The Walt Disney Company Board Names James P. Gorman as Chairman, Effective January 2, 2025

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The Walt Disney Company (NYSE: DIS) Board of Directors has named James P. Gorman as Chairman of the Board, effective January 2, 2025. He will succeed Mark G. Parker, who is departing after nine years of service. Gorman, currently Executive Chairman of Morgan Stanley, will step down from that role on December 31, 2024. As Chair of Disney's Succession Planning Committee, Gorman is leading the search for the company's next CEO, expected to be announced in early 2026.

Parker, who is also Executive Chairman of NIKE, Inc., expressed confidence in Gorman's leadership and the company's future. Disney CEO Bob Iger praised Gorman's expertise and thanked Parker for his valuable service. Gorman stated that appointing a new CEO is a critical priority, with the timing allowing for a smooth transition before Iger's contract concludes in December 2026.

Il Consiglio di Amministrazione della Walt Disney Company (NYSE: DIS) ha nominato James P. Gorman come Presidente del Consiglio, con effetto dal 2 gennaio 2025. Gorman succederà a Mark G. Parker, che lascia dopo nove anni di servizio. Attualmente Presidente Esecutivo di Morgan Stanley, Gorman si dimetterà da quel ruolo il 31 dicembre 2024. In qualità di Presidente del Comitato per la Pianificazione della Successione di Disney, Gorman sta guidando la ricerca per il prossimo CEO dell'azienda, che sarà annunciato all'inizio del 2026.

Parker, che è anche Presidente Esecutivo di NIKE, Inc., ha espresso fiducia nella leadership di Gorman e nel futuro dell'azienda. Il CEO di Disney Bob Iger ha lodato l'esperienza di Gorman e ha ringraziato Parker per il suo prezioso servizio. Gorman ha dichiarato che la nomina di un nuovo CEO è una priorità critica, con tempistiche che consentiranno una transizione fluida prima della conclusione del contratto di Iger nel dicembre 2026.

La Junta Directiva de The Walt Disney Company (NYSE: DIS) ha nombrado a James P. Gorman como Presidente de la Junta, con efectos a partir del 2 de enero de 2025. Sucederá a Mark G. Parker, quien se va después de nueve años de servicio. Gorman, actualmente Presidente Ejecutivo de Morgan Stanley, dejará ese cargo el 31 de diciembre de 2024. Como Presidente del Comité de Planificación de Sucesión de Disney, Gorman está liderando la búsqueda del próximo CEO de la compañía, que se espera sea anunciado a principios de 2026.

Parker, quien también es Presidente Ejecutivo de NIKE, Inc., expresó confianza en el liderazgo de Gorman y en el futuro de la compañía. El CEO de Disney Bob Iger elogió la experiencia de Gorman y agradeció a Parker por su valioso servicio. Gorman declaró que nombrar un nuevo CEO es una prioridad crítica, con el tiempo que permitirá una transición fluida antes de que concluya el contrato de Iger en diciembre de 2026.

워너 디즈니 컴퍼니(NYSE: DIS) 이사회는 제임스 P. 고먼을 이사회 의장으로 임명했습니다. 그 효력은 2025년 1월 2일부터 시작됩니다. 고먼은 아홉 년의 서비스 후에 떠나는 마크 G. 파커를 이어받게 됩니다. 현재 모건 스탠리의 이사회 의장인 고먼은 2024년 12월 31일에 그 역할에서 물러날 것입니다. 디즈니의 후계 계획 위원회 의장으로서, 고먼은 회사의 다음 CEO를 찾는 일을 이끌고 있으며, 이 발표는 2026년 초에 이루어질 것으로 예상됩니다.

NIKE, Inc.의 이사회 의장이기도 한 파커는 고먼의 리더십과 회사의 미래에 대한 자신감을 표명했습니다. 디즈니 CEO 밥 아이거는 고먼의 전문성을 높이 평가하며, 파커의 귀중한 서비스에 감사의 말을 전했습니다. 고먼은 새로운 CEO를 임명하는 것이 중요한 우선사항이라고 언급하며, 아이거의 계약이 2026년 12월에 종료되기 전에 순조로운 전환이 이루어질 수 있도록 Timing이 중요하다고 말했습니다.

Le Conseil d'Administration de The Walt Disney Company (NYSE: DIS) a nommé James P. Gorman en tant que Président du Conseil, à compter du 2 janvier 2025. Il succédera à Mark G. Parker, qui quitte ses fonctions après neuf ans de service. Gorman, actuellement Président Exécutif de Morgan Stanley, quittera ce poste le 31 décembre 2024. En tant que Président du Comité de Planification de la Succession de Disney, Gorman dirige la recherche du prochain CEO de l'entreprise, dont l'annonce est prévue pour début 2026.

Parker, qui est également Président Exécutif de NIKE, Inc., a exprimé sa confiance dans le leadership de Gorman et dans l'avenir de l'entreprise. Le CEO de Disney Bob Iger a salué l'expertise de Gorman et a remercié Parker pour son service précieux. Gorman a déclaré que la nomination d'un nouveau CEO est une priorité essentielle, le calendrier permettant une transition en douceur avant la fin du contrat d'Iger en décembre 2026.

Der Vorstand der Walt Disney Company (NYSE: DIS) hat James P. Gorman zum Vorstandsvorsitzenden ernannt, mit Wirkung zum 2. Januar 2025. Er wird Mark G. Parker nach neun Jahren im Dienst nachfolgen. Gorman, der derzeit Vorsitzender von Morgan Stanley ist, wird am 31. Dezember 2024 von dieser Rolle zurücktreten. Als Vorsitzender des Nachfolgeplanungsausschusses von Disney leitet Gorman die Suche nach dem nächsten CEO des Unternehmens, dessen Ernennung voraussichtlich Anfang 2026 bekannt gegeben wird.

Parker, der auch Vorsitzender von NIKE, Inc. ist, äußerte Vertrauen in Gormans Führung und die Zukunft des Unternehmens. Disney-CEO Bob Iger lobte Gormans Fachwissen und dankte Parker für seinen wertvollen Dienst. Gorman erklärte, dass die Ernennung eines neuen CEOs eine kritische Priorität sei, wobei der Zeitpunkt einen reibungslosen Übergang vor dem Vertragsende von Iger im Dezember 2026 ermöglichen soll.

  • James P. Gorman, an experienced leader, appointed as new Chairman of the Board
  • Smooth transition plan in place for new CEO appointment by early 2026
  • Board expresses confidence in company's renewed position of strength
  • Departure of long-serving Board member Mark G. Parker
  • Extended timeline for CEO succession may create uncertainty


The appointment of James P. Gorman as Chairman of Disney's Board represents a significant shift in the company's leadership structure. Gorman's extensive experience as Executive Chairman of Morgan Stanley brings valuable financial acumen to Disney's top governance role. This move, coupled with the planned CEO succession in early 2026, signals a carefully orchestrated transition period for the entertainment giant.

The extended timeline for CEO succession, with an announcement expected in early 2026, allows for a thorough search process and a smooth handover. This two-year window provides stability for investors and gives the new CEO ample time to work alongside Bob Iger before his contract ends in December 2026. Such a measured approach to leadership transition is often viewed favorably by the market, as it reduces uncertainty and potential disruption.

However, the prolonged succession process could also present challenges. It may lead to speculation and potential market volatility as investors and industry watchers attempt to predict the next CEO. Additionally, it could impact strategic decision-making, as the current leadership may become more conservative in anticipation of the transition.

Disney's Board restructuring comes at a critical juncture for the company. The media landscape is rapidly evolving, with streaming wars intensifying and traditional revenue streams facing disruption. The selection of Gorman, with his financial background, suggests a focus on fiscal discipline and strategic financial management, which could be important as Disney navigates these challenges.

The extended timeline for CEO succession allows Disney to thoroughly evaluate internal and external candidates, ensuring the next leader is well-equipped to address the company's complex portfolio of businesses. This is particularly important given the diverse nature of Disney's operations, spanning theme parks, streaming services, film studios and television networks.

Investors should watch for potential strategic shifts during this transition period. The new leadership team may reassess Disney's priorities, potentially leading to changes in capital allocation, content strategy, or even the company's structure. While this transition period provides stability, it also creates a window for potential transformative decisions that could significantly impact Disney's future direction and shareholder value.

He Will Succeed Mark G. Parker, Who Is Departing After Nine Years of Service on the Disney Board

Gorman Provides Update on Succession Planning Process, Says Board Plans to Announce Disney’s Next CEO in Early 2026

BURBANK, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- The Walt Disney Company (NYSE: DIS) Board of Directors (the “Board”) has named James P. Gorman as Chairman of the Board, effective January 2, 2025. He will succeed Mark G. Parker, who is departing the Disney Board on January 2 after nine years of service.

Gorman is Executive Chairman of Morgan Stanley and, as previously announced, will be stepping down from that role on December 31, 2024. He is currently Chair of the Disney Board’s Succession Planning Committee, which is working to identify and prepare the next chief executive officer of The Walt Disney Company.

“James Gorman is an esteemed leader who has become an invaluable voice on the Disney Board since joining earlier this year, and I am extremely pleased that he has agreed to assume the role of Chairman upon my departure. Drawing on his vast experience, James is expertly guiding the extensive search process for a new CEO, which remains a top priority for the Board,” said Parker, who is Executive Chairman of NIKE, Inc. “As I prepare to leave the Board to focus on other areas of my work, I am proud of Disney’s renewed position of strength and excited for the company’s future, and I want to thank my fellow directors, Bob Iger and his exemplary management team for their continued strong leadership and dedication.”

“The Disney Board has benefited tremendously from James Gorman’s expertise and guidance, and we are lucky to have him as our next Chairman – particularly as the Board continues to move forward with the succession process,” Iger said. “I’m extremely grateful to Mark Parker for his many years of Board service and leadership, which have been so valuable to this company and its shareholders, and to me as CEO.”

“I am honored and humbled to have the opportunity to serve as Disney’s Chairman at this important moment in the company’s history,” Gorman said. “In the short time I have had the opportunity to work with Mark, I have come to appreciate and deeply respect his authentic leadership, humility and intelligence. I know all Directors join me in saying we have been honored to serve with him as the Chairman of the Board.”

“A critical priority before us is to appoint a new CEO, which we now expect to announce in early 2026. This timing reflects the progress the Succession Planning Committee and the Board are making, and will allow ample time for a successful transition before the conclusion of Bob Iger’s contract in December 2026,” Gorman said.

About the Succession Planning Committee

The Board’s Succession Planning Committee is chaired by Gorman and includes directors Mary T. Barra and Calvin R. McDonald, as well as Parker until his departure. The Committee and the full Board continue to undertake a deliberate and thoughtful succession planning process, including evaluation of transition structures and organizational frameworks, and planning for potential impacts of succession decisions across the Company. The Committee met six times in fiscal 2024, consistently engaging with the full Board on the substance of the decisions to be made. The Board discussed succession planning at each of its regularly scheduled meetings in fiscal 2024. The Committee and Board continue to review internal candidates and external candidates.

About James P. Gorman

James P. Gorman is Executive Chairman of Morgan Stanley and has announced that he will be ceding this role in December 2024. Previously, Gorman served as Morgan Stanley’s Chief Executive Officer from 2010 to 2023 and Chairman from 2012 to 2023. He joined the firm in 2006 and was named Co-President in 2007. Before joining Morgan Stanley, Gorman held executive positions at Merrill Lynch and was a senior partner at McKinsey & Co. He serves as a Director of the Council on Foreign Relations and is a member of the Business Council. He formerly served as a Director of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and President of the Federal Advisory Council to the U.S. Federal Reserve Board. Gorman has been a Director of the Company since 2024.

About The Walt Disney Company

The Walt Disney Company, together with its subsidiaries and affiliates, is a leading diversified international family entertainment and media enterprise that includes three business segments: Entertainment, Sports and Experiences. Disney is a Dow 30 company and had annual revenue of $88.9 billion in its Fiscal Year 2023.

Forward-Looking Statements

Certain statements and information in this press release may constitute “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including, among other things, regarding changes to the Board of Directors, succession, governance and other statements that are not historical in nature. Any information that is not historical in nature included in this release is subject to change. These statements are made on the basis of views and assumptions regarding future events as of the time the statements are made. The Company does not undertake any obligation to update these statements. Actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied. Such differences may result from actions taken by the Company, including changes to the Board of Directors and business or governance decisions, as well as from developments beyond the Company’s control, including the factors set forth in the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended September 30, 2023 and subsequent filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

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Source: The Walt Disney Company


When will James P. Gorman become Chairman of Disney's Board?

James P. Gorman will become Chairman of Disney's (DIS) Board on January 2, 2025.

Who is James P. Gorman replacing as Disney's Board Chairman?

James P. Gorman is replacing Mark G. Parker, who is departing Disney's (DIS) Board after nine years of service.

When does Disney (DIS) expect to announce its new CEO?

Disney (DIS) expects to announce its new CEO in early 2026, according to James P. Gorman.

When does Bob Iger's contract as Disney CEO end?

Bob Iger's contract as Disney (DIS) CEO concludes in December 2026.

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