Edgio Releases Security Platform Controls Aimed at Thwarting Automated Threats

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Edgio, a platform for edge security, speed, and simplicity, has announced new security features to enhance API protection and mitigate automated attack risks. The key additions include:

1. JSON Web Token (JWT) authentication for securing API endpoints, allowing authorization at the edge and protecting against broken authentication.

2. Improvements to Advanced Rate Limiting to defend against evolving application DDoS threats, including the ability to track requests over longer periods, incorporate user session and custom identifiers, and offer response-based rate limiting.

These enhancements aim to provide customers with greater control over their defense-in-depth layers, improved API security, and better protection against sophisticated attacks like credential stuffing and application DDoS. Edgio's VP of Product Management, Richard Yew, emphasized the importance of these features in combating the surge in automated threats.

Edgio, una piattaforma per la sicurezza edge, velocità e semplicità, ha annunciato nuove funzionalità di sicurezza per migliorare la protezione delle API e ridurre i rischi di attacchi automatizzati. Le principali novità includono:

1. Autenticazione JSON Web Token (JWT) per proteggere gli endpoint API, consentendo l'autorizzazione all'edge e proteggendo contro l'autenticazione compromessa.

2. Miglioramenti al Limite Avanzato delle Richieste per difendersi dalle minacce DDoS alle applicazioni in continua evoluzione, inclusa la possibilità di monitorare le richieste per periodi di tempo più lunghi, incorporare sessioni utente e identificatori personalizzati, e offrire limitazioni delle risposte basate sul tempo.

Questi miglioramenti mirano a fornire ai clienti un maggiore controllo sui loro strati di difesa, una sicurezza API potenziata e una migliore protezione contro attacchi sofisticati come lo stuffing delle credenziali e le DDoS applicative. Richard Yew, VP della gestione del prodotto di Edgio, ha sottolineato l'importanza di queste funzionalità nel combattere l'aumento delle minacce automatizzate.

Edgio, una plataforma para la seguridad en el edge, velocidad y simplicidad, ha anunciado nuevas características de seguridad para mejorar la protección de APIs y mitigar los riesgos de ataques automatizados. Las principales adiciones incluyen:

1. Autenticación mediante JSON Web Token (JWT) para asegurar los endpoints de las APIs, permitiendo la autorización en el edge y protegiendo contra la autenticación rota.

2. Mejoras en la Limitación Avanzada de Solicitudes para defenderse de las amenazas DDoS en evolución, incluida la capacidad de rastrear solicitudes durante períodos más largos, incorporar sesiones de usuario e identificadores personalizados, y ofrecer limitaciones de respuesta basadas en el tiempo.

Estas mejoras tienen como objetivo proporcionar a los clientes un mayor control sobre sus capas de defensa, una mejor seguridad de APIs y una protección superior contra ataques sofisticados como el stuffing de credenciales y DDoS de aplicaciones. Richard Yew, VP de Gestión de Productos de Edgio, enfatizó la importancia de estas características para combatir el aumento de amenazas automatizadas.

엣지 보안, 속도 및 단순성을 위한 플랫폼인 Edgio는 API 보호를 강화하고 자동화된 공격 위험을 완화하기 위한 새로운 보안 기능을 발표했습니다. 주요 추가 기능은 다음과 같습니다:

1. JSON 웹 토큰(JWT) 인증을 통한 API 엔드포인트 보안, 엣지에서의 권한 부여를 허용하고 깨진 인증으로부터 보호합니다.

2. 고급 속도 제한 개선을 통해 진화하는 애플리케이션 DDoS 위협에 대응하며, 요청을 더 긴 기간 동안 추적하고, 사용자 세션 및 맞춤 식별자를 통합하며, 응답 기반 속도 제한을 제공합니다.

이러한 개선 사항은 고객에게 방어층에 대한 더 큰 통제권을 제공하고 API 보안을 향상시키며 자격 증명 스터핑 및 애플리케이션 DDoS와 같은 정교한 공격에 대한 더 나은 보호를 목표로 합니다. Edgio의 제품 관리 부사장인 Richard Yew는 증가하는 자동화된 위협에 맞서는 이러한 기능의 중요성을 강조했습니다.

Edgio, une plateforme pour la sécurité en edge, la vitesse et la simplicité, a annoncé de nouvelles fonctionnalités de sécurité pour améliorer la protection des API et atténuer les risques d'attaques automatisées. Les ajouts clés incluent :

1. Authentification JSON Web Token (JWT) pour sécuriser les points de terminaison API, permettant l'autorisation en edge et protégeant contre une authentification rompue.

2. Améliorations de la limitation avancée de débit pour se défendre contre les menaces DDoS évolutives des applications, y compris la capacité de suivre les demandes sur de plus longues périodes, d'incorporer des sessions utilisateur et des identifiants personnalisés, et d'offrir une limitation de débit basée sur la réponse.

Ces améliorations visent à fournir aux clients un meilleur contrôle sur leurs couches de défense, une sécurité API accrue et une meilleure protection contre des attaques sophistiquées telles que le stuffing de crédentiels et les DDoS applicatives. Richard Yew, VP de la gestion des produits chez Edgio, a souligné l'importance de ces fonctionnalités pour lutter contre l'augmentation des menaces automatisées.

Edgio, eine Plattform für Edge-Sicherheit, Geschwindigkeit und Einfachheit, hat neue Sicherheitsfunktionen angekündigt, um den API-Schutz zu verbessern und die Risiken automatisierter Angriffe zu mindern. Die wichtigsten Neuerungen umfassen:

1. JSON Web Token (JWT) Authentifizierung zur Sicherung von API-Endpunkten, die Autorisierung am Edge ermöglicht und gegen defekte Authentifizierung schützt.

2. Verbesserungen der erweiterten Ratenbegrenzung, um sich gegen sich weiterentwickelnde DDoS-Bedrohungen für Anwendungen zu verteidigen, einschließlich der Möglichkeit, Anfragen über längere Zeiträume zu verfolgen, Benutzersitzungen und benutzerdefinierte Identifikatoren zu integrieren und antwortbasierte Ratenbegrenzungen anzubieten.

Diese Verbesserungen zielen darauf ab, den Kunden eine bessere Kontrolle über ihre Abwehrschichten, verbesserte API-Sicherheit und besseren Schutz gegen raffinierte Angriffe wie Credential Stuffing und Anwendung DDoS zu bieten. Richard Yew, VP of Product Management bei Edgio, betonte die Wichtigkeit dieser Funktionen im Kampf gegen den Anstieg automatisierter Bedrohungen.

  • Introduction of JWT authentication for enhanced API security
  • Improvements to Advanced Rate Limiting for better DDoS protection
  • Ability to transition API Gateway functions to the edge for improved performance
  • Enhanced granular control over API access and traffic shaping
  • None.


Edgio's new security features represent a significant step forward in API protection and DDoS mitigation. The introduction of JWT authentication at the edge is particularly noteworthy, as it addresses a critical OWASP Top 10 API risk. This move aligns with Gartner's prediction that 50% of data theft will be due to unsecured APIs by 2025, highlighting the timeliness of this enhancement.

The improvements to Advanced Rate Limiting are equally impressive, offering more sophisticated detection of low and slow DDoS attacks. The ability to incorporate user session data and custom identifiers for traffic shaping demonstrates a deep understanding of evolving threat landscapes. The response-based rate limiting feature is especially valuable for protecting against credential stuffing and application DDoS attacks, which have become increasingly prevalent.

These enhancements position Edgio as a strong contender in the edge security market, potentially boosting its appeal to enterprise customers concerned about API security and DDoS protection. For investors, this could translate to increased market share and revenue growth in the competitive cybersecurity sector.

Edgio's latest security platform upgrades demonstrate the company's commitment to innovation in the edge computing and security space. By shifting API Gateway functions to the edge, Edgio is capitalizing on the growing trend of edge computing, which is expected to see significant growth in the coming years. This move not only enhances security but also improves performance, which could be a key differentiator in the market.

The company's focus on combating automated threats is timely, given the increasing sophistication of cyber attacks. By offering more granular controls and longer-term tracking capabilities, Edgio is addressing the evolving needs of enterprises facing persistent and complex threats. This could potentially lead to increased customer retention and attraction of new, security-conscious clients.

For investors, these developments suggest that Edgio is well-positioned to capitalize on the growing demand for advanced cybersecurity solutions. However, it's important to note that the cybersecurity market is highly competitive and Edgio will need to continue innovating to maintain its edge. The real test will be in the adoption rates of these new features and their impact on Edgio's financial performance in the coming quarters.

Edgio to launch three new features offering advanced protection and greater control for organizations facing emerging cybersecurity challenges

PHOENIX--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Edgio, the platform of choice for security, speed and simplicity at the edge, today announced new security features aimed at giving customers robust controls to secure APIs and mitigate the risks of automated attacks. Edgio’s API security solution is enhanced by the addition of JSON Web Token (JWT) authentication to secure customers’ API endpoints, as well as significant improvements to its Advanced Rate Limiting solution to protect customers from evolving application DDoS threats.

With the inclusion of JWT validation, Edgio customers can perform authorization of their API requests at the edge, ensuring users are authenticated and have the right access level to perform designated functions on their API endpoints. JWT validation is a critical piece in protecting against broken authentication, an OWASP Top 10 API risk. Gartner also noted last year that “50% of data theft will be due to unsecured APIs by 2025.”

Additionally, this feature allows customers to transition their API Gateway functions from cloud infrastructure to the edge, leveraging Edgio’s ultra-low latency environment to improve the performance and security of API traffic. This enhancement gives customers granular control over API access while providing real time mitigation of attacks closest to where they originated from. This further amplifies the availability and reduces costs for operating mission critical API endpoints.

Edgio also made several significant enhancements to its Advanced Rate Limiting solution, which provides additional controls to protect against a wide range of automated threat use cases including fraud, DDoS, and API abuse. Customers can now track user requests across longer periods of time to detect low and slow DDoS attacks designed to exhaust their resources without a noticeable spike. The ability to incorporate user session and supplemental custom identifiers (in the form of TLS fingerprints) enable customers to shape their application traffic granularly, ensuring accurate detection of advanced persistent attacks and maximizing application uptime during attacks.

Furthermore, the platform will offer response-based rate limiting to arm customers against sophisticated attacks designed to bust cache and generate elevated errors overwhelming their applications. This ability is particularly useful in protecting customers' APIs and authentication endpoints against credential stuffing or application DDoS attacks. Edgio has been using this technique to successfully mitigate attacks from aggressive DDoS campaigns launched by hacktivist groups during the first year of the war in Ukraine.

“In today’s dynamic threat landscape, empowering organizations with additional control over their defense-in-depth layers is more important than ever,” said Richard Yew, VP of Product Management, Edgio. “Edgio takes pride in offering these new and improved features to combat the surge in automated threats, ensuring our customers enjoy peace of mind and confidence in the security and resiliency of their applications.”

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About Edgio

Edgio (NASDAQ: EGIO) helps companies deliver online experiences and content faster, safer, and with more control. Our developer-friendly, globally scaled edge network, combined with our fully integrated application and media solutions, provide a single platform for the delivery of high-anperforming, secure web properties and streaming content. Through this fully integrated platform and end-to-end edge services, companies can deliver content quicker and more securely, boosting overall revenue and business value. To learn more, visit and follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook.

Andrea Jordan, Edgio

Source: Edgio, Inc.


What new security features has Edgio (EGIO) introduced?

Edgio has introduced JWT authentication for API security and improvements to its Advanced Rate Limiting solution to protect against automated threats and DDoS attacks.

How does Edgio's JWT authentication enhance API security?

JWT authentication allows Edgio customers to perform authorization of API requests at the edge, ensuring users are authenticated and have the right access level to perform designated functions on API endpoints.

What improvements has Edgio made to its Advanced Rate Limiting solution?

Edgio has enhanced its Advanced Rate Limiting to track requests over longer periods, incorporate user session and custom identifiers, and offer response-based rate limiting to protect against sophisticated attacks like credential stuffing and application DDoS.

How does Edgio's new security platform help combat automated threats?

Edgio's new features provide customers with greater control over their defense-in-depth layers, improved API security, and better protection against sophisticated attacks, helping to combat the surge in automated threats.

Edgio, Inc.


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Software - Infrastructure
Services-business Services, Nec
United States of America