DTE Energy celebrates energy assistance expansion, thanks to “Coalition to Keep Michigan Warm”
DTE Energy and the 'Coalition to Keep Michigan Warm' celebrated new legislation expanding energy assistance for Michigan residents. The coalition, comprising over 120 human service agencies, religious organizations, and businesses, worked with Governor Whitmer and legislators to secure bipartisan support for expanding the Michigan Energy Assistance Program (MEAP).
The new laws will double MEAP funding from $50 million to $100 million over five years, increase eligibility threshold from 150% to 200% of the Federal Poverty Level, ensure funds are allocated to low-income customers in areas where generated, and implement a $2 per meter surcharge adjustable for inflation.
The expansion will benefit approximately 330,000 Michigan families, helping them maintain comfortable temperatures year-round. DTE Chairman Jerry Norcia emphasized the company's commitment to providing cleaner, reliable energy while keeping bills below the national average. The new legislation will take effect on October 1, 2025.
DTE Energy e la 'Coalizione per mantenere il Michigan caldo' hanno festeggiato una nuova legislazione che amplia l'assistenza energetica per i residenti del Michigan. La coalizione, composta da oltre 120 agenzie di servizi umani, organizzazioni religiose e aziende, ha collaborato con il Governatore Whitmer e i legislatori per ottenere un sostegno bipartisan per l'espansione del Programma di Assistenza Energetica del Michigan (MEAP).
Le nuove leggi raddoppieranno il finanziamento del MEAP da 50 milioni a 100 milioni di dollari nell'arco di cinque anni, aumenteranno la soglia di idoneità dal 150% al 200% del Livello Federale di Povertà, assicureranno che i fondi siano allocati ai clienti a basso reddito nelle aree in cui vengono generati e implementeranno un sovrapprezzo di 2 dollari per metro regolabile in base all'inflazione.
L'espansione beneficerà circa 330.000 famiglie del Michigan, aiutandole a mantenere temperature confortevoli durante tutto l'anno. Il presidente di DTE, Jerry Norcia, ha sottolineato l'impegno dell'azienda a fornire energia più pulita e affidabile mantenendo le bollette al di sotto della media nazionale. La nuova legislazione entrerà in vigore il 1 ottobre 2025.
DTE Energy y la 'Coalición para mantener caliente a Michigan' celebraron una nueva legislación que amplía la asistencia energética para los residentes de Michigan. La coalición, compuesta por más de 120 agencias de servicios humanos, organizaciones religiosas y empresas, trabajó con la Gobernadora Whitmer y los legisladores para garantizar el apoyo bipartidista a la expansión del Programa de Asistencia Energética de Michigan (MEAP).
Las nuevas leyes duplicarán la financiación del MEAP de 50 millones a 100 millones de dólares en un período de cinco años, aumentarán el umbral de elegibilidad del 150% al 200% del Nivel Federal de Pobreza, asegurarán que los fondos se asignen a clientes de bajos ingresos en las áreas donde se generan, e implementarán un recargo de 2 dólares por medidor ajustable a la inflación.
La expansión beneficiará aproximadamente a 330,000 familias de Michigan, ayudándolas a mantener temperaturas cómodas durante todo el año. El presidente de DTE, Jerry Norcia, enfatizó el compromiso de la empresa de proporcionar energía más limpia y confiable, manteniendo las facturas por debajo del promedio nacional. La nueva legislación entrará en vigor el 1 de octubre de 2025.
DTE Energy와 '미시간을 따뜻하게 유지하기 위한 연합'은 미시간 거주자를 위한 에너지 지원 확대를 담은 새로운 법안을 기념했습니다. 120개 이상의 인도 서비스 기관, 종교 단체 및 기업으로 구성된 이 연합은 위트머 주지사와 입법자들과 협력하여 미시간 에너지 지원 프로그램(MEAP) 확대에 대한 초당적 지지를 확보했습니다.
새로운 법안은 MEAP 기금을 5000만 달러에서 1억 달러로 두 배로 늘릴 것이며, 자격 기준을 연방 빈곤 수준의 150%에서 200%로 상향 조정하고, 자금이 발생한 지역의 저소득 고객에게 배분되도록 보장하며, 인플레이션에 따라 조정 가능한 미터당 2달러 요금을 시행합니다.
이 확대는 약 33만 가구의 미시간 가족들에게 도움이 되어 일년 내내 쾌적한 온도를 유지할 수 있도록 합니다. DTE의 회장인 제리 노르시아는 청정하고 신뢰할 수 있는 에너지 제공에 대한 회사의 약속을 강조하며, 청구서를 전국 평균 이하로 유지할 것이라고 말했습니다. 새로운 법안은 2025년 10월 1일에 발효됩니다.
DTE Energy et la 'Coalition pour garder le Michigan au chaud' ont célébré une nouvelle législation élargissant l'assistance énergétique pour les résidents du Michigan. La coalition, composée de plus de 120 agences de services humains, d'organisations religieuses et d'entreprises, a travaillé avec la gouverneure Whitmer et les législateurs pour obtenir un soutien bipartisan pour l'expansion du Programme d'Assistance Énergétique du Michigan (MEAP).
Les nouvelles lois vont doubler le financement du MEAP de 50 millions à 100 millions de dollars sur cinq ans, augmenter le seuil d'éligibilité de 150 % à 200 % du niveau fédéral de pauvreté, garantir que les fonds soient alloués aux clients à faible revenu dans les zones où ils sont générés, et mettre en œuvre un surcoût de 2 dollars par compteur ajustable pour l'inflation.
L'expansion bénéficiera à environ 330 000 familles du Michigan, les aidant à maintenir des températures confortables tout au long de l'année. Le président de DTE, Jerry Norcia, a souligné l'engagement de l'entreprise à fournir une énergie plus propre et fiable tout en maintenant les factures en dessous de la moyenne nationale. La nouvelle législation entrera en vigueur le 1er octobre 2025.
DTE Energy und die 'Koalition zur Beibehaltung der Wärme in Michigan' feierten eine neue Gesetzgebung zur Erweiterung der Energiehilfe für die Bewohner von Michigan. Die Koalition, die aus über 120 sozialen Dienstleistungsagenturen, religiösen Organisationen und Unternehmen besteht, arbeitete mit Gouverneurin Whitmer und den Gesetzgebern zusammen, um eine parteiübergreifende Unterstützung für die Erweiterung des Michigan Energy Assistance Program (MEAP) zu sichern.
Die neuen Gesetze werden die MEAP-Finanzierung von 50 Millionen auf 100 Millionen Dollar über fünf Jahre verdoppeln, die Einkommensgrenze von 150 % auf 200 % der Federal Poverty Level anheben, sicherstellen, dass Mittel an einkommensschwache Kunden in den Bereichen verteilt werden, in denen sie generiert werden, und einen Inflationsanpassungszuschlag von 2 Dollar pro Zähler einführen.
Die Erweiterung wird ungefähr 330.000 Familien in Michigan zugutekommen und ihnen helfen, das ganze Jahr über angenehme Temperaturen aufrechtzuerhalten. Der Vorsitzende von DTE, Jerry Norcia, betonte das Engagement des Unternehmens, saubere und zuverlässige Energie bereitzustellen, während die Rechnungen unter dem nationalen Durchschnitt bleiben. Die neue Gesetzgebung tritt am 1. Oktober 2025 in Kraft.
- None.
- None.
Group of more than 120 human service agencies, religious organizations and businesses and legislatures were instrumental in the bipartisan passage of new law to expand energy assistance for Michiganders in need
Detroit, Feb. 06, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Today, DTE Energy joined with 120 human service agencies, religious organizations and businesses, known as the “Coalition to Keep Michigan Warm,” to celebrate new laws that will expand energy assistance to more Michiganders. DTE and other members of the coalition, were joined by Governor Whitmer, legislators and community leaders to celebrate the bipartisan collaboration that was necessary to successfully break down barriers and secure this vital funding for Michiganders in need.
“I am so proud that Republicans and Democrats came together to expand energy assistance for 330,000 Michigan families, helping them stay warm in the winter and cool through the summer,” said Governor Whitmer. “Michiganders are still facing high costs, and we need to work together to keep finding commonsense ways to save them money. By expanding MEAP eligibility and making it even easier to sign up, we are making sure that no one has to put on an extra sweater just to eat dinner and kids can come home after a long, hot day playing outside and cool off. Everyone deserves to live in a safe, comfortable, and affordable home, and I am grateful that we came together to lower costs and get this done.”
“While DTE is focused on making transformational investments to provide our customers with cleaner, more reliable energy, we’re also committed to keeping bills as low as possible. Despite these investments, we’re proud to have kept residential customer bills below the national average and bill increases below the rate of inflation – every bit of savings counts for our customers,” said Jerry Norcia, DTE Chairman and CEO. “We’re so grateful for the passion brought by The Coalition to Keep Michigan Warm, legislators and community leaders who stood together to knock down barriers and better meet the changing needs of our most vulnerable customers.”
“I’m thankful for the Coalition to Keep Michigan Warm and our government partners who worked tirelessly to advocate for the passage of these bills, which will help so many families across our state,” said Dr. Darienne Hudson, president and CEO of United Way for Southeastern Michigan. “This MEAP expansion will ensure more households living below the ALICE (Asset-Limited, Income-Constrained, Employed) threshold can access critical utility assistance in a time of need. United Way is committed to helping families move from crisis to stability, and from stability to prosperity, and we’re thrilled to celebrate this additional pathway of support.”
“I’m proud to have partnered with nonprofit leaders, religious organizations and businesses to form the Coalition to Keep Michigan Warm that fought for those in my community, making sure their needs were heard,” said Reverend Richard White III of Dexter Avenue Baptist Church. “I’m thrilled to celebrate the passage of the energy assistance expansion bills alongside these advocates and to know that more funding will be available to even more Michiganders.”
At the end of last year, the Michigan legislature, with a bipartisan vote, passed four pieces of legislation to expand the funding available for low-income Michiganders under the Michigan Energy Assistance Program (MEAP), as well as expanded the eligibility criteria for the program.
The four bills recently signed into law by Governor Whitmer will:
- Double MEAP funding from
$50 million today to$100 million over the next five years, allowing the funds to serve twice as many customers.
- Increase the eligibility of MEAP funds so that any Michigander at or below
200% of the Federal Poverty Level would be eligible. Today, that threshold is150% of the Federal Poverty Level.
- MEAP funds will be allocated to low-income customers who reside in the geographic area where the funds are generated.
- Create sustainability as the surcharge that funds MEAP will be capped at
$2 per meter but can be adjusted by the Michigan Public Service Commission, based on inflation.
During the event, remarks were provided by Governor Whitmer, DTE Chairman and CEO Jerry Norcia, United Way for Southeastern Michigan CEO Dr. Darienne Hudson, and President of the Council of Baptist Pastors, Rev. Richard White.
These bills will go into effect on October 1, 2025, at the beginning of the State’s fiscal year.
About DTE Energy
DTE Energy (NYSE:DTE) is a Detroit-based diversified energy company involved in the development and management of energy-related businesses and services nationwide. Its operating units include an electric company serving 2.3 million customers in Southeast Michigan and a natural gas company serving 1.3 million customers across Michigan. The DTE portfolio also includes energy businesses focused on custom energy solutions, renewable energy generation, and energy marketing and trading. DTE has continued to accelerate its carbon reduction goals to meet aggressive targets and is committed to serving with its energy through volunteerism, education and employment initiatives, philanthropy, emission reductions and economic progress. Information about DTE is available at dteenergy.com, empoweringmichigan.com, x.com/dte_energy and facebook.com/dteenergy.