Cycurion CEO Kevin Kelly Provides Corporate Update in Letter to Stockholders

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Cycurion (NASDAQ: CYCU), a cybersecurity solutions provider, has issued a corporate update highlighting three key growth strategies. The company's focus centers on their AI-powered ARx Security Platform, a SaaS solution offering real-time protection against cyber threats through features like Web Application Firewall, Bot Mitigation, and Geo Gating.

The company currently employs 70 professionals, many with high-level government security clearances. Their capital structure includes over 30 million outstanding common shares, with a market capitalization of $16.2 million based on the March 17 closing price of $0.54. If all preferred stock is converted and warrants exercised, the total share count would reach approximately 46 million, potentially raising $4.0 million in additional capital.

Cycurion's growth strategy includes expanding their ARx platform, pursuing organic growth through enhanced sales and marketing, and seeking strategic acquisitions to complement their existing offerings in both government and commercial sectors.

Cycurion (NASDAQ: CYCU), un fornitore di soluzioni di cybersecurity, ha pubblicato un aggiornamento aziendale evidenziando tre strategie chiave di crescita. L'attenzione dell'azienda è rivolta alla loro Piattaforma di Sicurezza ARx basata sull'IA, una soluzione SaaS che offre protezione in tempo reale contro le minacce informatiche attraverso funzionalità come Firewall per Applicazioni Web, Mitigazione dei Bot e Geo Gating.

L'azienda attualmente impiega 70 professionisti, molti dei quali con autorizzazioni di sicurezza governative di alto livello. La loro struttura di capitale include oltre 30 milioni di azioni ordinarie in circolazione, con una capitalizzazione di mercato di 16,2 milioni di dollari basata sul prezzo di chiusura del 17 marzo di 0,54 dollari. Se tutte le azioni privilegiate vengono convertite e i warrant esercitati, il numero totale di azioni raggiungerebbe circa 46 milioni, potenzialmente raccogliendo 4,0 milioni di dollari in capitale aggiuntivo.

La strategia di crescita di Cycurion include l'espansione della loro piattaforma ARx, la ricerca di crescita organica attraverso un potenziamento delle vendite e del marketing, e la ricerca di acquisizioni strategiche per completare le loro offerte esistenti sia nel settore pubblico che in quello commerciale.

Cycurion (NASDAQ: CYCU), un proveedor de soluciones de ciberseguridad, ha emitido una actualización corporativa destacando tres estrategias clave de crecimiento. El enfoque de la empresa se centra en su Plataforma de Seguridad ARx impulsada por IA, una solución SaaS que ofrece protección en tiempo real contra amenazas cibernéticas a través de características como Firewall de Aplicaciones Web, Mitigación de Bots y Geo Gating.

La empresa actualmente emplea a 70 profesionales, muchos de los cuales tienen autorizaciones de seguridad gubernamentales de alto nivel. Su estructura de capital incluye más de 30 millones de acciones ordinarias en circulación, con una capitalización de mercado de 16,2 millones de dólares basada en el precio de cierre del 17 de marzo de 0,54 dólares. Si todas las acciones preferentes se convierten y se ejercen las opciones, el número total de acciones alcanzaría aproximadamente 46 millones, lo que podría generar 4,0 millones de dólares en capital adicional.

La estrategia de crecimiento de Cycurion incluye la expansión de su plataforma ARx, la búsqueda de crecimiento orgánico a través de un aumento en ventas y marketing, y la búsqueda de adquisiciones estratégicas para complementar sus ofertas existentes en los sectores gubernamental y comercial.

Cycurion (NASDAQ: CYCU)는 사이버 보안 솔루션 제공업체로, 세 가지 주요 성장 전략을 강조하는 기업 업데이트를 발표했습니다. 회사의 초점은 AI 기반 ARx 보안 플랫폼에 있으며, 이는 웹 애플리케이션 방화벽, 봇 완화 및 지오 게이팅과 같은 기능을 통해 사이버 위협에 대한 실시간 보호를 제공하는 SaaS 솔루션입니다.

회사는 현재 70명의 전문가를 고용하고 있으며, 이들 중 많은 수가 고위 정부 보안 인가를 보유하고 있습니다. 그들의 자본 구조에는 3천만 개 이상의 보통주가 있으며, 3월 17일 종가인 0.54달러를 기준으로 시장 가치는 1,620만 달러입니다. 모든 우선주가 전환되고 워런트가 행사되면 총 주식 수는 약 4,600만 주에 이를 수 있으며, 추가 자본으로 400만 달러를 모금할 수 있습니다.

Cycurion의 성장 전략에는 ARx 플랫폼 확장, 판매 및 마케팅 강화를 통한 유기적 성장 추구, 정부 및 상업 부문에서 기존 제품을 보완하기 위한 전략적 인수 모색이 포함됩니다.

Cycurion (NASDAQ: CYCU), un fournisseur de solutions de cybersécurité, a publié une mise à jour d'entreprise mettant en avant trois stratégies clés de croissance. L'accent de l'entreprise est mis sur leur Plateforme de Sécurité ARx alimentée par l'IA, une solution SaaS offrant une protection en temps réel contre les menaces cybernétiques grâce à des fonctionnalités telles que le Pare-feu d'Applications Web, la Mitigation des Bots et le Geo Gating.

L'entreprise emploie actuellement 70 professionnels, dont beaucoup ont des habilitations de sécurité gouvernementales de haut niveau. Leur structure de capital comprend plus de 30 millions d'actions ordinaires en circulation, avec une capitalisation boursière de 16,2 millions de dollars basée sur le prix de clôture du 17 mars de 0,54 dollar. Si toutes les actions privilégiées sont converties et que les bons de souscription sont exercés, le nombre total d'actions atteindrait environ 46 millions, ce qui pourrait générer 4,0 millions de dollars de capital supplémentaire.

La stratégie de croissance de Cycurion comprend l'expansion de leur plateforme ARx, la recherche d'une croissance organique par le biais d'une amélioration des ventes et du marketing, et la recherche d'acquisitions stratégiques pour compléter leurs offres existantes dans les secteurs public et commercial.

Cycurion (NASDAQ: CYCU), ein Anbieter von Cybersicherheitslösungen, hat ein Unternehmensupdate veröffentlicht, das drei wichtige Wachstumsstrategien hervorhebt. Der Fokus des Unternehmens liegt auf ihrer KI-gestützten ARx-Sicherheitsplattform, einer SaaS-Lösung, die Echtzeitschutz gegen Cyber-Bedrohungen durch Funktionen wie Webanwendungsfirewall, Bot-Minderung und Geo-Gating bietet.

Das Unternehmen beschäftigt derzeit 70 Fachleute, von denen viele über hochrangige staatliche Sicherheitsfreigaben verfügen. Ihre Kapitalstruktur umfasst über 30 Millionen ausstehende Stammaktien, mit einer Marktkapitalisierung von 16,2 Millionen US-Dollar basierend auf dem Schlusskurs vom 17. März von 0,54 US-Dollar. Wenn alle Vorzugsaktien umgewandelt und Warrants ausgeübt werden, würde die Gesamtanzahl der Aktien etwa 46 Millionen erreichen und potenziell 4,0 Millionen US-Dollar zusätzliches Kapital einbringen.

Die Wachstumsstrategie von Cycurion umfasst die Erweiterung ihrer ARx-Plattform, die Verfolgung organischen Wachstums durch verbesserte Verkaufs- und Marketingmaßnahmen sowie die Suche nach strategischen Übernahmen zur Ergänzung ihrer bestehenden Angebote in den Bereichen Regierung und Gewerbe.

  • High-margin SaaS business model with ARx Security Platform
  • 70 employees with high-level government security clearances
  • Potential for $4.0 million additional capital from warrant exercises
  • Stock experiencing heightened volatility in recent weeks
  • Significant share dilution potential with 53% increase if all preferred shares convert and warrants exercise
  • Low current share price of $0.54
  • Small market capitalization of $16.2 million

MCLEAN, Va., March 18, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Cycurion (Nasdaq: CYCU) (“Cycurion” or the “Company”), a trusted leader in IT cybersecurity solutions and AI, provides a corporate update in a Letter to Stockholders from CEO Kevin Kelly:

Dear Fellow Stockholders,

After a volatile first month of trading following Cycurion’s entrance into the Nasdaq market, I want to reiterate the Cycurion team’s and my commitment to our stockholders. We remain highly confident in achieving our objectives that will ultimately drive intrinsic enterprise value growth underpinned by three key levers:

  1. Expansion of our groundbreaking AI-powered ARx Security Platform, which we believe has the potential to revolutionize the cybersecurity market and serve as a game-changer for Cycurion with its high SaaS margin profile.
  2. Organic companywide growth, including expanding current client relationships where there is tremendous opportunity for growth, primarily in the ARx vertical, driven by a focused strategy that includes sales & marketing talent additions.
  3. Opportunistic and accretive acquisition strategy that seeks complementary additions to Cycurion’s existing offerings, while expanding sales reach. This strategy offers selling enterprise/government cybersecurity and IT support firms a value realization opportunity with a growing, trustworthy successor.

ARx Security Platform – Significant Organic, High-Margin AI-Powered Cybersecurity Growth Platform. At the heart of our growth strategy is the recently announced ARx Security Platform, an unrivaled cybersecurity innovation with the potential to disrupt the existing cybersecurity landscape. Powered by advanced AI technology, this robust solution provides real-time insights and protection against evolving cybersecurity threats. ARx offers a comprehensive multi-layered defense mechanism that includes a Web Application Firewall, Bot Mitigation, and Geo Gating. Additionally, as a pure SaaS offering, ARx can be deployed in a rapid and seamless manner without cumbersome and costly network hardware installations.

With high product margins, the ARx Security Platform is both a cybersecurity industry breakthrough and the foundational future contributor to Cycurion’s growth. We are laser-focused on expanding this high-margin & ROI segment to drive sustained growth and establish a formidable position in the cybersecurity space. We strongly believe ARx’s value proposition will ultimately be positively reflected in the price of Cycurion stock upon the market both obtaining a better understanding of the offering’s worth and making the connection for all stakeholders that Cycurion is now a leading cybersecurity provider. We look forward to sharing more details on our vision for ARx and its growth over the coming months.

Our Team. Cycurion’s success has always been built on the expertise and dedication of our world-class team of cybersecurity professionals. We have 70 great employees, many possessing the highest level of government security clearance, working at the upper echelon of government and corporate organizations, ensuring superior client service and driving our growth.

Accretive Acquisitions for Enhanced Capabilities. Cycurion will also seek growth with an opportunistic lens via highly strategic, complementary acquisitions that are designed to enhance our capabilities and extend our reach in both the government and commercial sectors. These prospective acquisitions will be designed to strengthen our technology portfolio, expand our client base, and accelerate our growth. By complementing our cutting-edge ARx Platform with these prospective strategic additions, we intend to reinforce Cycurion’s leadership in cybersecurity innovation and ensure Cycurion is well-equipped to meet the demands of a rapidly changing market.

Capital Structure Update

  • Current outstanding number of shares of common stock is just over 30 million, which yields a basic market capitalization of $16.2 million, based on the closing share price on March 17 of $0.54; and
  • If all the of outstanding shares of the various series of preferred stock are converted and all of the outstanding warrants are exercised for shares of common stock, the pro forma total number of shares of then-outstanding common stock would be approximately 46 million (excludes the pre-existing SPAC warrants that are significantly out-of-the-money, exercisable at $11.50/share); and
  • The total potential capital that Cycurion could receive from the exercise of all of the warrants that remain outstanding (excluding the $11.50 SPAC warrants) would be approximately $4.0 million.

Conclusion. We believe we have a highly valuable solution in our ARx Security Platform. We are enthusiastic about executing our growth strategies as we strive to deliver lasting value to our stockholders. We are confident in accomplishing the task at hand and will seek to buttress our stance by adding talented individuals who are aligned with our core beliefs and driven to succeed. We believe that Cycurion is optimally positioned to capitalize on the rapidly growing global demand for cybersecurity solutions with cybercrime costs projected to reach $10.5 trillion annually, and the cybersecurity market nearing $200 billion.

Moreover, we are mindful of the heightened volatility in the price of Cycurion’s stock over the recent weeks. The challenging broader market, and the technology sector in particular, has been under significant pressure since the middle of February, coincidentally when we completed the transaction that brought Cycurion public. That said, please rest assured that all of us, Alvin McCoy (CFO), the Board of Directors, the entire integrated Cycurion team, and I are working with the singular mission to execute our model and drive increasing value for Cycurion stockholders. We thank you for your initial support, and we look forward to sharing additional positive news with you in the near future.


Kevin Kelly
Cycurion CEO

About Cycurion
Based in McLean, Virginia, Cycurion (NASDAQ: CYCU) is a forward-thinking provider of IT cybersecurity solutions and AI, committed to delivering secure, reliable, and innovative services to clients worldwide. Specializing in cybersecurity, program management, and business continuity, Cycurion harnesses its AI-enhanced ARx platform and expert team to empower clients and safeguard their operations. Along with its subsidiaries, Axxum Technologies, Cloudburst Security, and Cycurion Innovation, Inc., Cycurion serves government, healthcare, and corporate clients with a commitment to securing the digital future.

Forward looking Statements
This letter to our stockholders and press release contains statements that are forward-looking statements as defined within the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including, but not limited to, statements relating to the operations and prospective growth of Cycurion’s business. 

Many factors could cause Cycurion’s actual results, performance, or achievements to be materially different from any future results, performance, or achievements described in this press release, including words such as “continue”, “expect”, “intend”, “will”, “hope”, “should”, “would”, “may”, “potential”, and other similar expressions. Such factors could include, among others, those detailed in its Registration Statement on Form S-4, as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”). Should one or more of these risks or uncertainties materialize, or should the assumptions set out in the section entitled “Risk Factors” in that filing with the SEC underlying those forward-looking statements prove incorrect, actual results may vary materially from those described herein. These forward-looking statements are made as of the date of this press release and Cycurion does not intend, and does not assume any obligation, to update these forward-looking statements, except as required by law. Cycurion cannot assure that such statements will prove to be accurate as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Individuals are cautioned that forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and accordingly investors are cautioned not to put undue reliance on forward-looking statements due to the inherent uncertainty therein.

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Phone: (703) 555-0123


What is Cycurion's (CYCU) current market capitalization and share price?

As of March 17, Cycurion's market capitalization is $16.2 million, with a share price of $0.54 and over 30 million outstanding common shares.

How many shares would CYCU have if all preferred stock and warrants are converted?

The pro forma total would be approximately 46 million shares if all preferred stock is converted and warrants exercised (excluding $11.50 SPAC warrants).

What is the potential capital CYCU could receive from warrant exercises?

Cycurion could receive approximately $4.0 million from the exercise of all outstanding warrants (excluding the $11.50 SPAC warrants).

What are the key features of CYCU's ARx Security Platform?

The ARx Security Platform is an AI-powered SaaS solution offering Web Application Firewall, Bot Mitigation, and Geo Gating for real-time cybersecurity protection.

How many employees does CYCU currently have?

Cycurion employs 70 professionals, many of whom possess the highest level of government security clearance.
Cycurion Inc.


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United States