DTE Energy breaks ground on three new solar parks, all funded by company’s MIGreenPower program

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DTE Energy (NYSE:DTE) has initiated construction on three new solar parks in Michigan, funded by the MIGreenPower program. The Fish Creek and Mission Road solar parks in mid-Michigan, and Little Trout Solar Park in northern Michigan, are part of a broader effort to expand DTE's renewable energy portfolio. These projects, alongside three additional solar parks under construction, will add 800 megawatts of renewable energy, enough to power over 220,000 homes. This is part of DTE's goal to achieve net zero carbon emissions and meet Michigan's renewable energy standard of 60% by 2035. Vice President Joe Musallam highlighted the company's commitment to sustainability and future renewable energy developments. DTE currently powers over 750,000 homes with renewable energy, aiming for 5.5 million homes by 2042. The MIGreenPower program, supported by nearly 100,000 residential and 1,900 business customers, is important for this transition. DTE's renewable energy investments have also created 20,000 local jobs since 2009 and generated significant tax revenue for Michigan communities.

DTE Energy (NYSE:DTE) ha avviato la costruzione di tre nuovi parchi solari nel Michigan, finanziati dal programma MIGreenPower. I parchi solari Fish Creek e Mission Road nel Michigan centrale, insieme al parco solare Little Trout nel Michigan settentrionale, fanno parte di uno sforzo più ampio per espandere il portafoglio di energia rinnovabile di DTE. Questi progetti, insieme ad altri tre parchi solari in costruzione, contribuiranno con 800 megawatt di energia rinnovabile, sufficienti a fornire energia a oltre 220.000 abitazioni. Questo rientra nell'obiettivo di DTE di raggiungere emissioni di carbonio nette zero e di rispettare lo standard di energia rinnovabile del Michigan del 60% entro il 2035. Il vicepresidente Joe Musallam ha messo in evidenza l'impegno dell'azienda per la sostenibilità e per futuri sviluppi nell'ambito dell'energia rinnovabile. Attualmente, DTE alimenta oltre 750.000 abitazioni con energia rinnovabile, puntando a 5,5 milioni di abitazioni entro il 2042. Il programma MIGreenPower, sostenuto da quasi 100.000 clienti residenziali e 1.900 aziende, è fondamentale per questa transizione. Gli investimenti in energia rinnovabile di DTE hanno anche creato 20.000 posti di lavoro locali dal 2009 e generato significative entrate fiscali per le comunità del Michigan.

DTE Energy (NYSE:DTE) ha comenzado la construcción de tres nuevos parques solares en Michigan, financiados por el programa MIGreenPower. Los parques solares Fish Creek y Mission Road en el centro de Michigan, y el parque solar Little Trout en el norte de Michigan, son parte de un esfuerzo más amplio para expandir el portafolio de energía renovable de DTE. Estos proyectos, junto con otros tres parques solares en construcción, agregarán 800 megavatios de energía renovable, suficiente para abastecer a más de 220.000 hogares. Esto es parte del objetivo de DTE de alcanzar emisiones netas de carbono cero y cumplir con el estándar de energía renovable de Michigan del 60% para 2035. El vicepresidente Joe Musallam destacó el compromiso de la empresa con la sostenibilidad y los futuros desarrollos de energía renovable. Actualmente, DTE alimenta a más de 750.000 hogares con energía renovable, con el objetivo de alcanzar 5,5 millones de hogares para 2042. El programa MIGreenPower, apoyado por casi 100.000 clientes residenciales y 1.900 empresarios, es fundamental para esta transición. Las inversiones de DTE en energía renovable también han creado 20.000 empleos locales desde 2009 y generado ingresos fiscales significativos para las comunidades de Michigan.

DTE 에너지원 (NYSE:DTE)는 MIGreenPower 프로그램의 자금을 받아 미시간에서 세 개의 새로운 태양광 공원의 건설을 시작했습니다. 미시간 중부에 위치한 Fish Creek 및 Mission Road 태양광 공원과 북부 미시간의 Little Trout 태양광 공원은 DTE의 재생 가능 에너지 포트폴리오를 확장하기 위한 더 넓은 노력의 일환입니다. 이 프로젝트들은 건설 중인 다른 세 개의 태양광 공원과 함께 800메가와트의 재생 가능 에너지를 추가하여 22만 가구 이상의 전력을 공급할 수 있습니다. 이는 DTE가 2035년까지 탄소 배출을 제로로 달성하고 미시간의 재생 에너지 기준인 60%를 충족하기 위한 목표의 일환입니다. 부사장 Joe Musallam은 회사의 지속 가능성 및 향후 재생 에너지 개발에 대한 헌신을 강조했습니다. DTE는 현재 재생 가능 에너지로 75만 가구 이상에 전력을 공급하고 있으며, 2042년까지 550만 가구에 도달하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. MIGreenPower 프로그램은 거의 10만 명의 주택 고객과 1,900명의 비즈니스 고객에 의해 지원받고 있으며, 이 전환에 매우 중요합니다. DTE의 재생 가능 에너지 투자는 또한 2009년 이후로 2만 개의 지역 일자리를 창출하고 미시간 커뮤니티를 위한 상당한 세수를 발생시켰습니다.

DTE Energy (NYSE:DTE) a lancé la construction de trois nouveaux parcs solaires dans le Michigan, financés par le programme MIGreenPower. Les parcs solaires Fish Creek et Mission Road dans le centre du Michigan, ainsi que le parc solaire Little Trout dans le nord du Michigan, font partie d'un effort plus large pour élargir le portefeuille d'énergie renouvelable de DTE. Ces projets, accompagnés de trois autres parcs solaires en construction, vont ajouter 800 mégawatts d'énergie renouvelable, suffisants pour alimenter plus de 220 000 foyers. Cela fait partie de l'objectif de DTE d'atteindre des émissions de carbone nettes nulles et de respecter la norme d'énergie renouvelable du Michigan de 60% d'ici 2035. Le vice-président Joe Musallam a souligné l'engagement de l'entreprise envers la durabilité et les futurs développements en matière d'énergie renouvelable. Actuellement, DTE fournit de l'énergie renouvelable à plus de 750 000 foyers, avec l'objectif d'atteindre 5,5 millions de foyers d'ici 2042. Le programme MIGreenPower, soutenu par près de 100 000 clients résidentiels et 1 900 entreprises, est essentiel pour cette transition. Les investissements de DTE dans l'énergie renouvelable ont également créé 20 000 emplois locaux depuis 2009 et généré des revenus fiscaux significatifs pour les communautés du Michigan.

DTE Energy (NYSE:DTE) hat mit dem Bau von drei neuen Solarkraftwerken in Michigan begonnen, die durch das MIGreenPower-Programm finanziert werden. Die Solarkraftwerke Fish Creek und Mission Road in Mittelmichigan sowie der Little Trout Solarkraftwerk im Norden von Michigan sind Teil eines umfassenderen Bemühens, das Erneuerbare-Energie-Portfolio von DTE zu erweitern. Diese Projekte, zusammen mit drei weiteren Solarkraftwerken im Bau, werden 800 Megawatt erneuerbare Energie hinzuzufügen, was ausreicht, um über 220.000 Haushalte mit Strom zu versorgen. Dies gehört zu DTEs Ziel, Netto-Null-Kohlenstoffemissionen zu erreichen und den Erneuerbare-Energien-Standard von Michigan von 60% bis 2035 einzuhalten. Vizepräsident Joe Musallam hob das Engagement des Unternehmens für Nachhaltigkeit und zukünftige Entwicklungen im Bereich erneuerbare Energien hervor. Derzeit versorgt DTE über 750.000 Haushalte mit erneuerbarer Energie und hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, bis 2042 5,5 Millionen Haushalte zu versorgen. Das von fast 100.000 Privathaushalten und 1.900 Geschäftskunden unterstützte MIGreenPower-Programm ist für diesen Übergang wichtig. Die Investitionen von DTE in erneuerbare Energien haben seit 2009 auch 20.000 lokale Arbeitsplätze geschaffen und erhebliche Steuereinnahmen für die Gemeinden in Michigan generiert.

  • Initiation of three new solar parks in Michigan.
  • Addition of 800 megawatts of renewable energy.
  • Enough energy to power over 220,000 homes.
  • Support from nearly 100,000 residential and 1,900 business customers.
  • Creation of 20,000 local jobs since 2009.
  • Significant tax revenue generated for Michigan communities.
  • None.


DTE Energy's groundbreaking of three new solar parks, funded by the MIGreenPower program, marks a significant step towards Michigan's ambitious 60% renewable energy standard by 2035. This expansion adds 800 megawatts to DTE's renewable portfolio, capable of powering over 220,000 homes. The company's plan to power 5.5 million homes with renewable energy by 2042 demonstrates a strong commitment to clean energy transition. The MIGreenPower program's success, with nearly 100,000 residential and 1,900 business customers, indicates robust market demand for renewable energy solutions. This initiative not only advances DTE's sustainability goals but also stimulates local economies, having created an estimated 20,000 jobs since 2009 and providing substantial tax revenues to host communities. While positive for DTE's long-term strategy, the immediate financial impact may be , as these projects are customer-funded and part of a gradual transition.

DTE Energy's solar park expansion aligns with Michigan's progressive environmental policies, particularly the new 60% renewable energy standard by 2035. This ambitious target places Michigan among the leading states in renewable energy adoption. The MIGreenPower program exemplifies an innovative approach to accelerating clean energy transition through voluntary customer participation. This model could serve as a blueprint for other utilities nationwide. The program's success in attracting both residential and business customers, including major corporations like DENSO, demonstrates the growing recognition of renewable energy's importance in corporate sustainability strategies. The initiative's dual impact on reducing carbon emissions and stimulating local economies through job creation and tax revenue generation showcases the potential for environmental policies to drive economic growth. However, the long-term success will depend on continued customer engagement and the ability to scale renewable infrastructure efficiently.

Detroit, Sept. 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- DTE Energy (NYSE:DTE), Michigan’s largest producer of and investor in renewable energy, today announced that it has broken ground on three new solar parks in the last four months, in response to growing customer support for clean, renewable energy. The Fish Creek and Mission Road solar parks, located in mid-Michigan, and the Little Trout Solar Park, located in northern Michigan, are all funded by customers who voluntarily enrolled in DTE’s CleanVision MIGreenPower program.

In addition to the three solar parks referenced above, three other solar parks funded through MIGreenPower are currently under construction. Together, all six developments will add 800 megawatts to DTE’s renewable energy portfolio, enough to power more than 220,000 homes. These solar developments are yet another step toward the company’s goal of achieving net zero carbon emissions and reaching Michigan’s new renewable energy standard of 60% by 2035.

“It’s an exciting time for DTE’s clean energy journey as we continue to make industry-leading advancements in our renewable energy portfolio and overall sustainability goals,” said Joe Musallam, vice president, renewable energy development, DTE Energy. “We’ll continue to build on this momentum with additional renewable energy developments in the coming years, so we not only meet Michigan’s aggressive renewable energy standard but also deliver on our commitment to a cleaner future for our customers, our communities and our state.”

DTE already generates enough clean energy from wind and solar to power more than 750,000 homes and plans to power approximately 5.5 million homes with renewable energy by 2042. MIGreenPower is helping accelerate this clean energy transition, as DTE plans to add more than 2,400 megawatts of new wind and solar energy to support enrolled customers in the coming years. This demand for clean energy comes from nearly 100,000 residential and 1,900 business customers who are using MIGreenPower to reduce their environmental impact and meet key sustainability goals.

“We recently enrolled in MIGreenPower to help meet our goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2035,” said Denise Carlson, vice president of DENSO’s North America Production Innovation Center and leader of the Sustainability Promotion Department. “We’re proud that our participation not only makes operations cleaner at our enrolled facilities, but also supports future wind and solar park developments, enhancing clean energy access across Michigan.”

DTE’s investment in renewable energy is delivering cleaner energy to customers while strengthening Michigan’s economy. Since 2009, the company’s renewable energy developments have created an estimated 20,000 local jobs. Additionally, communities that host DTE’s wind and solar parks receive millions of dollars in added tax revenue over years of operation, funding used for roads, schools, first responders and other vital community services. DTE is proud to play a role in helping Michigan communities thrive as the company works to create a more sustainable future for all.

About DTE Energy
DTE Energy (NYSE:DTE) is a Detroit-based diversified energy company involved in the development and management of energy-related businesses and services nationwide. Its operating units include an electric company serving 2.3 million customers in Southeast Michigan and a natural gas company serving 1.3 million customers across Michigan. The DTE portfolio also includes energy businesses focused on custom energy solutions, renewable energy generation, and energy marketing and trading. DTE has continued to accelerate its carbon reduction goals to meet aggressive targets and is committed to serving with its energy through volunteerism, education and employment initiatives, philanthropy, emission reductions and economic progress. Information about DTE is available at and


What new solar parks has DTE Energy started constructing?

DTE Energy has begun constructing the Fish Creek, Mission Road, and Little Trout solar parks in Michigan.

How much renewable energy will the new solar parks add to DTE's portfolio?

The new solar parks will add 800 megawatts of renewable energy to DTE's portfolio.

How many homes will the new solar parks power?

The new solar parks will provide enough energy to power over 220,000 homes.

What is DTE Energy’s renewable energy goal for 2035?

DTE Energy aims to achieve net zero carbon emissions and meet Michigan's renewable energy standard of 60% by 2035.

How many customers are enrolled in DTE’s MIGreenPower program?

Nearly 100,000 residential and 1,900 business customers are enrolled in the MIGreenPower program.

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