DIRTT Receives Industry Excellence Recognition from Industrialized Construction Group Through New Medallion Program

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DIRTT Environmental Solutions (TSX: DRT) (OTC: DRTTF) has been awarded the Industrialized Construction Maturity Assessment (ICMA) Platinum Medallion from Industrialized Construction Group (ICG). This recognition is the highest achievement in ICG's new program designed to acknowledge outstanding performance in industrialized construction.

The ICMA Platinum Medallion is awarded to companies that score in the top one percent of ICG's comprehensive assessment, which evaluates performance across various aspects of industrialized construction. This achievement reflects DIRTT's industry leadership, manufacturing excellence, strategic integration, design excellence, and exemplary ESG standards.

DIRTT's CEO, Benjamin Urban, stated that this recognition not only honors their dedication to excellence but also provides a valuable roadmap for continuous improvement and innovation in the industry.

DIRTT Environmental Solutions (TSX: DRT) (OTC: DRTTF) ha ricevuto il Medaglione Platino per la Valutazione della Maturità nella Costruzione Industrializzata (ICMA) da parte del Gruppo di Costruzione Industrializzata (ICG). Questo riconoscimento rappresenta il più alto traguardo nel nuovo programma dell'ICG progettato per riconoscere le prestazioni eccezionali nella costruzione industrializzata.

Il Medaglione Platino ICMA viene assegnato alle aziende che ottengono un punteggio nel top uno percento della valutazione completa dell'ICG, che valuta le prestazioni su vari aspetti della costruzione industrializzata. Questo risultato riflette la leadership di DIRTT nel settore, l'eccellenza nella produzione, l'integrazione strategica, l'eccellenza nel design e standard ESG esemplari.

Il CEO di DIRTT, Benjamin Urban, ha affermato che questo riconoscimento non solo onora il loro impegno per l'eccellenza, ma fornisce anche una preziosa guida per il miglioramento continuo e l'innovazione nel settore.

DIRTT Environmental Solutions (TSX: DRT) (OTC: DRTTF) ha sido galardonada con el Medallón Platino de Evaluación de Madurez en Construcción Industrializada (ICMA) por el Grupo de Construcción Industrializada (ICG). Este reconocimiento es el logro más alto en el nuevo programa de ICG diseñado para reconocer el rendimiento excepcional en la construcción industrializada.

El Medallón Platino ICMA se otorga a las empresas que obtienen una puntuación en el uno por ciento superior de la evaluación integral de ICG, que evalúa el rendimiento en diversos aspectos de la construcción industrializada. Este logro refleja el liderazgo de DIRTT en la industria, la excelencia en la fabricación, la integración estratégica, la excelencia en el diseño y estándares ESG ejemplares.

El CEO de DIRTT, Benjamin Urban, declaró que este reconocimiento no solo honra su dedicación a la excelencia, sino que también proporciona una valiosa hoja de ruta para la mejora continua y la innovación en la industria.

DIRTT 환경 솔루션 (TSX: DRT) (OTC: DRTTF)은 산업화 건설 그룹 (ICG)으로부터 산업화 건설 성숙도 평가(ICMA) 플래티넘 메달을 수상했습니다. 이 인정은 산업화 건설 분야에서 뛰어난 성과를 인정하기 위해 ICG에서 새롭게 만든 프로그램에서 가장 높은 성과입니다.

ICMA 플래티넘 메달은 ICG의 종합 평가에서 상위 1%에 해당하는 점수를 받은 기업에 수여됩니다. 이 성과는 DIRTT의 산업 리더십, 제조 우수성, 전략적 통합, 디자인 우수성 및 모범적인 ESG 기준을 반영합니다.

DIRTT의 CEO인 벤자민 어반은 이 인정이 그들의 우수성에 대한 헌신을 기리기만 하는 것이 아니라, 업계에서 지속적인 개선과 혁신을 위한 귀중한 로드맵을 제공한다고 밝혔습니다.

DIRTT Environmental Solutions (TSX: DRT) (OTC: DRTTF) a reçu la Médaille Platine de l'Évaluation de la Maturité en Construction Industrialisée (ICMA) du Groupe de Construction Industrialisée (ICG). Cette reconnaissance est la plus haute distinction du nouveau programme de l'ICG conçu pour reconnaître des performances exceptionnelles dans la construction industrialisée.

La Médaille Platine ICMA est décernée aux entreprises qui se classent dans le un pour cent supérieur de l'évaluation complète de l'ICG, qui évalue les performances sur divers aspects de la construction industrialisée. Ce succès témoigne du leadership de DIRTT dans l'industrie, de l'excellence de sa fabrication, de son intégration stratégique, de son excellence en design et de ses normes ESG exemplaires.

Le PDG de DIRTT, Benjamin Urban, a déclaré que cette reconnaissance honore non seulement leur engagement envers l'excellence, mais fournit également une feuille de route précieuse pour l'amélioration continue et l'innovation dans l'industrie.

DIRTT Environmental Solutions (TSX: DRT) (OTC: DRTTF) wurde mit dem Platin-Medaille für die Bewertung der Reife in der industrialisierten Bauweise (ICMA) von der Industrialized Construction Group (ICG) ausgezeichnet. Diese Anerkennung stellt die höchste Auszeichnung im neuen Programm von ICG dar, das herausragende Leistungen im Bereich des industrialisierten Bauens würdigt.

Die ICMA-Platinmedaille wird an Unternehmen verliehen, die im obersten ein Prozent der umfassenden Bewertung von ICG abschneiden, die die Leistungen in verschiedenen Aspekten des industrialisierten Bauens bewertet. Dieser Erfolg spiegelt die Branchenführerschaft von DIRTT, exzellente Fertigung, strategische Integration, exzellentes Design und vorbildliche ESG-Standards wider.

Der CEO von DIRTT, Benjamin Urban, erklärte, dass diese Anerkennung nicht nur ihr Engagement für Exzellenz ehrt, sondern auch einen wertvollen Fahrplan für kontinuierliche Verbesserungen und Innovationen in der Branche bietet.

  • Received highest recognition (Platinum Medallion) in ICG's new assessment program
  • Scored in the top 1% of ICG's comprehensive assessment
  • Recognition reflects industry leadership and excellence in multiple areas
  • None.

CALGARY, Alberta, Oct. 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- DIRTT Environmental Solutions Ltd. (TSX: DRT) (OTC: DRTTF) (“DIRTT”), a global leader in industrialized construction, has been awarded the Industrialized Construction Maturity Assessment (ICMA) Platinum Medallion from Industrialized Construction Group (ICG). This new program from ICG is designed to recognize outstanding performance across key disciplines and drivers of industrialized construction success and the Platinum Medallion is the program’s highest achievement.

“Achieving the ICMA Platinum Medallion is a reflection of DIRTT’s dedication to excellence in our industry,” said Benjamin Urban, CEO of DIRTT. “Not only is it an honor to receive the highest designation, but it also provides us with a valuable roadmap for continuous improvement and innovation.”

Organizations awarded the ICMA Medallion must undergo a comprehensive data-driven, third-party assessment to evaluate the company’s performance across various aspects of industrialized construction. Medallions are awarded to top performers based on a percentile rating relative to the entire ICMA scoring database. A Platinum Medallion requires a company to score in the top one percent and reflects industry leadership, manufacturing excellence, strategic integration, design excellence and exemplary ESG standards.


DIRTT is a leader in industrialized construction. DIRTT's system of physical products and digital tools empowers organizations, together with construction and design leaders, to build high-performing, adaptable, interior environments. Operating in the workplace, healthcare, education, and public sector markets, DIRTT's system provides total design freedom, and greater certainty in cost, schedule, and outcomes. DIRTT's interior construction solutions are designed to be highly flexible and adaptable, enabling organizations to easily reconfigure their spaces as their needs evolve. Headquartered in Calgary, AB, Canada, DIRTT trades on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol "DRT".

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What award did DIRTT Environmental Solutions (DRTTF) receive from ICG?

DIRTT Environmental Solutions (DRTTF) received the Industrialized Construction Maturity Assessment (ICMA) Platinum Medallion from Industrialized Construction Group (ICG), which is the highest achievement in ICG's new recognition program.

What does the ICMA Platinum Medallion awarded to DIRTT (DRTTF) signify?

The ICMA Platinum Medallion signifies that DIRTT (DRTTF) scored in the top one percent of ICG's comprehensive assessment, reflecting industry leadership, manufacturing excellence, strategic integration, design excellence, and exemplary ESG standards.

How does DIRTT's CEO view the ICMA Platinum Medallion award?

DIRTT's CEO, Benjamin Urban, views the ICMA Platinum Medallion as a reflection of the company's dedication to excellence and a valuable roadmap for continuous improvement and innovation in the industrialized construction industry.



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