Innovating for Packaging Circularity

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Dow, a leading materials science company, is innovating for packaging circularity through its REVOLOOP™ Recycled Plastic Resins. This global line of mechanically recycled plastic resins incorporates up to 100% recycled content, helping customers meet circularity and low-carbon targets. Dow aims to deliver 3 million metric tons of circular and renewable solutions annually by 2030.

The company is collaborating with partners worldwide to manage post-consumer recycled (PCR) plastic as a valuable resource. This includes investing in technologies for large-scale mechanical recycling, enhancing waste management infrastructure, and working with brands and manufacturers to design for circularity. Dow's partnerships span the entire value chain, from supporting waste picker cooperatives to developing PCR packaging applications with flexible film manufacturers globally.

Dow, un'azienda leader nella scienza dei materiali, sta innovando per la circolarità degli imballaggi attraverso le sue Resine di Plastica Riciclata REVOLOOP™. Questa gamma globale di resine di plastica riciclata meccanicamente incorpora fino al 100% di contenuto riciclato, aiutando i clienti a raggiungere obiettivi di circolarità e basse emissioni di carbonio. Dow si propone di fornire 3 milioni di tonnellate metriche di soluzioni circolari e rinnovabili annualmente entro il 2030.

L'azienda sta collaborando con partner in tutto il mondo per gestire la plastica post-consumo riciclata (PCR) come una risorsa preziosa. Ciò include investimenti in tecnologie per il riciclo meccanico su larga scala, miglioramento delle infrastrutture di gestione dei rifiuti e collaborazione con marchi e produttori per progettare in ottica di circolarità. Le partnership di Dow coprono l'intera catena del valore, dal supporto alle cooperative di raccoglitori di rifiuti allo sviluppo di applicazioni di imballaggio PCR con produttori di film flessibili a livello globale.

Dow, una empresa líder en ciencia de materiales, está innovando para la circularidad del embalaje a través de sus Resinas de Plástico Reciclado REVOLOOP™. Esta línea global de resinas de plástico recicladas mecánicamente incorpora hasta un 100% de contenido reciclado, ayudando a los clientes a cumplir con los objetivos de circularidad y bajas emisiones de carbono. Dow tiene como objetivo entregar 3 millones de toneladas métricas de soluciones circulares y renovables anualmente para 2030.

La empresa está colaborando con socios en todo el mundo para gestionar el plástico reciclado post-consumo (PCR) como un recurso valioso. Esto incluye la inversión en tecnologías para el reciclaje mecánico a gran escala, mejorar la infraestructura de gestión de residuos y trabajar con marcas y fabricantes para diseñar con un enfoque circular. Las asociaciones de Dow abarcan toda la cadena de valor, desde el apoyo a cooperativas de recolectores de residuos hasta el desarrollo de aplicaciones de embalaje PCR con fabricantes de películas flexibles a nivel global.

Dow는 선도적인 소재 과학 회사로서, REVOLOOP™ 재활용 플라스틱 수지를 통해 포장 순환성을 위해 혁신하고 있습니다. 이 글로벌 라인은 최대 100% 재활용 콘텐츠를 포함하는 기계적으로 재활용된 플라스틱 수지로, 고객이 순환성과 저탄소 목표를 달성하는 데 도움을 줍니다. Dow는 2030년까지 매년 300만 메트릭 톤의 순환 및 재생 가능한 솔루션을 제공하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

이 회사는 전 세계의 파트너와 협력하여 소비자 후 재활용( PCR ) 플라스틱을 귀중한 자원으로 관리하고 있습니다. 여기에는 대규모 기계적 재활용 기술에 대한 투자, 폐기물 관리 인프라 개선, 브랜드 및 제조업체와 협력하여 순환 설계를 실현하는 것이 포함됩니다. Dow의 파트너십은 폐기물 수거 협동조합 지원부터 전 세계의 유연한 필름 제조업체와 함께 PCR 포장 애플리케이션 개발에 이르기까지 전체 가치 사슬을 포괄합니다.

Dow, une entreprise leader dans le domaine des sciences des matériaux, innove pour la circularité de l'emballage grâce à ses Résines Plastiques Recyclées REVOLOOP™. Cette ligne mondiale de résines plastiques recyclées mécaniquement incorpore jusqu'à 100% de contenu recyclé, aidant les clients à atteindre des objectifs de circularité et à faibles émissions de carbone. Dow vise à fournir 3 millions de tonnes métriques de solutions circulaires et renouvelables par an d'ici 2030.

L'entreprise collabore avec des partenaires du monde entier pour gérer le plastique recyclé post-consommation (PCR) comme une ressource précieuse. Cela inclut des investissements dans des technologies pour le recyclage mécanique à grande échelle, l'amélioration des infrastructures de gestion des déchets et le travail avec des marques et des fabricants pour concevoir de manière circulaire. Les partenariats de Dow couvrent l'ensemble de la chaîne de valeur, du soutien aux coopératives de ramassage des déchets jusqu'au développement d'applications d'emballage PCR avec des fabricants de films flexibles à l'échelle mondiale.

Dow, ein führendes Unternehmen im Bereich Materialwissenschaften, innoviert für die Kreislaufwirtschaft von Verpackungen durch seine REVOLOOP™ Recycelte Kunststoffharze. Diese globale Produktlinie aus mechanisch recyceltem Kunststoffharz enthält bis zu 100% Recyclinganteil, was den Kunden hilft, Ziele in Bezug auf Kreislaufwirtschaft und niedrige Kohlenstoffemissionen zu erreichen. Dow hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, bis 2030 jährlich 3 Millionen metrische Tonnen an kreislauffähigen und erneuerbaren Lösungen bereitzustellen.

Das Unternehmen arbeitet weltweit mit Partnern zusammen, um post-consumer recycelten (PCR) Kunststoff als wertvolle Ressource zu verwalten. Dies umfasst Investitionen in Technologien für das großflächige mechanische Recycling, die Verbesserung der Abfallmanagementinfrastruktur und die Zusammenarbeit mit Marken und Herstellern, um eine kreislauffähige Gestaltung zu fördern. Dows Partnerschaften decken die gesamte Wertschöpfungskette ab, von der Unterstützung von Abfallverwertungskooperativen bis hin zur Entwicklung von PCR-Verpackungsanwendungen mit Herstellern flexibler Folien weltweit.

  • Dow's REVOLOOP™ Recycled Plastic Resins incorporate up to 100% recycled content
  • Goal to deliver 3 million metric tons of circular and renewable solutions annually by 2030
  • Collaborating with global partners to manage PCR plastic as a valuable resource
  • Investing in technologies for large-scale mechanical recycling
  • Developing PCR packaging applications with manufacturers in China, India, and Germany
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / October 21, 2024 / Through our passion for innovative materials science, and collaboration with partners, we can unlock the value in plastic waste and improving the circularity of our products.

I've had a passion for both science and nature from an early age. As a North America Circularity Technology Leader for Dow, I am melding my passions by using advanced materials and technology to develop sustainable packaging solutions that are circular and use fewer resources.

While plastics are crucial to everyday life and a low-carbon future, plastic pollution has no place in the environment. At Dow, we have set ambitious targets to reduce plastic waste and retain its value in a circular economy. Our goal is to transform plastic waste and other forms of alternative feedstock to deliver 3 million metric tons per year of circular and renewable solutions annually by 2030.

One way that we are capturing the value of plastic waste is with our REVOLOOP™ Recycled Plastic Resins.

Unlocking the value in plastic waste

A global line of mechanically recycled plastic resins, REVOLOOP™ is Dow's first post-consumer recycled (PCR) product to incorporate up to 100% recycled content. This growing portfolio of PCR resins is providing customers with high-performance products that also help meet their circularity and low-carbon targets. In addition, the single-pellet solution enables a simpler PCR process integration, meeting the needs of converters, brand owners and packaging designers, and can be used in a broad range of applications.

PCR solutions present an opportunity to help close the loopopens in a new tab on plastic waste while leveraging the sustainability benefits of plastic packaging. By incorporating PCR resins into a product, we can help reduce its footprint during production by decreasing energy output and greenhouse gases. Additionally, for typical packaging applications, the equivalent plastic solution weighs significantly less than the alternatives, reducing greenhouse gas emissions throughout the supply chain.

Partnering for progress

With our REVOLOOP™ Recycled Plastic Resins, we are collaborating with partners around the world to ensure PCR plastic is managed like the valuable resource that it is.

This includes investing in technologies to support mechanical recycling on a larger scale, enhancing waste management infrastructure, and collaborating with brands and manufacturers to design for circularity. Our partnerships encompass the entire value chain, collaborating with specialized organizations to contribute on the professionalization process of waste picker cooperatives in Brazil and Africa to developing PCR packaging applications with flexible film manufacturers in China, India and Germany.

Plastics are an indispensable part of a low-carbon future - they make cars lighter and more fuel efficient, homes more energy efficient and reduce food waste. At the same time, we need a new approach to the traditional "take-make-dispose" model. Through our passion for innovative materials science, and collaboration with partners, we can unlock the value in plastic waste and improving the circularity of our products.

About the author

Jessica Rogers is the North America Circularity Technology Leader in the Technical Service & Development (TS&D) organization of Dow's Packaging & Specialty Plastics (P&SP) business. In this role, she is responsible for the development and execution of Dow's post-consumer recycled (PCR) product growth plans and shaping the strategy for circular product proliferation for the North American markets. Jessica received her PhD in Chemical Engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology and joined Dow in 2015 where she has held various roles across businesses within R&D and TS&D. In her free time, Jessica enjoys pursuing adventures such as skydiving, hiking, backpacking and scuba diving in far-flung places.

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What is Dow's REVOLOOP™ Recycled Plastic Resins and how does it contribute to sustainability?

REVOLOOP™ is Dow's (DOW) global line of mechanically recycled plastic resins that incorporates up to 100% recycled content. It helps customers meet circularity and low-carbon targets by providing high-performance products with reduced environmental impact.

What is Dow's (DOW) target for circular and renewable solutions by 2030?

Dow (DOW) aims to deliver 3 million metric tons of circular and renewable solutions annually by 2030, focusing on transforming plastic waste and other alternative feedstocks.

How is Dow (DOW) collaborating with partners to improve plastic recycling?

Dow (DOW) is collaborating with partners worldwide to manage post-consumer recycled plastic as a valuable resource. This includes investing in mechanical recycling technologies, enhancing waste management infrastructure, and working with brands and manufacturers to design for circularity.

What are the benefits of incorporating PCR resins into products according to Dow (DOW)?

According to Dow (DOW), incorporating PCR resins into products can reduce their footprint during production by decreasing energy output and greenhouse gases. For typical packaging applications, plastic solutions with PCR resins weigh less than alternatives, reducing greenhouse gas emissions throughout the supply chain.

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