Diamond Hill Appoints Gordon Fowler to its Board of Directors
Diamond Hill Investment Group Inc. (NASDAQ: DHIL) has appointed Gordon Fowler to its Board of Directors. Fowler, who brings over 40 years of experience in the financial services industry, will serve as one of six independent directors on the seven-person board. He will also be a member of the Audit, Compensation, and Nominating and Governance Committees.
Fowler's extensive career includes a 20-year tenure at Glenmede , where he most recently served as CEO and President. He also held various roles at J.P. Morgan Chase, including Chief Investment Officer of the Private Bank. Diamond Hill CEO Heather Brilliant expressed confidence that Fowler's experience will contribute to the company's commitment to generating long-term investment outcomes.
As of June 30, 2024, Diamond Hill's assets under management and advisement totaled $31.1 billion.
Diamond Hill Investment Group Inc. (NASDAQ: DHIL) ha nominato Gordon Fowler nel suo Consiglio di Amministrazione. Fowler, che porta con sé oltre 40 anni di esperienza nel settore dei servizi finanziari, sarà uno dei sei direttori indipendenti su un consiglio composto da sette membri. Inoltre, farà parte dei Comitati di Revisione, Compensazione e Nomina e Governance.
La carriera di Fowler è molto vasta e include un mandato di 20 anni presso Glenmede, dove ha ricoperto il ruolo di CEO e Presidente. Ha anche ricoperto vari ruoli in J.P. Morgan Chase, incluso quello di Chief Investment Officer della Private Bank. Il CEO di Diamond Hill, Heather Brilliant, ha espresso fiducia nel fatto che l'esperienza di Fowler contribuirà all'impegno dell'azienda nella generazione di risultati di investimento a lungo termine.
A partire dal 30 giugno 2024, i beni sotto gestione e consulenza di Diamond Hill ammontano a 31,1 miliardi di dollari.
Diamond Hill Investment Group Inc. (NASDAQ: DHIL) ha nombrado a Gordon Fowler en su Junta Directiva. Fowler, quien aporta más de 40 años de experiencia en la industria de servicios financieros, será uno de los seis directores independientes en una junta de siete miembros. También formará parte de los Comités de Auditoría, Compensación y Nominación y Gobernanza.
La extensa carrera de Fowler incluye un mandato de 20 años en Glenmede, donde se desempeñó más recientemente como CEO y Presidente. También ocupó varios puestos en J.P. Morgan Chase, incluido el de Chief Investment Officer del Private Bank. La CEO de Diamond Hill, Heather Brilliant, expresó confianza en que la experiencia de Fowler contribuirá al compromiso de la empresa de generar resultados de inversión a largo plazo.
Hasta el 30 de junio de 2024, los activos gestionados y asesorados de Diamond Hill totalizaban 31,1 mil millones de dólares.
다이아몬드 힐 투자 그룹 주식회사(NASDAQ: DHIL)는 고든 파울러를 이사회에 임명했습니다. 파울러는 금융 서비스 업계에서 40년 이상의 경험을 갖고 있으며, 7인 이사회에서 6명의 독립 이사 중 한 명으로 활동할 예정입니다. 그는 또한 감사, 보상, 임명 및 거버넌스 위원회의 일원이 될 것입니다.
파울러의 광범위한 경력에는 글렌미드에서 20년의 경력이 포함되며, 그곳에서 CEO 겸 사장으로 최근까지 재직했습니다. 그는 또한 JP 모건 체이스에서 다양한 역할을 담당했으며, 개인은행의 최고 투자 책임자를 역임했습니다. 다이아몬드 힐의 CEO인 해더 브릴리언트는 파울러의 경험이 회사의 장기 투자 결과를 생성하려는 노력에 기여할 것이라고 확신했습니다.
2024년 6월 30일 기준으로 다이아몬드 힐의 관리 및 자문 자산은 총 311억 달러에 달합니다.
Diamond Hill Investment Group Inc. (NASDAQ: DHIL) a nommé Gordon Fowler à son conseil d'administration. Fowler, qui apporte plus de 40 ans d'expérience dans le secteur des services financiers, sera l'un des six administrateurs indépendants au sein d'un conseil de sept membres. Il sera également membre des Comités d'Audit, de Rémunération et de Nominations et de Gouvernance.
La carrière de Fowler est très riche et comprend un mandat de 20 ans chez Glenmede, où il a récemment occupé le poste de PDG et Président. Il a également occupé divers postes chez J.P. Morgan Chase, y compris celui de Chief Investment Officer de la Private Bank. La PDG de Diamond Hill, Heather Brilliant, a exprimé sa confiance dans le fait que l'expérience de Fowler contribuera à l'engagement de l'entreprise à générer des résultats d'investissement à long terme.
Au 30 juin 2024, les actifs sous gestion et conseil de Diamond Hill s'élevaient à 31,1 milliards de dollars.
Die Diamond Hill Investment Group Inc. (NASDAQ: DHIL) hat Gordon Fowler in ihren Vorstand berufen. Fowler bringt über 40 Jahre Erfahrung in der Finanzdienstleistungsbranche mit und wird als einer von sechs unabhängigen Direktoren im siebenköpfigen Vorstand fungieren. Er wird außerdem Mitglied der Prüfungsausschüsse, Vergütungsausschüsse sowie Nominierungs- und Governance-Ausschüsse sein.
Fowlers lange Karriere umfasst ein 20-jähriges Engagement bei Glenmede, wo er zuletzt als CEO und Präsident tätig war. Er hatte auch verschiedene Positionen bei J.P. Morgan Chase inne, unter anderem als Chief Investment Officer der Private Bank. Heather Brilliant, CEO von Diamond Hill, äußerte das Vertrauen, dass Fowlers Erfahrung zum Engagement des Unternehmens für die Erzielung langfristiger Anlageergebnisse beitragen wird.
Zum 30. Juni 2024 betrugen die Unter dem Management und der Beratung von Diamond Hill befindlichen Vermögenswerte 31,1 Milliarden Dollar.
- Appointment of Gordon Fowler, an experienced financial industry veteran, to the Board of Directors
- Fowler's extensive 40-year experience in financial services, including leadership roles at Glenmede and J.P. Morgan Chase
- Strengthening of the Board's independence with Fowler as one of six independent directors
- Assets under management and advisement totaling $31.1 billion as of June 30, 2024
- None.
"We are pleased to welcome Gordon to our Board," said Heather Brilliant, Diamond Hill CEO. "Gordon's impressive experience will be additive as we remain committed to generating long-term investment outcomes and building on our deep expertise across asset classes important to our clients."
Mr. Fowler brings more than 40 years of experience in the financial services industry across various roles. He has held numerous roles over a 20-year tenure at the Glenmede Corporation and the Glenmede Trust Company, including most recently leading the business as CEO and President of Glenmede. Mr. Fowler began his career in 1981 at J.P. Morgan Chase where he held various roles before progressing to Chief Investment Officer of the J.P. Morgan Private Bank. He currently serves on the boards of The Jeffrey Company, the Curtis Institute of Music, and the Princeton Theological Seminary.
"Diamond Hill's investment philosophy and commitment to client experience are aligned with my own, and I look forward to working with this group to further solidify the firm's position as a leader in active management," said Fowler.
Mr. Fowler earned his Bachelor of Arts in African Political Economy from Brown University and a Master of Science in Statistics and Operations Research from the Stern School of Business at
About Diamond Hill:
Diamond Hill invests on behalf of clients through a shared commitment to its valuation-driven investment principles, long-term perspective, capacity discipline and client alignment. An independent active asset manager with significant employee ownership, Diamond Hill's investment strategies include differentiated
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SOURCE Diamond Hill