Enhabit Home Health & Hospice Achieves Level 2 Recognition as an Age-Friendly Health System — Committed to Care Excellence
Enhabit Inc. (NYSE: EHAB), a leading home health and hospice provider, has achieved Level 2 recognition as an Age-Friendly Health System – Committed to Care Excellence from the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI). The recognition highlights Enhabit's implementation of the 4Ms framework: What Matters, Medication, Mentation, and Mobility.
The initiative, led by The John A. Hartford Foundation and IHI in partnership with the American Hospital Association and the Catholic Health Association, focuses on delivering personalized, evidence-based care to older adults. Enhabit's nationwide operations span 255 home health locations and 115 hospice locations across 34 states, implementing a comprehensive care model that emphasizes patient-centered approaches and strengthens relationships between patients and care teams.
Enhabit Inc. (NYSE: EHAB), un importante fornitore di assistenza sanitaria domiciliare e hospice, ha ottenuto il riconoscimento di Livello 2 come Sistema Sanitario Amico degli Anziani – Impegnato per l'Eccellenza nella Cura dall'Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI). Questo riconoscimento evidenzia l'implementazione da parte di Enhabit del framework 4Ms: Cosa Conta, Farmaci, Mente e Mobilità.
L'iniziativa, guidata dalla John A. Hartford Foundation e dall'IHI in collaborazione con l'American Hospital Association e la Catholic Health Association, si concentra sulla fornitura di cure personalizzate e basate su prove per gli anziani. Le operazioni di Enhabit si estendono a livello nazionale su 255 sedi di assistenza sanitaria domiciliare e 115 sedi di hospice in 34 stati, implementando un modello di cura completo che enfatizza approcci incentrati sul paziente e rafforza le relazioni tra pazienti e team di cura.
Enhabit Inc. (NYSE: EHAB), un proveedor líder de atención médica domiciliaria y hospicio, ha logrado el reconocimiento de Nivel 2 como Sistema de Salud Amigable con los Ancianos – Comprometido con la Excelencia en el Cuidado por el Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI). Este reconocimiento destaca la implementación por parte de Enhabit del marco 4Ms: Lo que Importa, Medicación, Mentación y Movilidad.
La iniciativa, liderada por la John A. Hartford Foundation y el IHI en asociación con la American Hospital Association y la Catholic Health Association, se centra en proporcionar atención personalizada y basada en evidencia a los adultos mayores. Las operaciones de Enhabit se extienden a nivel nacional a 255 ubicaciones de atención médica domiciliaria y 115 ubicaciones de hospicio en 34 estados, implementando un modelo de atención integral que enfatiza enfoques centrados en el paciente y fortalece las relaciones entre pacientes y equipos de atención.
Enhabit Inc. (NYSE: EHAB), 선도적인 홈 헬스 및 호스피스 제공업체가 노인 친화적 건강 시스템 - 치료 우수성에 대한 약속으로서 IHI(Healthcare Improvement Institute)로부터 2단계 인정을 받았습니다. 이 인식은 Enhabit가 4Ms 프레임워크: 중요한 것, 약물, 정신, 이동성의 구현을 강조합니다.
이 이니셔티브는 John A. Hartford Foundation과 IHI가 American Hospital Association 및 Catholic Health Association과 협력하여 주도하며, 노인에게 개인화되고 증거 기반의 치료를 제공하는 데 중점을 둡니다. Enhabit의 전국적인 운영은 34개 주에 걸쳐 255개의 홈 헬스 위치와 115개의 호스피스 위치를 포함하며, 환자 중심 접근 방식을 강조하고 환자와 치료 팀 간의 관계를 강화하는 포괄적인 치료 모델을 구현하고 있습니다.
Enhabit Inc. (NYSE: EHAB), un fournisseur de soins de santé à domicile et de services de soins palliatifs de premier plan, a obtenu la reconnaissance de Niveau 2 en tant que Système de Santé Amical pour les Personnes Âgées – Engagé pour l'Excellence des Soins de l'Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI). Cette reconnaissance met en avant la mise en œuvre par Enhabit du cadre 4Ms : Ce qui Compte, Médicaments, Mentation et Mobilité.
L'initiative, dirigée par la John A. Hartford Foundation et l'IHI en partenariat avec l'American Hospital Association et la Catholic Health Association, se concentre sur la fourniture de soins personnalisés et basés sur des preuves aux personnes âgées. Les opérations d'Enhabit s'étendent à l'échelle nationale sur 255 sites de soins de santé à domicile et 115 sites de soins palliatifs dans 34 États, mettant en œuvre un modèle de soins complet qui met l'accent sur des approches centrées sur le patient et renforce les relations entre les patients et les équipes de soins.
Enhabit Inc. (NYSE: EHAB), ein führender Anbieter von häuslicher Gesundheitsversorgung und Hospizdiensten, hat die Stufe 2 Anerkennung als Alterfreundliches Gesundheitssystem – Engagiert für Pflegeexzellenz vom Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) erhalten. Diese Anerkennung hebt die Implementierung des 4Ms-Rahmens durch Enhabit hervor: Was ist wichtig, Medikamente, Mentation und Mobilität.
Die Initiative, die von der John A. Hartford Foundation und dem IHI in Partnerschaft mit der American Hospital Association und der Catholic Health Association geleitet wird, konzentriert sich auf die Bereitstellung von personalisierter, evidenzbasierter Pflege für ältere Menschen. Die landesweiten Betriebe von Enhabit erstrecken sich über 255 Standorte für häusliche Gesundheitsversorgung und 115 Hospizstandorte in 34 Bundesstaaten und implementieren ein umfassendes Pflege-Modell, das patientenzentrierte Ansätze betont und die Beziehungen zwischen Patienten und Pflegeteams stärkt.
- Achieved prestigious Level 2 recognition for care excellence, enhancing credibility
- Extensive nationwide presence with 370 total locations across 34 states
- Implementation of validated care framework potentially improving service quality and patient outcomes
- None.
The Age-Friendly Health Systems initiative, led by The John A. Hartford Foundation and IHI in partnership with the American Hospital Association (AHA) and the Catholic Health Association of
"We are pleased to be part of the Age-Friendly Health Systems movement in home-based care," said Enhabit President and Chief Executive Officer Barb Jacobsmeyer. “We believe this framework enhances the patient experience by consistently addressing the 4Ms of age-friendly care: What Matters, Medication, Mentation and Mobility. We believe this evidence-based approach drives value for patients, clinicians, referral sources and payers.”
Enhabit implements the Age-Friendly Health Systems initiative through its comprehensive approach to care. Enhabit has adopted a care model that is both personalized and compassionate. This approach meets patients exactly where they are and strengthens the relationships between patients and their care teams.
Vice President of Clinical Excellence Patty D’Arena said, "Implementing the Age-Friendly Care at Home initiative aligns perfectly with our core promise of providing A Better Way to Care®. By focusing on what truly matters to older adults—their personal goals, physical mobility, medication management and cognitive health—we've adopted a comprehensive care model that both our teams and patients have embraced wholeheartedly."
The recognition as an Age-Friendly Health System – Committed to Care Excellence is a testament to Enhabit’s dedication to improving the health and well-being of older adults. Enhabit is leading the way in making sure that every day, every older adult receives age-friendly health care.
About Enhabit Home Health & Hospice
Enhabit Home Health & Hospice (Enhabit, Inc.) is a leading national home health and hospice provider working to expand what’s possible for patient care in the home. Enhabit's team of clinicians supports patients and their families where they are most comfortable, with a nationwide footprint spanning 255 home health locations and 115 hospice locations across 34 states. Enhabit leverages advanced technology and compassionate teams to deliver extraordinary patient care. For more information, visit ehab.com.
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Erin Volbeda
Investor contact
Jobie Williams
Source: Enhabit, Inc.