DZS Sells Service Assurance and WiFi Management Software Portfolio to AXON Networks

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DZS has sold its Service Assurance and WiFi Management software portfolio to AXON Networks for $34 million in an all-cash transaction. The deal includes the transfer of CloudCheck, Expresse, and TruSpeed assets, IP patents, a development team, and customers to AXON. This move allows DZS to focus on its Networking, Connectivity, and Cloud Edge portfolio, while expanding its strategic partnership with AXON.

The acquisition enhances AXON's Network-as-a-Service (NaaS) offerings and Software Defined Networking portfolio. Both companies expect to benefit from cross-selling opportunities. DZS CEO Charlie Vogt stated that the sale will enable continued investment in their core solutions. AXON CEO Martin Manniche emphasized that the acquisition strengthens their development team and global footprint.

This transaction comes as the broadband access industry normalizes after supply chain challenges and government-led stimulus programs emerge, presenting new opportunities for both companies.

DZS ha venduto il suo portafoglio di software per la Garanzia del Servizio e la Gestione del WiFi a AXON Networks per 34 milioni di dollari in un'operazione interamente in contante. L'accordo include il trasferimento degli asset di CloudCheck, Expresse e TruSpeed, brevetti IP, un team di sviluppo e clienti ad AXON. Questa mossa consente a DZS di concentrarsi sul suo portfolio di Networking, Connettività e Cloud Edge, ampliando al contempo la sua partnership strategica con AXON.

L'acquisizione potenzia le offerte di Network-as-a-Service (NaaS) di AXON e il portfolio di Networking Software Defined. Entrambe le aziende si aspettano di beneficiare di opportunità di cross-selling. Il CEO di DZS, Charlie Vogt, ha dichiarato che la vendita permetterà di continuare a investire nelle loro soluzioni core. Il CEO di AXON, Martin Manniche, ha enfatizzato che l'acquisizione rafforza il loro team di sviluppo e la presenza globale.

Questa transazione arriva mentre l'industria dell'accesso alla banda larga si normalizza dopo le sfide nella catena di approvvigionamento e i programmi di stimolo guidati dal governo stanno emergendo, presentando nuove opportunità per entrambe le aziende.

DZS ha vendido su cartera de software de Garantía de Servicio y Gestión de WiFi a AXON Networks por 34 millones de dólares en una transacción completamente en efectivo. El acuerdo incluye la transferencia de los activos de CloudCheck, Expresse y TruSpeed, patentes de propiedad intelectual, un equipo de desarrollo y clientes a AXON. Este movimiento permite a DZS centrarse en su cartera de Networking, Conectividad y Cloud Edge, al mismo tiempo que expande su asociación estratégica con AXON.

La adquisición mejora las ofertas de Network-as-a-Service (NaaS) de AXON y su cartera de Redes Definidas por Software. Ambas compañías esperan beneficiarse de oportunidades de venta cruzada. El CEO de DZS, Charlie Vogt, declaró que la venta permitirá continuar invirtiendo en sus soluciones principales. El CEO de AXON, Martin Manniche, destacó que la adquisición fortalece su equipo de desarrollo y su presencia global.

Esta transacción se produce mientras la industria de acceso de banda ancha se normaliza después de los desafíos en la cadena de suministro y los programas de estímulo liderados por el gobierno emergen, presentando nuevas oportunidades para ambas empresas.

DZS는 AXON Networks에 서비스 보증 및 WiFi 관리 소프트웨어 포트폴리오를 3,400만 달러에 현금 거래로 판매했습니다. 이 거래에는 CloudCheck, Expresse 및 TruSpeed 자산, 지적 재산권 특허, 개발팀 및 고객의 AXON으로의 이전이 포함됩니다. 이 조치는 DZS가 네트워킹, 연결성 및 클라우드 엣지 포트폴리오에 집중하고 AXON과의 전략적 파트너십을 확대할 수 있도록 합니다.

이번 인수는 AXON의 네트워크 서비스(NaaS) 제공 및 소프트웨어 정의 네트워킹 포트폴리오를 강화합니다. 두 회사는 교차 판매 기회에서 혜택을 볼 것으로 예상합니다. DZS의 CEO인 Charlie Vogt는 이 판매가 핵심 솔루션에 대한 지속적인 투자를 가능하게 할 것이라고 말했습니다. AXON의 CEO인 Martin Manniche는 이 인수가 그들의 개발 팀과 글로벌 입지를 강화한다고 강조했습니다.

이번 거래는 브로드밴드 액세스 산업이 공급망 문제와 정부 주도의 자극 프로그램이 나타난 후 정상화되면서 두 회사 모두에게 새로운 기회를 제공하는 시점에서 이루어졌습니다.

DZS a vendu son portefeuille de logiciels d'Assurance des Services et de Gestion du WiFi à AXON Networks pour 34 millions de dollars dans une transaction entièrement en espèces. L'accord comprend le transfert des actifs CloudCheck, Expresse et TruSpeed, des brevets IP, une équipe de développement et des clients vers AXON. Ce mouvement permet à DZS de se concentrer sur son portefeuille de Réseautage, Connectivité et Cloud Edge, tout en élargissant son partenariat stratégique avec AXON.

L'acquisition améliore les offres de Network-as-a-Service (NaaS) d'AXON et son portefeuille de Réseautage Défini par Logiciel. Les deux entreprises s'attendent à bénéficier d'opportunités de vente croisée. Le PDG de DZS, Charlie Vogt, a déclaré que la vente permettra de continuer à investir dans leurs solutions principales. Le PDG d'AXON, Martin Manniche, a souligné que l'acquisition renforce leur équipe de développement et leur empreinte mondiale.

Cette transaction intervient alors que l'industrie de l'accès haut débit se normalise après des défis dans la chaîne d'approvisionnement et l'émergence de programmes de stimulation pilotés par le gouvernement, présentant de nouvelles opportunités pour les deux entreprises.

DZS hat sein Portfolio an Software für Service Assurance und WLAN-Management für 34 Millionen Dollar in einer rein bargeldlichen Transaktion an AXON Networks verkauft. Der Deal umfasst die Übertragung der CloudCheck-, Expresse- und TruSpeed-Assets, IP-Patente, ein Entwicklungsteam und Kunden an AXON. Diese Maßnahme ermöglicht es DZS, sich auf sein Portfolio für Networking, Konnektivität und Cloud Edge zu konzentrieren und gleichzeitig die strategische Partnerschaft mit AXON auszubauen.

Die Übernahme verbessert das Angebot von AXON im Bereich Network-as-a-Service (NaaS) und das Portfolio für Software-Defined Networking. Beide Unternehmen erwarten, von Cross-Selling-Möglichkeiten zu profitieren. DZS-CEO Charlie Vogt erklärte, dass der Verkauf eine fortlaufende Investition in ihre Kernlösungen ermöglichen wird. Der CEO von AXON, Martin Manniche, betonte, dass die Übernahme ihr Entwicklungsteam und ihre globale Präsenz stärkt.

Diese Transaktion erfolgt, während sich die Branche für Breitbandzugang nach Herausforderungen in der Lieferkette und staatlich geförderten Konjunkturprogrammen normalisiert, was beiden Unternehmen neue Chancen bietet.

  • All-cash transaction of $34 million for DZS
  • Allows DZS to focus on core Networking, Connectivity, and Cloud Edge portfolio
  • Expands strategic partnership between DZS and AXON Networks
  • Enables cross-selling opportunities for both companies
  • Strengthens AXON's Network-as-a-Service (NaaS) and Software Defined Networking portfolio
  • DZS divests its Service Assurance and WiFi Management software portfolio

Transaction expands the strategic partnership between both companies and enables DZS to focus on its category-defining Broadband Networking, Connectivity and Cloud Edge portfolio

DALLAS and IRVINE, Calif., Oct. 16, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- DZS (OTC: DZSI), a global leader of Networking, Connectivity and Cloud Edge software solutions and AXON Networks (AXON), a global leader of advanced Service  Management and Orchestration solutions, today announced the acquisition of DZS' Service Assurance and WiFi Management software portfolio by AXON Networks. The all-cash, $34 million transaction transfers all CloudCheck, Expresse and TruSpeed assets and IP patents to AXON, along with a highly skilled development team and long-time marquee customers. These products will be integrated into AXON's Network-as-a-Service (NaaS) portfolio, while DZS will focus its development and go-to-market strategy on its Networking, Connectivity and Cloud Edge portfolio. Today's transaction also represents an expansion of the strategic partnership between the two companies, enabling cross-selling opportunities.

The Service Assurance and WiFi Management solutions included in the transaction adds to AXON's growing Software Defined Networking portfolio, enabling the company to deliver a comprehensive NaaS platform to the service providers and optimize the overall quality of experience for its customers.

"We have been working with AXON for the past two years on a variety of technology advancements spanning SDN and network edge-to-home broadband solutions," said Charlie Vogt, President and CEO, DZS. "We acquired Expresse and CloudCheck from ASSIA in 2022 to accelerate the market adoption for our networking and connectivity products through cross-selling and sales synergies, which we have achieved. The enhanced partnership and sale of our Service Assurance and WiFi Management software business will enable us to continue investing and differentiating our Networking, Connectivity and Cloud Edge solutions. AXON Networks is well-positioned to accelerate the next phase of innovation of Expresse, CloudCheck, and TruSpeed within their strong portfolio of software solutions."

"AXON Networks is at the forefront of the telecommunications industry, driving a level of innovation that delivers unmatched network management and orchestration solutions for service providers across the globe," said Martin Manniche, Founder and CEO of AXON Networks. "The transfer of DZS' Service Assurance and WiFi Management software to the AXON portfolio and the addition of new engineers from the acquisition creates a combined development team that will be one of the largest and strongest of its kind. Expresse and CloudCheck engineers and customers joining AXON can rest assured that we will continue to invest in this solution portfolio, and we look forward to creating tremendous value for all our customers, employees and investors as we go forward, enabling us to continue to offer new solutions and expand both our capabilities and our global footprint."

As the broadband access industry begins to normalize after recent challenges with supply chain driven excess inventory and as numerous broadband government-led stimulus programs begin to emerge, DZS faces an opportune window to double-down on its category-defining Networking, Connectivity and Cloud Edge solutions. The company looks forward to its expanded relationship with AXON to capitalize on these new opportunities and the power of partnership.

AXON's mission is to enable Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to evolve from traditional service providers to providers of a total networking experience for their customers. The company does that by providing real-time orchestration solutions and access to powerful analytics data, as well as cloud-native network management and digital twin technologies. AXON is the only provider that can bring every network segment together in a hybrid network architecture, defragmenting the network and orchestrating all segments from end-to-end. The addition of the DZS assets to the AXON portfolio reflects AXON Networks' industry leadership and financial strength as it continues to advance broadband networking technology around the world. As a result of the transaction, AXON Networks is well-positioned to address the challenge of managing end-to-end network operations for service providers through seamless and scalable solutions.

About AXON Networks

AXON Networks was created from the recognition that ISPs need to move beyond simple billing relationships with their customers to a new focus on delivering a total network experience and strengthening their relationships with the end user.

Born from Greenwave Systems - a leader in network connectivity solutions - AXON Networks is committed to helping ISPs deliver the Quality of Experience their customers demand from their broadband connectivity provider.

AXON Networks empowers global operators to offer a total software-defined, networking experience. AXON's Orchestration Platform offers a single solution for any network, any device, or any service, anywhere. Our mission is to empower global operators to transform their networks to deliver the best customer experience and service. For more information, please visit

About DZS

DZS (OTC: DZSI), a global leader of Networking, Connectivity and Cloud Edge software solutions is enabling broadband everywhere.

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John O'Malley
The Guyer Group

DZS Media Contact:
Geoff Burke, SVP Marketing and Investor Relations

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What assets did DZS sell to AXON Networks?

DZS sold its Service Assurance and WiFi Management software portfolio, including CloudCheck, Expresse, and TruSpeed assets, IP patents, a development team, and long-time marquee customers to AXON Networks.

How much did AXON Networks pay for DZS's software portfolio?

AXON Networks acquired DZS's Service Assurance and WiFi Management software portfolio for $34 million in an all-cash transaction.

What is the strategic focus for DZS (DZSI) after this sale?

After the sale, DZS (DZSI) will focus its development and go-to-market strategy on its Networking, Connectivity, and Cloud Edge portfolio.

How does this acquisition benefit AXON Networks?

The acquisition enhances AXON Networks' Network-as-a-Service (NaaS) portfolio and Software Defined Networking capabilities, allowing them to deliver a more comprehensive platform to service providers and optimize customer experience.

What opportunities does DZS (DZSI) see in the broadband access industry?

DZS (DZSI) sees opportunities as the broadband access industry normalizes after supply chain challenges and government-led stimulus programs emerge, allowing them to focus on their category-defining solutions.



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