New voluntary solar program helps Duke Energy customers in North Carolina, South Carolina support clean energy

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Duke Energy (DUK) has proposed a new Clean Energy Connection (CEC) program to utility commissions in North and South Carolina, allowing customers to benefit from solar energy without installing rooftop panels. The program enables subscribers to pay a monthly fee and receive bill credits for solar energy produced from utility-owned facilities, with no additional costs to non-participating customers.

The program, expected to launch in 2027, will be available to residential, small-medium businesses, and large commercial customers. Subscribers can opt for 1-kilowatt increment subscriptions, with credit rates increasing annually after three years of continuous participation. Income-qualified customers (at or below 200% of Federal Poverty Guidelines) will receive guaranteed net benefits, funded by other program participants.

This initiative builds upon previous programs like Green Source Advantage Choice and Renewable Choice, developed through stakeholder engagement to help customers achieve carbon and sustainability goals.

Duke Energy (DUK) ha proposto un nuovo programma di Clean Energy Connection (CEC) alle commissioni di utilità nel Carolina del Nord e del Sud, consentendo ai clienti di beneficiare dell'energia solare senza dover installare pannelli sul tetto. Il programma permette agli abbonati di pagare una quota mensile e ricevere crediti in bolletta per l'energia solare prodotta da impianti di proprietà dell'utility, senza costi aggiuntivi per i clienti non partecipanti.

Il programma, previsto per il lancio nel 2027, sarà disponibile per clienti residenziali, piccole e medie imprese, e grandi clienti commerciali. Gli abbonati possono scegliere abbonamenti in incrementi di 1 kilowatt, con tassi di credito che aumentano annualmente dopo tre anni di partecipazione continua. I clienti con reddito qualificato (a o sotto il 200% delle linee guida federali sulla povertà) riceveranno benefici netti garantiti, finanziati da altri partecipanti al programma.

Questa iniziativa si basa su programmi precedenti come Green Source Advantage Choice e Renewable Choice, sviluppati attraverso il coinvolgimento delle parti interessate per aiutare i clienti a raggiungere gli obiettivi di carbonio e sostenibilità.

Duke Energy (DUK) ha propuesto un nuevo programa de Clean Energy Connection (CEC) a las comisiones de servicios públicos en Carolina del Norte y Carolina del Sur, permitiendo a los clientes beneficiarse de la energía solar sin tener que instalar paneles en el techo. El programa permite a los suscriptores pagar una tarifa mensual y recibir créditos en la factura por la energía solar producida a partir de instalaciones de propiedad de la empresa, sin costos adicionales para los clientes que no participan.

Se espera que el programa se lance en 2027 y estará disponible para clientes residenciales, pequeñas y medianas empresas, y grandes clientes comerciales. Los suscriptores pueden optar por suscripciones en incrementos de 1 kilovatio, con tasas de crédito que aumentan anualmente después de tres años de participación continua. Los clientes que califiquen según sus ingresos (a o por debajo del 200% de las pautas federales de pobreza) recibirán beneficios netos garantizados, financiados por otros participantes del programa.

Esta iniciativa se basa en programas anteriores como Green Source Advantage Choice y Renewable Choice, desarrollados a través del compromiso de las partes interesadas para ayudar a los clientes a alcanzar metas de carbono y sostenibilidad.

Duke Energy (DUK)는 노스캐롤라이나와 사우스캐롤라이나의 유틸리티 위원회에 새로운 클린 에너지 연결(CEC) 프로그램을 제안하여 고객들이 옥상 패널을 설치하지 않고도 태양 에너지를 활용할 수 있도록 하고 있습니다. 이 프로그램은 가입자들이 월 요금을 지불하고, 유틸리티 소유 시설에서 생산된 태양 에너지에 대한 청구서 크레딧을 받을 수 있도록 하며, 비참여 고객에게는 추가 비용이 없습니다.

이 프로그램은 2027년에 시작될 예정이며, 주택, 중소기업 및 대형 상업 고객을 대상으로 합니다. 가입자들은 1킬로와트 단위의 구독을 선택할 수 있으며, 3년 연속 참여 이후로는 크레딧 비율이 매년 증가합니다. 소득 기준을 충족하는 고객(연방 빈곤 기준의 200% 이하)은 다른 프로그램 참여자들이 지원하는 보장된 순 혜택을 받을 수 있습니다.

이 이니셔티브는 고객들이 탄소 배출 감축 및 지속 가능성 목표를 달성할 수 있도록 이해관계자 참여를 통해 개발된 Green Source Advantage Choice 및 Renewable Choice와 같은 이전 프로그램들을 기반으로 하고 있습니다.

Duke Energy (DUK) a proposé un nouveau programme de Clean Energy Connection (CEC) aux commissions de services publics en Caroline du Nord et du Sud, permettant aux clients de bénéficier de l'énergie solaire sans avoir à installer des panneaux sur leur toit. Le programme permet aux abonnés de payer une redevance mensuelle et de recevoir des crédits sur leur facture pour l'énergie solaire produite à partir d'installations appartenant à l'entreprise, sans coûts supplémentaires pour les clients qui ne participent pas.

Ce programme, prévu pour être lancé en 2027, sera accessible aux clients résidentiels, petites et moyennes entreprises, ainsi qu'aux grands clients commerciaux. Les abonnés peuvent opter pour des abonnements par paliers d'un kilowatt, avec des taux de crédit augmentant chaque année après trois ans de participation continue. Les clients qualifiés par leurs revenus (à ou en dessous de 200 % des lignes directrices fédérales sur la pauvreté) recevront des bénéfices nets garantis, financés par d'autres participants au programme.

Cette initiative s'appuie sur des programmes précédents tels que Green Source Advantage Choice et Renewable Choice, développés grâce à l'engagement des parties prenantes afin d'aider les clients à atteindre leurs objectifs en matière de carbone et de durabilité.

Duke Energy (DUK) hat den Kommissionen für Versorgungsunternehmen in North und South Carolina ein neues Clean Energy Connection (CEC) Programm vorgeschlagen, das es den Kunden ermöglicht, von Solarenergie zu profitieren, ohne Solarpanels auf dem Dach installieren zu müssen. Das Programm ermöglicht es Abonnenten, eine monatliche Gebühr zu zahlen und Gutschriften für Solarenergie zu erhalten, die aus Unternehmensbesitz produzierte Einrichtungen stammt, ohne zusätzliche Kosten für nicht teilnehmende Kunden.

Das Programm, das voraussichtlich im 2027 starten wird, steht Wohnkunden, kleinen und mittelständischen Unternehmen sowie großen gewerblichen Kunden zur Verfügung. Abonnenten können sich für 1-Kilowatt-Abonnements entscheiden, wobei die Gutschriften nach drei Jahren kontinuierlicher Teilnahme jährlich steigen. Einkommenqualifizierte Kunden (auf oder unter 200% der bundesstaatlichen Armutsrichtlinien) erhalten garantierte Nettovorteile, die von anderen Programmteilnehmern finanziert werden.

Diese Initiative baut auf früheren Programmen wie Green Source Advantage Choice und Renewable Choice auf, die durch die Einbindung von Interessengruppen entwickelt wurden, um Kunden bei der Erreichung von Kohlenstoff- und Nachhaltigkeitszielen zu unterstützen.

  • New revenue stream through solar subscription program without capital investment from customers
  • Program structure ensures no financial impact on non-participating customers
  • Expansion of clean energy portfolio aligning with net-zero carbon emissions goal by 2050
  • Strategic market positioning to support corporate customers' sustainability goals
  • Program benefits won't materialize until 2027
  • Success depends on regulatory approval from two state commissions


Duke Energy's Clean Energy Connection (CEC) program represents a strategic move in the utility sector's evolution towards renewable energy accessibility. The program's structure is particularly noteworthy as it creates a no-capital-investment pathway for customers to participate in solar energy while maintaining cost neutrality for non-participants - a important factor for regulatory approval.

The financial mechanics are carefully calibrated: the subscription credit rate's escalation after three years creates a long-term value proposition for participants while the program's competitive procurement approach should help optimize costs. The income-qualified component, funded by other participants rather than non-participating customers, demonstrates sophisticated program architecture that addresses energy equity without broader ratepayer impacts.

From a business perspective, this initiative positions Duke Energy to capture increased customer demand for renewable options while maintaining control over generation assets. The 2027 implementation timeline aligns with the company's broader clean energy transition strategy and allows for methodical infrastructure development.

This program introduction carries strategic significance for Duke Energy's ESG profile and market positioning. The initiative directly supports corporate customers' increasing need to demonstrate progress on sustainability goals - a growing factor in corporate site selection and economic development. The program's structure, allowing customers to claim environmental benefits without direct facility ownership, provides an elegant solution for businesses seeking to enhance their ESG credentials.

The program's inclusive design, particularly its provisions for income-qualified customers, aligns with growing investor focus on social impact and energy justice considerations. This thoughtful approach to accessibility could positively influence Duke Energy's social responsibility ratings and attract ESG-focused investors.

The CEC program represents a sophisticated business model innovation that could generate stable, long-term revenue streams while supporting Duke Energy's clean energy transition. The subscription-based model provides predictable cash flows and helps secure customer relationships. The kilowatt-based increment system offers scalability and flexibility for diverse customer needs.

The program's timing - with facilities coming online in 2027 - allows Duke Energy to methodically develop its solar portfolio while creating a pre-committed customer base. This approach effectively de-risks the company's renewable energy investments and supports its ambitious net-zero targets. The program's structure as a win-win proposition for both participating and non-participating customers should facilitate regulatory approval and broader market acceptance.

  • Clean Energy Connection subscribers can earn monthly bill credits for solar energy generated by participation, without installing solar panels  

CHARLOTTE, N.C., Jan. 16, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Duke Energy has made proposals to the North Carolina Utilities Commission and the Public Service Commission of South Carolina to help customers in both states to receive the benefits of solar energy without the commitment and expense of installing and maintaining rooftop panels. The company's new proposed Clean Energy Connection (CEC) program is designed to allow customers to subscribe to new, utility-owned solar energy facilities, pay a monthly subscription fee and receive a bill credit for solar produced, at no extra cost to non-participating customers.  

If approved, the CEC program will be available to large commercial customers, small- and medium-sized business customers and residential customers in the Carolinas. The program was filed with the Public Service Commission of South Carolina in late December 2024 and with the North Carolina Utilities Commission in early January 2025.

The CEC program builds upon years of stakeholder engagement that yielded an expansion of program options for customers to have access to solar in the Carolinas, including the recently approved Green Source Advantage (GSA) Choice in North Carolina and Renewable Choice, Clean Energy Impact and expansion of GSA in South Carolina. These programs were developed after extensive conversations with customers, and other key stakeholders to learn more about what is needed for customers to achieve their carbon and sustainability goals.

"Employers and economic development prospects look to Duke Energy to help them reach their sustainability goals in ways that fit their individual needs," said Meghan Dewey, vice president of products and services for Duke Energy. "The proposed Clean Energy Connection program helps us meet those needs by expanding opportunities for customers to subscribe to renewable energy right here in the Carolinas."

How the Clean Energy Connection program works 

The program leverages competitively procured solar necessary for the system.  Customers may subscribe to a portion of that solar energy from Duke Energy's CEC solar portfolio in 1-kilowatt (kW) increment subscriptions associated with the program's solar facilities. The monthly subscription fee is conveniently added to a customer's regular electric bill.

Customers also receive a corresponding subscription credit that represents their share of energy produced by the solar centers in a given month, multiplied by the subscription credit rate, which begins to escalate annually after three continuous years of subscription in the program. Participating customers will also have the rights to the environmental benefits of that renewable energy without directly owning the generating facility, and these benefits can be used to help achieve their own environmental and sustainability goals.  

The financial impact from the program benefits all customers without penalizing non-participating customers. 

If approved, the program will be open to current and future Duke Energy customers in 2027, when the new solar facilities are expected to come online. Current customers with more than 12 months of billing history at their residence can match the subscription level needed to their usage. Customers who do not have 12 months of billing history at their residence can enroll in the program at a baseline level of 1 kW per month for residential or nonresidential and adjust their subscription once they have passed the 12-month mark.  

Income-qualified participation  

Customers who have a household income at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines, or who can present proof of participation in local, state or federal assistance, will also be able to participate in the CEC program, if approved.

Customers who are income-qualified will have a subscription fee. The bill credit per subscription will be fixed to ensure that the bill credit is $1/kW per month higher than the subscription fee – locking in a net benefit for them. The funding to ensure this net benefit for income-qualified customers is provided by other CEC program participants, meaning there is no subsidy from non-participating customers.  

All Duke Energy customers in North Carolina and South Carolina who are interested in the CEC program can learn more at Duke Energy's website: 

Duke Energy 

Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK), a Fortune 150 company headquartered in Charlotte, N.C., is one of America's largest energy holding companies. The company's electric utilities serve 8.4 million customers in North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky, and collectively own 54,800 megawatts of energy capacity. Its natural gas utilities serve 1.7 million customers in North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Ohio and Kentucky.  

Duke Energy is executing an ambitious clean energy transition, keeping reliability, affordability and accessibility at the forefront as the company works toward net-zero methane emissions from its natural gas business by 2030 and net-zero carbon emissions from electricity generation by 2050. The company is investing in major electric grid upgrades and cleaner generation, including expanded energy storage, renewables, natural gas and nuclear.   

More information is available at and the Duke Energy News Center. Follow Duke Energy on X, LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook, and visit illumination for stories about the people and innovations powering our energy transition.  

Contact: Logan Stewart
24-Hour: 800.559.3853
Twitter: @DE_LoganS

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SOURCE Duke Energy


When will Duke Energy's (DUK) Clean Energy Connection program launch?

The Clean Energy Connection program is expected to launch in 2027, pending regulatory approval from North and South Carolina utility commissions.

How does Duke Energy's (DUK) Clean Energy Connection solar subscription work?

Customers can subscribe to solar energy in 1-kilowatt increments, pay a monthly subscription fee, and receive bill credits for the solar energy produced, without installing solar panels.

What are the benefits for income-qualified customers in DUK's Clean Energy Connection program?

Income-qualified customers will receive a guaranteed net benefit of $1/kW per month, as their bill credit will be fixed at $1/kW higher than the subscription fee.

Which states are eligible for Duke Energy's (DUK) Clean Energy Connection program?

The program will be available to Duke Energy customers in North Carolina and South Carolina, pending regulatory approval.

How does DUK's Clean Energy Connection program affect non-participating customers?

The program is structured to have no additional costs or financial impact on non-participating customers.

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