DaVita Opens its Doors to Anyone in Florida Needing Dialysis After Hurricane Milton

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DaVita Kidney Care has opened its dialysis centers in Florida to anyone needing treatment following Hurricane Milton, including patients from other providers. Patients can call DaVita Guest Services at 1-800-400-8331 for help locating centers and scheduling treatment. Approximately 50,000 Floridians with kidney failure currently receive dialysis treatment.

DaVita activated its emergency response plan before the hurricane, proactively dialyzing thousands of patients in over 150 centers. The company has deployed water tankers, fuel tankers, generators, supplies, and medication across Florida to ensure centers can treat patients in impacted areas as soon as possible. DaVita's national emergency management team is supporting affected centers and routing patients to safe locations for care.

DaVita Kidney Care ha aperto i suoi centri di dialisi in Florida a chiunque necessiti di trattamenti a seguito dell'uragano Milton, inclusi i pazienti provenienti da altri fornitori. I pazienti possono contattare i servizi clienti DaVita al numero 1-800-400-8331 per ricevere aiuto nella localizzazione dei centri e nella programmazione del trattamento. Circa 50.000 floridiani affetti da insufficienza renale ricevono attualmente trattamenti di dialisi.

DaVita ha attivato il suo piano di emergenza prima dell'uragano, dializzando in modo proattivo migliaia di pazienti in oltre 150 centri. L'azienda ha dispiegato cisterni d'acqua, cisterni di carburante, generatori, forniture e medicinali in tutta la Florida per garantire che i centri possano trattare i pazienti nelle aree colpite il prima possibile. Il team nazionale di gestione delle emergenze di DaVita sta supportando i centri colpiti e indirizzando i pazienti verso luoghi sicuri per le cure.

DaVita Kidney Care ha abierto sus centros de diálisis en Florida a cualquier persona que necesite tratamiento tras el huracán Milton, incluidos los pacientes de otros proveedores. Los pacientes pueden llamar a los Servicios al Cliente de DaVita al 1-800-400-8331 para obtener ayuda en la localización de centros y la programación de tratamiento. Alrededor de 50,000 floridanos con insuficiencia renal están recibiendo actualmente tratamiento de diálisis.

DaVita activó su plan de respuesta de emergencia antes del huracán, dializando proactivamente a miles de pacientes en más de 150 centros. La compañía ha desplegado camiones cisterna de agua, camiones cisterna de combustible, generadores, suministros y medicamentos en toda Florida para garantizar que los centros puedan atender a los pacientes en las áreas afectadas lo antes posible. El equipo nacional de gestión de emergencias de DaVita está apoyando a los centros afectados y dirigiendo a los pacientes a lugares seguros para su atención.

DaVita Kidney Care는 플로리다에 있는 투석 센터를 개방했습니다 허리케인 밀턴 이후 치료가 필요한 누구에게나, 다른 공급자의 환자도 포함하여. 환자들은 DaVita 고객 서비스에 전화하여 1-800-400-8331로 센터 위치 및 치료 일정에 대한 도움을 받을 수 있습니다. 현재 약 50,000명의 플로리다 주민이 신부전으로 투석 치료를 받고 있습니다.

DaVita는 허리케인 전에 응급 대응 계획을 활성화하여 150개 이상의 센터에서 수천 명의 환자를 사전 투석했습니다. 이 회사는 물 탱크, 연료 탱크, 발전기, 물자 및 약품을 플로리다 전역에 배치하여 피해를 입은 지역의 환자를 가능한 한 빨리 치료할 수 있도록 하고 있습니다. DaVita의 국가 비상 관리 팀이 영향을 받은 센터를 지원하고 안전한 치료 위치로 환자를 안내하고 있습니다.

DaVita Kidney Care a ouvert ses centres de dialyse en Floride à toute personne nécessitant des traitements à la suite de l'ouragan Milton, y compris les patients d'autres prestataires. Les patients peuvent appeler les services clients de DaVita au 1-800-400-8331 pour obtenir de l'aide pour localiser les centres et programmer un traitement. Environ 50 000 Floridiens souffrant d'insuffisance rénale reçoivent actuellement un traitement de dialyse.

DaVita a activé son plan d'urgence avant l'ouragan, dialysant de manière proactive des milliers de patients dans plus de 150 centres. L'entreprise a déployé des camions-citernes d'eau, des camions-citernes de carburant, des générateurs, des fournitures et des médicaments à travers la Floride pour s'assurer que les centres peuvent traiter les patients dans les zones touchées dès que possible. L'équipe nationale de gestion des urgences de DaVita soutient les centres affectés et dirige les patients vers des lieux sûrs pour les soins.

DaVita Kidney Care hat seine Dialysezentren in Florida eröffnet für alle, die nach dem Hurrikan Milton eine Behandlung benötigen, einschließlich Patienten von anderen Anbietern. Patienten können den DaVita Kundenservice unter 1-800-400-8331 anrufen, um Hilfe bei der Suche nach Zentren und der Terminplanung für die Behandlung zu erhalten. Ungefähr 50.000 Floridianer mit Nierenversagen erhalten derzeit eine Dialysebehandlung.

DaVita aktivierte seinen Notfallplan vor dem Hurrikan und dialysierte proaktiv Tausende von Patienten in über 150 Zentren. Das Unternehmen hat Wassertanks, Kraftstofftanker, Generatoren, Vorräte und Medikamente in ganz Florida eingesetzt, um sicherzustellen, dass die Zentren die Patienten in den betroffenen Gebieten so schnell wie möglich behandeln können. Das nationale Notfallmanagement-Team von DaVita unterstützt die betroffenen Zentren und leitet Patienten zu sicheren Standorten für die Versorgung.

  • DaVita opened its dialysis centers to all patients in Florida, potentially increasing patient volume
  • Proactive emergency response plan implemented, demonstrating operational resilience
  • Deployment of resources (tankers, generators, supplies) to ensure continuity of care
  • None.

TAMPA, Fla., Oct. 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Following the widespread impact of Hurricane Milton, DaVita Kidney Care dialysis centers have opened their doors to anyone in Florida needing treatment, including those who normally treat at other providers.

Dialysis patients may call DaVita Guest Services at 1-800-400-8331 for help locating dialysis centers and scheduling treatment. Patients and their family members can also visit for information on center openings and modified schedules during this emergency. If in need of urgent medical care, dial 9-1-1.

"Dialysis is a life-sustaining treatment, and it's critical that patients have uninterrupted access to care. We are actively reaching out to all patients who may have missed treatments or require immediate assistance," said Priya Sequeira, senior vice president at DaVita. "Our team is ready to provide the care you need—whether you typically treat with one of DaVita's centers or even with another dialysis provider."

Approximately 50,000 Floridians with kidney failure currently receive dialysis treatment. DaVita activated its emergency response plan in Florida in the days leading up to Hurricane Milton. Thousands of patients were proactively dialyzed ahead of the storm in more than 150 centers. DaVita has deployed water tankers, fuel tankers, generators, additional supplies and medication across the state to help ensure that centers can begin treating patients in impacted locales as soon as possible.

DaVita's national emergency management team is directing and supporting centers in affected areas and routing patients to locations that can safely provide dialysis care.

DaVita teammates have been providing patients with relevant medical information (prescription, dietary instructions and fluid restrictions) should they need to dialyze at a different center. Since the initial forecast of Hurricane Milton, DaVita has been communicating evacuation information with patients and coordinating with other dialysis and health care providers to help ensure continuity of care. DaVita will help track where patients will be transferred and hold regularly scheduled check-ins with local teams to help coordinate the safety of those impacted.

For more information on emergency preparedness, visit

About DaVita Inc.
DaVita (NYSE: DVA) is a health care provider focused on transforming care delivery to improve quality of life for patients globally. As a comprehensive kidney care provider, DaVita has been a leader in clinical quality and innovation for more than 20 years. DaVita cares for patients at every stage and setting along their kidney health journey—from slowing the progression of kidney disease to helping to support transplantation, from acute hospital care to dialysis at home. As of June 30, 2024, DaVita served approximately 265,100 patients at 3,124 outpatient dialysis centers, of which 2,672 centers were located in the United States and 452 centers were located in 13 other countries worldwide. DaVita has reduced hospitalizations, improved mortality, and worked collaboratively to propel the kidney care industry to adopt an equitable and high-quality standard of care for all patients, everywhere. To learn more, visit

Media Contact:
Matthew Clyburn
(860) 944-8653

DaVita Logo (PRNewsfoto/DaVita)


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How is DaVita (DVA) responding to Hurricane Milton in Florida?

DaVita is opening its dialysis centers to all patients in Florida, including those from other providers. They've activated an emergency response plan, deployed resources like water tankers and generators, and are providing support through their national emergency management team.

What number can dialysis patients call for help during the Hurricane Milton emergency?

Dialysis patients can call DaVita Guest Services at 1-800-400-8331 for help locating dialysis centers and scheduling treatment during the Hurricane Milton emergency.

How many Floridians currently receive dialysis treatment affected by Hurricane Milton?

Approximately 50,000 Floridians with kidney failure currently receive dialysis treatment and may be affected by Hurricane Milton.

What resources has DaVita (DVA) deployed in response to Hurricane Milton?

DaVita has deployed water tankers, fuel tankers, generators, additional supplies, and medication across Florida to help ensure centers can treat patients in impacted areas as soon as possible.

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