Danone: Notification of availability of Danone’s 2024 consolidated financial statements and statutory auditors’ report
Danone (DANOY) has announced the public availability of its consolidated financial statements and statutory auditors' report for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2024. The documents can be accessed on the company's website www.danone.com in the Investors section under Financial and extra-financial reports.
Danone (DANOY) ha annunciato la disponibilità pubblica dei suoi bilanci consolidati e del rapporto dei revisori legali per l'esercizio fiscale chiuso il 31 dicembre 2024. I documenti possono essere consultati sul sito web dell'azienda www.danone.com nella sezione Investitori sotto Rapporti finanziari e extra-finanziari.
Danone (DANOY) ha anunciado la disponibilidad pública de sus estados financieros consolidados y el informe de los auditores estatutarios para el año fiscal que finalizó el 31 de diciembre de 2024. Los documentos se pueden acceder en el sitio web de la empresa www.danone.com en la sección de Inversores bajo Informes financieros y extrafinancieros.
다논 (DANOY)은 2024년 12월 31일로 종료된 회계연도의 통합 재무제표 및 법정 감사인의 보고서의 공개 가능성을 발표했습니다. 이 문서는 회사 웹사이트 www.danone.com의 투자자 섹션에서 재무 및 비재무 보고서 아래에서 확인할 수 있습니다.
Danone (DANOY) a annoncé la disponibilité publique de ses états financiers consolidés et du rapport des commissaires aux comptes pour l'exercice fiscal clos le 31 décembre 2024. Les documents peuvent être consultés sur le site internet de l'entreprise www.danone.com dans la section Investisseurs sous Rapports financiers et extra-financiers.
Danone (DANOY) hat die öffentliche Verfügbarkeit seiner konsolidierten Finanzberichte und des Berichts der gesetzlichen Prüfer für das am 31. Dezember 2024 endende Geschäftsjahr angekündigt. Die Dokumente sind auf der Unternehmenswebsite www.danone.com im Bereich Investoren unter Finanz- und nichtfinanziellen Berichten zugänglich.
- None.
- None.
Press Release – Paris, March 5, 2025 at 7:30pm CET
Notification of availability of Danone’s 2024 consolidated financial statements and statutory auditors’ report
Danone announces that its consolidated financial statements and the statutory auditors’ report for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2024 are publicly available and accessible online on its website, www.danone.com, section Investors / Financial and extra-financial reports.
About Danone (www.danone.com)
Danone is a leading global food and beverage company operating in three health-focused, fast-growing and on-trend Categories: Essential Dairy & Plant-Based products, Waters and Specialized Nutrition. With a long-standing mission of bringing health through food to as many people as possible, Danone aims to inspire healthier and more sustainable eating and drinking practices while committing to achieve measurable nutritional, social, societal and environment impact. Danone has defined its Renew strategy to restore growth, competitiveness, and value creation for the long-term. With over 90,000 employees, and products sold in over 120 markets, Danone generated

Where can investors access Danone's (DANOY) 2024 financial statements?
What financial documents did Danone (DANOY) make public in March 2025?
When did Danone (DANOY) release its 2024 annual financial statements?