Delta Attended COP29 for the 17th Consecutive Time, Focusing on AI Datacenter Energy Efficiency and Net-Zero Buildings
Delta marked its 17th consecutive participation in COP29 in Baku, Azerbaijan, co-hosting a side event with architectural institutes to discuss energy-efficient building solutions. The company showcased its AI datacenter solutions featuring advanced liquid cooling technology achieving a PUE of 1.1. Delta highlighted its portfolio of 35 green buildings worldwide and shared experiences from its LEED Zero Energy-certified Americas headquarters.
The event addressed the growing energy demands of AI data centers, with IEA reporting global data center energy consumption at 340TWh and projecting doubled capacity by 2030. Delta demonstrated its commitment to sustainability through various initiatives, including post-disaster reconstruction projects and collaboration with major architectural institutes to promote resilient building designs.
Delta ha segnato la sua diciassettesima partecipazione consecutiva al COP29 a Baku, in Azerbaigian, co-ospitando un evento collaterale con istituti di architettura per discutere soluzioni edilizie a basso consumo energetico. L'azienda ha presentato le sue soluzioni di data center AI con tecnologia di raffreddamento a liquido avanzata, raggiungendo un PUE di 1.1. Delta ha messo in evidenza il suo portafoglio di 35 edifici verdi in tutto il mondo e ha condiviso esperienze dalla sua sede principale certificata LEED Zero Energy nelle Americhe.
L'evento ha affrontato le crescenti richieste energetiche dei data center AI, con l'IEA che riporta un consumo energetico globale dei data center di 340TWh e prevede un raddoppio della capacità entro il 2030. Delta ha dimostrato il suo impegno verso la sostenibilità attraverso varie iniziative, tra cui progetti di ricostruzione post-disastro e collaborazione con importanti istituti di architettura per promuovere design edilizi resilienti.
Delta marcó su decimoséptima participación consecutiva en el COP29 en Bakú, Azerbaiyán, co-organizando un evento paralelo con institutos de arquitectura para discutir soluciones de construcción energéticamente eficientes. La empresa mostró sus soluciones de centros de datos AI con tecnología de refrigeración líquida avanzada, logrando un PUE de 1.1. Delta destacó su cartera de 35 edificios verdes en todo el mundo y compartió experiencias de su sede de las Américas certificada LEED Zero Energy.
El evento abordó las crecientes demandas energéticas de los centros de datos AI, con la AIE informando sobre un consumo energético global de los centros de datos de 340TWh y proyectando una capacidad duplicada para 2030. Delta demostró su compromiso con la sostenibilidad a través de varias iniciativas, incluyendo proyectos de reconstrucción post-desastre y colaboración con importantes institutos de arquitectura para promover diseños de edificios resilientes.
델타는 아제르바이잔 바쿠에서 열린 COP29에 17번째 연속으로 참가하여 건축 기관들과 함께 에너지 효율적인 건축 솔루션에 대해 논의하는 사이드 이벤트를 공동 주최했습니다. 이 회사는 PUE 1.1을 달성하는 고급 액체 냉각 기술을 특징으로 하는 AI 데이터 센터 솔루션을 선보였습니다. 델타는 전 세계 35개의 녹색 건물 포트폴리오를 강조하고 LEED 제로 에너지 인증을 받은 미주 본사의 경험을 공유했습니다.
이번 이벤트에서는 AI 데이터 센터의 증가하는 에너지 수요를 다루었으며, IEA는 전 세계 데이터 센터의 에너지 소비를 340TWh로 보고하고 2030년까지 용량이 두 배가 될 것으로 예측했습니다. 델타는 재난 이후 재건 프로젝트 및 주요 건축 기관들과의 협력을 포함한 다양한 이니셔티브를 통해 지속 가능성에 대한 의지를 보여주었습니다.
Delta a marqué sa dix-septième participation consécutive au COP29 à Bakou, en Azerbaïdjan, en co-organisant un événement parallèle avec des instituts d'architecture pour discuter des solutions de construction écoénergétiques. L'entreprise a présenté ses solutions de data center AI dotées d'une technologie de refroidissement liquide avancée atteignant un PUE de 1,1. Delta a mis en avant son portefeuille de 35 bâtiments verts à travers le monde et a partagé des expériences de son siège certifié LEED Zéro Énergie dans les Amériques.
L'événement a abordé les demandes énergétiques croissantes des data centers AI, avec l'AIE rapportant une consommation énergétique mondiale des data centers de 340TWh et projetant un doublement de la capacité d'ici 2030. Delta a démontré son engagement en faveur de la durabilité à travers diverses initiatives, y compris des projets de reconstruction après des catastrophes et une collaboration avec des instituts d'architecture majeurs pour promouvoir des conceptions de bâtiments résilients.
Delta markierte seine 17. aufeinanderfolgende Teilnahme an COP29 in Baku, Aserbaidschan, und veranstaltete ein Begleit-Event zusammen mit Architekturinstituten, um energieeffiziente Gebäudelösungen zu diskutieren. Das Unternehmen stellte seine AI-Rechenzentrums-Lösungen vor, die mit fortschrittlicher Flüssigkeitskühltechnologie einen PUE von 1.1 erreichen. Delta hob sein Portfolio von 35 grünen Gebäuden weltweit hervor und teilte Erfahrungen von seinem LEED Zero Energy-zertifizierten Hauptsitz in den Amerikas.
Die Veranstaltung behandelte die wachsenden Energienachfragen von AI-Rechenzentren, wobei die IEA den globalen Energieverbrauch von Rechenzentren mit 340TWh angibt und eine Verdopplung der Kapazität bis 2030 prognostiziert. Delta demonstrierte sein Engagement für Nachhaltigkeit durch verschiedene Initiativen, einschließlich der Wiederaufbauprojekte nach Katastrophen und der Zusammenarbeit mit bedeutenden Architekturinstituten zur Förderung resiliente Gebäudedesigns.
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Shan-Shan Guo, Chief Brand Officer of Delta and Vice Chairperson of the Delta Electronics Foundation, said, "For the 17th time, Delta continues its presence at the UNFCCC, and for the 13th time, it hosts or participates in side events at the official negotiation zone (Blue Zone) to share its climate action experiences and technological solutions. This year, Delta's side event features Delta's ESG representatives from our
With the high energy demand of the AI era, global attention is on decarbonizing data centers. According to the latest World Energy Outlook 2024 report by the International Energy Agency (IEA), the global energy consumption of data centers has reached 340TWh. The IEA predicts that by 2030, the global installed capacity for data centers will double, further increasing their electricity consumption. At the side event, Alex Liu, ESG Manager of Delta Americas, shared Delta's comprehensive power and thermal management solutions for AI data centers, emphasizing their potential in improving overall energy performance. Delta also presented its achievements in promoting green buildings, its LEED Zero Energy-certified building of the
Delta's side event involved the collaboration of two major architectural institutes—the American Institute of Architects (AIA) and the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA)—along with the International Code Council (ICC), which promotes the "Building Breakthrough" initiative. The discussions focused on achieving net-zero and resilient buildings through technology, policy, standards, and innovative cooperation. Illya Azaroff, a director of the AIA, mentioned that resilient building designs not only safeguard human safety but also bring long-term value. For example, investing
As an official observer of the UNFCCC, Delta Electronics Foundation has been actively participating in UN climate conferences since 2007, consistently bringing the latest international negotiation progress and carbon reduction trends back to
About Delta
Delta, founded in 1971, and listed on the Taiwan Stock Exchange (code: 2308), is a global leader in switching power supplies and thermal management products with a thriving portfolio of IoT-based smart energy-saving systems and solutions in the fields of industrial automation, building automation, telecom power, data center infrastructure, EV charging, renewable energy, energy storage and display, to nurture the development of smart manufacturing and sustainable cities. As a world-class corporate citizen guided by its mission statement, "To provide innovative, clean and energy-efficient solutions for a better tomorrow," Delta leverages its core competence in high-efficiency power electronics and its ESG-embedded business model to address key environmental issues, such as climate change. Delta serves customers through its sales offices, R&D centers and manufacturing facilities spread over close to 200 locations across 5 continents.
Throughout its history, Delta has received various global awards and recognition for its business achievements, innovative technologies and dedication to ESG. Since 2011, Delta has been listed on the DJSI World Index of Dow Jones Sustainability™ Indices for 13 consecutive years. Delta has also won CDP with double A List for 3 times for its substantial contribution to climate change and water security issues and has been named Supplier Engagement Leader for its continuous development of a sustainable value chain for 7 consecutive years.
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