Ecopetrol announces new senior management appointment

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Ecopetrol S.A. (BVC: ECOPETROL; NYSE: EC) has announced a new senior management appointment effective October 16, 2024. Carlos Mauricio Avila Saldarriaga has been appointed as Vice President of Subsidiaries and Assets with Partners. Carlos is a Petroleum Engineer with over 28 years of experience in the hydrocarbons sector. He has held leadership roles in companies such as Occidental de Colombia Inc., Halliburton, and Frontera Energy.

Carlos's expertise includes structuring portfolios, performing technical and economic-financial valuations of projects, and leading interactions with diverse stakeholders. He has consolidated high-performing teams and developed national and international exploration and production businesses. Ecopetrol, the largest company in Colombia, is responsible for more than 60% of the country's hydrocarbon production and holds leading positions in various energy sectors.

Ecopetrol S.A. (BVC: ECOPETROL; NYSE: EC) ha annunciato una nuova nomina senior nel management, in vigore dal 16 ottobre 2024. Carlos Mauricio Avila Saldarriaga è stato nominato Vice Presidente delle Filiali e Asset con Partner. Carlos è un ingegnere petrolifero con oltre 28 anni di esperienza nel settore degli idrocarburi. Ha ricoperto ruoli di leadership in aziende come Occidental de Colombia Inc., Halliburton e Frontera Energy.

L'expertise di Carlos comprende la strutturazione di portafogli, la realizzazione di valutazioni tecniche ed economico-finanziarie dei progetti e la guida delle interazioni con vari stakeholder. Ha consolidato team ad alte prestazioni e sviluppato attività di esplorazione e produzione a livello nazionale e internazionale. Ecopetrol, la più grande azienda della Colombia, è responsabile di oltre il 60% della produzione di idrocarburi del paese e detiene posizioni di leadership in vari settori energetici.

Ecopetrol S.A. (BVC: ECOPETROL; NYSE: EC) ha anunciado un nuevo nombramiento en la alta dirección efectivo a partir del 16 de octubre de 2024. Carlos Mauricio Avila Saldarriaga ha sido designado Vicepresidente de Filiales y Activos con Socios. Carlos es ingeniero de petróleos con más de 28 años de experiencia en el sector de los hidrocarburos. Ha ocupado roles de liderazgo en empresas como Occidental de Colombia Inc., Halliburton y Frontera Energy.

La experiencia de Carlos incluye la estructuración de portafolios, la realización de valoraciones técnicas y económico-financieras de proyectos, y la dirección de interacciones con diversos interesados. Ha consolidado equipos de alto rendimiento y desarrollado negocios de exploración y producción a nivel nacional e internacional. Ecopetrol, la empresa más grande de Colombia, es responsable de más del 60% de la producción de hidrocarburos del país y ocupa posiciones de liderazgo en varios sectores energéticos.

Ecopetrol S.A. (BVC: ECOPETROL; NYSE: EC)는 2024년 10월 16일부터 발효되는 새로운 고위 경영진 임명을 발표했습니다. Carlos Mauricio Avila Saldarriaga가 자회사 및 파트너와의 자산 부사장으로 임명되었습니다. Carlos는 석유공학자인 동시에 28년 이상의 석유 및 가스 분야 경험을 가지고 있습니다. 그는 Occidental de Colombia Inc., Halliburton 및 Frontera Energy와 같은 회사에서 리더십 역할을 수행했습니다.

Carlos의 전문 분야로는 포트폴리오 구조화, 프로젝트의 기술적 및 경제적 재무 평가 수행, 다양한 이해 관계자와의 상호 작용 주도가 포함됩니다. 그는 높은 성과를 내는 팀을 통합하고 국내외 탐사 및 생산 비즈니스를 발전시켰습니다. 콜롬비아 최대 기업인 Ecopetrol은 국가의 60% 이상의 석유 생산을 책임지고 있으며 다양한 에너지 분야에서 선도적인 위치를 차지하고 있습니다.

Ecopetrol S.A. (BVC: ECOPETROL; NYSE: EC) a annoncé un nouveau recrutement au sein de la direction générale, effectif à partir du 16 octobre 2024. Carlos Mauricio Avila Saldarriaga a été nommé Vice-Président des Filiales et des Actifs avec des Partenaires. Carlos est ingénieur pétrolier et possède plus de 28 ans d'expérience dans le secteur des hydrocarbures. Il a occupé des postes de direction dans des entreprises telles qu'Occidental de Colombia Inc., Halliburton et Frontera Energy.

L'expertise de Carlos comprend la structuration de portefeuilles, la réalisation d'évaluations techniques et économiques-financières de projets, ainsi que la direction des interactions avec divers intervenants. Il a consolidé des équipes performantes et développé des activités d'exploration et de production tant nationales qu'internationales. Ecopetrol, la plus grande entreprise de Colombie, est responsable de plus de 60 % de la production d'hydrocarbures du pays et occupe des positions de leadership dans divers secteurs énergétiques.

Ecopetrol S.A. (BVC: ECOPETROL; NYSE: EC) hat eine neue Ernennung im oberen Management bekannt gegeben, die ab dem 16. Oktober 2024 wirksam wird. Carlos Mauricio Avila Saldarriaga wurde zum Vizepräsidenten für Tochtergesellschaften und Vermögenswerte mit Partnern ernannt. Carlos ist Petroingenieur mit über 28 Jahren Erfahrung im Bereich der Kohlenwasserstoffe. Er hat Führungsrollen in Unternehmen wie Occidental de Colombia Inc., Halliburton und Frontera Energy innegehabt.

Carlos' Fachkenntnisse umfassen die Strukturierung von Portfolios, die Durchführung technischer und wirtschaftlich-finanzieller Bewertungen von Projekten sowie die Leitung der Interaktion mit verschiedenen Interessengruppen. Er hat leistungsstarke Teams konsolidiert und nationale sowie internationale Exploration- und Produktionsgeschäfte entwickelt. Ecopetrol, das größte Unternehmen Kolumbiens, ist für über 60 % der Kohlenwasserstoffproduktion des Landes verantwortlich und nimmt in verschiedenen Energiesektoren führende Positionen ein.

  • Appointment of an experienced executive with 28 years in the hydrocarbons sector
  • New VP brings expertise in portfolio structuring and project valuation
  • Strengthening of leadership in subsidiaries and assets with partners
  • None.

BOGOTA, Colombia, Oct. 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Ecopetrol S.A. (BVC: ECOPETROL; NYSE: EC) announces that the following senior management appointment was made effective as of October 16, 2024:

Ecopetrol Logo.

Carlos Mauricio Avila Saldarriaga has been appointed as Vice President of Subsidiaries and Assets with Partners. Carlos is a Petroleum Engineer from Universidad América, with further education in finance, project management and production operations. He has more than 28 years of experience in the hydrocarbons sector. He started his career in Ecopetrol as a Production Engineer and pursued other management positions in the New Business division. Additionally, he has held leadership roles in companies such as Occidental de Colombia Inc., Halliburton and Frontera Energy, serving as Senior Business Development Manager in Halliburton and Frontera Energy.

His expertise has allowed him to structure several portfolios, perform technical, economic-financial and contractual valuation of projects, and led interactions with diverse stakeholders, with a managerial and strategic approach to achieve results. He has also consolidated high-performing teams, developed national and international exploration and production businesses, and has structured and optimized portfolios in the Mid- Magdalena region.

The Ecopetrol Group appreciates the work carried out by Zaring Joemy Ocampo Barbosa as Acting Vice President and welcomes Carlos Mauricio in this new endeavor, wishing him success in his new position.

Ecopetrol is the largest company in Colombia and one of the main integrated energy companies in the American continent, with more than 19,000 employees. In Colombia, it is responsible for more than 60% of the hydrocarbon production of most transportation, logistics, and hydrocarbon refining systems, and it holds leading positions in the petrochemicals and gas distribution segments. With the acquisition of 51.4% of ISA's shares, the company participates in energy transmission, the management of real-time systems (XM), and the Barranquilla - Cartagena coastal highway concession. At the international level, Ecopetrol has a stake in strategic basins in the American continent, with Drilling and Exploration operations in the United States (Permian basin and the Gulf of Mexico), Brazil, and, through ISA and its subsidiaries, Ecopetrol holds leading positions in the power transmission business in Brazil, Chile, Peru, and Bolivia, road concessions in Chile, and the telecommunications sector.

For more information, please contact:

Head of Capital Markets (a)
Lina María Contreras Mora

Head of Corporate Communications
Marcela Ulloa

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SOURCE Ecopetrol S.A.


Who is the new Vice President of Subsidiaries and Assets with Partners at Ecopetrol (EC)?

Carlos Mauricio Avila Saldarriaga has been appointed as the new Vice President of Subsidiaries and Assets with Partners at Ecopetrol, effective October 16, 2024.

What is Carlos Mauricio Avila Saldarriaga's background in the energy sector?

Carlos Mauricio Avila Saldarriaga is a Petroleum Engineer with over 28 years of experience in the hydrocarbons sector. He has held leadership roles in companies such as Ecopetrol, Occidental de Colombia Inc., Halliburton, and Frontera Energy.

When did Ecopetrol (EC) announce the new senior management appointment?

Ecopetrol announced the new senior management appointment on October 18, 2024, with the appointment being effective as of October 16, 2024.

What percentage of Colombia's hydrocarbon production is Ecopetrol (EC) responsible for?

Ecopetrol is responsible for more than 60% of Colombia's hydrocarbon production, as well as most transportation, logistics, and hydrocarbon refining systems in the country.

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