As frigid temperatures hit the Southeast, resolve to save on energy bills in 2025 with programs and tips from Piedmont Natural Gas

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Piedmont Natural Gas, a Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK) subsidiary, is encouraging customers to manage their energy bills in 2025 through various programs and tips as the Southeast faces frigid temperatures. The Energy Information Administration forecasts increased household energy usage this winter due to colder temperatures compared to the previous year.

The company offers several assistance programs including: the Equal Payment Plan (EPP) which levels out monthly bills, Share the Warmth program providing utility bill assistance through local agencies, and the Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP). Additionally, Piedmont provides energy-saving tips such as optimal thermostat settings, water heater management, and home insulation recommendations.

Piedmont Natural Gas serves over 1.2 million customers across North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee, and recently earned the No. 1 spot in customer satisfaction with residential natural gas service in the South among large utilities according to J.D. Power's 2024 study.

Piedmont Natural Gas, una sussidiaria di Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK), sta incoraggiando i propri clienti a gestire le bollette energetiche nel 2025 attraverso vari programmi e consigli, mentre il Sud-Est degli Stati Uniti affronta temperature gelide. L'Amministrazione per l'Informazione Energetica prevede un aumento del consumo di energia domestica questo inverno a causa delle temperature più fredde rispetto all'anno precedente.

L'azienda offre diversi programmi di assistenza, tra cui: il Piano di Pagamento Fisso (EPP) che livella le bollette mensili, il programma Share the Warmth che fornisce assistenza per le bollette tramite agenzie locali, e il Programma di Assistenza Energetica per le Persone a Basso Reddito (LIEAP). Inoltre, Piedmont fornisce consigli per il risparmio energetico, come impostazioni ottimali del termostato, gestione del boiler e raccomandazioni per l'isolamento domestico.

Piedmont Natural Gas serve oltre 1.2 milioni di clienti tra Carolina del Nord, Carolina del Sud e Tennessee, e ha recentemente ottenuto il primo posto nella soddisfazione del cliente per il servizio di gas naturale residenziale nel Sud tra le grandi utility, secondo lo studio del 2024 di J.D. Power.

Piedmont Natural Gas, una subsidiaria de Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK), está animando a los clientes a gestionar sus facturas de energía en 2025 a través de varios programas y consejos, ya que el Sureste enfrenta temperaturas heladas. La Administración de Información Energética prevé un aumento en el consumo de energía en los hogares este invierno debido a las temperaturas más frías en comparación con el año anterior.

La empresa ofrece varios programas de asistencia, incluidos: el Plan de Pago Igual (EPP), que nivela las facturas mensuales, el programa Share the Warmth que proporciona asistencia para las facturas de servicios públicos a través de agencias locales, y el Programa de Asistencia Energética para Personas de Bajos Ingresos (LIEAP). Además, Piedmont ofrece consejos para ahorrar energía, como configuraciones óptimas del termostato, gestión del calentador de agua y recomendaciones para el aislamiento del hogar.

Piedmont Natural Gas atiende a más de 1.2 millones de clientes en Carolina del Norte, Carolina del Sur y Tennessee, y recientemente ocupó el primer lugar en satisfacción del cliente con el servicio de gas natural residencial en el Sur entre las grandes utilidades, según el estudio de 2024 de J.D. Power.

Piedmont Natural Gas는 Duke Energy(NYSE: DUK)의 자회사로, 고객에게 2025년 에너지 요금을 관리할 수 있도록 다양한 프로그램과 팁을 제공하고 있습니다. 에너지 정보 관리국은 올 겨울 더 낮은 기온으로 인해 가정의 에너지 사용이 증가할 것이라고 예상합니다 지난해와 비교할 때.

회사는 여러 지원 프로그램을 제공하고 있으며, 여기에는 매달 요금을 균등하게 나누어주는 균등 지불 계획(EPP), 지역 기관을 통해 유틸리티 요금 지원을 제공하는 Share the Warmth 프로그램, 저소득층 에너지 지원 프로그램(LIEAP)이 포함됩니다. 또한, Piedmont는 최적의 온도 조절기 설정, 온수기 관리, 주택 단열 추천 등 에너지 절약 요령을 제공합니다.

Piedmont Natural Gas는 노스 캐롤라이나, 사우스 캐롤라이나, 테네시에서 120만 명 이상의 고객에게 서비스를 제공하며, 최근 J.D. Power의 2024년도 보고서에 따르면 대규모 공공 요금사 중 남부에서 주거용 천연 가스 서비스에 대한 고객 만족도 1위를 차지했습니다.

Piedmont Natural Gas, une filiale de Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK), encourage ses clients à gérer leurs factures d'énergie en 2025 grâce à divers programmes et conseils alors que le Sud-Est fait face à des températures glaciales. L'Administration de l'Information sur l'Énergie prévoit une augmentation de la consommation d'énergie des ménages cet hiver en raison des températures plus froides par rapport à l'année précédente.

La société propose plusieurs programmes d'assistance, notamment : le Plan de Paiement Égal (EPP) qui égalise les factures mensuelles, le programme Share the Warmth qui fournit une aide pour les factures de services publics via des agences locales, et le Programme d'Assistance Énergétique pour les Personnes à Revenu Faible (LIEAP). De plus, Piedmont fournit des conseils pour économiser de l'énergie, tels que les réglages optimaux du thermostat, la gestion du chauffe-eau et des recommandations pour l'isolation de la maison.

Piedmont Natural Gas dessert plus de 1,2 million de clients en Caroline du Nord, en Caroline du Sud et au Tennessee, et a récemment obtenu la première place en satisfaction client pour le service de gaz naturel résidentiel dans le Sud parmi les grandes entreprises de services publics, selon l'étude 2024 de J.D. Power.

Piedmont Natural Gas, ein Tochterunternehmen von Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK), ermutigt die Kunden, ihre Energierechnungen im Jahr 2025 durch verschiedene Programme und Tipps zu verwalten, während der Südosten mit frostigen Temperaturen konfrontiert ist. Die Energieinformationsbehörde prognostiziert einen Anstieg des Energieverbrauchs in Haushalten diesen Winter aufgrund kälterer Temperaturen im Vergleich zum Vorjahr.

Das Unternehmen bietet mehrere Unterstützungsprogramme an, darunter den Gleichzahlungsplan (EPP), der die monatlichen Rechnungen ausgleicht, das Programm Share the Warmth, das über lokale Agenturen Unterstützung bei den Energiekosten bietet, und das Programm für Energiehilfe für einkommensschwache Haushalte (LIEAP). Darüber hinaus bietet Piedmont Tipps zum Energiesparen an, wie z.B. optimale Einstellungen des Thermostats, deren Management und Empfehlungen zur Dämmung von Häusern.

Piedmont Natural Gas bedient über 1,2 Millionen Kunden in North Carolina, South Carolina und Tennessee und hat kürzlich den ersten Platz in der Kundenzufriedenheit mit dem residentialen Erdgasdienst im Süden unter großen Versorgungsunternehmen laut der Studie von J.D. Power 2024 erreicht.

  • Ranked #1 in customer satisfaction for residential natural gas service in the South (J.D. Power 2024)
  • Serves over 1.2 million customers across three states
  • Offers comprehensive customer assistance programs and payment plans
  • Expected increase in household energy usage and costs due to colder winter temperatures


This consumer-focused energy management announcement from Piedmont Natural Gas (PNG), while well-intentioned, carries minimal direct financial impact for Duke Energy investors. The energy assistance programs and efficiency tips, though beneficial for customers, represent standard utility practices rather than material business developments.

The most relevant market signal is the EIA's Winter Fuels Outlook projecting increased household energy usage due to colder temperatures. This could potentially boost PNG's revenue in Q1 2025, but the impact would be relatively small considering PNG contributes only about 15% to Duke Energy's overall revenue. The Equal Payment Plan program actually smooths revenue recognition rather than generating additional income.

For context, PNG serves 1.2 million customers across three states, making it a stable but modest contributor to Duke Energy's broader operations. The J.D. Power satisfaction ranking, while positive for brand value, has minimal impact on financial performance. This announcement primarily serves as routine customer communication rather than a market-moving event.

The timing of this announcement aligns with strategic operational considerations in the natural gas utility sector. The projected increase in winter energy consumption, while beneficial for volume metrics, will be largely offset by PNG's customer assistance programs and efficiency initiatives. These programs represent a regulatory compliance and customer retention strategy rather than a profit-driving mechanism.

The emphasis on weatherization and efficiency measures reflects the industry's broader shift toward demand-side management, which can help utilities better manage peak load periods and infrastructure investments. However, the financial implications are neutral, as reduced individual consumption is typically balanced by customer base growth and rate adjustments.

The real story here is PNG's proactive approach to managing potential payment delinquencies during peak usage periods. By promoting payment plans and assistance programs early, they're attempting to minimize bad debt exposure - a critical consideration given the current economic climate and rising energy costs. This represents sound operational management but doesn't materially affect Duke Energy's investment thesis.

CHARLOTTE, N.C., Jan. 7, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- With the coming of the new year and icy temperatures descending on the region, Piedmont Natural Gas encourages customers to make the resolution to take control of their energy bills in 2025 by taking advantage of the company's tips, tools and assistance programs.

"As people think about changes they might make in the new year, consider adding 'saving on monthly energy bills' to the list," said Brian Weisker, senior vice president and president of Piedmont Natural Gas. "Colder temperatures typically lead to higher energy costs, but Piedmont has resources and programs to help customers stay warm while avoiding higher seasonal heating bills, as well as save money and energy all year long."

The Energy Information Administration reported in its October Winter Fuels Outlook that the average household energy usage for home heating will increase this winter because of colder temperatures compared to the previous year. Higher energy consumption related to colder temperatures is the largest contributor to increases in the average household's home-heating expenditures during the winter months.

A video explaining the factors that contribute to customers' natural gas bills is available on Piedmont's website.

"Piedmont remains committed to helping all our customers stay comfortable while managing their energy use, which is why we offer bill management programs, payment assistance, and energy-saving tips and tools," Weisker said.

Level out your bill with the Equal Payment Plan (EPP) program
Piedmont's free EPP program helps customers manage their budgets by leveling out a customer's natural gas bills, allowing them to pay a predictable, equal monthly amount to help avoid billing surprises. Piedmont determines this payment by adding up a customer's annual natural gas usage and then dividing it into the same payment amount each month. Learn more about the EPP program here.

Assistance for customers in need
Share the Warmth provides funds to local agencies to assist families with their utility bills, no matter the source of energy they use. Contact information for approved assistance agencies across Piedmont's service area is available at

The Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP) provides assistance to pay for natural gas, electric and other energy sources customers use in their homes.

Piedmont says anyone in need can apply for this and other newly available programs to see if they qualify. For more information, go to For detailed federal and state-specific information, go to and click on your state.

Energy-saving tips and tools
Natural gas use typically spikes in the winter as customers combat low temperatures to stay warm. Below are tips to help manage your energy use when temperatures decline. B-roll of energy efficiency measures is available here.

  • Set your thermostat to the lowest comfortable setting to help save. Installing a smart or programmable thermostat will reduce your energy use while you are asleep or away.
  • Take advantage of sunny days. Leave drapes or blinds open during sunny winter days to allow the sun to warm the house. Close drapes and blinds at night to help insulate your home, as windows can allow heat to escape.
  • Change air filters regularly. A dirty air filter makes a heating system work harder, which uses more energy.
  • Manage your water heating temperature. Set your water heater temperature to 120 degrees Fahrenheit or consider installing an on-demand or tankless water heater that only heats water when you need it.
  • Seal your home. One of the quickest energy-saving tasks you can do is caulk, seal and weatherstrip all seams, cracks and openings to the outside. This can save 10% to 20% on your heating and cooling bills.
  • Seal air ducts. Make sure the air ducts from your home's furnace and central air conditioner are properly sealed. Ducts that leak into the attic or crawl space can substantially increase your heating and cooling bills.
  • Consider insulation. Consider whether you need to add insulation to your ceilings, floors and walls. Insulation between the indoors and outdoors reduces energy demand, saving you money while improving the comfort of your home.

Piedmont Natural Gas
Piedmont Natural Gas, a subsidiary of Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK), distributes natural gas to more than 1.2 million residential, commercial, industrial and power generation customers in North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee. Piedmont Natural Gas earned the No. 1 spot in customer satisfaction with residential natural gas service in the South among large utilities, according to the J.D. Power 2024 U.S. Gas Utility Residential Customer Satisfaction Study. More information: Follow Piedmont Natural Gas: X, Facebook.

Media contact: Jason Wheatley
Media line: 877.348.3612
X: @PNG_JasonW


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SOURCE Piedmont Natural Gas


What programs does Piedmont Natural Gas (DUK) offer to help customers manage winter bills in 2025?

Piedmont Natural Gas offers the Equal Payment Plan (EPP) for predictable monthly payments, Share the Warmth program for utility bill assistance, and the Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP) for energy cost support.

How many customers does Piedmont Natural Gas (DUK) serve in 2025?

Piedmont Natural Gas serves more than 1.2 million residential, commercial, industrial and power generation customers across North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee.

What recognition did Piedmont Natural Gas (DUK) receive in the J.D. Power 2024 study?

Piedmont Natural Gas ranked No. 1 in customer satisfaction with residential natural gas service in the South among large utilities according to the J.D. Power 2024 U.S. Gas Utility Residential Customer Satisfaction Study.

What is the energy usage forecast for Piedmont Natural Gas (DUK) customers in winter 2025?

According to the Energy Information Administration's October Winter Fuels Outlook, average household energy usage for home heating is expected to increase due to colder temperatures compared to the previous year.

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