Elevai Labs Inc. Reports Second Quarter 2024 Financial Results and Provides Business Update

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Elevai Labs Inc. (NASDAQ: ELAB) reported Q2 2024 financial results and provided a business update. Key highlights include:

- Revenue increased 91.3% to $605,529 for Q2 2024 and 165.6% to $1,220,092 for H1 2024 year-over-year.
- Gross margin improved to 72.5% for both Q2 and H1 2024.
- Net loss of $1,412,491 for Q2 and $2,809,741 for H1 2024.
- Launched B2B/B2C Elevai Skincare e-commerce platform.
- Established subsidiaries: Elevai Biosciences Inc. and Elevai Skincare Inc.
- Initiated corporate restructuring to reduce annual operating expenses by an estimated $800,000.
- Received research grant from MITACS Canada.
- Formed Scientific Advisory Board for Elevai Biosciences.

The company continues to focus on growth opportunities and increasing shareholder value through strategic acquisitions and investments in biotech, cosmetic, health, and wellness sectors.

Elevai Labs Inc. (NASDAQ: ELAB) ha riportato i risultati finanziari del secondo trimestre del 2024 e fornito un aggiornamento sull'azienda. I punti salienti includono:

- I ricavi sono aumentati del 91,3% a $605,529 per il Q2 2024 e del 165,6% a $1,220,092 per il primo semestre del 2024 rispetto all'anno precedente.
- Il margine lordo è migliorato al 72,5% sia per il Q2 che per il primo semestre del 2024.
- Per il Q2 c'è stata una perdita netta di $1,412,491 e di $2,809,741 per il primo semestre del 2024.
- È stata lanciata la piattaforma di e-commerce Elevai Skincare B2B/B2C.
- Sono state costituite sussidiarie: Elevai Biosciences Inc. ed Elevai Skincare Inc.
- È stata avviata una ristrutturazione aziendale per ridurre le spese operative annuali di circa $800,000.
- È stato ricevuto un finanziamento per la ricerca da MITACS Canada.
- È stato formato un Consiglio Consultivo Scientifico per Elevai Biosciences.

La compagnia continua a concentrarsi sulle opportunità di crescita e sull'aumento del valore per gli azionisti attraverso acquisizioni strategiche e investimenti nei settori della biotecnologia, cosmetici, salute e benessere.

Elevai Labs Inc. (NASDAQ: ELAB) reportó los resultados financieros del segundo trimestre de 2024 y proporcionó una actualización del negocio. Los aspectos más destacados incluyen:

- Los ingresos aumentaron un 91.3% a $605,529 para el Q2 2024 y un 165.6% a $1,220,092 para el primer semestre de 2024 en comparación con el año anterior.
- El margen bruto mejoró al 72.5% tanto para el Q2 como para el primer semestre de 2024.
- Pérdida neta de $1,412,491 para el Q2 y $2,809,741 para el primer semestre de 2024.
- Se lanzó la plataforma de comercio electrónico Elevai Skincare B2B/B2C.
- Se establecieron subsidiarias: Elevai Biosciences Inc. y Elevai Skincare Inc.
- Se inició una reestructuración corporativa para reducir los gastos operativos anuales en aproximadamente $800,000.
- Se recibió una subvención de investigación de MITACS Canadá.
- Se formó un Consejo Asesor Científico para Elevai Biosciences.

La empresa continúa enfocándose en oportunidades de crecimiento y en aumentar el valor para los accionistas a través de adquisiciones estratégicas e inversiones en los sectores de biotecnología, cosméticos, salud y bienestar.

Elevai Labs Inc. (NASDAQ: ELAB)는 2024년 2분기 재무 결과를 발표하고 비즈니스 업데이트를 제공했습니다. 주요 내용은 다음과 같습니다:

- 2024년 2분기 매출이 91.3% 증가하여 $605,529에 달하였으며, 2024년 상반기에는 165.6% 증가한 $1,220,092를 기록했습니다.
- 총 마진은 2024년 2분기와 상반기 모두 72.5%로 개선되었습니다.
- 2분기에는 $1,412,491의 순손실이 발생하였고, 상반기에는 $2,809,741의 순손실이 발생했습니다.
- Elevai Skincare B2B/B2C 전자상거래 플랫폼이 출시되었습니다.
- Elevai Biosciences Inc. 및 Elevai Skincare Inc.라는 자회사가 설립되었습니다.
- 연간 운영 비용을 약 $800,000 절감하기 위한 기업 구조조정이 시작되었습니다.
- MITACS 캐나다로부터 연구 보조금을 받았습니다.
- Elevai Biosciences를 위한 과학 자문 위원회가 구성되었습니다.

회사는 성장 기회와 전략적 인수 및 생명 과학, 화장품, 건강 및 웰빙 분야에 대한 투자로 주주 가치를 증대하는 데 계속 집중하고 있습니다.

Elevai Labs Inc. (NASDAQ: ELAB) a publié les résultats financiers du deuxième trimestre 2024 et a fourni une mise à jour de l'entreprise. Les points clés comprennent :

- Les revenus ont augmenté de 91,3 % pour atteindre 605 529 $ pour le T2 2024 et de 165,6 % pour atteindre 1 220 092 $ pour le premier semestre 2024 par rapport à l'année précédente.
- La marge brute s'est améliorée à 72,5 % tant pour le T2 que pour le premier semestre 2024.
- La perte nette s'est élevée à 1 412 491 $ pour le T2 et à 2 809 741 $ pour le premier semestre 2024.
- Lancement de la plateforme de commerce électronique Elevai Skincare B2B/B2C.
- Création de filiales : Elevai Biosciences Inc. et Elevai Skincare Inc.
- Mise en place d'une restructuration d'entreprise afin de réduire les coûts d'exploitation annuels d'environ 800 000 $.
- Obtention d'une subvention de recherche de MITACS Canada.
- Formation d'un conseil consultatif scientifique pour Elevai Biosciences.

L'entreprise continue de se concentrer sur les opportunités de croissance et l'augmentation de la valeur pour les actionnaires grâce à des acquisitions stratégiques et des investissements dans les secteurs de la biotechnologie, des cosmétiques, de la santé et du bien-être.

Elevai Labs Inc. (NASDAQ: ELAB) hat die Finanzresultate für das zweite Quartal 2024 veröffentlicht und ein Geschäftsupdate gegeben. Die wichtigsten Punkte umfassen:

- Der Umsatz stieg im Q2 2024 um 91,3% auf $605,529 und im ersten Halbjahr 2024 um 165,6% auf $1,220,092 im Jahresvergleich.
- Die Bruttomarge verbesserte sich auf 72,5% für sowohl Q2 als auch H1 2024.
- Der Nettoverlust betrug $1,412,491 für Q2 und $2,809,741 für H1 2024.
- Die B2B/B2C Elevai Skincare E-Commerce-Plattform wurde eingeführt.
- Es wurden Tochtergesellschaften gegründet: Elevai Biosciences Inc. und Elevai Skincare Inc.
- Es wurde eine Unternehmensrestrukturierung eingeleitet, um die jährlichen Betriebskosten um geschätzte $800,000 zu senken.
- Es wurde ein Forschungsstipendium von MITACS Kanada erhalten.
- Ein wissenschaftlicher Beratungsrat für Elevai Biosciences wurde gegründet.

Das Unternehmen konzentriert sich weiterhin auf Wachstumschancen und die Steigerung des Shareholder-Value durch strategische Übernahmen und Investitionen in die Bereiche Biotechnologie, Kosmetik, Gesundheit und Wellness.

  • Revenue increased 91.3% YoY to $605,529 for Q2 2024
  • Gross margin improved to 72.5% for Q2 2024, up from 65.8% in Q2 2023
  • Launched B2B/B2C Elevai Skincare e-commerce platform
  • Established subsidiaries to streamline operations
  • Initiated corporate restructuring to reduce annual operating expenses by $800,000
  • Received $90,000 CAD research grant from MITACS Canada
  • Formed Scientific Advisory Board with distinguished metabolic scientists
  • Net loss of $1,412,491 for Q2 2024
  • Operating expenses increased to $1,847,867 for Q2 2024, up from $1,261,680 in Q2 2023

Elevai Labs' Q2 2024 results show promising growth, with revenue increasing by 91.3% year-over-year to $605,529. The company's gross margin improved to 72.5%, up from 65.8% in Q2 2023, indicating better cost management. However, operating expenses rose significantly to $1,847,867, resulting in a net loss of $1,412,491.

The launch of the B2B/B2C e-commerce platform and the establishment of subsidiaries are strategic moves that could streamline operations and potentially improve profitability. The ongoing corporate restructuring, aimed at reducing annual operating expenses by $800,000, is a positive step towards financial stability.

While revenue growth is impressive, investors should monitor the widening net loss and increasing operating expenses. The company's ability to scale efficiently while managing costs will be important for future profitability.

Elevai's strategic restructuring into three subsidiaries - Elevai Skincare, Elevai Biosciences and Elevai Research - demonstrates a focused approach to diverse market segments. The skincare e-commerce platform launch capitalizes on the growing trend of online beauty sales, potentially expanding customer reach and reducing distribution costs.

The upcoming Root Renewal System™ leverages the booming hair care market, addressing the lucrative segment of hair loss solutions. This product line, combining exosome and mitochondrial technology, could differentiate Elevai in a competitive market.

The formation of a Scientific Advisory Board for Elevai Biosciences, featuring renowned experts, enhances credibility and may accelerate R&D efforts in the obesity treatment space. This positions the company to potentially tap into the rapidly growing GLP-1 receptor agonist market.

While these initiatives show promise, their success will depend on effective execution and market reception.

NEWPORT BEACH, Calif., Aug. 14, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Elevai Labs Inc. (NASDAQ: ELAB) (“Elevai” or the “Company”), a pioneering force in medical aesthetics, today reported financial results for the second quarter ended June 30, 2024 and provided a business update.

Financial Results for the Three and Six Months Ended June 30, 2024

  • Revenue increased to $605,529 for the three months ended June 30, 2024, and $1,220,092 for the six months ended June 30, 2024, an increase of 91.3% and 165.6% respectively year-over-year.
  • Gross margin of 72.5% for the three months ended June 30, 2024, and 72.5% for the six months ended June 30, 2024, compared to 65.8% for the three months ended June 30, 2023 and 66.8% for the six months ended June 30, 2023.
  • Operating expenses of $1,847,867 for the three months ended June 30, 2024, and $3,976,980 for the six months ended June 30, 2024, compared to $1,261,680 for the three months ended June 30, 2023 and $2,206,456 for the six months ended June 30, 2023.
  • Net loss of $1,412,491 for the three months ended June 30, 2024 and $2,809,741 for the six months ended June 30, 2024.

Elevai’s Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, Graydon Bensler stated: “We are excited about our performance in the second quarter of 2024, marked by revenue growth and a solid gross margin. The launch of the B2B/B2C Elevai Skincare e-commerce platform and the establishment of our subsidiaries are pivotal steps in our strategy to streamline operations, maintain focus across the Company and ensure alignment within various departments. As we continue to pursue growth opportunities, we remain committed to identifying additional ways to increase shareholder value through further strategic acquisitions and investments in the biotech, cosmetic, health, and wellness spaces.”

Q2 Corporate Highlights

The Company restructured its business with the launch of Elevai Biosciences Inc. and Elevai Skincare Inc. The Company now operates a diverse portfolio of three wholly owned subsidiaries across the medical aesthetics and biopharmaceutical sectors. All of the Company’s revenue to date has been derived from the sales of skincare products through our Elevai Skincare business.

  • Elevai Skincare Inc. specializes in developing and commercializing innovative skincare products, catering to both business to business (“B2B”) and business to consumer (“B2C”) markets in the US and internationally. Please visit our website at
  • Elevai Biosciences Inc. is a biopharmaceutical company focusing on the development and acquisition of cutting-edge aesthetic medicines. Our lead asset, EL-22, is leveraging a first-in-class engineered probiotic approach to address obesity’s pressing issue of preserving muscle while on weight loss treatments, including GLP-1 receptor agonists. Please visit our website at
  • Elevai Research Inc., domiciled in Canada, is currently dedicated to medical scientific research and development efforts, utilizing Canadian research grants and partnering with leading Canadian Universities to push the boundaries of innovation.

Corporate Update

  • Corporate Restructuring: Following the establishment of the Company’s subsidiaries, at the end of June, 2024, Elevai began to undertake a corporate restructuring with the aim of increasing efficiency and reducing operating costs to improve profitability, while still pursuing growth. This initiative remains ongoing; however, the steps management has taken thus far has reduced annual operating expenses by an estimated $800,000.
  • Grant Funding: Elevai Research Inc. received a research and development grant from MITACS Canada in April 2023 for $90,000 Canadian dollars (“CAD”) through the MITACS Accelerate program. This research program remains ongoing in collaboration with Dalhousie University. Elevai Research Inc. has received two installments of the grant for a total of $45,000 CAD.
  • Elevai Skincare E-commerce Launch: In March 2024, Elevai launched its online e-commerce portal. This platform serves as an extension of our existing B2B relationships, allowing retail customers to select a physician provider and order Elevai products directly online. The portal is available for both retail and business customers and provides benefits such as ease of ordering without an office visit, integration of social media and influencer campaigns, and granular data collection for marketing and geo-targeting. This initiative aligns with our strategy to simplify distribution operations and reduce operating costs.
  • Elevai Skincare New Product Launch Initiation: The Elevai S-Series Root Renewal SystemTM will be a three-part hair and scalp care system that utilizes a first-in-class dual mechanism powered by exosomes and mitochondrial technology that incorporates Elevai’s proprietary PREx™ and Yuva Bioscience’s Y100 mitochondrial technology. This innovative combination is designed to address common scalp and hair care concerns, such as the appearance of thinning hair, by promoting scalp and hair vitality. The product line is formulated to be easy to use, cost-effective, and scientifically backed, offering a new solution for men and women experiencing hair loss and thinning hair. We are expecting to soft launch this product line later this year.
  • Elevai Biosciences forms SAB Team: Elevai Biosciences has started the formation of its Scientific Advisory Board (“SAB”). We have initially appointed three distinguished metabolic scientists, Orian Shirihai, MD, PhD, Eduardo Grunvald, MD, and Roger A. Fielding, PhD:

    • Orian Shirihai, MD, PhD. Dr. Shirihai is currently Professor of Medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles (“UCLA”), where he also serves as Director of the UCLA Metabolism Research Theme. Dr. Shirihai has over 180 publications in the field of obesity & metabolism, along with multiple National Institutes of Health (NIH) funded projects as Principal Investigator. Dr. Shirihai is a renowned researcher regularly invited as a keynote speaker at annual scientific conferences and has consulted for Johnson & Johnson, Bayer, AstraZeneca and Pfizer, among other healthcare companies.
    • Roger A. Fielding, PhD, serves as Team Lead and Senior Scientist of the Nutrition, Exercise Physiology, and Sarcopenia (“NEPS”) Team at the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University. He is also Professor of Nutrition at Tufts’ Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy, Professor of Medicine at Tufts University School of Medicine and the Associate Director of the Boston Claude D. Pepper Older Americans Independence Center. He has published over 300 peer-reviewed papers (H-index 115).
    • Dr. Eduardo Grunvald, MD, is the Director of the Weight Management Program at the University of California, San Diego (“UCSD”) and a professor in the Department of Medicine. He is board certified in internal medicine and obesity medicine. He completed his residency at UCSD and earned his medical degree from the University of Washington School of Medicine.

About Elevai Labs, Inc.
Elevai Labs Inc. (NASDAQ: ELAB) specializes in medical aesthetics and biopharmaceutical drug development, focusing on innovations for skin aesthetics and treatments tied to obesity and metabolic health. The Company operates a diverse portfolio of three wholly owned subsidiaries across the medical aesthetics and biopharmaceutical sectors, Elevai Skincare Inc., Elevai Biosciences Inc., and Elevai Research Inc. For more information please visit

Forward-Looking Statements

Statements contained in this press release regarding matters that are not historical facts are “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, as amended. Words such as “believes,” “expects,” “plans,” “potential,” “would” and “future” or similar expressions such as “look forward” are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are made as of the date of this press release and are neither historical facts nor assurances of future performance. Instead, they are based only on our current beliefs, expectations and assumptions regarding the future of our business, future plans and strategies, projections, anticipated events and trends, the economy, activities of regulators and future regulations and other future conditions. Because forward-looking statements relate to the future, they are subject to inherent uncertainties, risks and changes in circumstances that are difficult to predict and many of which are outside of our control. Although the Company believes that the expectations expressed in these forward-looking statements are reasonable, it cannot assure you that such expectations will turn out to be correct, and the Company cautions investors that actual results may differ materially from the anticipated results. Therefore, you should not rely on any of these forward-looking statements. These and other risks are described more fully in Elevai’s filings with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”), including the “Risk Factors” section of the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, filed with the SEC on March 29, 2024, and its other documents subsequently filed with or furnished to the SEC. Investors and security holders are urged to read these documents free of charge on the SEC’s web site at All forward-looking statements contained in this press release speak only as of the date on which they were made. Except to the extent required by law, the Company undertakes no obligation to update such statements to reflect events that occur or circumstances that exist after the date on which they were made.

Media Contact:
Makenzie Mann


What was Elevai Labs Inc.'s (ELAB) revenue for Q2 2024?

Elevai Labs Inc. (ELAB) reported revenue of $605,529 for Q2 2024, representing a 91.3% increase year-over-year.

How much did Elevai Labs Inc. (ELAB) lose in Q2 2024?

Elevai Labs Inc. (ELAB) reported a net loss of $1,412,491 for Q2 2024.

What was Elevai Labs Inc.'s (ELAB) gross margin for Q2 2024?

Elevai Labs Inc. (ELAB) reported a gross margin of 72.5% for Q2 2024, an improvement from 65.8% in Q2 2023.

What new initiatives did Elevai Labs Inc. (ELAB) announce in Q2 2024?

Elevai Labs Inc. (ELAB) launched a B2B/B2C Elevai Skincare e-commerce platform, established new subsidiaries, initiated corporate restructuring, and formed a Scientific Advisory Board for Elevai Biosciences.

How much did Elevai Labs Inc. (ELAB) expect to save from its corporate restructuring?

Elevai Labs Inc. (ELAB) estimated that its corporate restructuring would reduce annual operating expenses by approximately $800,000.

Elevai Labs, Inc.


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