Quest Diagnostics’ Q4HE Initiative Advances Health Equity in Underserved Communities With Strategic Coalition Building and Targeted Funding in 2023

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Quest Diagnostics' Quest for Health Equity (Q4HE) initiative, launched in 2020, made significant strides in 2023 to address healthcare inequities in underserved communities. The program focuses on improving access to testing and diagnostic services through strategic coalition building and targeted funding.

Key achievements in 2023 include:

  • Supporting two community-based coalitions in Baltimore
  • Granting $38M to over 70 initiatives across 30 states
  • Donating over $1M in testing services
  • Extending internships to 11 American Heart Association scholars
  • Collaborating with Choose Healthy Life to provide health screenings in five major cities
  • Supporting Experience Camps' first site in Maryland for grieving children
  • Partnering with Americares to implement health equity clinical metrics and telehealth services

Q4HE's approach involves deep analysis of local healthcare needs, coalition-building, and maintaining long-term relationships with grantees to develop sustainable solutions for reducing health disparities.

L'iniziativa Quest for Health Equity (Q4HE) di Quest Diagnostics, lanciata nel 2020, ha fatto significativi progressi nel 2023 per affrontare le disuguaglianze sanitarie nelle comunità svantaggiate. Il programma si concentra su migliorare l'accesso ai servizi di test e diagnostica attraverso la creazione di alleanze strategiche e finanziamenti mirati.

I risultati chiave nel 2023 includono:

  • Sostenere due coalizioni basate sulla comunità a Baltimora
  • Assegnare 38 milioni di dollari a oltre 70 iniziative in 30 stati
  • Donare oltre 1 milione di dollari in servizi di test
  • Ampliare gli stage a 11 studiosi della American Heart Association
  • Collaborare con Choose Healthy Life per fornire screening sanitari in cinque grandi città
  • Sostenere il primo sito degli Experience Camps nel Maryland per bambini in lutto
  • Collaborare con Americares per implementare metriche cliniche di equità sanitaria e servizi di telemedicina

L'approccio di Q4HE prevede un'analisi approfondita dei bisogni sanitari locali, la costruzione di alleanze e il mantenimento di relazioni a lungo termine con i finanziatori per sviluppare soluzioni sostenibili per ridurre le disparità sanitarie.

La iniciativa Quest for Health Equity (Q4HE) de Quest Diagnostics, lanzada en 2020, logró avances significativos en 2023 para abordar las inequidades en el acceso a la salud en comunidades desatendidas. El programa se enfoca en mejorar el acceso a servicios de pruebas y diagnóstico a través de la construcción de coaliciones estratégicas y financiamiento dirigido.

Los logros clave en 2023 incluyen:

  • Apoyar dos coaliciones comunitarias en Baltimore
  • Otorgar 38 millones de dólares a más de 70 iniciativas en 30 estados
  • Donar más de 1 millón de dólares en servicios de pruebas
  • Extender pasantías a 11 académicos de American Heart Association
  • Colaborar con Choose Healthy Life para ofrecer revisiones de salud en cinco grandes ciudades
  • Apoyar el primer sitio de Experience Camps en Maryland para niños en duelo
  • Asociarse con Americares para implementar métricas clínicas de equidad en salud y servicios de telemedicina

El enfoque de Q4HE implica un análisis profundo de las necesidades de salud locales, la construcción de coaliciones y el mantenimiento de relaciones a largo plazo con los beneficiarios para desarrollar soluciones sostenibles que reduzcan las disparidades de salud.

Quest Diagnostics의 건강 형평성(Q4HE) 이니셔티브는 2020년에 시작되어 2023년에 의료 불균형 문제를 해결하는 데 중요한 성과를 올렸습니다. 이 프로그램은 검사 및 진단 서비스에 대한 접근성 향상을 목표로 하며, 전략적 연합체 구축과 목표 지향적인 자금을 지원합니다.

2023년 주요 성과는 다음과 같습니다:

  • 볼티모어의 지역 사회 기반 두 연합체 지원
  • 30개 주에 걸쳐 70개 이상의 이니셔티브에 3천8백만 달러 지원
  • 1백만 달러 이상의 테스트 서비스 기부
  • 미국심장협회(American Heart Association) 장학생 11명에게 인턴십 제공
  • Choose Healthy Life와 협력하여 5개 주요 도시에서 건강 검진 제공
  • 슬픔에 빠진 아동을 위한 Maryland 최초의 Experience Camps 사이트 지원
  • Americares와 협력하여 건강 형평성 임상 지표 및 원격의료 서비스 구현

Q4HE의 접근 방식은 지역 의료 필요에 대한 심층 분석, 연합체 구축 및 자금 지원자와의 장기 관계 유지를 포함하여 건강 격차를 줄이기 위한 지속 가능한 솔루션을 개발합니다.

L'initiative Quest for Health Equity (Q4HE) de Quest Diagnostics, lancée en 2020, a réalisé des avancées significatives en 2023 pour traiter les inégalités en matière de santé dans les communautés défavorisées. Le programme se concentre sur l'amélioration de l'accès aux services de test et de diagnostic grâce à la création de coalitions stratégiques et à un financement ciblé.

Les réalisations clés de 2023 comprennent :

  • Soutien à deux coalitions de base communautaire à Baltimore
  • Octroi de 38 millions de dollars à plus de 70 initiatives dans 30 États
  • Don de plus de 1 million de dollars en services de test
  • Extension des stages à 11 boursiers de l'American Heart Association
  • Collaboration avec Choose Healthy Life pour fournir des dépistages de santé dans cinq grandes villes
  • Soutien au premier site des Experience Camps dans le Maryland pour les enfants en deuil
  • Partenariat avec Americares pour mettre en œuvre des indicateurs cliniques d'équité en santé et des services de télémédecine

L'approche de Q4HE implique une analyse approfondie des besoins sanitaires locaux, la construction de coalitions et le maintien de relations à long terme avec les bénéficiaires pour développer des solutions durables visant à réduire les disparités en matière de santé.

Die Initiative Quest for Health Equity (Q4HE) von Quest Diagnostics, die 2020 ins Leben gerufen wurde, hat im Jahr 2023 erhebliche Fortschritte gemacht, um gesundheitliche Ungleichheiten in benachteiligten Gemeinschaften anzugehen. Das Programm konzentriert sich darauf, den Zugang zu Test- und Diagnosediensten zu verbessern durch den Aufbau strategischer Koalitionen und gezielte Finanzmittel.

Zu den wichtigsten Errungenschaften im Jahr 2023 gehören:

  • Unterstützung von zwei gemeinschaftsbasierten Koalitionen in Baltimore
  • Bereitstellung von 38 Millionen Dollar für über 70 Initiativen in 30 Bundesstaaten
  • Spende von über 1 Million Dollar für Testdienstleistungen
  • Ausweitung von Praktika für 11 Stipendiaten der American Heart Association
  • Zusammenarbeit mit Choose Healthy Life zur Bereitstellung von Gesundheitsuntersuchungen in fünf großen Städten
  • Unterstützung des ersten Standorts der Experience Camps in Maryland für trauernde Kinder
  • Partnerschaft mit Americares zur Umsetzung klinischer Gesundheitskennzahlen und Telemedizin-Diensten

Der Ansatz von Q4HE beinhaltet eine tiefgehende Analyse der lokalen Gesundheitsbedürfnisse, den Aufbau von Koalitionen und die langfristige Pflege von Beziehungen zu Förderempfängern, um nachhaltige Lösungen zur Reduzierung von Gesundheitsdisparitäten zu entwickeln.

  • Granted $38M to over 70 health equity initiatives across 30 states
  • Donated over $1M in testing services to underserved communities
  • Supported the formation of two community-based healthcare coalitions in Baltimore
  • Extended internships to 11 American Heart Association scholars from underrepresented backgrounds
  • Collaborated with Choose Healthy Life to provide health screenings in five major cities
  • Supported the launch of Experience Camps' first site in Maryland for grieving children, with 45% of volunteers being people of color
  • Partnered with Americares to implement health equity clinical metrics and telehealth services in 13 clinics
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / October 16, 2024 / Quest Diagnostics:

Originally published in Quest Diagnostics' 2023 Corporate Responsibility Report


We launched Q4HE in 2020, as the COVID-19 pandemic exposed inequities in the healthcare system that had long existed. Q4HE focuses on improving access to testing and diagnostic services for under-resourced communities.

Our approach to health equity

Communities often know where the gaps in their healthcare services exist but lack the financial support or access to care to fill them.

Q4HE takes an intentional, comprehensive approach to working in local communities. This process starts with a deep analysis of the healthcare organizations and services that already exist in regions and cities. We conduct interviews with stakeholders and review reports like needs assessments and community improvement plans. Then, Q4HE seeks out the best-suited collaborators to take action and supports the formation of coalitions of community-based organizations. This coalition-building goes beyond grant funding to leverage organizations' collective expertise and familiarity to develop best-fit programs for specific populations.

In 2023, Q4HE supported 2 community-based coalitions in Baltimore, Y of Druid Hill and Baltimore Connect. This built on Q4HE's 2022 efforts to develop coalitions in Houston. In 2024, Q4HE also plans to bring its third community-based coalition together in Chicago after undergoing an extensive deep-dive analysis into what needs exist and which organizations are best suited to address them. Looking ahead, Q4HE plans to engage with grantees and other stakeholders to embed health equity knowledge, data, and expertise into our core services.

Q4HE's impact to date

$38M granted

70+ initiatives

30 states-plus Washington DC and Puerto Rico-reached

$1M+ testing donated

We're often told that the experience is different because we're not providing funds and walking away. We're doing much more by way of being at the table with the applicant, providing funds, and maintaining and sustaining the relationship with our grantees to be a part of the larger solution for reducing health disparities."



Focusing on community-led funding

Q4HE's grant funding strategy focuses on enabling the expertise and work of local organizations to meet the needs of the populations they serve. Q4HE maintains relationships with grantees and goes beyond one-time donations to build sustainable, productive relationships. Grantees in 2023 included:

  • American Heart Association (AHA) Scholar Program, an initiative to provide undergraduate students pursuing science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) degrees at Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Hispanic-Serving Institutions with academic and career mentorship. In 2023, Quest extended internships to 11 AHA scholars.

  • Choose Healthy Life (CHL), a nonprofit dedicated to equipping Black churches with essential resources, training, and support to tackle health disparities in underserved communities. In 2023, CHL collaborated with Quest-funded Health Navigators and CHL pastors to work with individuals who could most benefit from Quest's comprehensive Blueprint for Wellness screening program. This initiative strategically matched community members with healthcare workers and disease management resources in Atlanta, Detroit, Newark, New York City, and Washington DC.

  • Experience Camps, a no-cost, 1-week program for children and teens who have experienced the death of a parent, sibling, or primary caregiver. Q4HE supported Experience Camps in opening its first site in Maryland in summer 2023 as part of its strategy to respond to rising demand for grief support for children of color. This new site leveraged ethnographic research to better ensure diversity in camper and camp volunteer recruitment. In total, 71 campers attended the inaugural camp, and people of color comprised 45% of volunteers. A majority of participants shared that the camp helped them learn new ways to cope with their grief and that they hope to return.

  • Americares, a health-focused relief and development organization, received Q4HE support for the creation of health equity clinical metrics, telehealth services, disease management education, and access to diagnostic testing. In 2023, 13 clinics participated in establishing Person-Centered Primary Care Measures for data collection; 4 clinics implemented telehealth services; community-based organizations in Connecticut launched a chronic disease management and wellness program; and over 5,000 people received no-cost testing at 10 no-cost and charitable clinics across 8 states.

My favorite part about working with Choose Healthy Life is interacting with their partnering communities who are so welcoming and grateful for the healthcare resources being provided. It was obvious to observe, simply by stepping into these sacred places of worship, that they are all a close-knit and supportive community striving to help one another."


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SOURCE: Quest Diagnostics

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What is Quest Diagnostics' Q4HE initiative and when was it launched?

Quest for Health Equity (Q4HE) is an initiative launched by Quest Diagnostics (DGX) in 2020 to improve access to testing and diagnostic services for underserved communities, addressing healthcare inequities exposed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

How much funding has Quest Diagnostics' Q4HE initiative provided since its inception?

Quest Diagnostics' Q4HE initiative has granted $38 million to over 70 health equity initiatives across 30 states, plus Washington DC and Puerto Rico, since its inception in 2020.

What specific programs did Quest Diagnostics' Q4HE support in 2023?

In 2023, Quest Diagnostics' Q4HE supported programs including the American Heart Association Scholar Program, Choose Healthy Life's health screenings, Experience Camps for grieving children, and Americares' health equity clinical metrics and telehealth services implementation.

How does Quest Diagnostics' Q4HE approach community health equity?

Quest Diagnostics' Q4HE takes a comprehensive approach by analyzing local healthcare needs, building coalitions with community-based organizations, providing grant funding, and maintaining long-term relationships with grantees to develop sustainable solutions for reducing health disparities.

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