Community Health Systems and Denim Health Announce a Development Partnership Designed to Broadly Scale Conversational AI Across the CHS Patient Access Center

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Community Health Systems (NYSE: CYH) and Denim Health have announced a development partnership to implement conversational AI in CHS's Patient Access Center (PAC). The PAC serves nearly 1,000 CHS-affiliated primary care providers and handles over 25,000 daily inbound calls. Following a successful pilot, CHS has deployed Denim Health's AI bot across the PAC environment for all inbound calls.

Initially, the AI authenticates caller identities, understands call reasons, and captures information to assist agents. This has resulted in reduced call times and improved efficiency. Future plans include enabling patient self-scheduling and care gap closures. Callers retain the option to speak with human agents at any time.

The partnership aims to enhance patient experience, streamline agent workload, and create organizational savings while maintaining human interactions for complex needs.

Community Health Systems (NYSE: CYH) e Denim Health hanno annunciato una partnership di sviluppo per implementare AI conversazionale nel Centro di Accesso ai Pazienti (PAC) di CHS. Il PAC serve quasi 1.000 fornitori di assistenza primaria affiliati a CHS e gestisce oltre 25.000 chiamate in entrata al giorno. Dopo un pilota di successo, CHS ha implementato il bot AI di Denim Health in tutto l'ambiente PAC per tutte le chiamate in entrata.

Inizialmente, l'AI autentica le identità dei chiamanti, comprende i motivi delle chiamate e acquisisce informazioni per assistere gli agenti. Ciò ha portato a una riduzione dei tempi di chiamata e a un miglioramento dell'efficienza. I piani futuri includono la possibilità di autoprenotazione da parte dei pazienti e chiusure delle lacune nelle cure. I chiamanti possono sempre scegliere di parlare con agenti umani in qualsiasi momento.

La partnership mira a migliorare l'esperienza del paziente, snellire il carico di lavoro degli agenti e creare risparmi organizzativi, mantenendo al contempo interazioni umane per esigenze complesse.

Community Health Systems (NYSE: CYH) y Denim Health han anunciado una asociación de desarrollo para implementar IA conversacional en el Centro de Acceso para Pacientes (PAC) de CHS. El PAC atiende a casi 1,000 proveedores de atención primaria afiliados a CHS y recibe más de 25,000 llamadas entrantes diarias. Después de un piloto exitoso, CHS ha desplegado el bot IA de Denim Health en todo el entorno del PAC para todas las llamadas entrantes.

Inicialmente, la IA autentica la identidad de los llamantes, comprende las razones de las llamadas y recoge información para ayudar a los agentes. Esto ha resultado en tiempos de llamada reducidos y una mayor eficiencia. Los planes futuros incluyen habilitar autoprenotación por parte de los pacientes y el cierre de brechas en la atención. Los llamantes tienen la opción de hablar con agentes humanos en cualquier momento.

La asociación tiene como objetivo mejorar la experiencia del paciente, optimizar la carga de trabajo de los agentes y generar ahorros organizativos, manteniendo interacciones humanas para necesidades complejas.

Community Health Systems (NYSE: CYH)와 Denim Health는 CHS의 환자 접근 센터(PAC)에 대화형 AI를 구현하기 위한 개발 파트너십을 발표했습니다. PAC는 거의 1,000명의 CHS 소속 1차 진료 제공자를 지원하며, 하루 25,000건 이상의 전화 수신을 처리합니다. 성공적인 파일럿을 거친 후, CHS는 모든 수신 전화에 대해 PAC 환경 전역에 Denim Health의 AI 봇을 배포했습니다.

초기에는 AI가 발신자의 신원을 인증하고, 전화의 이유를 이해하며, 상담원 지원을 위해 정보를 수집합니다. 이로 인해 통화 시간이 단축되고 효율성이 개선되었습니다. 향후 계획에는 환자 자가 예약 기능과 치료의 공백을 해소하는 것이 포함됩니다. 발신자는 언제든지 인간 상담원과 통화할 옵션을 유지합니다.

이번 파트너십의 목표는 환자 경험을 향상하고 상담원의 업무 부담을 줄이며, 조직적 절감을 이루는 동시에 복잡한 요구에 대한 인간 상호작용을 유지하는 것입니다.

Community Health Systems (NYSE: CYH) et Denim Health ont annoncé un partenariat de développement pour mettre en œuvre IA conversationnelle dans le Centre d'Accès Aux Patients (PAC) de CHS. Le PAC sert près de 1.000 prestataires de soins primaires affiliés à CHS et gère plus de 25.000 appels entrants par jour. Suite à un pilotage réussi, CHS a déployé le bot IA de Denim Health dans tout l'environnement PAC pour tous les appels entrants.

Initialement, l'IA authentifie l'identité des appelants, comprend les raisons des appels et collecte des informations pour aider les agents. Cela a entraîné une réduction des temps d'appel et une amélioration de l'efficacité. Les projets futurs incluent la possibilité de prise de rendez-vous par les patients et la fermeture des gaps dans les soins. Les appelants conservent la possibilité de parler à des agents humains à tout moment.

Le partenariat vise à améliorer l'expérience des patients, à alléger la charge de travail des agents et à générer des économies organisationnelles tout en maintenant des interactions humaines pour des besoins complexes.

Community Health Systems (NYSE: CYH) und Denim Health haben eine Entwicklungspartnerschaft bekannt gegeben, um konversationelle KI im Patientenzugangscenter (PAC) von CHS zu implementieren. Das PAC bedient nahezu 1.000 mit CHS verbundene Hausärzte und bearbeitet täglich über 25.000 eingehende Anrufe. Nach einem erfolgreichen Pilotprojekt hat CHS den KI-Bot von Denim Health im gesamten PAC-Umfeld für alle eingehenden Anrufe eingesetzt.

Anfänglich authentifiziert die KI die Identität der Anrufer, versteht die Gründe für die Anrufe und erfasst Informationen, um die Agenten zu unterstützen. Dies hat zu verkürzten Anrufzeiten und erhöhter Effizienz geführt. Zukünftige Pläne beinhalten die Ermöglichung von Selbstterminvereinbarungen für Patienten und die Schließung von Versorgungslücken. Die Anrufer haben jederzeit die Möglichkeit, mit menschlichen Agenten zu sprechen.

Die Partnerschaft zielt darauf ab, die Patientenerfahrung zu verbessern, die Arbeitslast der Agenten zu optimieren und organisatorische Einsparungen zu erzielen, während gleichzeitig menschliche Interaktionen für komplexe Bedürfnisse aufrechterhalten werden.

  • Successful deployment of AI bot across the Patient Access Center
  • Reduced total call time, creating immediate efficiencies
  • Zero instances of misidentification in patient authentication
  • Potential for future expansion into patient self-scheduling and care gap closures
  • Streamlined agent workload, allowing focus on complex patient needs
  • None.


The partnership between Community Health Systems (CHS) and Denim Health to implement conversational AI in CHS's Patient Access Center (PAC) represents a significant technological advancement in healthcare operations. This initiative has the potential to substantially improve efficiency and patient experience across CHS's network of 1,000 primary care providers, handling over 25,000 daily calls.

Key benefits of this implementation include:

  • Reduced call times and improved efficiency in patient authentication
  • Potential for self-scheduling and care gap closures
  • Enhanced data collection for operational insights

While the immediate impact on CHS's financials may be , the long-term implications for cost savings and improved patient satisfaction could be substantial. This move aligns CHS with industry trends towards digital transformation and could position the company as a leader in healthcare technology adoption.

Investors should monitor the rollout of additional AI-powered features and any reported improvements in operational efficiency or patient satisfaction metrics in future earnings calls. The success of this initiative could lead to increased market share and potential licensing opportunities for CHS's AI-enhanced call center technology.

The implementation of conversational AI in CHS's Patient Access Center is a strategic move that addresses several key challenges in healthcare operations. By automating routine tasks like patient authentication and call routing, CHS can potentially reduce operational costs and improve resource allocation.

The initial success in patient identity verification with zero misidentifications is particularly noteworthy, as it addresses a critical aspect of healthcare data security and patient privacy. This could lead to reduced liability risks and improved compliance with healthcare regulations.

The scalability of this solution across CHS's extensive network suggests significant potential for system-wide improvements in patient access and care coordination. As the AI system evolves to handle more complex tasks like self-scheduling and care gap closures, it could drive better health outcomes and patient engagement.

For investors, this initiative signals CHS's commitment to innovation and operational excellence, which could translate to improved financial performance and competitive advantage in the long term. However, it's important to monitor the costs associated with implementation and ongoing development against the realized benefits.

CHS and Denim Health are working together to enhance patient experience and generate efficiencies across CHS’ proprietary call center that serves approximately 1,000 primary care providers

FRANKLIN, Tenn. & AUSTIN, Texas--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Community Health Systems, Inc. (NYSE: CYH) (“CHS”) and Denim Health have announced a development partnership that is aimed at revolutionizing the call center experience for patients through the implementation of conversational AI in the CHS Patient Access Center (“PAC”). The PAC is a centralized call center serving nearly 1,000 CHS-affiliated primary care providers and handling more than 25,000 inbound calls daily.

CHS and Denim Health have been working together since late 2023 to develop call center workflows that incorporate conversational AI. Following a successful pilot, CHS has deployed Denim Health’s AI bot across the PAC environment, making this advanced technology available for all inbound calls.

In the initial phase, conversational AI is being used to authenticate the identity of callers, understand the reason for their calls, and capture additional information to assist agents, before transferring callers to PAC agents. Denim Health’s AI bot has successfully authenticated the identities of existing patients with zero instances of misidentification. In cases where the bot is unable to verify a caller’s identity, the call is seamlessly transferred to a PAC agent for further assistance.

This use case already has resulted in a notable reduction in total call time, creating immediate efficiencies. The enterprise-wide deployment also lays the groundwork for additional use cases, which will include using conversational AI, machine learning, and natural language processing to enable patient self-scheduling, care gap closures, and other common transactions.

While consumers have become increasingly comfortable completing call center interactions using bots and automated systems, callers to the CHS Patient Access Center retain the option to speak with a human agent at any time during their call experience.

“Our partnership with Denim Health harnesses the power of conversational AI but also recognizes the importance of human interactions, especially for callers with more complex needs,” said Tomi Galin, executive vice president of marketing and communications at Community Health Systems. “This initiative empowers our patients to complete their calls quickly and efficiently, streamlines agent workload to the patients who need more attention, and will create savings for the organization.”

Denim Health co-founder and chief executive officer Mike Kadyan is equally enthusiastic about the early outcomes of the partnership. “We are thrilled to be innovating with CHS, a large, prestigious healthcare organization that is committed to solving pain points in the patient experience and to quickly driving the value of conversational AI. The scale of our partnership and the speed of our implementation will ultimately benefit other healthcare systems that also want to create patient-centric, streamlined, and efficient call center interactions.”

The benefits of conversational AI in call centers include a more satisfactory patient experience, faster access to available appointments, efficient workloads that free agents to handle more complex patient needs, and data-driven insights that can help identify opportunities for additional operational and customer experience improvements.

About Community Health Systems, Inc.

Community Health Systems, Inc. is one of the nation’s largest healthcare companies. The Company’s affiliates are leading providers of healthcare services, developing and operating healthcare delivery systems in 39 distinct markets across 15 states. The Company’s subsidiaries own or lease 69 affiliated hospitals and operate more than 1,000 sites of care, including physician practices, urgent care centers, freestanding emergency departments, occupational medicine clinics, imaging centers, cancer centers and ambulatory surgery centers. Shares in Community Health Systems, Inc. are traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol “CYH.” The Company’s headquarters are located in Franklin, Tennessee, a suburb south of Nashville. More information about the Company can be found on its website at

About Denim Health

Denim Health provides a suite of AI-powered solutions designed to transform call center operations and patient engagement. Its Call Deflection, Patient Authentication, Agent Assist, and other healthcare solutions are improving patient experience while reducing administrative burden and costs. Denim’s leadership team is composed of experienced innovators in health tech, each with a proven record of delivering tangible results for hospitals and health systems. The Denim team is driven every day to help clients with their missions, staff, and patients. For more information, visit

Media Contact:

Tomi Galin

Executive Vice President, Corporate Communications, Marketing and Public Affairs

(615) 628-6607

Investor Contacts:

Kevin Hammons

President and Chief Financial Officer

(615) 465-7000

Anton Hie

Vice President – Investor Relations

(615) 465-7012

Source: Community Health Systems, Inc.


What is the purpose of the partnership between Community Health Systems (CYH) and Denim Health?

The partnership aims to implement conversational AI in CHS's Patient Access Center to enhance patient experience, improve call center efficiency, and generate cost savings.

How many calls does the CHS Patient Access Center handle daily?

The CHS Patient Access Center handles more than 25,000 inbound calls daily, serving nearly 1,000 CHS-affiliated primary care providers.

What are the initial functions of the AI bot in CHS's Patient Access Center?

The AI bot initially authenticates caller identities, understands the reason for calls, and captures additional information to assist agents before transferring callers to PAC agents.

Has CYH seen any immediate benefits from implementing the AI bot in their call center?

Yes, CYH has seen a notable reduction in total call time, creating immediate efficiencies in their Patient Access Center operations.

What future capabilities are planned for the AI system in CHS's call center?

Future plans include using conversational AI, machine learning, and natural language processing to enable patient self-scheduling, care gap closures, and other common transactions.

Community Health Systems, Inc.


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Medical Care Facilities
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United States of America