Duke Energy Florida completes restoration of approximately 800,000 Hurricane Helene power outages; remains committed to restoring the vitality of impacted communities

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Duke Energy Florida has completed restoration efforts for all customers in Pinellas County's barrier islands capable of receiving power after Hurricane Helene, meeting and often exceeding estimated restoration times. The company has restored approximately 800,000 storm-related power outages across Florida. Duke Energy Florida is mobilizing customer care units to provide on-site assistance and will continue offering resources and support for the long recovery process.

The company reminds customers to be vigilant against scams and fraud, emphasizing that they will never threaten immediate disconnection or demand payment information over the phone. Duke Energy Florida is also closely monitoring Tropical Storm Milton, which is expected to strengthen, and crews are prepared to respond to any potential impacts.

Duke Energy Florida ha completato gli sforzi di ripristino per tutti i clienti nelle isole barrieria della contea di Pinellas in grado di ricevere energia dopo l'uragano Helene, rispettando e spesso superando i tempi di ripristino stimati. L'azienda ha ripristinato circa 800.000 interruzioni di corrente legate alla tempesta in Florida. Duke Energy Florida sta mobilitando unità di assistenza clienti per fornire supporto sul posto e continuerà a offrire risorse e sostegno per il lungo processo di recupero.

L'azienda ricorda ai clienti di essere vigili contro truffe e frodi, sottolineando che non minacceranno mai disconnessioni immediate o chiederanno informazioni di pagamento per telefono. Duke Energy Florida sta anche monitorando attentamente la Tempesta Tropicale Milton, che si prevede rafforzerà, e le squadre sono pronte a rispondere a qualsiasi potenziale impatto.

Duke Energy Florida ha completado los esfuerzos de restauración para todos los clientes en las islas de barrera del condado de Pinellas que pueden recibir energía después del huracán Helene, cumpliendo y a menudo superando los tiempos de restauración estimados. La compañía ha restaurado aproximadamente 800,000 cortes de energía relacionados con la tormenta en toda Florida. Duke Energy Florida está movilizando unidades de atención al cliente para proporcionar asistencia en el lugar y continuará ofreciendo recursos y apoyo para el largo proceso de recuperación.

La compañía recuerda a los clientes que deben estar alerta ante estafas y fraudes, enfatizando que nunca amenazarán con desconectar de inmediato ni solicitarán información de pago por teléfono. Duke Energy Florida también está monitoreando de cerca la Tormenta Tropical Milton, que se espera que se fortalezca, y los equipos están preparados para responder a cualquier posible impacto.

Duke Energy Florida는 허리케인 헬렌 이후 전력을 받을 수 있는 핀ellas 카운티의 바리어 섬 모든 고객에 대한 복구 작업을 완료했습니다, 예상 복구 시간을 초과하는 경우가 많았습니다. 이 회사는 플로리다 전역에서 약 800,000건의 폭풍 관련 정전을 복구했습니다. Duke Energy Florida는 고객 지원 팀을 동원하고 있습니다 현장 지원을 제공하며 장기적인 복구 과정에 대한 자원과 지원을 계속 제공할 것입니다.

회사는 고객들에게 사기 및 사기에 주의할 것을 상기시키며, 즉각적인 전원 차단을 위협하거나 전화로 결제 정보를 요구하지 않을 것이라고 강조합니다. Duke Energy Florida는 또한 열대 폭풍 밀튼을 면밀히 모니터링하고 있습니다, 이는 강화될 것으로 예상되며, 팀은 어떤 잠재적인 영향에도 대응할 준비가 되어 있습니다.

Duke Energy Florida a terminé les efforts de restauration pour tous les clients des îles barrieria du comté de Pinellas capables de recevoir de l'électricité après l'ouragan Helene, respectant et dépassant souvent les délais de restauration estimés. L'entreprise a rétabli environ 800 000 coupures de courant liées à la tempête à travers la Floride. Duke Energy Florida mobilise des unités de soins aux clients pour fournir une assistance sur place et continuera à offrir des ressources et un soutien pour le long processus de récupération.

L'entreprise rappelle aux clients de rester vigilants contre les escroqueries et la fraude, en soulignant qu'ils ne menaceront jamais de déconnexion immédiate ni ne demanderont d'informations de paiement par téléphone. Duke Energy Florida surveille également de près la tempête tropicale Milton, qui devrait se renforcer, et les équipes sont prêtes à répondre à d'éventuels impacts.

Duke Energy Florida hat die Wiederherstellungsarbeiten abgeschlossen für alle Kunden auf den Barrierinseln im Pinellas County, die nach dem Hurrikan Helene in der Lage sind, Strom zu empfangen, und hat die geschätzten Wiederherstellungszeiten oft übertroffen. Das Unternehmen hat ca. 800.000 stormbedingte Stromausfälle wiederhergestellt in ganz Florida. Duke Energy Florida mobilisiert Kundenserviceteams, um vor Ort Unterstützung zu leisten, und wird weiterhin Ressourcen und Unterstützung für den langen Wiederherstellungsprozess anbieten.

Das Unternehmen erinnert die Kunden daran, wachsam gegen Betrug und Betrügereien zu sein, und betont, dass sie niemals mit sofortiger Abschaltung drohen oder Zahlungsinformationen am Telefon anfordern werden. Duke Energy Florida überwacht auch genau den tropischen Sturm Milton, der voraussichtlich an Stärke gewinnen wird, und die Teams sind bereit, auf mögliche Auswirkungen zu reagieren.

  • Completed restoration of approximately 800,000 storm-related power outages
  • Met or exceeded estimated restoration times for Pinellas County's barrier islands
  • Mobilizing customer care units to provide on-site assistance
  • Prepared to respond to potential impacts from Tropical Storm Milton
  • None.
  • Company met, in many cases exceeded, estimated times of restoration for Pinellas County's barrier island customers
  • As potential storm approaches, crews prepare to respond to any impacts  

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla., Oct. 5, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, Duke Energy Florida completed restoration efforts for all customers in Pinellas County's barrier islands who are capable of receiving power after Hurricane Helene – meeting, and in many cases exceeding, estimated times of restoration.

Through close collaboration with local municipalities, emergency operations centers and first responders, the company has now completed restoration of approximately 800,000 storm-related power outages across the state.

"I'm extremely grateful for our crews' dedication, our customers' patience and our communities' willingness to work together," said Melissa Seixas, Duke Energy Florida state president. "We know this is just the beginning of a long recovery process, and we will continue to offer resources and support to those who need it in the days, weeks and months ahead."

Duke Energy Florida has mobilized customer care units, where company representatives will be on-site to answer questions and provide account assistance. There will be a location open  Sunday, Oct. 6 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Madeira Beach City Hall (300 Municipal Drive, Madeira Beach, FL 33708).

As customers begin to repair and rebuild their homes and businesses, the company will be ready to respond, reconnect power and help restore the vitality of impacted communities. 

Customers who have damage to the electrical service that serves their homes or businesses should contact Duke Energy Florida. Those who currently cannot receive power due to damage to the property's meter base, breaker panel or customer-owned electrical wiring should contact their local municipalities for guidance. Inspections may be required after repairs are complete.   

Additionally, the company reminds customers to be vigilant, stay informed and guard their personal information, as scams and fraud are rampant after storms. The company will never threaten immediate disconnection, demand payment information over the phone or ask customers to get a "Green Dot" or prepaid credit card. For more information and helpful tips, please click here

Customers who need assistance paying their utility bills can learn more about programs that may be available to help by visiting or calling 800.700.8744.

Tropical Storm Milton

Duke Energy Florida is closely monitoring Tropical Storm Milton, which is expected to strengthen in the coming days.

Crews are prepared to respond should we experience any impacts. We ask customers to remain vigilant as the storm approaches Florida's coast.

Duke Energy Florida
Duke Energy Florida, a subsidiary of Duke Energy, owns 12,300 megawatts of energy capacity, supplying electricity to 2 million residential, commercial and industrial customers across a 13,000-square-mile service area in Florida.  

Duke Energy
Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK), a Fortune 150 company headquartered in Charlotte, N.C., is one of America's largest energy holding companies. The company's electric utilities serve 8.4 million customers in North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky, and collectively own 54,800 megawatts of energy capacity. Its natural gas utilities serve 1.7 million customers in North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Ohio and Kentucky. 

Duke Energy is executing an ambitious clean energy transition, keeping reliability, affordability and accessibility at the forefront as the company works toward net-zero methane emissions from its natural gas business by 2030 and net-zero carbon emissions from electricity generation by 2050. The company is investing in major electric grid upgrades and cleaner generation, including expanded energy storage, renewables, natural gas and nuclear.  

More information is available at and the Duke Energy News Center. Follow Duke Energy on X, LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook, and visit illumination for stories about the people and innovations powering our energy transition. 

Contact: Ana Gibbs
24-Hour: 800.559.3853 

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SOURCE Duke Energy


How many power outages did Duke Energy Florida (DUK) restore after Hurricane Helene?

Duke Energy Florida restored approximately 800,000 storm-related power outages across the state after Hurricane Helene.

What assistance is Duke Energy Florida (DUK) providing to customers affected by Hurricane Helene?

Duke Energy Florida is mobilizing customer care units to provide on-site assistance, answer questions, and offer account assistance to customers affected by Hurricane Helene.

Is Duke Energy Florida (DUK) prepared for Tropical Storm Milton?

Yes, Duke Energy Florida is closely monitoring Tropical Storm Milton and has crews prepared to respond should there be any impacts from the storm.

What should Duke Energy Florida (DUK) customers do if they have damage to their electrical service?

Customers with damage to their electrical service should contact Duke Energy Florida. Those who cannot receive power due to damage to their property's electrical components should contact local municipalities for guidance.

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