Ecopetrol announces the liquidation of one of its subordinates

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Ecopetrol S.A. (BVC: ECOPETROL; NYSE: EC) has announced the liquidation of its subordinate, Ecopetrol Energia S.A.S E.S.P. The decision was unanimously approved by the Shareholders' Meeting, authorizing the liquidator to complete all necessary steps. The liquidation process concluded with the cancellation of the company's commercial registration in early October.

The liquidation was necessary due to regulatory restrictions preventing the same group from simultaneously engaging in energy commercialization and transmission activities. This follows Ecopetrol's acquisition of a majority stake in ISA, an electric power transmission company.

Ecopetrol, Colombia's largest company, is a major integrated energy player in the Americas, with operations spanning hydrocarbon production, transportation, refining, and petrochemicals. The company has also expanded into energy transmission and infrastructure through its ISA acquisition.

Ecopetrol S.A. (BVC: ECOPETROL; NYSE: EC) ha annunciato la liquidazione della sua controllata, Ecopetrol Energia S.A.S E.S.P. La decisione è stata approvata all'unanimità dall'Assemblea degli Azionisti, autorizzando il liquidatore a completare tutte le fasi necessarie. Il processo di liquidazione si è concluso con la cancellazione della registrazione commerciale della società all'inizio di ottobre.

La liquidazione è stata necessaria a causa di vincoli normativi che impedivano allo stesso gruppo di impegnarsi simultaneamente in attività di commercializzazione ed trasmissione dell'energia. Questo segue l'acquisizione da parte di Ecopetrol di una partecipazione di maggioranza in ISA, una società di trasmissione elettrica.

Ecopetrol, la più grande azienda della Colombia, è un importante attore integrato nel settore energetico delle Americhe, con operazioni che spaziano dalla produzione di idrocarburi, al trasporto, alla raffinazione e alla chimica dei petrolchimici. L'azienda si è inoltre ampliata nel settore della trasmissione di energia e delle infrastrutture tramite l'acquisizione di ISA.

Ecopetrol S.A. (BVC: ECOPETROL; NYSE: EC) ha anunciado la liquidación de su subsidiaria, Ecopetrol Energia S.A.S E.S.P. La decisión fue aprobada por unanimidad en la Junta de Accionistas, autorizando al liquidador a completar todos los pasos necesarios. El proceso de liquidación concluyó con la cancelación del registro comercial de la empresa a principios de octubre.

La liquidación fue necesaria debido a restricciones regulatorias que impedían al mismo grupo participar simultáneamente en actividades de comercialización y transmisión de energía. Esto sigue a la adquisición por parte de Ecopetrol de una participación mayoritaria en ISA, una empresa de transmisión de energía eléctrica.

Ecopetrol, la mayor empresa de Colombia, es un importante actor integrado en el sector energético de las Américas, con operaciones que abarcan producción de hidrocarburos, transporte, refinación y petroquímicos. La empresa también se ha expandido hacia la transmisión de energía e infraestructura a través de la adquisición de ISA.

Ecopetrol S.A. (BVC: ECOPETROL; NYSE: EC)는 자회사인 Ecopetrol Energia S.A.S E.S.P의 청산을 발표했습니다. 이 결정은 주주총회에서 만장일치로 승인되었습니다, 청산인이 모든 필요한 절차를 완료하도록 승인했습니다. 청산 절차는 10월 초에 회사의 상업 등록 취소로 마무리되었습니다.

청산은 규제 제한으로 인해 동일 그룹이 동시에 에너지 상업화 및 전송 활동에 참여할 수 없게 된 필요에 의해 이루어졌습니다. 이는 Ecopetrol이 전력 전송 회사인 ISA의 지분을 다수 보유하게 된 것에 따른 결과입니다.

콜롬비아 최대 기업인 Ecopetrol은 아메리카 대륙에서 종합 에너지 사업자로, 탄화수소 생산, 운송, 정제 및 석유화학을 포함한 광범위한 사업을 운영하고 있습니다. 이 회사는 또한 ISA의 인수를 통해 에너지 전송 및 인프라 확대에도 나섰습니다.

Ecopetrol S.A. (BVC: ECOPETROL; NYSE: EC) a annoncé la liquidation de sa filiale, Ecopetrol Energia S.A.S E.S.P. La décision a été approuvée à l'unanimité par l'Assemblée des Actionnaires, autorisant le liquidateur à entreprendre toutes les démarches nécessaires. Le processus de liquidation s'est terminé par l'annulation de l'enregistrement commercial de l'entreprise au début d'octobre.

La liquidation était nécessaire en raison de restrictions réglementaires empêchant le même groupe de s'engager simultanément dans des activités de commercialisation et de transmission d'énergie. Cela fait suite à l'acquisition par Ecopetrol d'une participation majoritaire dans ISA, une entreprise de transmission d'électricité.

Ecopetrol, la plus grande entreprise de Colombie, est un acteur majeur intégré dans le secteur de l'énergie en Amérique, avec des opérations couvrant la production d'hydrocarbures, le transport, le raffinage et les pétrochimies. L'entreprise s'est également étendue à la transmission de l'énergie et aux infrastructures grâce à son acquisition d'ISA.

Ecopetrol S.A. (BVC: ECOPETROL; NYSE: EC) hat die Liquidation ihrer Tochtergesellschaft Ecopetrol Energia S.A.S E.S.P. bekannt gegeben. Die Entscheidung wurde einstimmig genehmigt von der Hauptversammlung der Aktionäre, die den Liquidator ermächtigt, alle notwendigen Schritte abzuschließen. Der Liquidationsprozess wurde mit der Streichung der Handelsregisternummer des Unternehmens Anfang Oktober abgeschlossen.

Die Liquidation war notwendig aufgrund von regulatorischen Einschränkungen, die es der gleichen Unternehmensgruppe untersagten, gleichzeitig in den Bereichen Energiekommerzialisierung und -übertragung tätig zu sein. Dies folgt auf die Übernahme einer Mehrheitsbeteiligung von Ecopetrol an der elektrischen Übertragungsfirma ISA.

Ecopetrol, das größte Unternehmen Kolumbiens, ist ein bedeutender integrierter Energiedienstleister in den Amerikas, mit Tätigkeiten in den Bereichen Hydrocarbonproduktion, Transport, Raffination und Petrochemikalien. Das Unternehmen hat sich auch in die Energieübertragung und -infrastruktur durch die Übernahme von ISA ausgeweitet.

  • Compliance with regulatory requirements by liquidating Ecopetrol Energia S.A.S E.S.P.
  • Streamlining operations to align with current business structure and regulations
  • Unanimous shareholder approval for the liquidation process
  • Discontinuation of energy commercialization activities through the liquidated subsidiary
  • Potential loss of revenue stream from energy commercialization business


The liquidation of Ecopetrol Energia S.A.S E.S.P. is a strategic move to comply with regulatory requirements following Ecopetrol's acquisition of ISA. This decision demonstrates the company's commitment to regulatory compliance and streamlining its operations.

While the liquidation itself may not have a significant direct financial impact, it reflects Ecopetrol's evolving business model. The company is transitioning from a pure oil and gas player to an integrated energy company with a strong presence in power transmission. This diversification could potentially provide more stable revenue streams and reduce exposure to volatile oil prices.

Investors should note that this move aligns Ecopetrol with current regulations and positions it for potential growth in the electric power sector. However, it's important to monitor how the company manages the integration of its diverse energy assets and capitalizes on synergies across its expanded portfolio.

Ecopetrol's liquidation of its energy commercialization subsidiary highlights the complexities of operating in a regulated energy market. The move is necessitated by regulations preventing simultaneous involvement in energy commercialization and transmission within the same group.

This development underscores Ecopetrol's significant position in Colombia's energy landscape, controlling over 60% of hydrocarbon production and now expanding into power transmission through ISA. The company's diverse portfolio, including interests in petrochemicals, gas distribution and international operations, positions it as a major integrated energy player in the Americas.

Investors should consider how this strategic shift might impact Ecopetrol's revenue mix and growth prospects. While the company may lose some flexibility in energy trading, its strengthened position in transmission could provide more stable, regulated returns. The key will be how effectively Ecopetrol leverages its expanded capabilities across the energy value chain.

BOGOTA, Colombia, Oct. 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Ecopetrol S.A. (BVC: ECOPETROL; NYSE: EC) informs that the Shareholders' Meeting of its subordinate Ecopetrol Energia S.A.S E.S.P., with the favorable and affirmative vote of 100% of its subscribed shares, authorized its liquidator, Mr. Christian Schneider Jaramillo, to carry out all the necessary steps for the due liquidation of this company whose purpose was the commercialization of energy, which culminated with the cancellation of its commercial registration the first days of October.

Ecopetrol Logo.

The liquidation of Ecopetrol Energia S.A.S. E.S.P. was due to the fact that Ecopetrol S.A. is currently the parent company of an electric power transmission company, and current regulations restrict the same group from simultaneously carrying out commercialization and transmission activities.

Ecopetrol is the largest company in Colombia and one of the main integrated energy companies in the American continent, with more than 19,000 employees. In Colombia, it is responsible for more than 60% of the hydrocarbon production of most transportation, logistics, and hydrocarbon refining systems, and it holds leading positions in the petrochemicals and gas distribution segments. With the acquisition of 51.4% of ISA's shares, the company participates in energy transmission, the management of real-time systems (XM), and the Barranquilla - Cartagena coastal highway concession. At the international level, Ecopetrol has a stake in strategic basins in the American continent, with Drilling and Exploration operations in the United States (Permian basin and the Gulf of Mexico), Brazil, and, through ISA and its subsidiaries, Ecopetrol holds leading positions in the power transmission business in Brazil, Chile, Peru, and Bolivia, road concessions in Chile, and the telecommunications sector.

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SOURCE Ecopetrol S.A.


Why did Ecopetrol (EC) liquidate Ecopetrol Energia S.A.S E.S.P.?

Ecopetrol liquidated Ecopetrol Energia S.A.S E.S.P. due to regulatory restrictions that prevent the same group from simultaneously carrying out energy commercialization and transmission activities. This decision followed Ecopetrol's acquisition of a majority stake in ISA, an electric power transmission company.

When was the commercial registration of Ecopetrol Energia S.A.S E.S.P. canceled?

The commercial registration of Ecopetrol Energia S.A.S E.S.P. was canceled in early October 2024, marking the completion of the liquidation process.

Who authorized the liquidation of Ecopetrol Energia S.A.S E.S.P.?

The liquidation was authorized by the Shareholders' Meeting of Ecopetrol Energia S.A.S E.S.P., with a unanimous vote in favor by 100% of its subscribed shares.

What was the main business of Ecopetrol Energia S.A.S E.S.P. before liquidation?

Ecopetrol Energia S.A.S E.S.P.'s main purpose was the commercialization of energy before its liquidation.

Ecopetrol S.A


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