March 2025 Letter to Shareholders
CytoDyn Inc. has reported significant progress in their oncology programs as of March 2025. The company announced increased survival rates in patients with metastatic Triple-Negative Breast Cancer (mTNBC) treated with leronlimab, with some patients now cancer-free. Their Phase II colorectal cancer study is advancing with eight approved clinical sites.
Key developments include:
- Submission of findings to the European Society for Medical Oncology meeting in Munich (May 2025)
- Initiation of follow-up protocols for surviving mTNBC patients
- Advancement in preclinical studies for TNBC treatment optimization
- Progress in glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) research
In inflammation studies, CytoDyn is awaiting NIH/RECOVER-TLC decision for Long Covid treatment studies and has finalized a pilot study protocol for Alzheimer's Disease at Cornell Medical Center. Recent laboratory results showed statistically significant reversal of liver fibrosis (p< 0.01) in all three SMC Laboratories studies. The company reports having sufficient cash and drug supply to advance clinical priorities in 2025.
CytoDyn Inc. ha riportato progressi significativi nei loro programmi di oncologia a marzo 2025. L'azienda ha annunciato un aumento dei tassi di sopravvivenza nei pazienti con carcinoma mammario metastatico triplo negativo (mTNBC) trattati con leronlimab, con alcuni pazienti ora liberi dal cancro. Il loro studio di fase II sul carcinoma colorettale sta avanzando con otto siti clinici approvati.
Sviluppi chiave includono:
- Presentazione dei risultati alla riunione della Società Europea di Oncologia Medica a Monaco (maggio 2025)
- Inizio dei protocolli di follow-up per i pazienti mTNBC sopravvissuti
- Avanzamento negli studi preclinici per l'ottimizzazione del trattamento TNBC
- Progressi nella ricerca sul glioblastoma multiforme (GBM)
Nelle ricerche sull'infiammazione, CytoDyn sta aspettando la decisione NIH/RECOVER-TLC per gli studi sul trattamento del Long Covid e ha finalizzato un protocollo per uno studio pilota sulla malattia di Alzheimer presso il Cornell Medical Center. I recenti risultati di laboratorio hanno mostrato una significativa inversione della fibrosi epatica (p< 0.01) in tutti e tre gli studi dei laboratori SMC. L'azienda riporta di avere sufficiente liquidità e approvvigionamento di farmaci per far progredire le priorità cliniche nel 2025.
CytoDyn Inc. ha reportado avances significativos en sus programas de oncología a marzo de 2025. La compañía anunció un aumento en las tasas de supervivencia en pacientes con cáncer de mama metastásico triple negativo (mTNBC) tratados con leronlimab, con algunos pacientes ahora libres de cáncer. Su estudio de fase II sobre cáncer colorrectal está avanzando con ocho sitios clínicos aprobados.
Desarrollos clave incluyen:
- Presentación de hallazgos en la reunión de la Sociedad Europea de Oncología Médica en Múnich (mayo de 2025)
- Inicio de protocolos de seguimiento para pacientes sobrevivientes de mTNBC
- Avance en estudios preclínicos para la optimización del tratamiento de TNBC
- Progreso en la investigación del glioblastoma multiforme (GBM)
En estudios de inflamación, CytoDyn está a la espera de la decisión del NIH/RECOVER-TLC para los estudios de tratamiento de Long Covid y ha finalizado un protocolo de estudio piloto para la enfermedad de Alzheimer en el Centro Médico de Cornell. Los resultados recientes del laboratorio mostraron una reversión estadísticamente significativa de la fibrosis hepática (p< 0.01) en los tres estudios de los laboratorios SMC. La compañía informa que tiene suficiente efectivo y suministro de medicamentos para avanzar en las prioridades clínicas en 2025.
CytoDyn Inc.는 2025년 3월 현재 자사의 종양학 프로그램에서 중요한 진행 상황을 보고했습니다. 이 회사는 레론리맙으로 치료받은 전이성 삼중 음성 유방암(mTNBC) 환자들의 생존율이 증가했으며, 일부 환자는 현재 암이 없는 상태라고 발표했습니다. 그들의 2상 대장암 연구는 8개의 승인된 임상 사이트와 함께 진행 중입니다.
주요 발전 사항은 다음과 같습니다:
- 2025년 5월 뮌헨에서 열리는 유럽의학종양학회에서 연구 결과 제출
- 생존한 mTNBC 환자를 위한 후속 프로토콜 시작
- TNBC 치료 최적화를 위한 전임상 연구의 진전
- 교모세포종(GBM) 연구의 진행
염증 연구에서 CytoDyn은 Long Covid 치료 연구를 위한 NIH/RECOVER-TLC의 결정을 기다리고 있으며, Cornell Medical Center에서 알츠하이머병에 대한 파일럿 연구 프로토콜을 완료했습니다. 최근 실험실 결과는 SMC 연구소의 세 가지 연구 모두에서 간 섬유증의 통계적으로 유의미한 역전(p< 0.01)을 보여주었습니다. 이 회사는 2025년 임상 우선 순위를 추진하기 위해 충분한 현금과 약물 공급이 있다고 보고했습니다.
CytoDyn Inc. a signalé des progrès significatifs dans ses programmes d'oncologie en mars 2025. L'entreprise a annoncé une augmentation des taux de survie chez les patients atteints de cancer du sein triple négatif métastatique (mTNBC) traités avec leronlimab, certains patients étant désormais sans cancer. Leur étude de phase II sur le cancer colorectal avance avec huit sites cliniques approuvés.
Les développements clés comprennent:
- Soumission des résultats à la réunion de la Société Européenne d'Oncologie Médicale à Munich (mai 2025)
- Initiation des protocoles de suivi pour les patients survivants de mTNBC
- Avancement des études précliniques pour l'optimisation du traitement du TNBC
- Progrès dans la recherche sur le glioblastome multiforme (GBM)
Dans les études sur l'inflammation, CytoDyn attend la décision du NIH/RECOVER-TLC pour les études de traitement du Long Covid et a finalisé un protocole d'étude pilote pour la maladie d'Alzheimer au Cornell Medical Center. Les résultats récents des laboratoires ont montré une inversion statistiquement significative de la fibrose hépatique (p< 0.01) dans les trois études des laboratoires SMC. L'entreprise rapporte avoir suffisamment de liquidités et d'approvisionnement en médicaments pour faire avancer les priorités cliniques en 2025.
CytoDyn Inc. hat im März 2025 bedeutende Fortschritte in seinen Onkologie-Programmen gemeldet. Das Unternehmen kündigte erhöhte Überlebensraten bei Patienten mit metastasierendem triple-negativem Brustkrebs (mTNBC) an, die mit Leranlimab behandelt wurden, wobei einige Patienten nun krebsfrei sind. Ihre Phase-II-Studie zum Kolorektalkrebs schreitet mit acht genehmigten klinischen Standorten voran.
Wichtige Entwicklungen umfassen:
- Einreichung der Ergebnisse bei der Europäischen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Onkologie in München (Mai 2025)
- Initiierung von Nachbehandlungsprotokollen für überlebende mTNBC-Patienten
- Fortschritte in präklinischen Studien zur Optimierung der TNBC-Behandlung
- Fortschritte in der Forschung zu Glioblastom multiforme (GBM)
In Entzündungsstudien wartet CytoDyn auf die Entscheidung des NIH/RECOVER-TLC für Studien zur Behandlung von Long Covid und hat ein Pilotstudienprotokoll für die Alzheimer-Krankheit am Cornell Medical Center abgeschlossen. Die aktuellen Laborergebnisse zeigten eine statistisch signifikante Umkehrung der Leberfibrose (p< 0.01) in allen drei Studien der SMC-Labore. Das Unternehmen berichtet, dass es über ausreichende Liquidität und Arzneimittelversorgung verfügt, um die klinischen Prioritäten im Jahr 2025 voranzutreiben.
- Increased survival rates in mTNBC patients with some becoming cancer-free
- Eight clinical sites approved for Phase II colorectal cancer study
- Statistically significant liver fibrosis reversal in all three SMC studies
- Sufficient cash and drug supply for 2025 clinical priorities
- Multiple research partnerships established (amfAR, Cornell, UCLA)
- No significant effect on fat accumulation in liver MASH model, leading to paused development
- Additional funding may be needed as company approaches key milestones
- Uncertainty around government-sponsored funding for Long Covid research
VANCOUVER, Washington, March 18, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Dear Shareholders,
As envisioned, 2025 is unfolding to be an exciting year for CytoDyn Inc. (“CytoDyn” or the “Company”). On February 24, 2025, the Company announced increased survival rates in patients with metastatic Triple-Negative Breast Cancer (“mTNBC”) who were treated with leronlimab in prior CytoDyn-sponsored studies. The impressive survival observations at 12, 24, and 36 months in patients who previously failed treatment in the metastatic or locally advanced setting indicate leronlimab could play a significant role as a paradigm-shifting therapeutic in oncology. Of particular interest, we identified a subgroup of these patients who remain alive and well today and currently identify as cancer-free. This is only the beginning of the Company’s 2025 oncology story. We are eager to provide updates in the coming months as they are available to share. There is still much work to be done, but I am encouraged by what is on the near horizon.
I’d like to offer a word of deep gratitude to the CytoDyn team and the key opinion leaders (“KOLs”) who worked so diligently these last months to bring these data together. I would also like to reiterate my appreciation for you – the shareholders. Our business priorities are (i) getting leronlimab to patients in need; and (ii) generating value for our dedicated shareholders. As a long-time supporter of the company and now CEO, I believe investors deserve clear and direct updates as it relates to milestones, regulatory process, and finances. We will continue to incorporate this principle into our messaging as we move forward, presenting a clear picture of where we stand in the development pipeline and celebrating major milestones together. Looking ahead, we are excited to share more about the clarity forming around the putative mechanism of action of leronlimab in solid tumors, as well continued updates relating to the Colorectal Cancer (“CRC”) trial, as further described below.
In terms of the regulatory process, I am confident that our collaborative relationship with the FDA has placed us on a positive trajectory. To accelerate progress in oncology where feasible, we’re establishing an oncology advisory board to ensure we are exploring the fastest and most responsible pathway(s) forward. We will continue to look for opportunities to solicit feedback regarding our development process from both KOLs and the FDA. Maintaining strong relationships and credibility with the FDA and industry partners remains a top priority as we chart our future course.
The Company continues to be on track financially and we forecast sufficient cash and drug supply on hand to advance our clinical priorities in 2025. As we approach key milestones and announcements in the coming months, we’ll evaluate opportunities to raise additional funds at optimal times and through methods that best serve the Company and its shareholders. We believe leronlimab has already established the potential for tremendous value in the clinic, and in the coming months we look forward to sharing the basis for that conclusion.
In sum, the developments in oncology have set the stage for 2025 to be a benchmark year for CytoDyn. This is no longer a platform drug in search of an indication; we now have compelling data to support a role for leronlimab in solid-tumor oncology and are executing on that vision.
With Gratitude,
Jacob Lalezari, MD
Oncology – March 2025 Update
The Company continues to prioritize oncology in 2025, as we believe this indication holds the highest potential and shortest timeline for return on investment in the form of a partnership or drug approval.
The exciting survival outcomes announced in February 2025 provide early clinical evidence of leronlimab’s potential impact across the field of solid-tumor oncology. As previously announced, we’ve submitted our findings as an abstract to the European Society for Medical Oncology meeting in Munich, Germany in May 2025. We are eager to share additional insights into the apparent mechanism behind the survival outcomes and will do so once appropriate and in compliance with pre-conference publication and announcement allowances. In the meantime, CytoDyn has initiated a follow-up protocol so we can continue to monitor the surviving patients into the future.
The CytoDyn/Syneos study teams have now approved eight clinical sites and counting to participate in CytoDyn’s Phase II study of patients with CRC and refractory disease. These clinical sites will include a mix of both large community practices as well as academic centers which all have well-established track records of superior work and high enrollment. With our clinical trial agreements in place and study initiation visits about to start, we expect screening of patients into the CRC study to commence shortly.
As previously mentioned, Dr. Ben Weinberg from Georgetown University and the MedStar Health Alliance will be the lead Principal Investigator for the CRC study. Per the FDA’s request, the first five patients enrolled will receive 350 mg of leronlimab SQ once/week in combination with TAS-102 and bevacizumab. After a preliminary safety review by the Data and Safety Monitoring Board (“DSMB”), subsequent patients will be randomized to 350 or 700 mg of weekly leronlimab along with the same background regimen. The DSMB will perform a second safety review after the first 20 patients have completed at least 1 cycle of therapy and can then recommend restricting further enrollment to a single dose level, if deemed appropriate.
For additional information, the CRC study protocol is posted on the NCI Clinical Trials website, and can be viewed here.
In concert with the observation of prolonged survival in patients with mTNBC described above, CytoDyn remains focused on expeditiously resuming our clinical development in this indication. Two previously announced preclinical studies in TNBC that will identify treatment strategies to optimize the design of future studies are now underway. A third study has begun to further examine the apparent mechanism behind the observed increase in survival as compared to existing treatment paths. In the meantime, we will continue discussions with KOLs about the possibility of initiating a follow-up study in patients with mTNBC on an abbreviated timeline, based on currently available data.
The Company also continues to explore the possible use of leronlimab in the treatment of glioblastoma multiforme (“GBM”). A preclinical study at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine sequencing temozolomide and leronlimab is now underway. CytoDyn is also in discussions with several KOLs in neuro-oncology about the possibility of initiating a pilot study in patients with GBM, also based on currently available data.
Inflammation – March 2025 Update
As previously announced, CytoDyn applied to the NIH/RECOVER-TLC group for the inclusion of leronlimab in their next round of Long Covid treatment studies. The shifting policy landscape in the United States has created some uncertainty around government-sponsored funding of research, but we have been informed by a member of the RECOVER team that their review process has resumed, and we expect a decision soon.
In addition, the protocol for a pilot study of leronlimab in the treatment of patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s Disease (“AD”) is now finalized. The study will take place at Cornell Medical Center in New York and will evaluate a neuroradiology endpoint that should provide a clear signal of leronlimab’s potential role in treating AD. The study is fully funded, and our colleagues at Cornell are engaged to move the project forward through Cornell’s institutional review process and FDA submission.
A new collaborator, Dr. Tom Carmichael, Professor and Chair of Neurology at the University of California, Los Angeles, has published important preclinical observations demonstrating how a small molecule CCR5 inhibitor can expedite recovery following a cerebrovascular accident (“CVA” or “stroke”). CytoDyn is working with Dr. Carmichael and Dr. Kate Schunke at the University of Hawaii to conduct a preclinical study of stroke in transgenic mice that express human CCR5. We are excited by this initiative, given our view that there is an unmet need for innovative and effective treatment paths for patients in this category, and our belief that the market for therapies to treat stroke and/or traumatic brain injury could grow significantly over the next several decades. Dr. Carmichael will also be advising on the pilot study of AD to be initiated at Cornell Medical Center in New York.
As announced via press release on February 6, 2025, the final results from SMC Laboratories (“SMC”) indicated statistically significant reversal of liver fibrosis (p< 0.01) in all 3 studies conducted at SMC. Importantly, the reversal of fibrosis appears to be independent of the mechanism of liver insult, as the effect was seen in both metabolic-dysfunction associated steatohepatitis (“MASH”) and CCL4 models of liver injury. To call attention to a key point of clarification, the final results at SMC did not confirm a significant effect of leronlimab on fat accumulation in the liver in the MASH model. Given this observation, we will pause development efforts related to MASH in the near term. Instead, we are continuing discussions with potential partners who have expressed interest in funding studies of leronlimab in the treatment of patients with organ fibrosis to build on the promising findings listed above.
Other – March 2025 Update
As previously announced, CytoDyn is partnering with the American Foundation for AIDS Research (“amfAR”) to sponsor an HIV cure study called LATCH (Leronlimab in Allogenic stem cell Transplant to Cure HIV). The clinical teams at Oregon Health and Sciences University and the University of Washington remain confident in the chances of success of their LATCH protocol and we look forward to the launch of this program in 2025.
CytoDyn continues to prioritize the publication of our clinical data. The exciting observation of improved survival in patients with mTNBC treated with leronlimab has naturally prompted us to reframe the focus of our oncology manuscripts. Submission of these oncology manuscripts for peer review is a top publication priority. Additional ongoing publication efforts include:
- The manuscript for our CD02 Phase 3 study in patients with multi-drug-resistant HIV was recently published by the Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes and has been posted to our website.
- The manuscripts for the CD12 Acute Covid and MASH clinical studies are in final preparation for submission.
- A manuscript summarizing the results of treatment with leronlimab on liver fibrosis from SMC is in preparation.
- As previously announced, CytoDyn is preparing a manuscript summarizing the integrated safety data from the almost 1,600 patients who have already received leronlimab. The final draft of that safety summary will be completed shortly.
Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements
This letter contains forward-looking statements relating to, among other things, clinical drug development and research strategy. The reader is cautioned not to rely on these statements, which are based on current expectations of future events. For important information about these statements and our Company, including the risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual results to vary materially from the assumptions, expectations and projections expressed in any forward-looking statements, the reader should review our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended May 31, 2024, including the section captioned “Forward-Looking Statements,” and in Part I, Item 1A, as well as subsequent reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. CytoDyn Inc. does not undertake to update any forward-looking statements as a result of new information or future events or developments other than as required by law.
Media Contacts
Riyaz Lalani
Gagnier Communications