Enerflex Ltd. Announces Partial Redemption of Senior Secured Notes, Further Debt Reduction and Timing of Third Quarter Results
Enerflex (TSX: EFX) (NYSE: EFXT) has announced a partial redemption of its 9.00% Senior Secured Notes due 2027. The company will redeem $62.5 million (10% of the original principal) on October 11, 2024, at 103% of the principal amount plus accrued interest. This redemption will be funded through available liquidity, including $100 million in cash and the undrawn portion of its $800 million revolving credit facility.
As of September 30, 2024, Enerflex's net debt balance was approximately $700 million, reflecting a gross debt repayment of about $100 million during Q3. The company expects net working capital movements to be a modest source of cash for the second half of 2024 and fiscal 2024. Enerflex aims to reach a target leverage bank-adjusted net debt-to-EBITDA ratio of 1.5x to 2.0x.
Enerflex will release its Q3 2024 financial results on November 14, 2024, before market open, followed by a conference call and audio webcast at 8:00 a.m. (MST).
Enerflex (TSX: EFX) (NYSE: EFXT) ha annunciato un parziale rimborso delle sue Note Senior Secured del 9,00% in scadenza nel 2027. La società rimborserà 62,5 milioni di dollari (10% del capitale originale) l'11 ottobre 2024, al 103% dell'importo principale più gli interessi maturati. Questo rimborso sarà finanziato tramite liquidità disponibile, inclusi 100 milioni di dollari in contante e la parte non utilizzata della sua linea di credito revolving da 800 milioni di dollari.
Al 30 settembre 2024, il saldo del debito netto di Enerflex era di circa 700 milioni di dollari, riflettendo un rimborso del debito lordo di circa 100 milioni di dollari durante il terzo trimestre. La società prevede che i movimenti di capitale circolante netto siano una fonte modesta di liquidità per la seconda metà del 2024 e per l'anno fiscale 2024. Enerflex punta a raggiungere un obiettivo di rapporto debito netto su EBITDA rettificato dalla banca compreso tra 1,5x e 2,0x.
Enerflex pubblicherà i risultati finanziari del terzo trimestre 2024 il 14 novembre 2024, prima dell'apertura del mercato, seguito da una conference call e una webcast audio alle 8:00 (MST).
Enerflex (TSX: EFX) (NYSE: EFXT) ha anunciado un reembolso parcial de sus Notas Senior Aseguradas del 9,00% con vencimiento en 2027. La compañía reembolsará 62,5 millones de dólares (10% del capital original) el 11 de octubre de 2024, al 103% del monto principal más los intereses acumulados. Este reembolso se financiará a través de la liquidez disponible, incluyendo 100 millones de dólares en efectivo y la parte no utilizada de su línea de crédito revolvente de 800 millones de dólares.
Hasta el 30 de septiembre de 2024, el saldo de deuda neta de Enerflex era de aproximadamente 700 millones de dólares, reflejando un reembolso de deuda bruta de aproximadamente 100 millones de dólares durante el tercer trimestre. La compañía espera que los movimientos de capital de trabajo neto sean una fuente modesta de efectivo para la segunda mitad de 2024 y el ejercicio fiscal 2024. Enerflex tiene como objetivo alcanzar un ratio de deuda neta ajustada por el banco sobre EBITDA de entre 1,5x y 2,0x.
Enerflex publicará sus resultados financieros del tercer trimestre de 2024 el 14 de noviembre de 2024, antes de la apertura del mercado, seguido de una llamada de conferencia y una transmisión de audio a las 8:00 a.m. (MST).
Enerflex (TSX: EFX) (NYSE: EFXT)는 2027년 만기 9.00% 선순위 담보 부채의 부분 상환을 발표했습니다. 회사는 6,250만 달러 (원금의 10%)를 2024년 10월 11일에 원금의 103%에 이자 누적액을 더해 상환할 예정입니다. 이 상환은 1억 달러의 현금과 8억 달러 규모의 회전 신용 한도의 사용되지 않은 부분을 포함한 가용 유동성을 통해 자금 조달될 것입니다.
2024년 9월 30일 현재 Enerflex의 순부채 잔액은 약 7억 달러로, 3분기 동안 약 1억 달러의 총 부채 상환을 반영합니다. 회사는 2024년 하반기 및 회계연도에 순운전자본의 움직임이 완만한 현금원 천리라고 예상합니다. Enerflex는 은행 조정 후 순부채 대 EBITDA 비율 목표를 1.5배에서 2.0배 사이로 설정하고자 합니다.
Enerflex는 2024년 11월 14일에 시장 개장 전에 2024년 3분기 재무 결과를 발표하고, 오전 8시(MST)에 전화 회의 및 오디오 웹캐스트를 진행할 예정입니다.
Enerflex (TSX: EFX) (NYSE: EFXT) a annoncé un remboursement partiel de ses Obligations Senior Sécurisées de 9,00% arrivant à échéance en 2027. La société remboursera 62,5 millions de dollars (10% du capital initial) le 11 octobre 2024, à 103% du montant principal, plus les intérêts courus. Ce remboursement sera financé par la liquidité disponible, y compris 100 millions de dollars en espèces et la partie non utilisée de sa ligne de crédit renouvelable de 800 millions de dollars.
Au 30 septembre 2024, le solde de la dette nette d'Enerflex était d'environ 700 millions de dollars, reflétant un remboursement de la dette brute d'environ 100 millions de dollars au cours du troisième trimestre. La société s'attend à ce que les mouvements du fonds de roulement net constituent une source modeste de liquidités pour la seconde moitié de 2024 et l'exercice fiscal 2024. Enerflex vise à atteindre un ratio d'endettement net ajusté par la banque par rapport à l'EBITDA d'entre 1,5x et 2,0x.
Enerflex publiera ses résultats financiers du troisième trimestre 2024 le 14 novembre 2024, avant l'ouverture du marché, suivi d'une conférence téléphonique et d'un webinaire audio à 8h00 (MST).
Enerflex (TSX: EFX) (NYSE: EFXT) hat eine teilweise Rückzahlung seiner 9,00% Senior Secured Notes mit Fälligkeit 2027 angekündigt. Das Unternehmen wird am 11. Oktober 2024 62,5 Millionen Dollar (10% des ursprünglichen Kapitals) zum 103% des Hauptbetrags plus aufgelaufene Zinsen zurückzahlen. Diese Rückzahlung wird durch verfügbare liquidität finanziert, einschließlich 100 Millionen Dollar in bar und dem nicht in Anspruch genommenen Teil seiner revolvierenden Kreditfazilität in Höhe von 800 Millionen Dollar.
Zum 30. September 2024 betrug der Netto-verschuldungsstand von Enerflex etwa 700 Millionen Dollar, was einer Rückzahlung der Bruttoverschuldung von etwa 100 Millionen Dollar im dritten Quartal entspricht. Das Unternehmen erwartet, dass die Bewegungen des Nettoumlaufvermögens eine bescheidene Quellen von Liquidität für die zweite Hälfte von 2024 und das Fiskaljahr 2024 darstellen werden. Enerflex strebt ein Ziel von einem bankadjustierten Netto-schulden-zu-EBITDA-Verhältnis von 1,5x bis 2,0x an.
Enerflex wird am 14. November 2024, vor der Markteröffnung, seine finanziellen Ergebnisse für das dritte Quartal 2024 bekannt geben, gefolgt von einer Telefonkonferenz und einem Audio-Webcast um 8:00 Uhr (MST).
- Partial redemption of $62.5 million of high-interest (9.00%) Senior Secured Notes
- Gross debt repayment of approximately $100 million during Q3 2024
- Net debt balance reduced to approximately $700 million as of September 30, 2024
- Expectation of positive cash flow from net working capital movements in H2 2024
- Progress towards target leverage ratio of 1.5x to 2.0x bank-adjusted net debt-to-EBITDA
- Redemption price of 103% of principal amount, resulting in additional costs
CALGARY, Alberta, Oct. 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Enerflex Ltd. (TSX: EFX) (NYSE: EFXT) (“Enerflex” or the “Company”) announced that it has delivered a notice of partial redemption of its
All amounts presented are in U.S. Dollar (“USD”) unless otherwise stated.
Partial Redemption of Senior Secured Notes
Enerflex has issued a notice of partial redemption for
As at September 30, 2024, Enerflex’s net debt1 balance was approximately
Management Commentary
“The partial redemption of our Notes reflects on-going focused efforts to reduce debt, lower net finance costs, and optimize Enerflex’s debt stack,” said Preet Dhindsa, Enerflex’s Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer. “We are pleased with the results of these efforts to date and expect to make further progress in coming quarters. The recent extension and expansion of the RCF provides ample liquidity to support our global business and we remain on track to reach our target leverage bank-adjusted net debt-to-EBITDA ratio of 1.5x to 2.0x.”
Marc Rossiter, President and Chief Executive Officer of Enerflex commented, “Since completing the acquisition of Exterran approximately two years ago, we have effectively integrated the two companies and are generating solid free cash flow. We see a visible path for Enerflex to increase shareholder returns and look forward to providing further updates to stakeholders in coming months.”
Third Quarter Results
Enerflex plans to release its financial results and operating highlights for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, prior to market open on Thursday, November 14, 2024. Results will be communicated by news release and will be available on the Company's website at www.enerflex.com and under the electronic profile of the Company on SEDAR+ and EDGAR at www.sedarplus.ca and www.sec.gov/edgar, respectively.
Investors, analysts, members of the media, and other interested parties, are invited to participate in a conference call and audio webcast on Thursday, November 14, 2024 at 8:00 a.m. (MST), where members of senior management will discuss the Company's results. A question-and-answer period will follow.
To participate, register at https://register.vevent.com/register/BI8422c47e8fb8449fb752892d24f2c1e6. Once registered, participants will receive the dial-in numbers and a unique PIN to enter the call. The audio webcast of the conference call will be available on the Enerflex website at www.enerflex.com under the Investors section or can be accessed directly at https://edge.media-server.com/mmc/p/y2vuep4e/.
1 The Company defines net debt as short- and long-term debt less cash and cash equivalents at period end.
Advisory Regarding Forward-looking Information
This news release contains “forward-looking information” within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws and “forward-looking statements” (and together with “forward-looking information”, “forward-looking information and statements”) within the meaning of the safe harbor provisions of the US Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. All statements other than statements of historical fact are forward-looking information and statements. The use of any of the words "future", "continue", "estimate", "expect", "may", "will", "could", "believe", "predict", "potential", "objective", and similar expressions, are intended to identify forward-looking information and statements. In particular, this news release includes (without limitation) forward-looking information and statements pertaining to: the Redemption Date and expectations that the redemption of the Notes will be completed on the Redemption Date funded with available liquidity; expectations that net working capital movements will be a modest source of cash during the second half of 2024 and for fiscal 2024; the on-going efforts by the Company to increase shareholder returns and the timing associated therewith, if at all; continued efforts by the Company to reduce debt, lower net finance costs, and optimize its debt stack, will continue to progress in the coming quarters; and the expectations that the Company will release its financial results and operating highlights for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, prior to market open on November 14, 2024.
All forward-looking information and statements in this news release are subject to important risks, uncertainties, and assumptions, which may affect Enerflex's operations, including, without limitation: the impact of economic conditions; the markets in which Enerflex's products and services are used; general industry conditions; changes to, and introduction of new, governmental regulations, laws, and income taxes; increased competition; insufficient funds to support capital investments; availability of qualified personnel or management; political unrest and geopolitical conditions; and other factors, many of which are beyond the control of Enerflex. As a result of the foregoing, actual results, performance, or achievements of Enerflex could differ and such differences could be material from those expressed in, or implied by, these statements, including but not limited to: the ability of Enerflex to realize the anticipated benefits of, and synergies from, the acquisition of Exterran Corporation and the timing and quantum thereof; the interpretation and treatment of the transaction to acquire Exterran Corporation by applicable tax authorities; the ability to maintain desirable financial ratios; the ability to access various sources of debt and equity capital, generally, and on acceptable terms, if at all; the ability to utilize tax losses in the future; the ability to maintain relationships with partners; risks associated with technology and equipment, including potential cyberattacks; the occurrence and continuation of unexpected events such as pandemics, severe weather events, war, terrorist threats, and the instability resulting therefrom; risks associated with existing and potential future lawsuits, shareholder proposals, and regulatory actions; and those factors referred to under the heading "Risk Factors" in: (i) Enerflex's Annual Information Form for the year ended December 31, 2023, (ii) Enerflex's management’s discussion and analysis for the year ended December 31, 2023, and (iii) Enerflex's Management Information Circular dated March 15, 2024, each of the foregoing documents being accessible under the electronic profile of the Company on SEDAR+ and EDGAR at www.sedarplus.ca and www.sec.gov/edgar, respectively.
Readers are cautioned that the foregoing list of assumptions and risk factors should not be construed as exhaustive. The forward-looking information and statements included in this news release are made as of the date of this news release and are based on the information available to the Company at such time and, other than as required by law, Enerflex disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information and statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise. This news release and its contents should not be construed, under any circumstances, as investment, tax, or legal advice.
Enerflex is a premier integrated global provider of energy infrastructure and energy transition solutions, deploying natural gas, low-carbon, and treated water solutions – from individual, modularized products and services to integrated custom solutions. With over 4,500 engineers, manufacturers, technicians, and innovators, Enerflex is bound together by a shared vision: Transforming Energy for a Sustainable Future. The Company remains committed to the future of natural gas and the critical role it plays, while focused on sustainability offerings to support the energy transition and growing decarbonization efforts.
Enerflex's common shares trade on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol "EFX" and on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol "EFXT". For more information about Enerflex, visit www.enerflex.com.
For investor and media enquiries, contact:
Marc Rossiter
President and Chief Executive Officer
E-mail: MRossiter@enerflex.com
Preet S. Dhindsa
Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
E-mail: PDhindsa@enerflex.com
Jeff Fetterly
Vice President, Corporate Development and Investor Relations
E-mail: JFetterly@enerflex.com

How much of its Senior Secured Notes is Enerflex (EFXT) redeeming?
What is Enerflex's (EFXT) net debt balance as of September 30, 2024?
When will Enerflex (EFXT) release its Q3 2024 financial results?