Digital Realty Refinances and Upsizes Revolving Credit Facilities to $4.5 Billion

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Digital Realty (NYSE: DLR) has refinanced and upsized its revolving credit facilities to $4.5 billion. The company extended and increased its global revolving credit facility from $3.75 billion to $4.2 billion, maturing in January 2029 with two six-month extension options. Additionally, Digital Realty upsized its Japanese yen-denominated facility to ¥42.511 billion (approximately $297 million) with the same maturity and extension options.

Both facilities feature a sustainability-linked pricing component and offer the ability to increase further. The global facility can be expanded by up to $1.8 billion, while the Japanese facility can be increased by up to ¥60 billion (approximately $418 million). The refinancing was well oversubscribed, demonstrating strong support from the global lending community and providing Digital Realty with increased financial flexibility for prudent investment in its global portfolio growth.

Digital Realty (NYSE: DLR) ha rifinanziato e ampliato le sue linee di credito revolving a 4,5 miliardi di dollari. L'azienda ha esteso e aumentato la sua linea di credito revolving globale da 3,75 miliardi di dollari a 4,2 miliardi di dollari, che scadrà a gennaio 2029 con due opzioni di proroga di sei mesi. Inoltre, Digital Realty ha aumentato la sua linea di credito denominata in yen giapponesi a ¥42,511 miliardi (circa 297 milioni di dollari) con le stesse scadenze e opzioni di proroga.

Entrambe le linee di credito presentano un componente di prezzo legato alla sostenibilità e offrono la possibilità di un ulteriore aumento. La linea globale può essere espansa fino a 1,8 miliardi di dollari, mentre la linea giapponese può essere aumentata fino a ¥60 miliardi (circa 418 milioni di dollari). Il rifinanziamento ha ricevuto una domanda elevata, dimostrando un forte sostegno da parte della comunità globale dei prestatori e fornendo a Digital Realty una maggiore flessibilità finanziaria per investimenti prudenti nella crescita del suo portafoglio globale.

Digital Realty (NYSE: DLR) ha refinanciado y aumentado sus líneas de crédito revolving a 4.5 mil millones de dólares. La empresa amplió y aumentó su línea de crédito revolving global de 3.75 mil millones de dólares a 4.2 mil millones de dólares, que vencerá en enero de 2029 con dos opciones de prórroga de seis meses. Además, Digital Realty aumentó su línea de crédito denominada en yenes japoneses a ¥42.511 mil millones (aproximadamente 297 millones de dólares) con las mismas fechas de vencimiento y opciones de prórroga.

Ambas líneas de crédito cuentan con un componente de precios vinculado a la sostenibilidad y ofrecen la posibilidad de aumentar aún más. La línea global se puede expandir en hasta 1.8 mil millones de dólares, mientras que la línea japonesa se puede aumentar en hasta ¥60 mil millones (aproximadamente 418 millones de dólares). El refinanciamiento fue muy demandado, demostrando un fuerte apoyo de la comunidad de prestamistas global y proporcionando a Digital Realty una mayor flexibilidad financiera para inversiones prudentes en el crecimiento de su portafolio global.

디지털 리얼티(Digital Realty, NYSE: DLR)는 자 revolving credit 시설을 45억 달러로 재융자하고 확대했습니다. 이 회사는 글로벌 자 revolving credit 시설을 37억 5천만 달러에서 42억 달러로 연장하고 증액했으며, 2029년 1월 만료되며 두 번의 6개월 연장 옵션이 있습니다. 또한 디지털 리얼티는 일본 엔화로 표시된 시설을 ¥42,511억(약 2억 9천7백만 달러)으로 확대했으며, 동일한 만료일과 연장 옵션을 가지고 있습니다.

두 개의 시설 모두 지속 가능성에 연계된 가격 책정 요소를 특징으로 하며, 추가 확장이 가능합니다. 글로벌 시설은 최대 18억 달러까지 확장할 수 있으며, 일본 시설은 최대 ¥60억(약 4억 1천8백만 달러)까지 늘릴 수 있습니다. 이번 재융자는 과도한 수요를 기록하여 글로벌 대출 커뮤니티의 강력한 지원을 보여주었으며, 디지털 리얼티가 글로벌 포트폴리오 성장을 위한 신중한 투자에 대한 재정적 유연성을 제공받게 되었습니다.

Digital Realty (NYSE: DLR) a refinancé et augmenté ses lignes de crédit revolving à 4,5 milliards de dollars. L'entreprise a prolongé et augmenté sa ligne de crédit revolving mondiale de 3,75 milliards de dollars à 4,2 milliards de dollars, qui arrivera à échéance en janvier 2029 avec deux options de prolongation de six mois. De plus, Digital Realty a augmenté sa ligne de crédit libellée en yen japonais à ¥42,511 milliards (environ 297 millions de dollars) avec les mêmes échéances et options de prolongation.

Ces deux lignes de crédit comportent un composant de tarification lié à la durabilité et offrent la possibilité d'une augmentation supplémentaire. La ligne mondiale peut être élargie jusqu'à 1,8 milliard de dollars, tandis que la ligne japonaise peut être augmentée jusqu'à ¥60 milliards (environ 418 millions de dollars). Le refinancement a été largement sursouscrit, démontrant un fort soutien de la part de la communauté mondiale des prêteurs et fournissant à Digital Realty une flexibilité financière accrue pour des investissements prudents dans la croissance de son portefeuille mondial.

Digital Realty (NYSE: DLR) hat seine revolvierenden Kreditlinien auf 4,5 Milliarden Dollar refinanziert und erhöht. Das Unternehmen hat seine globale revolvierende Kreditlinie von 3,75 Milliarden Dollar auf 4,2 Milliarden Dollar verlängert und erhöht, mit Fälligkeit im Januar 2029 und zwei Optionen zur Verlängerung um sechs Monate. Darüber hinaus hat Digital Realty seine in Yen denominierten Kreditlinien auf ¥42,511 Milliarden (ca. 297 Millionen Dollar) erhöht, ebenfalls mit derselben Fälligkeit und Verlängerungsoptionen.

Beide Kreditlinien verfügen über ein auf Nachhaltigkeit basierendes Preisgestaltungsmerkmal und bieten die Möglichkeit zur weiteren Erhöhung. Die globale Kreditlinie kann um bis zu 1,8 Milliarden Dollar erweitert werden, während die japanische Kreditlinie um bis zu ¥60 Milliarden (ca. 418 Millionen Dollar) erhöht werden kann. Die Refinanzierung war stark nachgefragt und zeigt die große Unterstützung durch die globale Kreditgemeinschaft sowie eine größere finanzielle Flexibilität für Digital Realty, um in das Wachstum seines globalen Portfolios vernünftig zu investieren.

  • Upsized global revolving credit facility from $3.75 billion to $4.2 billion
  • Extended maturity of global facility to January 2029 with two six-month extension options
  • Increased Japanese yen-denominated facility to ¥42.511 billion (approx. $297 million)
  • Both facilities feature sustainability-linked pricing components
  • Ability to further increase global facility by up to $1.8 billion
  • Option to expand Japanese facility by up to ¥60 billion (approx. $418 million)
  • Refinancing was well oversubscribed, indicating strong lender confidence
  • None.


This refinancing and upsizing of Digital Realty's revolving credit facilities is a significant move that strengthens the company's financial position. The increase from $3.75 billion to $4.2 billion for the global facility and the expansion of the Japanese yen facility provide enhanced liquidity and financial flexibility. Key points to consider:

  • Extended maturity to January 2029 with extension options, reducing near-term refinancing risk
  • Potential for further increases up to $1.8 billion and ¥60 billion, respectively
  • Oversubscribed refinancing indicates strong lender confidence
  • Multi-currency capabilities support global operations
  • Sustainability-linked pricing demonstrates ESG commitment

This move allows Digital Realty to better support its growth initiatives in the expanding data center market while maintaining a robust balance sheet. The improved terms and increased capacity suggest favorable market conditions for the company, which could positively impact its ability to fund future projects and potentially enhance shareholder value.

Digital Realty's refinancing strategy aligns well with current market trends in the data center industry. The global data center market is experiencing rapid growth, driven by increased cloud adoption, AI and digital transformation initiatives. Key market implications include:

  • Enhanced competitive position: Increased financial flexibility allows DLR to capitalize on market opportunities more effectively
  • Global expansion support: Multi-currency facilities enable smoother international operations and investments
  • ESG focus: Sustainability-linked pricing reflects growing investor emphasis on environmental factors
  • Interest rate management: Extended maturities and improved terms help mitigate interest rate risks

The strong lender support suggests confidence in the data center sector's long-term prospects. For investors, this move indicates Digital Realty's proactive approach to financial management and its ability to secure favorable terms, which could translate to improved profitability and growth potential in the competitive data center landscape.

AUSTIN, Texas, Sept. 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Digital Realty (NYSE: DLR), the leading global provider of cloud- and carrier-neutral data center, colocation, and interconnection solutions, announced today that it has amended, extended and upsized its existing $3.75 billion senior unsecured multi-currency global revolving credit facility to $4.2 billion

The maturity date of the global revolving credit facility was extended by three years and total availability was expanded by $450 million.  The $4.2 billion global revolving credit facility now matures in January 2029 and has two six-month extension options, subject to certain conditions.  In addition, Digital Realty has the ability to increase the global revolving credit facility by up to $1.8 billion, including incremental term loan capacity. 

The Company also amended, extended, and upsized its existing Japanese yen-denominated senior unsecured revolving credit facility.  The original ¥33.285 billion facility has increased to ¥42.511 billion (approximately $297 million), while the maturity date was extended by three years.  The ¥42.511 billion revolving credit facility matures in January 2029 and has two-six-month extension options, subject to certain conditions.  Pricing for the ¥42.511 billion facility, based on the Company's BBB / Baa2 senior unsecured debt rating, is 50 basis points over the applicable index for floating rate advances.  Digital Realty also has the ability to increase this credit facility up to an additional ¥60 billion (approximately $418 million), including incremental term loan capacity. 

The revolving credit facilities continue to feature a sustainability-linked pricing component whereby pricing is subject to adjustment based on annual performance targets, further demonstrating the Company's continued leadership and commitment to ESG. 

"We were very pleased by the strong support we received from the global lending community for the refinancing of our existing revolving credit facilities" said Matt Mercier, Digital Realty's Chief Financial Officer.  "The refinancing was well oversubscribed, with commitments from an extensive collection of world class financial institutions.  The refinancing demonstrates the institutional lender community's continued confidence in our balance sheet and renewed sponsorship of our global data center platform, while providing us with increased financial flexibility as we continue to prudently invest in the growth of our global portfolio." 

Funds from the combined facilities may be drawn in U.S., Canadian, Singapore, Australian and Hong Kong dollars, as well as euro, pound sterling, Swiss francs, Japanese yen, Indonesian rupiah, and Korean won denominations. 

"We would like to acknowledge the efforts of BofA Securities, Inc., Citibank, N.A., and JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. in their capacity as joint lead arrangers and joint book running managers, which led to the successful syndication of the global revolver," added Michael P. Brown, Digital Realty's Senior Vice President, Treasury.  "We would also like to extend our gratitude to the entire bank group for their overwhelming support.  In addition, we would like to acknowledge Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation, MUFG Bank, LTD, and Mizuho Bank, LTD's efforts in their capacity as joint lead arrangers and joint book running managers of the Japanese Yen facility."

About Digital Realty
Digital Realty brings companies and data together by delivering the full spectrum of data center, colocation and interconnection solutions. PlatformDIGITAL®, the company's global data center platform, provides customers with a secure data meeting place and a proven Pervasive Datacenter Architecture (PDx®) solution methodology for powering innovation and efficiently managing Data Gravity challenges. Digital Realty gives its customers access to the connected data communities that matter to them with a global data center footprint of 300+ facilities in 50+ metros across 25+ countries on six continents. To learn more about Digital Realty, please visit or follow us on LinkedIn and X.

For Additional Information

Matt Mercier
Chief Financial Officer
Digital Realty
+1 415 738 6500

Investor Relations
Jordan Sadler / Jim Huseby
Digital Realty
+1 737 281 0101

Safe Harbor Statement
This press release contains forward-looking statements which are based on current expectations, forecasts and assumptions that involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual outcomes and results to differ materially, including statements related to use of the proceeds from the facilities, maturity dates and extension options, and ability to increase the facilities.  For a list and description of risks and uncertainties, please see the Company's reports and other filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.  The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. 


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What is the new size of Digital Realty's (DLR) global revolving credit facility?

Digital Realty's global revolving credit facility has been upsized to $4.2 billion from the previous $3.75 billion.

When does Digital Realty's (DLR) new global revolving credit facility mature?

The new global revolving credit facility matures in January 2029, with two six-month extension options subject to certain conditions.

How much has Digital Realty (DLR) increased its Japanese yen-denominated credit facility?

Digital Realty has increased its Japanese yen-denominated credit facility from ¥33.285 billion to ¥42.511 billion (approximately $297 million).

Does Digital Realty's (DLR) refinanced credit facilities include sustainability-linked components?

Yes, both the global and Japanese yen-denominated revolving credit facilities feature sustainability-linked pricing components based on annual performance targets.

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