspectives, experiences and backgrounds is a critical factor for achieving competitive advantage and sustainable growth,” said Elimelda Moige Ongeri, Ph.D., Hairston College Dean. “More importantly, the goals of the Change the Board Game project align well with N.C. A&T’s legacy of being at the forefront of advancing social justice and equity. N.C. A&T is proud to engage multidisciplinary researchers on this project, as this provides a more comprehensive analysis and contextualizes the data.”

The “Not-So-White Paper” is available to view at

* As of June 30, 2024.

** Statistics based on e.l.f. board members and available data as of 08/22/24 from FACTSET, includes publicly traded companies in the XRT and XLP indices.

*** Bank of America Securities (March 4, 2021) Everybody Counts! Diversity & Inclusion Primer

****Simionescu, L.N., Gherghina, S.C., Tawil, H. et al. (2021) Does Board Gender Diversity Affect Firm Performance? Empirical evidence from Standard & Poor’s 500 Information Technology Sector

***** Abebe, M., & Dadanlar, H. (2021) From tokens to key players: The influence of board gender and ethnic diversity on corporate discrimination lawsuits. Human Relations, 74(4), 527-555.

About e.l.f. Beauty

e.l.f. Beauty (NYSE: ELF) is fueled by a belief that anything is possible. e.l.f. is a different kind of company that disrupts norms, shapes culture and connects communities, through positivity, inclusivity and accessibility. The mission is clear: to make the best of beauty accessible to every eye, lip and face. e.l.f. Beauty and its brands, e.l.f. Cosmetics, e.l.f. SKIN, Keys Soulcare, Well People and NATURIUM, are led by purpose, driven by results and elevated by superpowers. e.l.f. Beauty is cruelty free, with double certifications from both Leaping Bunny and PETA, offers clean and vegan products and proudly stands as the first beauty company with Fair Trade Certified™ facilities. With a kind heart at the center of e.l.f.’s ethos, the company donates 2% of net profits to organizations that make positive impacts. Learn more at

About North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University

North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University is the nation’s largest historically Black university, as well one of the top 25 “Most Innovative” universities in America (U.S. News & World Report, Best Colleges 2024). North Carolina A&T is a land-grant, doctoral research university and a constituent member of the University of North Carolina System. A research intensive doctoral institution, NC A&T is widely recognized for its leadership in producing graduates in critical workforce areas.

Media Contacts:

Melinda Fried

Source: e.l.f. Beauty


What is the 'Not-So-White Paper' released by e.l.f. Beauty (ELF) and N.C. A&T?

The 'Not-So-White Paper' is a report highlighting the positive impact of board diversity on the success of U.S. publicly traded companies, released as part of e.l.f. Beauty's 'Change the Board Game' initiative.

What are the key findings of the 'Not-So-White Paper' regarding board diversity for ELF stock?

Key findings include: S&P 500 companies with above-average gender diversity saw 15% return on equity and 50% reduction in earnings risk; women on boards correlate to better price-to-earnings ratios; and boards with three or more women and/or minorities have a lower likelihood of large-scale discrimination lawsuits.

What is e.l.f. Beauty's (ELF) goal for increasing board diversity by 2027?

e.l.f. Beauty aims to help double the rate at which women and people of color are added to the boards of directors of U.S.-based, publicly traded companies by 2027.

How is e.l.f. Beauty (ELF) supporting board diversity training?

e.l.f. Beauty is sponsoring board preparation training for 40 corporate director candidates through the NACD Accelerate™ program, with 20 candidates in 2024 and another 20 in early 2025.

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