Deluxe Welcomes Kim Cross as Chief Human Resources Officer

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Deluxe, a trusted Payments and Data Company, has appointed Kimberly D. Cross as its new Chief Human Resources Officer. Cross brings nearly 30 years of experience as a strategic HR leader, with a proven track record in leading growth and innovation through improved people, team, and culture strategies.

Cross joins Deluxe from Fiserv, where she was Senior Vice President, Head of HR for Merchant Solutions. Her responsibilities included talent and succession planning, organizational design, culture, leadership development, and people platform priorities. She previously held senior HR roles at Bank of America and the Coca-Cola Company, and started her career as a psychologist with the U.S. Navy flight program.

Barry McCarthy, President and CEO of Deluxe, expressed confidence in Cross's ability to lead the company's people strategies for the future, emphasizing that people are Deluxe's number one asset.

Deluxe, un'azienda affidabile nel settore dei pagamenti e dei dati, ha nominato Kimberly D. Cross come nuovo Chief Human Resources Officer. Cross porta con sé quasi 30 anni di esperienza come leader strategico delle risorse umane, con un comprovato record di successi nella guida della crescita e dell'innovazione attraverso strategie migliorate per le persone, i team e la cultura.

Cross entra in Deluxe da Fiserv, dove ricopriva il ruolo di Senior Vice President, Head of HR per le Merchant Solutions. Le sue responsabilità includevano la pianificazione delle carriere e della successione, il design organizzativo, la cultura, lo sviluppo della leadership e le priorità della piattaforma delle persone. Ha ricoperto in precedenza ruoli senior nelle risorse umane presso Bank of America e la Coca-Cola Company, e ha iniziato la sua carriera come psicologa nel programma di volo della Marina degli Stati Uniti.

Barry McCarthy, Presidente e CEO di Deluxe, ha espresso fiducia nella capacità di Cross di guidare le strategie per le persone dell'azienda per il futuro, sottolineando che le persone sono il principale patrimonio di Deluxe.

Deluxe, una empresa de pagos y datos de confianza, ha nombrado a Kimberly D. Cross como su nueva Directora de Recursos Humanos. Cross aporta casi 30 años de experiencia como líder estratégico en recursos humanos, con un historial comprobado en liderar el crecimiento y la innovación a través de estrategias mejoradas para las personas, los equipos y la cultura.

Cross se une a Deluxe desde Fiserv, donde fue Vicepresidenta Senior y Jefa de Recursos Humanos para soluciones comerciales. Sus responsabilidades incluían la planificación del talento y la sucesión, el diseño organizativo, la cultura, el desarrollo del liderazgo y las prioridades de la plataforma de personas. Previamente ocupó puestos senior en recursos humanos en Bank of America y en Coca-Cola, y comenzó su carrera como psicóloga en el programa de vuelo de la Marina de los EE. UU.

Barry McCarthy, Presidente y CEO de Deluxe, expresó confianza en la capacidad de Cross para liderar las estrategias de personas de la empresa en el futuro, enfatizando que las personas son el activo número uno de Deluxe.

신뢰받는 결제 및 데이터 회사인 Deluxe가 Kimberly D. Cross를 새로운 인사 총괄 책임자로 임명했습니다. Cross는 거의 30년의 경험을 보유한 전략적 인사 리더로서, 인재, 팀 및 문화 전략 개선을 통해 성장과 혁신을 이끄는 입증된 실적을 가지고 있습니다.

Cross는 Fiserv에서 Merchant Solutions의 인사 책임자 겸 수석 부사장을 역임하며 Deluxe에 합류했습니다. 그녀의 책임은 인재 및 승계 계획, 조직 설계, 문화, 리더십 개발 및 인력 플랫폼 우선 사항을 포함했습니다. 그녀는 이전에 Bank of America와 Coca-Cola Company의 고위 인사 역할을 맡았으며, 미국 해군 비행 프로그램에서 심리학자로 경력을 시작했습니다.

Deluxe의 대통령 겸 CEO인 Barry McCarthy는 Cross가 회사의 인사 전략을 미래로 이끌 수 있는 능력에 대한 신뢰를 표명하며, 인력이 Deluxe의 가장 중요한 자산임을 강조했습니다.

Deluxe, une entreprise de paiement et de données de confiance, a nommé Kimberly D. Cross comme nouvelle Directrice des Ressources Humaines. Cross possède près de 30 ans d'expérience en tant que leader stratégique des RH, avec un parcours éprouvé dans le leadership de la croissance et de l'innovation grâce à des stratégies améliorées pour les personnes, les équipes et la culture.

Cross rejoint Deluxe en provenance de Fiserv, où elle était Vice-Présidente Senior, Responsable des RH pour les solutions marchandes. Ses responsabilités comprenaient la planification des talents et des successions, la conception organisationnelle, la culture, le développement du leadership et les priorités de la plateforme des personnes. Elle a précédemment occupé des postes de direction en RH chez Bank of America et Coca-Cola, et a débuté sa carrière comme psychologue dans le programme de vol de la Marine américaine.

Barry McCarthy, Président et CEO de Deluxe, a exprimé sa confiance dans la capacité de Cross à diriger les stratégies humaines de l'entreprise pour l'avenir, en soulignant que les personnes sont le principal atout de Deluxe.

Deluxe, ein vertrauenswürdiges Unternehmen für Zahlungen und Daten, hat Kimberly D. Cross zur neuen Chief Human Resources Officer ernannt. Cross bringt fast 30 Jahre Erfahrung als strategische HR-Leiterin mit und hat eine nachweisliche Erfolgsbilanz in der Führung von Wachstum und Innovation durch verbesserte Strategien für Menschen, Teams und Unternehmenskultur.

Cross kommt von Fiserv zu Deluxe, wo sie als Senior Vice President, Head of HR für Merchant Solutions tätig war. Zu ihren Aufgaben gehörten die Planung von Talenten und Nachfolgen, Organisationsdesign, Kultur, Führungsentwicklung und Prioritäten der Personalplattform. Zuvor hatte sie in leitenden HR-Positionen bei Bank of America und der Coca-Cola Company gearbeitet und begann ihre Karriere als Psychologin im Flugprogramm der US Navy.

Barry McCarthy, Präsident und CEO von Deluxe, äußerte sich zuversichtlich, dass Cross in der Lage ist, die Personalstrategien des Unternehmens in die Zukunft zu führen und betonte, dass die Menschen das wichtigste Kapital von Deluxe sind.

  • Appointment of experienced HR leader with nearly 30 years of expertise
  • Cross's background in payments industry (Fiserv) aligns with Deluxe's business
  • Potential for improved talent management and organizational culture
  • None.

Payments industry veteran joins to help accelerate growth

MINNEAPOLIS--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Deluxe, a trusted Payments and Data Company, announces the appointment of Kimberly D. Cross as its Chief Human Resources Officer.

Cross brings nearly 30 years of experience as a strategic and accomplished HR leader, with a proven track record of leading growth and innovation by continually improving strategies focused on people, teams, and culture.

“Kim’s experience and leadership style are a perfect fit for Deluxe,” said Barry McCarthy, President and CEO of Deluxe. “Our people are our number one asset, and we conducted an extensive search to find a leader with the right combination of expertise and skill to help lead our people strategies for the future. I look forward to the outcomes her approach to talent, culture, and professional growth will deliver."

Cross joins Deluxe from Fiserv, where she served as Senior Vice President, Head of HR for Merchant Solutions, the company’s largest segment. She was responsible for talent and succession planning, organizational design, culture, leadership development, and people platform priorities. Previously, she served in increasingly senior HR roles at Bank of America and the Coca-Cola Company. Cross started her career as a psychologist with the U.S. Navy flight program.

"I am excited to join Deluxe and partner with such well-respected industry leaders," said Cross. "It is an exciting time to join such a dynamic company, and I’m especially looking forward to collaborating with the leadership team to make Deluxe an even better place to work while completing the transformation and helping to accelerate growth."

About Deluxe Corporation

Deluxe, a Trusted Payments and Data company, champions business so communities thrive. Our solutions help businesses pay, get paid, and grow. For more than 100 years, Deluxe customers have relied on our solutions and platforms at all stages of their lifecycle, from start-up to maturity. Our powerful scale supports millions of small businesses, thousands of vital financial institutions and hundreds of the world’s largest consumer brands, while processing more than $2 trillion in annual payment volume. Our reach, scale and distribution channels position Deluxe to be our customers’ most trusted business partner. To learn how we can help your business, visit us at

Brian Anderson, VP, Strategy & Investor Relations


Keith Negrin, VP, Communications


Source: Deluxe Corporation


Who is the new Chief Human Resources Officer at Deluxe (DLX)?

Kimberly D. Cross has been appointed as the new Chief Human Resources Officer at Deluxe (DLX).

What is Kimberly D. Cross's background before joining Deluxe (DLX)?

Before joining Deluxe, Kimberly D. Cross was Senior Vice President, Head of HR for Merchant Solutions at Fiserv. She also held senior HR roles at Bank of America and the Coca-Cola Company, and started her career as a psychologist with the U.S. Navy flight program.

How many years of experience does Kimberly D. Cross bring to Deluxe (DLX)?

Kimberly D. Cross brings nearly 30 years of experience as a strategic and accomplished HR leader to Deluxe (DLX).

What are Deluxe's (DLX) expectations from Kimberly D. Cross in her new role?

Deluxe expects Kimberly D. Cross to lead their people strategies for the future, focusing on talent, culture, and professional growth to help accelerate the company's growth and complete its transformation.

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